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You know I see you don't think I'm going to do it as being mean. I sank distinguished. So good said Jones for his statement. Members of the council have now heard the statement of the distinguished secretary Joan to the effect that the governments of Syria and Israel have accepted to comply with the rest of you should be adopted by the council today contained in document S stroke 7 9 6 0 calling Fossa sation force rid of busted it says. I'm sure that I express the feelings of all members when I say that this is indeed encouraging news. Hopefully it means that the fighting in the Middle East can now finally be brought to an end and peace restored in the area.
I have no remorse because I had no most because on my list I recognized the distinguished representative of the USSR to whom I now give the floor made here going to a doctor and I guess you know I could make a good out of modesty it is right I don't accept it I do feel why don't they submit that on the phone and say should email especially on these nights quest so I take a demo and insist I surely made yet this STV Just be here to explain me but I have yet to see you know battle could actually articulate why I might not get a call about a plot off but they could have a bike up my stuff and your question should I be if I died. Michelle welcome if you go up on your study to give enough thought to let me go. Thank yous up Mr. President. The Soviet delegation would wish to. Invite the attention of members of the council to the
communications we've just heard from the representatives of Syria and Israel. Worthy of note is the fact that in the response to the appeal of the Security Council in the response of Syria to the appeal of the Security Council regarding the immediate application of the above mentioned resolutions. We heard clear and definite on unaccompanied by any conditions.
And we also note that it is precisely the government of the Syrian Arab Republic that was the first that immediately responded to the appeal of the Security Council pursuant to the adoption of this resolution. On the other hand we heard a statement of the representative of Israel. Who unfortunately did not give as yet got an ounce up regarding the willingness of the Israeli government to abide by the decision of the Security Council as it was full as it is formulated in resolution this 7 9 6 0 of the 9th of June this year instead of
direct and unequivocal. He advanced a series of conditions under which Tel Aviv might accept the decision of the Security Council. Mr. President we are compelled to draw the attention of the Security Council to that Israeli position. It points once again to the criminal row. Of the Israeli aggressors. Thank you. No depredation just. Thank you. We have now received.
We have not received the reply from Israel in writing and I would ask the distinguished secretary Joan to read it out to us because I don't know if I see it I can see said I that I could have an idea machine or stick up you know to be able to understand anything. Mr. President I've just got a communication from the famine in the vicinity of Israel to the United Nations. The text of the communication research follows. Excellency I don't know what I said in the Security Council on that I have been instructed by telephone to announce that Israel steps the cease fire resolution adopted by the Security Council today provided that Syria steps it and will implement the ceasefire. See the assurances of my highest concentration and percentage of of Israel in 1967 15
of 5 hours. Thank you Mr. President. When we finished the next speak the distinguished representative of the subject Union has drawn the attention of the council to the fact that Syria in its reply has accepted the. Richard you should. While Israel has accepted the resolution provided that Syria accepts it and implemented the ceasefire I believe that the distinguished representative of the Soviet Union would like to have the floor I could present under in your study take us shooting you don't want to consider security take an ICD at least up till they look like you have it except they going to accept it and make oh no I said reflects like a machine I was not
on your side we take the point on the power but I do thank you Mr. President. I'm very grateful. For the fact that you have to do attention to a statement. Nevertheless we deem it essential. Once again to draw attention to the fact that the Israeli side contains an unclear situation as we've just heard the government of Syria was the first with an acceptance all of the decision of the Security Council without accompanying this by any conditions. And I made a statement here in the Security Council through its
representative. And also through the appropriate statement made by the secretary general. And yet hearing and seeing all this hearing and seeing the statement by Syria that are presented to Israel never this. Is advancing conditions in his statement. Where is the logic. What foundation is that for surrounding with conditions the position of Israel and making it dependent upon something we deem it necessary once again to draw the attention of the Security Council. Such as a stray if you will all mockery. Thank you. No interpretation.
Thank you. I wish to draw all the attention all the distinguished representative of the Soviet Union to the fact that the distinguished representative of Israel conveyed the information upon instruction from his government. I'm not aware whether his comment was of the statement made in this council when he ran day and struck to the Israeli representative but the representative has to make a statement which better perhaps clarify the situation. I invite the distinguished representative of Israel to take the seat reserved for him at the counsel table. I don't see them I see it all plays out in an area during your study to see I think that document IDs guy and like cause gosh mean if you want. Before. I toss me the first picture of this are going to have a limo. Get you going to see but I thought I pointed out ICD the distinguished representative about Gary has also
the blog but as you did to Israel does the distinguished representative of the Saudi king cos of the book I give the floor to the distinguished representative of the subject do you know said because maybe Mr. President we wish to speak. In order to say that we're of course grateful for your interpretation of the position of the Israeli government. And as president you. Are of course observing impartiality and objectivity. As for all the explanation of the position of the Israeli government you will
agree of course that the official representative of that country will be able to do that no interpretation case. Man I said that I didn't try to intercept it. I just merely drew the attention to the statement made by the distinguished representative of Israel. I now give the floor to the distinguished but present a chief of this raft of ideas I don't. Mr. President I confess that in recent days I have some difficulties in communication with the distinguished representative from the Soviet Union. But I will certainly try again to make our position clear. I am sure it is clear to him I fail to understand the purpose of his repeated intervention. My In April I. Would be here at the
concert. The Russian. Document is 79 sakes. First given orally here in my statement and in writing in a letter which I just presented to the secretary general and which was made by you Mr. President. The meaning of this letter is crystal clear for people who want to end a stand that meaning and don't want to obscure the situation. Secure the Security Council resolution. It serves speaks about the mutual acceptance of the Council's demand for a ceasefire. And I think that is natural. There can be a ceasefire by one side alone. But I wish to draw the attention of the distinguished representative of Soviet Union and
of the other members of the council to the fact that it was Israel which was the first to announce his acceptance of Security Council resolutions on ceasefire and many many hours had passed until the early hours of this morning. When a telegram was sent by the representative by the foreign minister of Syria to the secretary general announce exacts happens by Syria a cease fire resolution. While that telegram was sent to Syria was engaged in heavy fighting and artillery shelling of civilian populations in villages along the Israeli border. I'm glad to hear it represented. Syria has now repeated that Syria is accepting the cease fire. I have said clearly
that Israel is accepting the cease fire resolution its cease fire because of is the resolution adopted. This morning documents 7 7 7 9 6. It is natural that this can become effective only when it is implemented by orders. Commanders in the field to cease fire. Government of Israel by its acceptance is of course undertaken to issue such orders and it accepts expects that similar orders have been given by the Syrian military or sororities. Thank you Mr. President. Members of the council. I'm so
sorry. The distinguished representative of. President every day. Should it be done Mr. President. First of all right. Thank you for allowing me to speak. And I apologize for speaking so late in the day for events not some critical. Moment. That. I feel I should address the counsel. I had. Yielded. To the honorable representative of Israel. Hoping that I would thereby not have to speak. But I find however that there is a reason for taking the fall. May I say before I explain the reason for my taking the floor so late in the day. That it would appear that the representative of Israel
who just spoke a few seconds ago is not only hard put to it to communicate these last few days with the representative of the Soviet Union it appears that there is also a great difficulty for him to communicate even with his government and particularly when it is of such pressing urgency that he be able to contact his government. And on the request of the Security Council also. It would appear that the communications in Israel are too occupied to be able to communicate with their representatives in the United Nations. But I think. Yeah. You know the representative of. Israel said that the resolution. Calls for secession of hostilities forthwith and mutually.
But there is no such word as mutually in the resolution of. The resolution. Does not say mutually. It merely says a cessation of military activities. And surely it is the present that should cease the military action. It should not be expected of the victim to cease his defense. Now let me say what I intended to say when I asked for the full representative of the Soviet Union has raised the question of objections and conditions raised here. I have already spoken to my colleagues here and we found that there were too many conditions. The representative of the Soviet Union has already pointed to the government of Israel. Agreed to cease fire. If the government of Syria agreed. Therefore the representative of Israel
was here when the representative of the Syrian Arab Republic told a security council that without any reservations his government acceded to the generous to the Security Council resolution. The second condition that was raised was that if the implementation of the ceasefire was effective on the part of the Syrian Arab Republic. In other words if you do not cease fire and you know how many interpretations can be given to this we will not cease fire. And this is what the Israeli representative said. Despite the fact that Israel is the aggressor. But what is even more important and what does surprise us and what does cause great anxiety I think in the minds of all members of the council is that speaking to us the Israeli representative told
us that his government accepted the ceasefire on the above mentioned. Conditions. And he told us that on the part of Syria the acceptance and application was not effective that they had widened their front of attack against Israel. Therefore there is no such thing as a cease fire at the moment on the contrary. We are told that there is a Syrian attack. In order to ensure a continuation of the aggression. Is the Security Council going to countenance that such a situation. Are we not going to take measures so that this cease fire can be effective so that there will be no more military activities on the front yes. Are we going to continue to tolerate aggression and aggression that is only perpetuated on the basis of pretexts. It is this
question of the Security Council must now weigh and on which it must take a decision and later implement measures. Thank you Mr. President and I waive consecutive interpretation of the usual understanding. I could perhaps summarize the situation a little before we proceed with all debate. We have heard the official replies from the distinguished representatives of Sharia and Israel according to which Syria accepts the resolution on change in document S stroke 7 9 6 0. And according to reports Israel accept the resolution provided that Syria accepts it and can implement the ceasefire we have had additional education from the distinguished representative.
All. Of us read the question has been raised by the distinguished representative of the Soviet Union concerning the implementation of. Israel stating that. The most fun unconditional cessation of us that it's this is sacred and we can sit by them. Two replies have got to be considered as signs with the position contained in document s seven to nine sixty in which the Council demanded that I state it says should cease for the next speaker on my list is the distinguished representative of the United Kingdom. You know I trust people and I think I only knew then I thought. Mr. President I would merely wish to say that what matters now
is not what happens here but what happens on the borders of Syria and Israel. We can do no more here. For the moment and we have done already we trust that the wishes of the council will not be flouted and that our efforts will now be finally successful. At the same time we very sincerely hope that both the guns and we will soon be silent. I think this and I have no consecutive translation. Thank you. The next peak on my list is the distinguished representative of candidates of a monarch on the floor. I found Mr. President the remarks of my distinguished friend to represent the United Kingdom as almost silence me as I hope it is affective in relation to the guns in Syria but I would say that I would agree with him that the
exchanges here as to the State of the ceasefire is less important than the two factors which I think have been brought out by most of the members. First a scrupulous respect for the ceasefire by those who have not accepted them. And secondly I wish to refer to one of the ideas that was mentioned by a distinguished representative of India that is the need to strengthen. And reactivate the United Nations presence in the area. I have in mind particularly the functions of NCO in reporting on the observation of the ceasefire to the Security Council and its observance by the parties in accordance with the resolution she took today. And I would perhaps only conclude by saying that we hope perhaps to hear from a distinguished director general and you course what measures can be taken
along the lines of in this direction both reactivating and strengthening on so activities so that the observances duly and promptly reported. Thank you very much. Next become modest as a distinct restruck percent of state of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the monarchy of the floor and I'd have a field office I'm going to. Look at video of us. Thank you Mr. President. We've listened with all your attention to the explanation made by an Israeli representative. We're not satisfied with that explanation.
The council did not obtain as clearcut a non-Southern as was obtained from the government of Syria. We agree with the opinion that it is not what is said here that is important including what is said by the Israeli representative. But what is being done. By the Israeli armed forces of on the territory of Syria. We consider that to be the voice of reason as uttered by a British colleague. But Mr President we should be silent here.
Only I do showed when the guns fall silent. The guns of the Israeli aggressors. And that is why Mr. President the Soviet delegation deems it necessary. To introduce for consideration the following. Remarks. We have adopted today a decision contained in the document S stroke. Two three five. Regarding detainment agreement regarding the immediate implementation all of the decisions
indicated in the resolution and we have made this. Dependent upon limits for presentation of a report to the Security Council. We believe that the decision adopted. Well to be complied with on the understanding that. The implementation of this resolution after receipt of reply from the parties concerned will be given a certain time limit by the Security Council for instance one. We base ourselves in
particular upon the unanimous decision adopted in the Security Council in relation to another situation when the. Likewise the proviso existed for a specific time limit for implementing our decision. In this connection Mr President we would request you to consult the members of the council and see whether they have any objection. To this understanding. And then of course. Thereupon we ought to request the secretary general to inform the parties of this decision and report to
the Council on the basis of the time interval agreed upon. Thank you and I we've been to a conservative interpretation of the important statement made by the Soviet representative I would like to have translations and I've taken enough Spassky don't suppress the seat it's a good full sacred lake. So it is me that update was your doing of his really good after dinner she was pressed on deez nuts question but don't like to lose several fix a day late to do. Oh it's good that you need a good book like Siamese on the crate it believe me think don t want that get icy supportable. You don't need to Billy's security tsunami Do you know. I
pray it does not dare I say it to come in because you said this is you and you can say to say could he take it ill accept that trip I was going to do more Patti of the city and you meet directly but he's a good local state to secrete aid why she got an immediate don't expose Krypton's don't look crazy don't you go straight to security don't buy them or they might know Omar but CNN notebook Digex you'll got us a test article Powderly shows on the list but I can only guess you eat your can a sample but he's a pedophile. All I want to know that don't you and I dictate. Representative of a Soviet Union we have listened with due attention to the explanation given by the distinguished representative of Israel. However we are not satisfied with that explanation. The council did not obtain as clear cut announced
from as we did from the government of Syria. We agree with the opinion that it is not what is said here that is important. As the distinguished representative of the United Kingdom has just said what is important is what is done by the government of Israel in stopping it and withdrawing its armed forces from the territory of Syria. We consider that it that the voice that this is the voice of reason as uttered by our British colleague. But we should be silent only when the guns are silent the guns of the aggressors. Accordingly the Soviet delegation considers it necessary to introduce another consideration into this question. We have just adopted. Resolution 235 which calls for immediate in an implementation. And there was a two hour limit. We consider that this decision ought to be complied with and in order for this to and
we should therefore receive replies from the parties concerned and there should be a time limit for receipt of such replies for example and one hour in making this suggestion we base ourselves in part on a previous unanimous decision of the council when its decided on a time limit for the implementation of its decision. And in this connection we would request you to consult members of the council to ascertain whether they have any objections to this understanding. Thereupon the secretary general would inform the parties of the decision of the council and report back to us within one hour. If I understand the distinguished representative correctly after having listened to the statement three times it is that we prolong the delay foreseen and Richard you should be struck 7 9 6 0 by 1 hour and that I can and we should have the replies within that hour.
And meanwhile I consult the members of the council whether they agree on this understanding that not the distinguished representatives of the GOP has a former. President. I agree with my noble friend the distinguished representative of the United Kingdom that what matters is what happens in on this part. But at the same time my delegation feels that the message that goes out from this hole should be as clear as clear as we can make it as we can possibly make it. And I think that. The debate that has just taken place has created and cannot help to create a bit of confusion in the mind of those that are looking at this proceedings because the impression
maybe given that we are in fact. Departing from the decision that we have made when I believe actually that is not the case because to me this was the situation appears very clear. We have demanded cessation of hostilities and both the parties concerned in this case Israel and Syria have accepted this demand for cessation of hostilities. The difficulty and the debate that followed is due to the fact that in the communication of the government of Israel a sentence appears which gives the appearance of laying conditions for the acceptance of the cessation of hostilities. You Mr.
President in an attempt to be helpful stright you have tried to. Point out to the possibility that the Israeli message may have been relayed to the representative of the distinguished representative of Israel. I did time when the reply of Syria was not known and if that is the case of course the word if is correct and proper because there is neutrality involved in this draft in this resolution that we have agreed upon. But since now Syria has accepted cessation of hostilities it seems to me that the simplest thing to do is for the government of Israel to change the world if to that of their form in the sense of saying that since Syria has accepted therefore Israel accepts also the I think the things are simple the thing is as
simple as that and I appeal to my friend the distinguished representative of Israel to spare us. The trouble. Of having to go to consultations on a point which is already bust when you have so much work awaiting us to come to the council and make this clarification which is a clarification which we expect of him and which I'm sure he's in a position to give. Thank you Mr President thank you. The next speaker on my list is a distinguished representative of Israel. I invite him to take his seat herself for him at the council table. Surely to show up as a write up on the press at that would you say. I now give the floor to the distinguished representative of his right hand turn. Hello Mr. President.
I hesitated late as intently to the conclusion that the distinguished representative his Soviet Union seems not to be too happy. This is where its acceptance of the cease fire resolution. He accuses us of casuistry. Well I leave it to his Those who will scrutinize Reichardt who is practicing scales casuistry. My statement is clear. It's on the record and there's nothing unusual in it. He presented it as a Soviet Union speaks about conditions. This was repeated as a prisoner of war again. We had already adore the attention of the distinguished representatives to document S 7 9 5 2 document S 7 9 5 8. The first one is a letter dated
8 June 1967. President representative of the United Arab Republic addressed to the secretary general and US. I want to inform your opponents I said my government has decided to accept a cease fire call as has been prescribe resolutions of the Council on 5th and 6th of June 67 on the condition that the other party seize fire and a telegram on dated by in June from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Syrian government. It says in reply to your telegrams of six and seven since 1967. Or your attention is to present a fact that the secretary general had to send two telegrams before you received a reply. The government of the public has decided to accept the two appeals for a cease fire contained in solutions of the Security
Council provided the other party except I really fail to understand what is all this discussion about if we want to cease fire we don't want a ceasefire. I have the definite impression. That the members of Congress are wanting to see a ceasefire implemented as soon as possible. My government tried to be as helpful as possible in my first intervention. In the morning I repeated our position. Not only that we were the first government which has very come to ceasefire but that we had accepted the ceasefire and I have repeated that position again and I was in Europe at the end of the Soviet Union. Apparently the shelling of our villages is still going on at this minute which is to issue an ultimatum to this council or to Israel. I don't know to whom.
There is no need for that. There's no need whatsoever because the counselor has taken note of the statements made by a representative of Syria interim president of Israel. Boas have announced the funniest actions of their government that they have accepted the cease fire resolution but since the representatives of this arrangement of Soviet Union is so interested in the acceptance of ceasefire resolutions may I inquire with the secretary general whether he has received a reply from the government of Iraq upon his notification in his letter to the Iraqi government. You made it to give its reply on the ceasefire resolutions. It would be helpful to have that reply also on record. I may
add in addition to that we had one reply from the government of Kuwait which bluntly stated that it will not accept the cease fire resolution. I have not heard one word of blame from the distinguished representative of the Soviet Union. In regard to that defiance of the conveyed by the conveyed government Mr President I repeat again. That my government has accepted the cease fire is your illusion. And of course it can only become effective if the other side its side also issue the necessary order for a cease fire. I really cannot contribute more to the clarification of this situation. Not now and not in an hour not in five hours time. Thank you Mr. President thank you.
The next speaker on my list is a distinguished representative of Syria from one ride to take a seat for him at the Council to develop a sometimes less idea of what a blast out of an equal say. And I would give the distinguished representative of. The thank you Mr. President. And you will kindly forgive me if I have asked for the floor again. And I also ask for the forgiveness of the distinguished members of the Security Council. But you know most of the time in a party that is directly concerned and not only concerned but right at this very
moment as I have already informed the council the situation is a grave. Then words can convey at this very time that we are discussing very critical points in my own country in our villages on our lands in our cities innocent civilians are being killed by the Israelis and blood is being shed. So we ought to have a lot of thinking very clearly and very a way of of everything that's taking place here. In fact the win in his last sentence is a radio to present that of the said that he cannot give a clarification beyond what he has already said. Not in one not in five not in five days. He really made himself
very clear that the only intent that he has in mind is to continue with the aggravation against Syria. This is proved by the following. The whole argument is an idea presented to is be is on the condition. Put it in the sig on the paragraph which is states that the noting that the governments of cities of Israel and Syria have announced their mutual acceptance. So he picks the word mutual and they say is unless Syria signifies its acceptance the condition of mutuality is not fulfilled. But here again this whole discussion has been taking place within the council to the finish of the memory of the Israeli to present it of I signified my acceptance first. Orderly to the council and in written in very clearly written to the distinguished
secretary general. In my own center no conditions whatsoever were contained except the acceptance in full and in total of the Security Council resolution. As System 7 9 6 they had full when I before that it presented the of of Israel have signified the acceptance of my government to the Security Council as a result. The condition of mutuality is stipulated in the ALP in the preamble of Paragraph 2 has already been fulfilled. To call it again in order to put conditions can only one mean one thing that the party that is put in conditions when those same conditions have already been fulfilled has something in mind. And this something in mind is that is signed to continue are going to Sion against Syria. When we say CS Fiat accepted it means it is accepted.
This isn't any of the prisons it's not in his reply now but before we went on to say the city has are continuing to shell and so on and so forth. But sir we are in an illegitimate state of self defense. There isn't any armies as I stated not on the lands of Syria. And then as pointed out by the distinguished dinner get of Bulgaria alternative paragraph to his stated demands that hostilities should seize forthwith. What about forthwith. Which is more important the condition of mutuality that has already been fulfilled. The only condition that Imaan by the Security Council that all cities should seize forth with. Under the circumstances I as a party to the dispute would wish to emphasize to the Security Council that in view of the development
that had been taking place since we started this debate and it's now four hours not just two that the Israelis have one objective in mind and that is to continue their education against Syria. And I think it's the imperative duty of the Security Council to be aware of these tactics and to call things by their name. Namely what the Israeli representative has been indulging to is an exist size in history. If the word is not enough softness to it would be quite a necessity. Thank you. The next speaker on my list is the distinguished representative of the United States to monarchies the floor. Help us about the destiny and about it. Thank you Mr. President. I think it should be obvious that what is now required above all things is practical action required on both sides to issue immediately the necessary orders to commanders in the field for
a cease fire to which both now have committed themselves. And I suggest that we can best contribute to this process by journeying if the fighting does not stop immediately. We will have to meet again urgently to assure that it does. And I suggest that we keep ourselves available. Today at your call for that purpose. Thank you Mr. President. And I wave consecutive interpretation to the next speaker on my dist. Is a distinguished doctor sent to a bug area two of them on our beautiful office not on let me get in here for you Don. Mr. President I have no objection to raise against the suggestion that has only just been made by the permanent representative of the United States. Nor do I object.
The statement that was so widely pronounced by the representative of the United Kingdom broadcast it and when he said it isn't the cannons in the Security Council that must be silenced. But the cannons on the battlefield that must be silent. Obviously the time is ripe for both to be silent. But there is a suggestion that had previously been made by the representative of the Soviet Union. And I would like to go back to that since it is very important the representative of the Soviet Union as I understood him. I did
not say what the representative of Israel abused or attributed to him. It wasn't a question of prolonging the delay as some might wish it might please them to have the delay prolonged There is no problem geisha of the time that is to elapse for the cease fire that is not the case. The one hours the two hours grace given in the resolution were as of the time when it was adopted and it called for a cessation forthwith of hostilities. The proposal that the representative of Israel tried to attribute to us when he tried to equate the word forthwith with as soon as possible. But that is not the case. These are not synonymous forthwith means immediately and does not mean as soon as possible. However I shall not
delve into these semantic speculations. They're not important at the moment. What I would like to say is that it is imperative that the Security Council having adopted a resolution for an immediate cease fire. Be given a certain time in order to check on whether the ceasefire has taken place. And therefore whilst agreeing with the suggestion to adjourn this meeting I do believe that it is imperative that we set a time limit or allow the president to convene us when he has received the necessary information to tell us that. That this cease fire has truly been put into effect although the ceasefire has not been put into effect. In the latter case the Security Council may be called upon to take certain measures in accordance with
certain other chapters of the charter. But Mr. President that is the suggestion I wish to make. I'm not making a proposal a formal one of it I'm making a suggestion. And I think that the there is a possibility that you might go along with my suggestion and that we continue to be available whilst adjourning the meeting of the Security Council for the moment. I thank you Mr. President and I waive consecutive interpretation of my words and to go to the next speaker on my list is the distinguished representative in judgment. Thank you Mr. President. It is a point of great importance in what they have been discussing. I propose that we ask Israel and Syria to confer within two hours that necessary orders have been issued for their forces to cease fire if there is no such confirmation. This council should meet after the two hour period ends. Thank you Mr.
President. Next big on my list is a distinguished representative on Nigeria to America. But I need you here again. Mr. President when Lao Steyn intervened in this in this series of debates on the situation in the Middle East I tried to preface my remarks by pointing out that we in Nigeria have had a long fairly long history of friendly relations with all the states in the area. And I trust that the few remarks which I will make now will be taken by all parties in the same spirit. As a result of the developments of the last few days Mr. President my delegation joined with all of us in considering the urgent necessity to stop and to contain the rapidly spreading
hostilities and in the Middle East. Consequently all other considerations all other important ancillary to the situation we are set aside for the moment. And we have subscribed to a result Lucian first and foremost. And as a first step to stop the fighting. It is very sad that thrice in three days the Security Council has passed formal resolutions calling for a cease fire. The fighting is still continuing. I agree with the distinguished representative of the United Kingdom that perhaps this is curative counsel could not at this time and in this situation be reasonably called upon to pass any more result immediately without hearing for their developments. It would be a sad situation in the world when the Security Council continues to pass resolutions which will continue to be ignored without any result.
I said we are friendly and we regard all the states in the area and the peoples of that area as our friends. I hope therefore that they would not mind my malice in the name of the people of Nigeria. But in these very difficult and delicate moment we appeal to them especially those of them who have themselves been involved collectively and in some cases personally in the awesome drama of history and the past and we hope that they will appreciate far more than we ourselves can. That sometimes success and the advantage of circumstances demand the terrible burdens of statesmanship and the courage of magnanimity. The calls of the Security Council as my delegation understands it have been unconditional and we as their friends expect
all parties to accept this calls on conditionality. Finally Matt I add my own appeal to those that have already been made in the course of these debates about the necessity for treating the civilian another population of the area as involved in this conflict with humanity. Thank you and I dispense with consecutive translation. Thank you. The next speaker on my list is a distinguished representative of France to the monarchy before I go on. Sure but you know Mr. President after what my colleagues have said particularly with my neighbor from the left has indicated I have a little to say about the news we've just received are increasingly disconcerting in nature and as was pointed out the first thing to do is to know whether the secretary general with the means of observation at his
disposal might as soon as possible reference is made to a period of two hours. Give us the reply that we seek and it seems to me that if this is not too much trouble to the secretary general to do so he might report to the council to us on the subject would be very grateful to him if you could tell us what are the technical minimum delays that are needed for giving us this. This will assist us in setting the time of the next meeting. Thanks. Thank you. Before proceeding I would think to reply to the Christian raised by the distinct absence of problems with a lot of issues that I should never have thought I'd point I wish to go. Mr. President. I'm going to end the information desired by the distinguished representatives of India and from which I made available to the best of my knowledge in two hours.
Thank you. Thank you very much. Members of the council have now heard suggestions I have no more speakers on my list and they are not heard suggestions made by the distinguished representatives of the USSR United States bug area and India with your permission I would like to make the following suggestion that we adjourn and that the time and date of the next meeting will be decided after consultations with members it being understood that members will hold themselves available funds in meeting at any time. Should we be faced with an emergency situation and also on the understanding. That if we have not within two hours had confirmation. That the necessary orders have been
issued for the cessation of hostilities we will meet again within two hours. Is that acceptable. The distinguished representative of us will like you on the phone for some time later getting. Here so you can play. Mr President I entirely agree with what you have just suggested but of course provided that we don't wait still.
United Nations Security Council
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This is a series of recordings of the United Nations Security Council meetings.
SECURITY COUNCIL #2: PT 4 ( listed part 4 of three and we have only two for that date)
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Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
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Chicago: “United Nations Security Council,” 1967-06-09, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed April 19, 2024,
MLA: “United Nations Security Council.” 1967-06-09. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. April 19, 2024. <>.
APA: United Nations Security Council. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from