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Hello welcome to the first of a two part special presentation of the Sunday forum tonight representing Part 1 of a talk by Jay Krishnamurthy at San Diego State College in California. This program was recorded during Krishnamurthy as 1970 World Tour. I would like to go about so many things. Because we're I don't want to go you know on radio medico. One. More Idol is this a human problem. Most human beings in the world are so confusing living a contradictory life. That totally and utterly
miserable. When great the love. Life seems to be a battle from the moment you do your dive. Right through the nationalistic linguistic. Religious differences one sect opposed to another one really against another. Each city in its way used the best and the only one and so on. The only conflict.
As the business world. This spiritual world the religious scientific or the Prophets Qadri college will see this division and great one one but I'm sure you will build what is one to do some fact to follow that lead this or that.
Or is it. A course of action taken by some ideology some believe. So much harder to get Ian dictum. Must one follow a course of action that doesn't depend on any other how do you what neither They left nor the right nor or they need good will and indeed any pre or any all Ghanaians religion Catholic-Protestant what you will but follow. Inclination or
following through makes prayer do you not settle for a law and confidence and purpose. That is so much contradiction. Not only outwardly but also. What you want to do. And then show you must evolve. This question made them all the more honest and not seeking entertainment. One must have really. Deep is what
you are confronted by a world that is so chaotic contradict. That one has lost. Having no trust in anybody. No John no preference. No. How did you know you don't. If you are told. And I hope you are at least to know you must have. Not only that your question of your own. But also.
Have followed that bonding all through the challenge. What do you want to do. Not having free love. Not be dependent on someone 30 Ryall some job some much harder day. Then we're all you know to look alike. But an understanding and if one sex and life you know we don't play a continual movement of wrecked their lives.
What is wrong. Or dual. This meeting and a subsequent one on not a philosophical and. Normal early joules amusement. I'm in no way a philosophical examination of life. We're not young. At least I'm not. Do we entertain by you or by my own particular idea of. What we are trying to do is to find out for I was
confronted with this extraordinary problem of living with all its contradictions and complexity. What is a course of action which will not be contradicted a which will be a whole complete what you lot more agony more mischief more confusion. And to find that out. Is there a problem and I think that's only a problem in like the next room that is not broken up. That's not
contradicted that is continuos complete and talk so that. It doesn't bring the most thought of more confusion. And if we will we will go together into this question. Varying in mind that the speaker has a North-South it what so ever. Because both of us are going to examine and observe this phenomenon called life live it. And find out the truth of the matter. If a knack for
it we are living not a moment in a great. Right but everybody day every minute. A way of living in the work that is joy. There is no rod no broom teleplay no contradiction and obviously no you mutate and dependence on lose weight following such a way of living. Not. An abstract idea a philosophical concept
but Drago an actual way of living. Whether there can be a next so completely so oh so completely non contradictory. And I'd really like to live that way use day only to really just wait. Not that we are using the word religion not
even dare to send some of that war. But you do believe in some believe in God or no God or believe in some conceptual are you. We are using that word. A way of life in what every x is. Oh complete and full effect. Now we're going to going to bed. First of all do you understand all of this. We must establish a right relationship between us
between you know what I'm just. He's not thinking. In the old it is sensible that would. Giving you all. That to tell you what to know. There would be used to give info to me to make one understand your point hour do you. One can teach mathematics.
Give you some info scientific information. But yeah that is not an ideal. And we really mean it. Does each one of us has to be he's wrong and he's wrong. Disciple understood a very serious matter so that you're listening we took quite a different attitude. You're listening to the speaker. Do the hoods he's using and
using and understanding those will what you can do you only react from some gross point. So that you yourself through your own not Lou. So this becomes becomes a mirror in which you are observing your flow. So the relationship between your and the speaker is not. It basic communicate communication and being chatting together
and understanding together working together. That's what the word communication mean to come you know. Please do bear that in mind right through the poll or whatever this thing is called that's going to take place the next day that we all sharing together. Which means you are working as much as we speak. You want to observe listen and to observe and
to listen. Needs no agreement or disagreement because we're not dealing with hearing yours and I do you're not listening to discover how to understand ours. You know. Where we are. The world whether you live in this small country and love lives in me and the beauty of the lead. Process brutal violent
belonging to this group that grew with one. Did your doesn't feel cold put it toward you like anybody in Europe or in America. I mean in India without a human being. Not a label. The problem that they have an India that is an explosion of population would you quite made it will. Poverty is something unimaginable. They decay their violence their brutality the beauty of the land. The life.
The people there are the same with that magazine problem with the sound that seems rather annoying. So we are dealing not with the nation yet take the loss of. Our next Arctic religion or inventing some significant giving room and meaning to life. I mean we can leave that to the intellect. They're going to reinvent all their significance and meaning to life because they them still see the octal meaningless of this living. So.
So you know that. You noted that it is not something that is really new to you but actually that's your life. Your Concord in New York. Do you live that you know do you live you're really peaceful and you guys he grew silent. And to say if all that can end so then we can live in a quite beautiful kind of life. A life that lead a life that doesn't bring through X or MS or there
are a lot of that is that really I'm really late totally. So we're observing all day what is one good little knowing that you all this day under suicide New York the world. And the world. Which is not just an idea but. You have created this world where you don't agree you die and embrace competition
rather live in the ordinary yog that now could lead you in the movies division. The black and white and pink and the blue and all that right. How do you do to unpeg an ism brutality. Well you know this I though you annoyed as an idea or you know you get joy you know it through a magazine through a newspaper or look
somebody's attitude. You have observed you didn't you're so you have seen it in yourself. Please. OK. Therefore there is no need for another to tell you what do you. Want it like. You don't downgrade just single newspaper a magazine or listen to any IF YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE SO what you are. Realizing what you are going to question is entirely the question what do I know. Cause one day alive is what one is when it's going to fuel as there will be
more lives in contradiction and division of the road. Without understanding one so not only are there at the conference level but also will do much of it very. Perfunctory unless it is this understanding. Not according to some Anons. Freud yoyo. But to get out a candidate. But do understand us. So as you are. And in the understanding of that the question of what you ought to do we have said
and they do. Because now we are quoted of course in relation to the war. There is something out there you know. What political power Do you rejoice. What group the pacifists and so on and what group what. So yeah that's something I would. Hide. But when one realizes not morbid A. Knot is an idea. But actually when one realizes.
That one. On one sort of responsibility to the world is going to sponsibility up understanding your so so completely OK. And then you are doing what. Quite a different meaning. So the question today. How do observe how to observe one so one so will be the total human be.
You're not in America. Though you may have a label I'd be a medic. And a man coming from India. They call you an Indian read a particular label indeed particular superstitions and believe. But when you will. Pray that he is an orderly human being like you and me like a dozen others. So the question is how do you rob us. Because of it how knowing your so what
you are. Now. If an individual an individual me a human being you know who that is and no contradiction and no division and no step but if you start totally You won't call him or knew you would that do you. That would be individual means indefeasible. So we are you're not human but you're not individuals. You're all grown up contradictory in yourself.
So I love you to look at you. Please do listen to this. It's quite absorbing. It demands a great deal of intelligence. It's great fun. Much more fun than any book. Then I nearly just ended a mood and a need for love as we are all broken up human being you know contradicting contradicted. Feeling inferior or superior
being afraid. Having no love or feeling lonely a fragment not only read the book visually but the play. How would you like to observe one fragment observe the rest of the ride. One become Moon defend the exam you know. The observer watching over the rest of the crowd. And work gives him the authority
over the other side who. Hope this be good making him clear. Unless you understand this and relay what we are going to discuss during the rest of the talk he won't be able to follow it all. The question is who will use the year observe and we'll show you the tenth that series This I will do this I will do. This is right and if you roll. These polls I will take and I will read that.
I will be a pacifist with regard to this war. But I was our favorite wall. I will follow this and not like me. I believe in these so locked in that I would hold this prejudice and deject that nobody. If you have observed us know that you are a fragmented human being. And that whole being fragmented contradictory living in constant
and knowing this on one side of the many many fact takes Charles. Becomes the outsider in that sense. Under observation must inevitably contradict. Right now you are falling world. If one fragment one part of you the authority of the analyzable over the other. One has you a few on the top of it
and can be he one fried one and allows the rest of the other like. Your father in law's home Rick fairly complex to tell old with. Whether you are an ally by a professional or you analize you are. So it is still the same pattern. So it's very important to find out how to observe how to observe all these many concordant which make up all of our life. How do I do all of those Freidman.
And. With how another fragment taking play. Is this what you do please. Why in doubt. That had to be end of the this and of itself a new token of question but this is very important to find out because as long as that is contradictory from division in world there must be. There must be a law which expresses itself in the wall outside side.
And as long as there's Freidman station exists within what they can with no me or no man who would Rio de deep really want to understand and then live a peaceful life a life of love. Must understand this. Well you know I'm really good. They're putting a very serious matter. Not just an afternoon. Listening go to work. We are dealing with the whole problem of existence and it's only in their mind that can give you fear years of tension
that is able to result in a very important hit. That one understand the question how do you or do you observe us as an outsider you die as a sense saying this is right this is wrong. Justify you condemning approving toileting now. And if you're do there's a contradict that whole convo and that. So how do you observe.
How do you are not only your US but the world of your. How do you observe them. That really is the animal. The flowers. How do you look. Or you observe while separate from this thing. Do please go into days with this week take a little time take you so much 10. Because you will see if you if we can communicate together.
But you had together under ten together and you will see at the end of this whole that oh look in life will be an hour later if you understand this one fundamental question. How do you or do you have been through any make. When you observe it with the knowledge of that.
The knowledge that separates you from that divide brings it and it's between you and it. How do you or how do you observe when you are alone or young girl. Or boy. How do you observe what you are killed. Please do it as we are told. Don't Make No. Don't fiddle around with a tape recorder. But watch it. How do you look at another. Don't look at another
through the you make you have built about the other. Way you made that you have been building money. I had to be. And they do you make it becomes the absurd right. To do you make all your crew there you make your laws. So this friend the observer is one of the fried
and that friend so has a me me. I walk to his right and what is wrong. What should be done works or not be done because he's still functioning as. A friend. So the question from there whether one can observe not withhold a new friend. Do see you'll see one third of the rule. Without fragmentation at all. I want to bring some fragment
not only air in one soul but own soul in the world of which one needs one who brings it about. Why oh why does one look fragment while they are contradicted. Right. Now what is one. Why. Would you want to get. There are many courses why human beings. Lack of.
Beings rather more from the animal and the animals have video of it. Only. People love being aggressive. Feeling in fear you know and the want to be superior and so on that. Mini course. Most of us pay in our tie discussing their own. Explaining the whole each professor each pressure list each right. According to
he's going to Britain. Explains the whole volume written while human beings are violent. But at the end of the run you human beings still remain raw. 2. The description is not clear to describe and therefore no is of little value. You know why you're all ready will you I'm going to explain you of. Trying to find out the horrors of your life which you're such a waste of. But to Rob
Reiner and the tea with how this ends. Who would have put it simply from the fact that he is what we think. Are we communicating with the tele. Look. This is really very important to understand. Let's going to a little mall. Let's suppose I'm bi and go
get let's say 10 a day driving ambition that brings some competition. And I'm always measuring myself against somebody you know. And this comparison makes me feel I mean filia do you want to. Yeah. So there is a better one. I know all. Then I say to myself I must get up. I want to live in peace. Though I live how we send some how some human being.
That must be killed. There must be Kenyan suicide. How rotten it is and it did. So our plan didn't do so through war and therefore this forget Mike. And the social world under society's me. So I'm escaping night from myself. And realizing all that likes the mining play is up on it so I. Know I look at myself I'm vile. And how do I look. On that. Why. As is and then so who can bend or justify it's.
All one who is not capable of dealing with that raw and therefore escape from me. How do I how do I look at my look at that lie. Please do it. Are you looking at it as another observable. Who is different from violence. The Observer we separate. Who condemn us justifies. And says this is right this is. And so the observer. Looks at the violence. Separates himself. From abroad and condemns. Is the observer the opposite.
No following. The Observer recognizes violence. And separate him so in order to do something about it. But this separation is one of the tricks of all. So the observable is easy to live so long as there really is the division between the observer. And the observed. There must be one right. So when I realize that not one. I realize it my home with my mind might be. Then what. Explain
you understand my question. You know when you are the new thing that is almost not only has it gotten separated from to me. There is also the desire to identify yourself with that would use a beautiful noble. And not identify your so that which is not. So I did different. Fusion is part of the trick. Of the mind that has separated you so.
As to sense thought and is now trying to identify. But why that is. When the observer becomes aware that he is part of the observer and he. And therefore know you make between the observer and be observed then you will fry. In. The conflict completely comes to an end. This is a real made you do you not go. And trick. Them ridden.
Pull your head again. That one understand won't. Be understand nor does the condition of the various temper got a. Characteristic tendency. Just do what with how they observe you. We are meeting now to observe. With the upset. And that is the act of learn. And through that stack that is the act. Now there is a.
Difficulty in there when he's observing one so when one has to learn about once. The more you discover the more you understand it the greater the freedom. I'm using the word more purpose for the moment. Well the role is a comparative evaluation. I want to understand myself learn about my you know observing my skill. Please do this as your as the speaker is going to eat. Do it accurately. Don't. Take it home and think about it. Do it now. Not this is not a group and a prayer and a confession all at
once. But what yourself as we are working together. I want to learn about life. My film is a living each desire contradicts the other that living move right now right. And I observe and through all that observation I learn. With what I have learned what I am going to look next minute right. You are one of them. I'm going to look observe with
the knowledge which I have gathered through previous observations. And my learning is there learning then because then I bend the mind observe with an accumulated knowledge of its examination from its examining that knowledge is preventing post-Sept. that knowledge to prevent. The freedom to look through the difficult. So can the mind up to zero with how to accumulate.
And the accumulation eases the uphill. The sense is that. Conditioned in today. Therefore to look without accumulating that is no. Someone like us you know there's a whole night you all a beautiful day all how very intelligent. How to put you off. Now can you listen to what you
see in that you are a stupid all very level headed there's all that can you live without an accumulator that deals with how. Accumulating the info. I deflect away. Because if you listen with accumulation then he becomes your ne may all your frame downfall. That glistening and I hope you will listen. Create the you me night and that you made September and that you make is the cause of what.
You make that you have about the communist and the bourgeois. Do you know you have about the Catholic. If you're at a party. And a Catholic as. The do you make about the part you made you have about your husband or your wife or your oil. You will believe I now know God does not believe. So that is contradictory. Still. Can you observe without separately. Can you observe their moment of violence
at the moment if you are angry with how this sentence so you could how how difficult it becomes with your not when I had that moment. If you are not aware at that moment you already created be in me. So do I. Hello. The beauty of the Light up to observe the lovely. In this country to observe the like during the war.
Yes to observe with naming because that the name means the knowledge the expedient prevents you from preventing them from observing totally. So when the mind can look. How the opposite fragments come to an end in oneself. And this is really. Very important do you understand.
And this cannot be told by another. It comes out of the observation of your watching all that. I mean. You know it's great fun if you don't condemn or justified but what you want is not only what is politically all that you can only of the politician what is a whole day a religious dogma and a superstition. Just what you are and outside of. Your mind that watches it become sex from her family a
sense of a life because it is not breeding. Then we can go into the question of what love is. What do I think. But with how the understanding of this. Fundamental. Inquired a exploration of remains unsolved.
Sunday Forum
J. Krishnamurti
Producing Organization
WGBH Educational Foundation
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Sunday Forum is a weekly show presenting recordings of public addresses on topics of public interest.
Part I
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Producing Organization: WGBH Educational Foundation
Production Unit: Radio
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Identifier: 73-0107-12-09-001 (WGBH Item ID)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:07:10
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Chicago: “Sunday Forum; J. Krishnamurti,” 1973-12-09, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed April 25, 2024,
MLA: “Sunday Forum; J. Krishnamurti.” 1973-12-09. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. April 25, 2024. <>.
APA: Sunday Forum; J. Krishnamurti. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from