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Last March in September because the whole school system is dependent on knowing prior to the beginning of the school year which is in the first week of September this they're going to try to correct this is this this bill is an absolute catastrophe from the start. The Camino is trying to produce the the bill for the next year. On a very early basis to get out and spray the nails no challenge I want I just want to ask you is there in your judgment a breakdown of the committee system that Congress has used throughout its history when you're thinking of it as a very very easy question on the most difficult problem of all I think is a breakdown of the whole congressional system. I think in the decade we're facing that. It's a question whether Congress can survive as a viable political institution still the dimensions committee system a very broad subject maybe to another night not as a matter of fact of people have been saying and raising this question for many years and yet the Congress does indeed remain the most effective in any system rather. That's right and we didn't care about you know and it went out of hand.
Thank you very much our time is up. We'll be with you again next week at the same time. I'm televangelist Max compliment in Washington. That was. The End of. A week. This program was made possible by a grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting nationwide distribution of the preceding program is a
service of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. This is the eastern educational net. Tonight mixed bag features the lonely brothers and Dom Stover. Channel 2 is proud to be represented in the landmark exhibit called Vision on television. It's now showing at the Rose Art Museum Brandeis and is open to the public through
February 22nd and. WGBH TV channel to Boston where in just a moment we'll present say brother. So the questions from the floor exclusively and questions. Between the analysts last December Boston College presented a forum called Black America speaks out and they presented some of the history in programs of four of the major and nationally known organizations dealing with the various struggles of African-Americans in this country throughout the speakers were also nationally known as Dr. Ralph Abernathy of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference of the Black Panther Party. Roy Innis of the Congress of Racial Equality I wrote I welcome the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People say brother filmed this event and is presenting it tonight with the hope that it will help to shed some more light on the true nature of these organizations
as they relate to us and our black community. Roy Wilkins representing the oldest active organization acted as a chairman for the evening and introduced the speakers. Thank you very kind of brother world and brother Lewis for these very kind and generous words of introduction and to the distinguished fellow panelist and my soul brothers and sisters. I need not pause to tell you how delighted I am to have the privilege to come again to Boston and to the campus of this institution sense. I am the successor. And was the tyranny all jail mate and dearest friend and closest associate of Martin Luther King Jr..
Please permit me to say how delighted I am in the fact that you have assembled this evening to pay tribute. To the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Center which is presently. Being born on. Atlanta. Georgia. I want to take a few minutes to tell you something about the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. And one thousand eight hundred fifty five. I left the city of Montgomery. Through it in Double-A Sepi branch which brother Wilkins is the executive secretary and. Its largest membership campaign in the history of that city.
We. Broadened that organization more than 5000. Members. But one day Mrs. Rosa Parks for some strange reason. Decided that she. Alone no longer could all day. The practice. Of getting up and giving her seat to a white man and moving to the back of the bus. So consequently the. Movement was started. In my estimation this was the beginning of the second. And final phase of the revolution. The United States of America to bring total freedom justice and equality for all mankind.
After having lived. Through and with the money government approved meant Association an organization. That the bus boycott gave birth to. We then organize the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in Atlanta Georgia. At the close of that bus boycott in the early days of January. 19 and 57. I date that I can well remember because this was the evening that both my home and church was dynamited and my. Beautiful black wife. Who is the very quintessence of the fact that black is beautiful and it is still beautiful to be black. And our little baby was almost killed. Several weeks later because of this interruption the Southern Christian Leadership Conference was
formally organized. And New Orleans Louisiana. And adopted as as its motto then as it still holds to this day the demon the soul of America. Through nonviolent. Means. For 13 years we moved the cost the length and breath of our Southland in particular. And even in some areas of the North seeking to redeem the soul of America through nonviolent movement. We stood up against Jim Clark's Selma. The world Kano's of Birmingham.
We stood up against all of the Will forces that sought to deny us our constitutional and our God given rights. All along. We were committed to a philosophy of nonviolence and I'm still committed to that philosophy. Not necessarily in a long way from a philosophical stand point of view but from a practical point of view and from a view which I have. Come to believe and because I have seen it in action. The most vivid illustration can be pointed out in the fact. That it was at Birmingham Alabama when we decided that we were going to fill up the jail houses.
We came out of the 16th Street Church. Thirty five hundred strong and Bull Connor decided that he would stop us that evening that morning because he called out his hungry and vicious dog. But we popped our fingers at our dogs and spurred on by a design goal. And patted him on the good side and said we ought to get along whale because we like you have been treated like dogs all our lives and kept when we kept on marching to freedom. And he brought out his tank that was painted white. It was supposed to represent white supremacy. Some of us knew something about tanks. We knew that a tank could only do you damage when you are a
distance away from it. So we got near the tank and climbed aboard it. And kept on saying I'm on my way to freedoms away. And then finally Bull Connor decided he was going to stop us. He sent for his. Five engines and they turned loose the waterholes. Yes the water was so strong and heavy until the literalists swept our feet from beneath us and pressed the body of Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth against the walls of the 16th Street Church. And he was sent to the hospital with three broken rib tips. We kept on margins saying we've been baptized once and we don't mind being sprinkled again. All the magazines wrote about it.
Life Time Newsweek US News and we're a report that I think Live did the best job when they did it as a cover story and caption it. Black people have started a fire in Birmingham that water cannot put out. That fire has been movie ever sent us. Southern Christian Leadership Conference through its various departments of voter registration and political education. Citizenship Education the Department of student affairs his Department of Housing. It's department of ministers minister leadership training programs and many other departments. Is engaged in and solving the real problems that face
America. Because we know that unless America is saved then you will not be saved and I will not be saved and neither will the world be say. So consequently we have decided and yes they all see that we must organize a new department. It must be known as a Department of Peace. And through this department we will counsel young men to say no when they are drafted to go ten thousand miles away to fight in a senseless gutless and unwinnable war in Vietnam. Thanks. Thank Southern Christian Leadership Conference as engaged in its most prominent
program of poor people's campaign. All of you can remember from check the Washington came from the north east the south and the West. Kamen numbers so great. Tricky Dick couldn't calmness. We came as poor people. Unfortunately Resurrection City it home base became the symbol of the movement as we lived in the mud. But at the very same time. The conference was engaged in then and is still in and making visible the invisible in this country 14 million poor people isolated on the lonely island of poverty in the
midst of an ocean of plenty. And once we made the poor visible in this country it was there vowing never to be visible again and we move to television stations to do documentaries on hunger every major newspaper in the country day after editorialize on the hunger every magazine in the country talk about hunger and the Talmage from my state and US senator from the sovereign state of South Carolina discovered that they had hunger in Georgia and South Carolina and President Nixon was even moved the other day to spend a million dollars to bring some 35 hundred experts and a handful of poor people to Washington to tell him that there is hunger
and there's the wealthiest and richest nation. Thanks man. Thanks. Thanks for the welcomes has been kind of me has given me a minute overtime and most move on to my seat in spite of the fact I am a Baptist preacher and I don't know of a Methodist deacon tailed me when the sat down but I will try and come to a conclusion now when I tell you that the Southern Christian Leadership Conference has launched and will continue its thrust for peace in the world. No longer can we ball our fist and say fall but we can open our fingers and we can say peace because we know that black and white together we can overcome.
Thanks. Thank you. Let me say to white America today let me say to the Polish structure today that old trick of divide and conquer Warwick and Mo. We have discovered that the enemy is not at this table. That the enemy is out there. Thank you evil and all we may defy. On our tactics and we may differ on I asked at AJ What AAB gold is the same bet on life all American citizens see. Thanks. Thanks I proudly displayed my light membership caught in the National Association for the vestment of Colored People. I take pride in the work that is being done by core
San Francisco the other day for the moratorium on the 15th. I've met with the Black Panthers and I've pledged my backing and my support to them and when I leave Syracuse on tomorrow I will go to Chicago. Not to say through telegram but to say here in person and out of all of these organizations the United States of America is seeking to suppress the black. Panthers and we do not want thanks. Thank you because a few years ago it was John F.
Kennedy. And then it was Robert Francis candidate. Now almost two years ago it was Martin Luther King Jr. and a few days ago it was up Panther brothers over in Chicago and tomorrow it may be me you I in it body. Yeah I am that body out. Thank you of this nation as a gay people to get by. Would suppress in one group it will not be long before they will move to another group. I disagree. All I did with that commission on finance when they said that I would be and I care if we continue are in the 70s with with mass nonviolent civil disobedience activities.
I agree wholeheartedly with the report of the menorah today that we wouldn't have a voting rights bill we wouldn't have a civil right to build today if they had not been made yes. A real demonstration of nonviolence is not the weapon of the cow what nonviolence is the weapon of the strong. If you think that you are going to stop us or frighten us talking about it and I can and that one individual ought to take his case case by case before the court then you may as well get another McCarron act and build some more concentration camps. Because we're here it there and we're going on let nobody run the Koran. Thank you thank you. I've the reason we're here is because of the problems of black people.
I think the revenue of NSA was correct when he said we're headed in the same direction as we want. Same thing for people. As essence of the 10 point lead woman program of the Black Panther Party. Len. Britt housing education clothing justice and peace self-determination for press people. But the reason that you have the speakers here before you tonight with experiences ranging from well I don't want to say anything about the brothers ages but probably some 40 years to 10 years. Is because we've got a problem and that problem is called survival. And some of us say that we've got different ways again. There's no beating around the bush that some of us await on the mothership some way down I lost some weight not. Some of us think that political power grows out the barrel of a gun.
Some of the some of us think that it's very necessary that everybody respect a human right that everyone has to defend himself. But in America if you defend yourself when you're not part of the system then you become the criminal the real criminal makes yourself look like the victim of an unprovoked attack. So we try we try praying we pray in English Southern negro EAS Arabic Swahili. We saying that you're weak. We do it in rock music. We saying the blues. We cry ballots. It is the voice of a people crying out to a country that has never yet heard that voice. It's been going on for 400 years. The fight the struggle for survival is a struggle against genocide.
I always have misgivings about coming on college campuses cause you deal with intellectuals or students using the vocabulary. It's a lot larger than experience and I know it creates problems communicating because you is always taught us the reason we struggle. Is either to educate or to be educated. I struggle I mean it is a logical struggle struggle of ideas and argument and I know a lot of students understand what I say when I mean genocide when we communicate. But if you think the West to define genocide then you're wrong. Webster says it is when you wipe out a whole people. Of course Webster has a good housekeeping seal of approval from the White House on down.
United Nations says a special convention on genocide convened after details were known and well into what went on in Germany to see the genocide. So when you attempt to wipe out a people or present culturally physically economically because of their race in part or in whole. So I don't want to get into semantics with intellectuals black or white but I want to make it clear that black people understand what's happening to them. But the statement of position of black people most eloquently put forward to this date has been five days and five days in Detroit with you like gun violence and it's been five days and five nights and what's Harlem from Florida to Seattle and in Boston when black people say burn it down.
And put it into practice then you don't have to look for anybody will be a black panther or a Baptist preacher to speak. To the emotions and the basic needs and desires of black people as they've been shown you were said. I think the one thing that you have to honor the speakers all of us on a standard night for is the fact that America has not had an outright race war. And it hasn't been because of the goodness of any horse in the Mother Country. It's been because. That is preachers and like dances so well. We can talk to or see the pair of black panther parties not against nonviolence. We just believe there's a time and place. I'm nonviolent now but if you start throwing things you know. I've We understand the only thing this held this country together this long to help black people down as long as the rampant racism and racism is a
tenant that was used. Since the days of reconstruction was born with the Klan who were the first fascists in history the world. I know some of you think that it was many invent something they didn't do invent anything. They just updated plans techniques. The Klan was the first night riding murderous barbarous organization whose supreme purpose was to keep capitalism capitalism intact and a group of people oppressed the Klan were the forerunners of the Brown Shirts the black surest SS to Gestapo and they're still here. Fascism started in America. America is a capitalist. Well I know that some of you think that's good because it gives you free enterprise. Down this into the stick we call it something else. You say where we got opportunities and we may have a black man on the moon but we've got
too many of us now. So if you send one to the moon and you send two hundred thousand Vietnam we know you can call it progress refused to have you define progress for us. You get uptight about us curse and we're not going to define our language either because if we stop talking in a language of black people then we might as well shut up. We could go into a long social economic dissertations about the evils and ills but. Nobody on this stage is a stranger to it. Most black people in this room are very familiar with unemployment low paying jobs had taxes our cost of living. All the evils of this society. One thing about America. Is that it's become so day to day so much the norm in America. Are you so used to sitting down listed down a curtain up we sit down and we talk about take you foot off our neck please. And my peers come in here and you clap for us give us some donations.
So all right all we're doing we're struggling against racism. Let's stop. Bullshit no sane reason this is genocide was happening to the Black Panther Party is not new. We want to first ones bond brothers on stage can tell you. Maybe they've tempered but I'm not temperate. I like my language. It's bullshit. America's America's ive. Vice part of the problem or you're part of solution. We know there are body blocking on the same side we see that all Chinese on a st on the same side we've got a term we call it. We know. That we would we would like to give the ticket money one way back to Cuba. We would like to be Chiang Kai-Shek way back to mainland China so we can spread freedom and democracy under Nixon's guidance. We had 400 years of it so we wanted to go in any anybody else. Everybody in this world is part of the problem or part of the
solution. The repression has been meted out to black people in this country is the basis for song NI was the basis for Sand Creek was a basis for massacre. And mess slaughter and mass murder throughout the history of this country. If we can do it to niggers right here born in chains don't stand a chance. There's data too. If you think this country is not racist you go a long ways to go and order some your best friends a carload or some of your best friends are Black Panthers or Baptist preachers but the reason that we're here is very very serious and it has to do with survival. And liberation which is not separate from each other. A black people in this country and that survival and their liberation and are separate from true happiness and true liberation of white bronze rares and yellows of this country and all around the world because America US imperialism is number one perpetrator of fascism
racism and imperialism all over the world. I. I do me a favor don't laugh at me and I should clear Fred Houghton Newton Bobby Seale David here hundreds of others that weren't NWC P core Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Don't clap for me cause one again shit America sort of said for 40 years and it don't do me good I say it's up to a situation to be trying to talk rational to people who are part of the problem through complicity with indorsed bareness through silence. So don't clap for me unless you clap for them if you can do that. I say right on because I care for John Brown. I don't argue hip this white man ever planned for the Weathermen weathermen shoot pigs page shoot niggers
dancers and Baptists alike. I hope that if you love today that you understand the vernacular the rhetoric that I use the vernacular in the rhetoric of people who are going up against a wall for 400 years and we find no solace in nonviolence. We find no peace in turning the other cheek continuously. Some people get stronger chicks and others will write on more power to him. It's not a stick. You have too many Panther funerals. We got a ransom we got bail two million dollars in New York has been stand in eight months no trial no charges no nothing. What happened to Bobby Seale have an address guy. Niggers have no rights to white folks about respect I was a Supreme Court 1857 and it still holds true today. The courts give us no justice then WCP has bought one out because they fought a valiant struggle.
Most white people especially older generations can act as a material witness they can they can go to United Nations and turn state's evidence on America because they've been part of it. That's what we want and in no other goal to define it because like America has a different definition for genocide America has a different definition for what they call the civil rights problem. Well we don't relate to the labels civil rights problem militants radicals conservatives we all know we are black and I don't think that any black person in this room on the stage or who did not have to struggle to survive they'd have another say we've got a disagreement sometimes on tactics but we understand that our struggle has got to go on a level to a world court because we're not going to let the people who perpetrated the oppression upon us stand Gerges themselves. We don't think America can do it. We're going to tell it to
the world. And while America is trying to sell freedom in Marcus in South Vietnam by force South Korea by force. Well America plans to take back Cuba by force. We will make it very difficult because we want to tell them that right here at home America has a problem. America's problem is black people because they don't want to hear is solving a problem through genocide. The Red Devils speak the racist fascism. Vice started it with bombs against Betis machine guns against Panthers. That's how America solve the problem. We're on the receiving end of fire it is genesis of genocide. We ask your support. I don't want you to have added to this sounds. This is Jim and sometimes it sounds like a football game or basketball game go on in here. I want you to have an attitude.
But every good Shore has a commercial we got ours about 4 million dollars in bail across this country 2 million dollars down over the last eight months. We figured two million dollars within the next two weeks if we were around to use it. The Black Panther Party is not going to change. We're not going underground. If you see us in church it'll be because we're serving breakfast to hungry children now because we believe that we're going to Sollers from the heavens. It will be because we don't see eye to eye with a Baptist preacher or a Methodist preacher or a Catholic priest and deal with the hunger that's real and concrete and relevant in the black community. It's not that much else to talk about. I must admit I'd rather be in Los Angeles or Chicago or anyplace but there's a catch in hell right now because bouncers talking to black people dressed ourselves to what's meaningful to the black man who may not have a college degree doesn't know the U.N. from a frog but he knows a racist
fascist pig when he sees one he knows hunger knows unemployment as well we address ourselves to and that's why we test to catch him. It's not a surprise because we knew what America was when we started the party. That's why we started it. Remember it's either part of the problem. Or part of the solution or part of the people. Thank you for it. I. Thank you. Let me say that I'm going to be working under some terrific restrains tonight. If you think that a Baptist minister has trouble staying within 12 minutes it's even more difficult for black nationalists. In fact I would even try to give you my full name already. It would take too long.
I will depart from my remarks briefly to say that we have a a critical situation in the United States at this moment. For black people. We are seeing what could be possibly the farce phase of what might become a genocidal campaign against black people. It is at this moment the red tit and this seems to be a national conspiracy against the Black Panther Party. But this is one time that I think that ideology and religion will not keep us apart. I think this is one issue on which we all can unite. I think it would be shortsighted if for one moment we failed to
heed the handwriting on the wall of the clear. Handwriting that says in less than two years twenty eight pences kill 40 have their leaders arrested hundred of their members at least in jail. If we do not recognize that this is a clear pattern that today or yesterday the panzers tomorrow it will be called for. Oh yes we'll see. The following week the NWC AP An Urban League. Yes the day or one year ago. Or two it was not the mix. Medgar Evers might be King next year or the year after. It could very well be anybody else. It is this kind of enlightened self interest that lead me
to make a call as we did previously. We sent a telegram to the president of United States calling for an investigation of this conspiracy this national conspiracy. I will go farther tonight. I want to call on my fellow leaders here to join me in a call for a meeting with the president of United States to discuss this emergency. Thank you. I won't try to and which is very difficult for me to give a synopsis of the ideology of the Congress of Racial Equality and the kinds of programs that naturally flow from it. We have allies the
problem and the few of the various troubles operating in the country at this time. And one way into groups. All of them we call militant groups or militant movements in group 1. We have the revolutionaries the revolutionaries the reactionaries the reformists and a very dangerous group. One we call the active moderates the middle of the roaders the people who love the status quo. I suppose these are big Nixon's silent majority. In Group Two it was a group or a movement we call it liberation this movement. Now I know this must be a strange way of grouping these movements. Let me point I
why all told that the Magical. Opposing trends in many of the movement movements I mentioned like the revolutionary and the reactionary although there's intense dialogue between the revolutionary and the reformist basically all of them can operate and work for goals within the homogeneous system. While the liberation this movement is one. That operates from. The heads of the genius political situation in the words it will all Americans this struggle. And if we were all white this struggle will end be between revolutionaries reactionaries and reformers. And I suppose this these moderates. But since we're not since we're black
and white this struggle that we see as the most paramount is one of liberation. Now we define the revolution as a political phenomena occur in a homogeneous situation that is all Russians in Russia have different class groupings and change and their position in society. We're in the middle class of the bush was easy with the peasantry replacing in power in the ability. The same thing in friends and the same thing could be in the United States if we all were to say oh if we were white. But liberation is a political phenomena that occurs in the heterogeneous mix. We have two people and they can get along together. The press should move to liberate themselves in that situation.
That is why you cannot put a label on the lot of the nationalist movement as being reformers reactionary or evolutionary. It is a movement to liberate. Black people from white domination outside of the American system. We do not seek to reform it. We do not seek to have a revolution in it. In fact every revolution should come for us. It will come after we are liberated. America has suffered a serious problem of eyesight and inability to recognize certain movements and certain individuals in them. We as nationalists offer that's nationalists suffer that same fate. It is what I call the American syndrome. It is I don't want to
recognize that which I don't like. Itis a very serious disease. This is the the cause the Americans not to recognize those many millions of Russians after 1917. After the revolution. Of course. I condition improve a lot coming close to 1939 when the war with the Nazis started is the same disease that threw event Americans from recognizing over one quarter of humanity to China. Same disease has caused them not to recognize Cuba just 90 miles off the shoals of Florida that same faith was suffered by. The early black nationalist philosophers Ed Leyden and Martin the Laming. Back in the 1850s the same fate was severed by the great. And sad the greatest of all black Bogan ises the Great
Mother's Guffey. The father of black nationalism to a certain extend to his lifetime. The great Malcolm X suffered the same fate. The same thing is true of the Nationalists today. There will always be those whites who will choose up sides with one already out of certain kinds of class they will choose sides as the did back in the 1850s when. The Frederick Douglass's a very bright brave and militant brother. But clearly another black nationalist. And here we stand. I'm aware of the contributions of the struggle by the Elaine isn't libel. We will see the same situation with book at the Washington later on. With. Dr. William E. B Dubois. When they will be those whites
we call them liberals today in those days we call them oblation this who will again recognize and shoe size and propagate the philosophy of those individuals at the same time refusing to recognize the contemporary of the war the great mob as Guffey who would organize more black people over four million then all of us put together. I think this has been dangerous for America. It's been dangerous for all of us blacks and whites because we have been forced to consider the lesser of evils the less our own policies emanating from. All competitors except. The black nationalists. The solution of the nationalists the solution of liberation has never really been considered well tested. Oh even understood for us.
The recognize that we are two distinct people sharing the same approximate piece of geography segregated. And on equal. Now mind you I did not say separating because segregation is a condition wherein two factions of society one dominating the other one controlling the flow of goods and services and controlling the institutions in not only their own area but in the area of the other people. That is the true definition of segregation was separation. It's a situation where in the two factions exist in. Different geographic area different turf each controlling the flow of goods and services in the only areas each controlling their own vital institutions. The most important of all these assumptions is that all attempts to
solve this problem a fair unless we can admit this failure unless we can admit an ollie a tense even when they have been maximized. Oh if maximize cannot deal completely with this problem we will then be open to see new solutions. This is what we would like to present to a very important political dead tems that it is good for us to keep in mind. And that means two people two groups live in close proximity to each other and if they have conflict of interests the comfort of interests increases with greater proximity so that we will notice the structure of government measure a local state and federal that black folks have most confrontation
which is that structure of government and we don't as individuals within that structure who are closest to us the local groups. The other is the concept of majority rule. If this society is a majority rule society. And we are in fact the minority then it behooves us to find situations to define ourself. Away from the majority so the wheel is sells in the own sphere can be a majority. It is these kinds of assumptions and victims that lead the Congress of Racial Equality that a program that we are pushing in three parts and media in the medium to long range even in the median and the median program we constructed
and post a bill call the community some of the determination bill that would have set up in black communities for the first time a central line is an instrument that had both political and economic functions that could bring a greater degree of unity to our communities but to force the federal government to deal directly with us instead of true opinion potentially like the cities or the state that could in fact the very necessary step that was breaking out of the dilemma we exist in. That bill has been stymied in the Congress and I must say shamefully with the aid. Of many of my own people. Well maybe I should correct that with many of those who. Claim to be the leaders of them in the media program.
And again they're with me because these are summaries they're summaries is a move to gain and create political units to convert the rads berries in the Bostons into cities on par with the Bostons the Harlem's and par would in New York City's The Watts and PA or the Los Angeles the subject Kabul. Has not done the most political unit and part which you cover so that within that local unit at least at least one condition of your existence. We operate as a majority. We also move simultaneously to gain control and management of all the institutions operating in our communities. Education police sanitation won fair and most important of all of these massive budgets. All our tax monies that are used by somebody else and hardly ever to maximize Oliver maximize
to serve our interests. The long range program or part of the long wish program is a call for a new social contract. In your constitution. We say the Constitution that we exist on the. One that. Makes it impossible for black people to gain a pro cabinet share of political power with a locum state of federal. Cannot. In fact be the contract that we can live with so that we say that we need a new contract or constitution between the two factions. Blacks and Whites that will aid in peaceful coexistence of the two groups one that in one instance will permit us to have a per capita share of political power and consider for one moment. There is no way possible if every single black person
should register and vote for black people to elect. A cabinet share of the Senate which would be about 12 senators. As it stands now we have one senator and it's doubtful what he's ours. Thank you. This is not meant to be a criticism of the brothers either because the brother is from your state of Massachusetts with a 5 percent black population. Even comes in the hundred and forty black students said Boston College and snow in the world. Can we as a people elect get broke to be the senator for us. And if for one moment he's not acting like a black senator you'll be in trouble. So basically in brief these are the programs of corps we envision a final step which would be total autonomy of a black nation in America a nation that we hope can live
in peaceful coexistence with your nation. Let me say finally in closing Why will this work. Wow. Let me try to. Paraphrase. A poem by our great poet Claude McKay. And we have condensed it into what we call the kamikaze prayer. It goes like this if we must die let us not die like dogs. And we must die. All of us die noble so that our precious blood may not be shed in vain. Then even the monsters we defied. Shall be constrained though far outnumbered. Let us show I was brave and for the Thompson bros deal one dead blow don't
before was law an open grave like men we faced the murderous coldly packed press to the war. Dying but fighting back thanks. Thanks I say to black people in particular and I say to America in general come let us reason to get it today. For if we don't tomorrow. Will be consumed and devoured by the sword. The goal of the struggle is survival and happiness. But if we cannot have. Life with dignity we will have dead wood on it. Thank you thank you.
That I consider my country and I am given up on it. Thanks. Thank you. We have too much invested in it. We have had too many dead people. We have sacrificed and worked too long. Or a hundred years for me now to walk out and leave it to you folks know I intend to stay here until I get my dividends. I have here's a suggestion. Is it fashion to suggest that we need more flexibility in our civil rights campaigns. When the Trojans found a frontal assault ineffective they used a wooden horse.
Hannibal's surprise the Romans by bringing elephants in the back way across the Alps. David spurned the traditional sword against Goliath and used the sling shot. The Germans added Stuka dive bombers and the two rockets in World War 2 and the Japanese went them one better with their suicidal pilots. A bulldozer can excavate for a foundation. But a block and tackle is required to get a piano into the ninth floor. Let us not become so inflexible in thought and method. That we need to like our opponents become vulnerable. The endo or a CPA for example is being sued by merchants in Port Gibson Mississippi for three and a half million dollars
for damages as a result of a boycott said to have been conducted in violation of some section under state law. Is a boycott stance a vulnerable one. And under what conditions should store board boycotts and school boycotts be used. The plain lesson is that we must use every method every technique every tool available. We need to devise new tools. Our attack must be across the board and must be leveled. At all forms and degrees of second class citizenship where one weapon is sufficient let it be employed where a combination is required or a combination of organizations. Let that combination the use where variations in timing and methods will be effective. By all means let us employ these but let none of us in the north or in the south
activist or not fall into the trap at this crucial stage of attempting to solve all problems everywhere by a single method or a single formula. This is enough. To outline the position and I will not. The WGBH TV Channel 2 Boston eight years ago this month the United States broke by the actions of this man Fidel Castro proclaimed a complete embargo on trade with Cuba an embargo which may not be working for Castro remains more powerful than ever.
Is revolution fueled by hatred and hostility toward the USA. Therefore should the United States now lifted some bondo on trade with Castro's Cuba. Yeah the abacus Sunday February 15. Watch the advocates live and in color Sunday at 10 o'clock. Last deceit murder and retribution in the style of the 17th century a come to an 80 playhouse tomorrow night for the presentation of the change thing is fast moving Jacobean drama by Thomas Middleton and William Rai as villainous deeds of every description as well as not ranges plot. But the pay is also a powerful study of crime and a psychological effect. Don't miss the changeling on anybody's house tomorrow at 8 Thursday. The motion of the light of the earth.
The. Feel of the. Thing.
Say Brother
Black America Speaks Out
Episode Number
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Boston College presented a forum called "Black America Speaks Out", presenting some of the history and nature of various organizations in the United States dealing with the various struggles of African Americans.
Asset type
Race and Ethnicity
Public Affairs
civil rights leaders; African Americans Legal status, laws, etc.; Civil Rights; African Americans Crimes against
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Rights Note:It is the responsibility of a production to investigate and re-clear all rights before re-use in any project.,Rights Type:,Rights Credit:,Rights Holder:WGBH Educational Foundation
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Publisher: WGBH Educational Foundation
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Identifier: 3cd052ad1ba53c80cc599a282f67793d2c4cb0c8 (ArtesiaDAM UOI_ID)
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Duration: 01:02:50
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Chicago: “Say Brother; Black America Speaks Out; 51,” 1969-00-00, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 3, 2024,
MLA: “Say Brother; Black America Speaks Out; 51.” 1969-00-00. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 3, 2024. <>.
APA: Say Brother; Black America Speaks Out; 51. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from