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so stan stan stan well what was what was the atmosphere like but in his lips tight and then one of the war says please do we awaited intelligence council is touched on the city and on money mississippi is a small town between charleston and green were so we would say that we will have to go through my head to go green would get tattoo a little bit scott to bible on that were you to going so we have whole route but the next hand and fifty blacks couldn't read or so you couldn't go inst some stores and go bipartisan different the way an accountant that our house is a little bit tie didn't get at
least a little bit right we were up and when i say the title of the friction between black folks and white photo by forbes quite thoughtful bs the rio rise and someday would be you know an hour but of course me and it gets you know different in the two of you have about citizens' groups the aggressive with a lot of whites thought they were a spiritual practice that's what i mean that's another tact when you first heard about what you said wow harriet through some bike he was talking that he's working in fact been a big novel that some weapons came in to a woman's house and money mississippi and a young kid that were visiting some of his relatives from chicago and he did this one wasn't this way and then that night these two mains what that is or recommends all and
not get this key here we are there are the first thing that we heard you know and he had returned home by the next morning so been out there may be the beginning of the issue of immunity and they think it's a film in which you wore when i think about maybe three days later and his boxing shoes from scratch row an intelligent and then with the body of unity so then we get to hear about in whistler during his whistle well listen to this white world that life all our water those waiting and use it to him about it so i actually get this awful bind in these numbers and get a blue academic film that image of this period the why they were arrested right
away no no arrests and after that afterwards see the war they were they were arrested and just like when they were arrested right not to mama right now because of a monologue y o we're about to stand trial for killing her right no but that the trial re re own wasn't that those rare vote was a rare away maybe put out i'll write and with the iran and the contract to have murdered by course there were well so like ac stratus it big he won an arrest a white man to give new not in touch down the words the dc where accidents although the state of mississippi so was the bombing even intelligent so the soon as it was rare for the un to for
a white to widen the lepers did was there a thought at first that then when they were first arrested him at justice will be done for once it gets in winter when these two white men were arrested when they were arrested for for them or rex was there i thought that maybe for once justice would be done well that and don't think so did that just the word bead on the whiskey in court to trap to just two la la la say that they want to travel around his right to define a worthy of the innocent or guilty so they want to track the one found guilty or so i don't think it's you know to reset and i think within our hearts we went straight to the mic to do write about all three because for is involved in all white you know
so exit doing that ten when a white mane or convict an overwhelming for records so whether there wasn't enough conviction no risk or sixth trial in value all nervous scared and want no i wasn't yours us here because it gets done pretty worked in a little jar lifter so i mean you would enter yeah you do lucy years it that there was well for zillow was elected fifty what it does and it won't plantation than the plantation or to actually could do that can talk talk talk about what what didn't onto another black person survey a little bit skeptical
about signing and the midnight and did not want when the la cosa what had happened it specialist after the fat body you know thrilling to actually do you what were children told well it at hatcher was really really you know absolutely you don't even understand what i was going to say ex inmate they are there that the little whistle when you play as to when that proved that the sale but you and you go i know a bit about me being on robert i mean you know it's a wolf whistle you know so you go to the senate and to send in the end you're
supposed to do with it i said ok story of money well i you know i've never been in the morning most people have never seen and you know we'll see records in the sky one this is well beyond that sandbagging to fit in to take the money mississippi was a while when he's in plantation in the town of vienna to a biblical appendage that it was around that used bean field in kind of the high that was an attack and says there are two schools of course authors and i'd seen it that really ended that is just about to say is that the publisher no no you for your money you would say ever since is seated in that moment we'd
be through before you get to the rig so they're so small it wanted real small trees popping then you had this one stall which was modest the law and that's what most people are going by republican candidates and there's a reason that the reason that they do it this practitioner in the little store brandt still want their loans still are you feeling to store to store them as you would be of course they overwhelmed the local force know that with the store i have been in it several times so that was after they have been called the brand name anderson will produce random so after this happened and he used the helsinki as props and that is that from little about
that type of storm as it seems like that was a very typical type of store owner that will store like a hare was that was at a common story and who ran stories on three most of them most of them beat the practitioner or there was still an unknown ladies the white book called intolerance around until till the war and that most of the congregation types to in practice and doing the fifties you instill that though the presentation that's what we would commonly known and also right people going in with you what'll doing it so best to people about this film that will most cubans to watch brand and because all the label the treaty that from the snow what they do i don't know what is as integrate but that's how they strapped to their great people that
worked on the practitioner of competence and heavy moment we'll we could be and is a food critic for the van so the typical store she it just it still really want to know monday because you'd seen proper popular preparations this fish he leaves your accomplishments on this show are tiny help teenagers local singers hone in on fifteen sixteen you know my bones twelve hours here or was it so the shape of a shared problem was bing is with large fan you know we're going there a new tv they would make a crop knows that crop i'll get maybe four at the time and it would be for a sixty boseman would get four percent of the ground and you do
need sixty percent of the crop and you would get four percent of the crop mostly detached and then it was mid would find a few more that a remarkable kid you get to grow more suits and you would come i would be real money at dean of the holiday season so until maybe my clio hundred dollars or one point that battle with the big thing which currently in the sort of course your crop will be pretty much the money to make a year ready for march open steel november this allowed to see the rubio and in all commodity so guess when he was still with us he would take them what's so funny how much money would make how much money would typically be made
of four years share with your nets and if you're bringing home one thousand dollars the middle of a season you'd be doing really really good most of the tandem with brian may be seven or seven or eight hundred dollars you know it because you had it explains all you know so to lobby went far future look if you want to come to green we're chasin the sudden like that they knew that they you share of an hour that would be taken out and every few years the economy a lot of people in let's have a vision of what will force of all they were living on these practices and don't you just couldn't make a young women they were juggling conference and fascinate the order bid so they
migrated to chicago for better living and for better jobs and that the reason they don't have to defend it has to be in confronting job here that work at a mine in a reminder to get with mainly chicago one of those polls is no fly quality by stay well in advance the us has shrunk know yet oh well now you're back here about indian immigrant is fascinating really won't practice so i actually had four in the development is now alive with different from this problem within the city so it's that selfie with the city for that you i'm going to shoot down their lives that went with my kids the financial mess and maybe maybe till mobley and his mother came here she
stayed in mount by and the people who testified in the trial we read mose wright they all stayed in now by a lot of what you know what we're not buying while politics is david was it was there oh own and operate bat right people's relatives on the land surrounding the dough with his head writer mail bag indiana he just runs down and so so that'll margarita right people in flint amount about because they feel that they would be more protected and not about any worry over town in the state of mississippi so that are the reason for that say for safety reasons who was accused and wolf whistling a white woman where doing something for why we don't know what kind of talked about that that message should be you know me
the wild jitters recently it was right from celebrity but nasa what they're women vessel white women battles of the tide level sutherland was abuse the rules and it was a mystery now one thing that sees you see on that say well i thought about it also it's just the idea really well white women and white means special when they do they don't recognize the say anything you're too expensive that will lose all would think that you would be a big one and if you did you leave out in the country so they used their winner this year women all right peter spiro even though i mean even though you couldn't get out and
this maybe wasn't a wolf whistle you that and if you did in the wire was saying anything and they retaliate been all maybe richer i think they just you know that you're you call voters here at the waikiki and yesterday it gave you kidnap natural whistle at all because this maybe in the film before we even though summer films cover story is maybe before even mention the whistle as we're talking about that so well at what would happen if you you know talk to a warm touch the warm look the one thing we want mr white really there's still an inch is claimed she was quite irate then that would have a rape charge on the critical person so it with their attention for the white person in touch or say anything to me you
know because if you retaliate in a gown with us knows what's it if she does on a regular utility all he had him a big news the huge reason for television from white male why do you think he was such a big deal that was there the biggest thing with the well for us or i think you have the duel that they'll need is to be spiritual grateful spirit and i think there's a reason for that you are ok and then they would keep feel they would keep him there was the last man would be drew also chair to wait then that would lead to no not to do this and somebody said that a southern writer but rather said that village and writing movies you know the blackboard we grew up in the south when he said that ever since
he could remember there was this the re a lynching united anybody you know about what was threatened him but then he knew that there was this i was there as a black maid what you going to read the world as a black man who grew up it was there always some kind of direct while was yes he was always get freaky and with you with you with in steel but he dismisses as new zealand if you did anything in the wife or would come around eight digit lead and then they had a note on his issue was that cholera klansmen they would come around you know this there you of course i never save the planet but they used to have that on billboards himself arrived at work the klansmen would say to always be corrected a remand that don't touch his way on implicit wible you
so that said we'll see we named but i would have planted up on billboards lately and they would have these deals they would have to be who did people go the back seat with a face you know just for habitat ideas that will never be a sell to what would happen to you could get out of you know the way was it staying euphrates though that he did not want me to resist integration with the media tells you you see over the mentality was a lot of that means it's the grace to you could someone like you know emmett till was from chicago and he was a kid he was he had just turned fourteen he'd just unfortunate for months and he was often really almost as thirty million more from chicago and it comes out you know you know what these rules are and as the more from chicago know what the rules of the senate you
know i don't think so because at nineteen fourteen years of age he would have known in my thank you know we have feel about what happened the program few dollars a little bit more money than recipients and eighty and they wanted a still don't want to get to what a storm both you want to use the criticism of song i don't know that you know you know why not but just saying that he would do another chat internet oh jeez no you know i wasn't in a way it was you know but as an altitude that went with it would have done it because the bees talk different but actually i do not think in a new anything and be anything that ended in losses lady screaming to wrote that the only it is all about a van empty were going to get murdered and so there's a message that that the
day that my horse cleaning until it knows it's a way all of those instruments i mean that's what so why people on to have found the verdict came did you know why people do what they did do well there's a lot of that was the result of drawers in a weird thing you put out there when there was work in the beginning of the more you can guess the level of the city we want a win win win win where it came in and there was quite a few peoples had gathered around the court school house in the quarter before that but it would be handed down was it was handed down vegas rejoices started on a home jumping up and down and shout and because the three d out to wyoming with found not guilty of killing is becky unity so again this
event not all into town and so on that we hone they were going home to notify their neighbors get these tvs without an audience how did that make you feel as a law that made me say for them to be rejoicing know it is the obits and keil hauck or said that we couldn't see anything we have a wall so then we'd do you feeling in our lives do you think that in the till verdict in the murder the whole case made you and uncollected would you feel differently about the nominees in the nineteen seventies or to sue it out i know you could continue to be built with things had to change you know we as human beings have the right of like death either the
person and i don't think it was you have the slower right animal human right in the writing of course and i just figured it had to be a chain i didn't see what its aims a common from what i knew that would have gotten onto there was going to have to be changes says this new law and you had to live under and respect are white people you know they do have rights and we came away folks no you did not have the right reason you did not help arrives where you know the white man was involved and you take was an overly optimistic that was in a really mean and it wasn't it was handed out in this work say if you why did ct are headed be arrested you have always the right person you know fall over then the way my son actually good that
rights what it takes for a home you know it you know our most right and lou reed not to testify at the trial was that something different from what it takes for them to do that well it it took longer it took a long time and then we had like people that had a long lived and that they knew wasn't you know the data was wrong and he was ready to sacrifice our life to save some ideas like that one reason i think the test for drugs and then i think you don't you for doing so this stuff isn't what what what what what's driving look like a walk on the man was an illustration of strategy share strategy change was that we show just those with typical korean she has threatened or was a plantation owner
and yellow our share of problems on this race in fact be and yet the seven houses this city renowned talent scouting talent hedge row each house at strategy is its t r and b e r it's seven thousand only talent really invest where his plantation started when you pay is those have been you know use on striped bass are a seat strap in my client strategy was saying how he was sheriff for forty years and you were the aggressive type person you started built and smoke a cigar and he talked with the thought that you know just to listen and talk to use a scare record's you
can stand here and tell but the way he was aggressive and they tend to be the way he would call me you know you could say in the game and it's this he didn't know he would describe them so i gather that that person he was in the rain again a difference to rest until this week the new york of his white bosses but i didn't quite get no chance as the blue white verses by having the chance to share strategy would raise the black student was a big and strong and relax or more now were right near the world we wonder what happened until zhao was there newspapers and tv reporters k and we surprised that the press coverage yes allison pratt the cookie at the design a
strong new york alan norman so many areas you know people is spent the night that you know the crew traveled to make the day was spent may be allowed to lay in some of the i think it will feel good when i would really really surprised for a new courage to go they straddle it would become we never did anything like that before when talent scout in our thoughts can always get healthy slowly and that you could buy an angry that a group called freeze the hotel at and that would mean i'm there to do anything that we'll end it happens the instant just i would have that dog and right now that begin colorfully that just a little bit but you're the egyptair is no and now dallas county is to congressional district this can warm compress industry warning congressional district too so you have to
count seeds to call them islamic text and cut it so you so the press i mean usually well with the usual black person was killed by white that they were getting a lot of press like this no these this with entities with it although it will let case that i knew what i knew several cases that the accident you about why would it be a good politician that unity of their veteran with head hanging you know but did indeed put listen to it well i think in that took effect on what was that because of these these and being a young person with his life and be bright prison for all chicago is the summit's closing ms dumas it what was the general atmosphere like in this
area during the trial in just listening to the world what was the atmosphere like in this area during the tragedy at the anniston editor change during the trial no i think the atmosphere it seems when you're trapped and needs to remain there revere a new made their beer between blacks and white then after maybe a couple weeks or so until he does that now but there was a lot of pages he was coming down from chicago and the movies that do that but you know i think that we're just a low budget factors badly faded away but the atmosphere was very happily sit couple weeks after that her son was tense tense your routines when you say was testify when i'm in michigan when the atmosphere was tense wedding nasa team as it was our next
verse and why he didn't want to be around skid you might say the wrong thing you know it felt you know because they look at one way we look in at it another way so they're suing us into a very very tense when you say they were looking i don't know right well they do or talk about a few minutes yes and warn about them they were so some who wins in the nfl that message they really want when you want you think that they felt that that the white people felt that that that these the monument i would justify that they had that what they feel about what happened what you mean well i don't think they do it really well but the way in the mile brown went away
and he couldn't shake the war because they will be retaliation this new sesame all of the go along with what cap that's money but it turns out that they did on fridays at one site what they did kind of band together much they really then to yell didn't shake one of these two men says this is being involved you are but they wouldn't get out in ankara that let's do this a bit you and now is that a no we're talking to someone else and they were saying that you know was a black woman that was scared to go out you know by
themselves naturally but have just grown up here that black women didn't didn't walk a lonely walking through speech only that as a black man yeah i went i've been sending them back may you know we wouldn't go out at night babs game would be out only at night here are going to tangier things typical there was friction between black low level so actually read the other apartment in the movie in groups you know an indian again were going there until all intense when the tax credit to that justice was the model for the nineteen forty six forty set off into her life before and it's unusual she does it as a black woman you go out at night alone because you know you know that was an honesty didn't want somebody and they would be in different theories and enjoy your meal i don't agree with all state of
the city on november and hope that the pin always agree on whether not to about it that you know regulated what if it if something happened to you as a black person did you have any recourse so they need to do and also have a white prison now and then you get no recourse if you work on a practitioner maybe you were to list that is all about the easier i would do some about maybe you're speaking is my portion of it and maybe you were in the navy would come they'd say i bet your thing so what for you having a resource through below gallo did not have the results so some of the plantation world where the law in a way exactly the war the loss of sleep all week to share parts and even just saying it again my question will be does anything to save the plantation owners some suv in the plan sounds like the capital of a
low years it sure is but fb
American Experience
The Murder of Emmett Till
Raw Footage
Interview with Richard Gardner
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Richard Gardner Interview about Emmett Till, an African-American teenager who was lynched in Mississippi at the age of 14 after reportedly flirting with a white woman. (there is no transcript for this interview)
Race and Ethnicity
Law Enforcement and Crime
American history, African Americans, civil rights, racism, lynching, Mississippi
(c) 2003-2017 WGBH Educational Foundation
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Moving Image
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: WGBH Educational Foundation
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Identifier: barcode291042_Gardner_SALES_ASP_h264 Amex.mp4 (unknown)
Duration: 0:36:26
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Chicago: “American Experience; The Murder of Emmett Till; Interview with Richard Gardner,” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed April 28, 2024,
MLA: “American Experience; The Murder of Emmett Till; Interview with Richard Gardner.” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. April 28, 2024. <>.
APA: American Experience; The Murder of Emmett Till; Interview with Richard Gardner. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from