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from deep inside your audio device of choice. Well, ladies and gentlemen, of course this is all pending the vote of the electoral college. We all await that with Bated Breast, I think. But pending that, it sure appears that in the popular vote, he's a jerk defeated she's a jerk. And in the electoral vote, she's a jerk defeated he's a jerk. So that discussion I guess goes on. Meanwhile, ladies and gentlemen, following the conclusion of the American presidential election, the world has as scheduled started spinning again. And so there are other things to talk about today as well. For example, this is your brain on the war on drugs. In August 2012, a veteran chemist with the Massachusetts state drug lab, Andy Dukin admitted to
contaminating samples and taking and faking test results during her eight and a half year career. Well, that just resulted in more than 20,000 drug convictions that might be flawed, involving defendants from eight different counties. People had been sent to jail. Some even deported. So Mexico wins. The state's prosecutors quickly assured then governor, Patrick, that fixing any miscarriages of justice must be the first priority. What has followed according to pro-publica, however, has been more than four years of legal combat prosecutors seeking at almost every turn to preserve as many convictions as possible. Prosecutors fought efforts to allow those jailed or imprisoned based on potentially suspect evidence to be freed depending a review of their cases. Prosecutors at one point argued they actually had no obligation to inform those convicted of their possible innocence. It took four years for prosecutors to even attempt to systematically notify the thousands of defendants that their convictions might have been one unfairly. And when they had last mailed a formal notice, it lacked
essential information about developments in the case was poorly translated to Spanish and did not clearly say who would send it. It came from sears, apparently. One prosecutor suggested many of the defendants might be too poor or caught up with metal illness and addiction to care about contesting convictions on their records. For those who didn't want to challenge, prosecutors argued they ought to be required to come forward individually and affirmatively to prove that Ducan had mishandled evidence in their specific case. Lawyers for some of the defendants have generally prevailed in a fight that's gone on since. It's now taken more than 50 months. Just 1700 or so defendants have sought or received relief from their convictions. Over the years, crime labs have been a regular source of scandal in Houston, St. Paul, Oklahoma, City in San Francisco, among others. The Ducan Fiasco is one of only one of two scandals in Massachusetts and other state chemists a couple years ago was found to have tampered with evidence. A 2016 report
from the state attorney general found she had tested drug samples while intoxicated herself over a period of about eight years. This is your brain on The War on Drugs. Hello, welcome to the show. I don't get drunk just a spider. I got my own reason to drink now. I think I'll call my dad up and invite him. I can sleep until noon any time I want, but there's not many days that I do. Gotta get up and take on that world. When you're an idol, it's no cliche, it's not the truth. I'm an idol now. I'm an idol now. I've got the problems of an idol. I
can't know my shoulders. I'm an idol now. Why don't we look at young girls anymore? People think I'm some kind of pervert. I don't sexy. They're boring or dirty. Young people then get away with murder. I don't write songs about girls anymore. I don't write songs about women. No more boy meets girl. Boy loses girl more like man tries to understand what the hell we're wrong. I'm an idol now. I'm an idol now. I've got the problems of an idol. I'm an idol now. I can't take any more illicit drugs. I can't afford any artificial drugs. I'm an idol now. I'm an idol now. I've got the problems of an idol. I can't
take any more illicit drugs. I can't afford any artificial drugs. I can't afford any artificial drugs. I can't afford any artificial drugs. I can't afford any artificial drugs. Sometimes my head hurts and sometimes my stomach hurts and I guess that it won't be long. I can't afford any artificial drugs. I can't afford any artificial drugs.
I can't afford any artificial drugs. So what do I do? I don't have to think I don't have No, he's black, can't hear anything, just guitar, screaming, screaming, screaming, some guy screaming a leather jacket Wow, I'm gonna don't know, I'm gonna don't know I got the problem from an adult, I ain't no much older than I'm gonna don't know Wow, I'm gonna don't know, yeah I'm gonna don't know I got the problem from an adult, I ain't no much older than I'm gonna don't know Wow, I'm gonna don't know, I'm gonna don't know Wow, I'm gonna don't know From the edge of America from the home of the homeless, I'm Harry Scherer welcoming you to this edition of the show
And now it is gentlemen, news of the Olympic movement Produced by Jim Erisal, Jr Tokyo Olympic organizers have agreed to hold some of the baseball and softball competition of the 2020 games In Fukushima, where the nuclear disaster occurred Take a whiff of this, ball players Well, a hot day in Fukushima and we don't mean the weather While the primary venue for baseball and softball is expected to be Yokohama Stadium Several cities in the food province are being considered for games in the preliminary rounds Holding Olympic events in the disaster-affected areas could send a powerful message of reconstruction Or it could scare the crap out of no, sorry
Fukushima governor Masao Uchi-Bori met with organizing committee president Yoshiro Mori this week They're gonna work together on it The idea, apparently, came from IOC president Thomas Bach when he met with the Japanese Prime Minister late last month Tokyo organizing committee spokeswoman Hikariko Ono said the IOC is gonna make the final decision on whether to go to Fukushima And next month, hopefully the reactors won't blow up before then Baseball and softball would drop from the Olympics after Beijing 2008 But there are among five sports added to the program for the Tokyo games Including swimming in a pool of radioactive iodine Deadline Los Angeles, an analysis of LA's bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics that was released this week founded hosting the event Won't bring long-term economic gains to Southern California It won't hurt that much either because the plan is to use existing venues The Colosseum again! It's third Olympics! It's getting used to it LA is competing with Budapest in Paris to host the Games in 2024
Mindful of the decreasing allure of the games from major cities because of the high risks and low rewards The California legislative analyst's office pointed to LA's decision to use those existing facilities The Colosseum, the Rose Bowl, and the new eventual LA Ram Stadium Well, that's already a billion down the toilet I mean, up the flu To reduce the chance of the kind of ballooning costs that have befallen other games and other cities The state has insulated the risk to Californians by passing a bill that caps financial support to Los Angeles At the level of only $250 million That's all the state can kick in to help the Olympics in LA And that wouldn't buy a lot of anything, would it? You gotta pay for the Olympics though It's a movement! And we all need one Every day! And now we turn to the world of micro-plastics, which is increasingly our world
Researchers have shown that plastic marine debris I'm gonna call it PMD, nobody else does It emits a chemical lure for seabirds Which may be the reason that they frequently end up eating that kind of waste They're not stupid, they may be seabirds, but they're not stupid A report published by the United Nations Environment Program This past May drew attention to the risks posed by micro-plastic pollutants in the world's oceans Yeah, they contributed something to bulk The report noted one study which suggested there are more than five trillion pieces of plastic currently floating just on the sea surface That's about 63,000 particles for every square kilometer Now just ask your mom what a kilometer is and then come back to me Now a team of scientists from the University of California found that micro-plastic debris releases dimethyl sulfide Which I'm gonna call DMS, which they do
Which triggers an olfactory response in seabirds who are searching for food Isn't that clever? DMS is normally produced by the breakdown of chemicals present in marine plant life and is produced in larger quantities during zooplankton grazing For this reason many seabirds have evolved to use DMS as a foraging clue The jokes on them The research team showed that microbes accumulate on pieces of micro-plastic debris within weeks of being at sea This gives the plastic a DMS signature that lures seabirds Species of bird that are known to respond to DMS signals are consuming plastic five times as frequently as the birds That don't respond to dimethyl sulfide So birds, come on, evolve quickly now Times are wasting use of micro-plastics later in the gentleman They're taking over Now news of the godly It's now, let's see, the United States, Germany, Australia, Ireland, Britain, and Guam Guam's Catholic Church leadership is known for decades about clergy sex abuses that happened there as early as the 1950s
This is according to a retired priest who issued a signed statement beginning of this month It was released in connection with lawsuits filed by several former altar boys who alleged sexual abuse at the hands of Guam priests many years ago He, the priest who signed the statement, retired priest Louis Breard, now 95 and living in Minnesota He go there for the weather, I guess, when you're... He said his only form of punishment for molesting at least 20 boys at the time was to say prayers that was instructed to him by the then archbishop Apollonaris W. Baumgartner No, it's not a Mark's brother's name Apollonaris W. Baumgartner was the archbishop of Guam The retired priest Breard said his sexual contact with children when he was on Guam was known to other priests including Baumgartner The highest Catholic leader on the island from 1945 to 1970 Breard said Baumgartner approached him to talk about the, quote, situation
I was told to try to do better and say prayers as a penance He says in his statement, I believe the Catholic Church would be honest and truthful regarding what happened on Guam during my time there He made the video and his residence and signed the written statement dated October 3 in support of a former altar boy's lawsuit against him Minnesota can do that to people The multimillion dollar estate of a former bishop who is blamed for allowing pedophile priests to operate in Victoria state in Australia will be used to help victims of abuse Former bishop Ronald Mulkern who died in April left a million and a half dollars to be used by the current Roman Catholic bishop of Ballarat for the benefit of the diocese that is absolute discretion The bishop said the funds will go to help victims I have no idea how a former bishop dies with a one and a half million dollar estate The former Catholic bishop of another part of Australia beat Heather is told the royal commission that's going on looking endlessly into the clergy sex abuse down under I mean in Australia
He is told a royal commission he's destroyed documents relating to potential legal action against the pedophile priest Bishop Heather told the public inquiry he destroyed the documents because he was traumatized by a police search of his office as part of an earlier investigation into a sexual abuse by clergy These are sensitive people ladies and gentlemen The Catholic Church took two years to defrock a new South Wales pedophile priest John Joseph Farrell after a report found he posed a rick to children according to that commission The church received a damning report in 2003 by a church-based organization that identified Farrell's pattern of behavior as being long term and that he was accountable to no one When questioned why the church didn't act immediately on the report the bishop said the process at time was arduous In those days you couldn't get a layacization of defrocking done without cooperation and knowledge of the person Farrell was defrocked in 2005
I guess he agreed I guess he liked being defrocked you can get into it And the Ramsey County Minnesota Attorney's Office released the final mountain of documents from its criminal investigation into the Archdiocese of St. Paul Minneapolis Earlier this year providing new details of allegations of sexual advances by former Archbishop John Neen Stott and the church's mishandling of convicted sex offender Curtis Weymire Neen Stott's interactions with seminarians drew concern from young men and clergy leaders more recently than had been revealed before including during his seven-year tenure in St. Paul ending in 2005 That's in addition to the previously reported allegations of sexual improprietities with adult men made by former colleagues in the Detroit area way back in the 1970s News of the godly ladies and gentlemen it's the gift that keeps on giving and taking and that leads almost thematically to the apologies of the week Former Saturday night I can't even say the name of the show Saturday night live star Taren Killiam Killam Killam I hardly ate him
Learned the hard way the election day was not the time to insult Americans adult living cities or suburbs as a result for the election we're coming in Killam took to Twitter to express a simple idea rural equals so stupid reactions to the remark came quickly I was replying we're not pleased he tried to clear things up with another tweet quote sorry sorry sorry certainly a flip and comment made in Chest allow me to be sincerely clear vote for Trump equals I think you're stupid that remark only seemed to anger Twitter users more than on Wednesday morning Killam Offered a sincere apology quote in the light of day I'm a barrist for making thoughtless and mean statements I was wrong I'm sorry Unquote former Saturday live star by the way is a series of apologies from people who said or did nasty things to Trump supporters or to Trump opponents in the Wake of the election we're just going to consider those spread as submitted the top Beaufort County South Carolina election official apologized Wednesday for voting lines extending two hours or more
At some locations he cited oh sorry she cited limited resources as the main problem the only thing we can do is apologize we had to move some voting locations and it directly affected voters we don't want There to be two hour weights that's the elections director of Beaufort County South Carolina Marie Smalls no relation to our weights were common at the Lord of Life Lutheran Church Tom the Lord of life Lutheran Church. Yeah in Bluffton as well as a Christ Lutheran Church on Hellenhead Island one voter set She waited for more than two hours to cast her voted Tom Lord of life Lutheran in a line that wrapped out the door on the sidewalks The Smalls the election director said long lines in some places resulted mainly because of high voter turnout Coupled with a limited number of poll workers seven precincts that typically vote at a
Genesium removed into a smaller venue at the church Jim was under renovation was expected to be open in time for the election but Hurricane Matthew delayed its completion Dataline Chongqing if Japan's former Prime Minister Yukio Haruyama apologized for his country's bombardment of Southwest China's Chongqing during World War II At the 2016 China International Friendship Cities conference this week Haruyama made the apology at the opening of the conference Chongqing was the wartime capital of the nationalist government In his speech Haruyama criticized the current Prime Minister of Japan for inflating the China threat noting that such remarks will bring attention to the reason Region they'd like Nairobi Kenya an American drone strike thought to have struck Islamist militants in Somalia actually killed ten members of a regional force allied with the United States That's according to results of a Pentagon investigation that have not yet been made public except that they were published in the Washington Post Shortly after the strike on the forces the US after command investigation found the drone strike had inadvertently killed forces alike
But the US had nevertheless ruled the action was legitimate the strike was clearly lawful the US military official said But then the US ambassador to Somalia newly appointed met with the president of the group whose forces were killed They said the ambassador apologized for this strike the State Department would not confirm the apology You know it's embarrassing An international vendor of sunglasses is apologized after it published a Twitter message that mocked Mexicans following Trump's election win on Tuesday Hawkers co-founder David Moreno admitted the tweet was a serious error and an unfortunate joke so it was jocular and serious Mexicans to the original tweet put on these sunglasses and no one can see your crying eyes tomorrow when they build the wall Now the first fall out came when the a Mexican formula when race driver Sergio Perez announced he was dumping Hawkers as a sponsor Territory the patch right off his uniform that relationship just began weeks ago the company's Perez edition sunglasses just went on sale
I'll never let anyone make fun of my country Perez said the successful Mexican baseball team Diablo's Rojo's the Red Devils For those of you who don't also react announcing it would no longer sell Hawkers products Moreno made his ultimate apology in a video In which he said the company's tweet was not representative of Hawkers and its way of thinking we are totally against any manifestation of hate any expression of racism He said the company was tremendously respectful of the Mexican people please buy our no he didn't say that A reporter at Houston television station apologized this week after making a Facebook post expressing joy at the outcome of the election and criticizing the Obama administration scarlet far car A reporter at Fox affiliate KRIV and Dallas posted quote I could barely sleep from how happy and relieved I was I prayed for the best leader that will turn this country that has become more valid and racist under the Obama administration than ever into the America I once knew she wrote in a post she has since deleted from her personal Facebook page
She continued saying President Obama had made the entire country hate one another in another Facebook post Fahar apologized for publicizing her opinion I need to profusely apologize for making public my personal views on the outcome of the election and other issues It was wholly inappropriate as a journalist to do that unquote parenthetically I was informed by a very reliable source that the production meeting at a cable television news program Wednesday morning began with the executive producer saying to the assembled staff I know we're all in grief right now it's from New York that happened I think I know we're all in grief right now Rapper Azalea Banks has congratulated Trump saying she's proud of him I would like to apologize to him for all the stupid jokes I made I was kidding Secondly I would like to apologize for all the other times I was dumb enough to let the liberal media sway my opinion of you
This comment made after she had apologized for endorsing Trump last month I made a major mistake endorsing Tupi Tupi I take it all back so she took back the taking back And finally on the subject on Wednesday morning Hillary Clinton took to the stage in New York to concede the presidency to Donald Trump But first she apologized to her supporters I'm sorry she said this is not the outcome we wanted and we worked so hard for I'm sorry that we did not win this election apologies of the weak ladies gentlemen leading directly to another edition of Clinton something next here on the show Clinton something the candidacy years so excuse me so how was the staff meeting oh just like the hundreds of other staff meetings over the last two years
about a crying and weeping some gentle moaning you know nothing out of the ordinary Well and fairness it is a little early for anything besides grief No I don't know I've already been able to pick myself up enough to move right along to deep hurt and incensate anger You're not angry at me I can't paint like a wounded bear I'm not angry at you Yet if I I bill this isn't about you I'm angry at Jim Colmy Well yeah I can understand I know how you had your battles with Louis free no battles he just had his agents blood test me during a state dinner That was fun and I know that Jadker Hoover practically ran this country for decades it's just that it's just that you're angry it happened to you I understand tuts this was a big one in case you missed it Bell this was my second big one drew enough I guess in a way I I made history after all
Well William Jennings Brown lost three times but to be fair he wasn't a woman you know it's times like this that I I wish I wish whom it was still working for me how she holding up she's broken through to angry too I bet they go ahead but that divorce only thing Anthony Wiener's gonna have left is his rubber jockey shorts I'm a list of the many things I'm going to try to forget now that image is in the top 20 Hey listen I'm not going to say that it doesn't suck not being present Nothing sure is a gallup like a triple negative in the morning what are you saying help me out here Simply that what you're experiencing might just be an amazing trade off yeah you're giving up power you're getting freedom You're right honey the freedom so many brave Americans fought and died for the freedom to sit at home all day after day and do absolutely nothing in front of nobody
Or alternatively the freedom to go out and get the biggest friggin book deals since Bill O'Reilly ran out of assassinations oh yeah everybody's going to want to read the inside story of how I lost an election to a sexist buffoon I'd sell more books writing about how our bus blew a flat on the way to scranton then put that into like bait leaks are starting already I can't get the number of stories coming out Blamin Robby Blamin John Blamin Huma Blaming me well there are poor losers in any campaign organization I'm just saying the political junkies eat this stuff up and everybody else wants to say they bought it just as a way of being part of history You didn't quite make You know I know who's feeling free today The big dog can get back up off the porch the foundation stays in business or non-business Yes it continues its wonderful life saving work on you still to get to go to Davos Rome and Jakarta and not just a funeral
It's too trivial for me to attend I'll admit first first gentleman was going to be kind of tight fit and suit of clothes And whoever in your staff sent me the dolly Madison biography deserves to be weeping today but look it In this new scenario on I can keep Chelsea and the old timers at the foundation away from each other's throats That's some wonderful life saving work right there There may not be any more million dollar birthday checks from Qatar in your future Hey listen Tony Blair tells me he's the most low ban in England and he still attracts some mighty sizable donations from Autocrats who want nothing more than to do some good in the world Okay good for you good for Chelsea good for Haiti I guess that just leaves Do I have to remind you who went on 60 minutes and said you weren't going to stay home and bake cookies Do I have to remind you who went on Arkansas TV and waxed lyrical about guns Come on you're strong you're resilient
Even Donald Trump said so I know give it a good few months you know about the length of time it took Al Gore to grow out his beard And then you're back on the field sadder but stronger Back on the field doing what exactly? Maybe taking over John's think tank It's been doing too much tacking and not enough thinking you could fix that Or you do a speaking tour with Bernie Sanders Kind of a tim Larry G Gordon lady thing Well you know hashing out the future of the world's oldest political party Draw big crowds you belly part of the bad guy or gal you know what the rest of us call the heel There'd be some booing and some anger Be on the local news at every stop on the tour Wow You've just sketched out a very vivid and believable portrait of exactly how I don't want to spend my time next year What do you want to do work with children?
Not precisely I don't know maybe I could Maybe I could go in and clean up the red cross Be on the other side of a scandal for a change I wouldn't be their first woman president though Maybe not I will say this Bill Yeah Talking about my future this way is taking my mind a bit off the profound sense of loss I was feeling Leaving me just sort of depressed Hmm Hun? Uh-huh You're welcome You've flanked and middle-aged loss of power Together they add up to Clinton something, the candidacy years I can't stay
I just want to live and go to jail I don't even have time I change my mind I can't stay But I have to go And the management is up to date I love you so much I love you so much I love you so much I love you so much I love you so much I love you so much I love you so much I have to go And the management is up to date I can't stay I just want to live I can't stay But I have to go And the management is up to date I love you so much I love you so much
I love you so much I love you so much I love you so much I love you so much I love you so much I love you so much I love you so much I can't stay I just want to live I can't stay But I have to go And the management is up to date I love you so much I love you so much I love you so much I love you so much I love you so much I love you so much I love you so much
From Southern California this is Lesho and now it is in gentlemen News of our friend, the Adam Clean, save To achieve to meet Save, save To achieve to meet Save, save To save to meet Save, save To save to meet And the Adam is moving to a foreign country in the wake of the news So I'll handle this alone this week The Vietnamese government plans to cancel be a clear power station project in the Southern part of the country partly due to safety concerns following the Fouc nuclear accident That move would deal a blow to Japan apparently according to local media in Vietnam the country's parliament was beginning discussions on the same day The planned cancellation of the project was announced Vietnamese government is experiencing financial difficulties
That's another reason for the withdrawal ago the Vietnamese parliament approved a project to construct Southeast Asia's first nuclear power plants designed to meet rapidly increasing electricity demand in Vietnam. They got a lot of neon signs there now. I can tell you the Chanel stores all lit up in Saigon. The government awarded orders to Russia and Japan constructing one plant each in the province of Ninh Tuan to react to each of those plants. Tokyo regarded this as a landmark deal in Japan's infrastructure export drives of the cancellation of the Vietnamese project as a serious setback for the growth strategy of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Vietnam began to take a stance of strictly scrutinizing the safety of nuclear plants in the wake of Fouque, the Fouque Wake. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will discuss PG&E's failure to adequately maintain the emergency core cooling system at the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant next week.
During a scheduled test in May, workers discovered a maintenance problem had rendered one of the emergency core cooling systems in operative for an extended period of time, beginning a couple of years ago, a second emergency core cooling system was available had it been needed. But you know, it would only be needed in an emergency. Pro-Nuclear Propaganda signs that became the ironic symbol of the town evacuated in the Fouque Nuclear Disaster have been moved to a museum's storage ahead of their possible public display as a warning from history. The Fouque Museum in Aizuokamatsu in the Fouque Prefecture took over care of the signs last month on behalf of the town government of Futaba, which co-hosts the crippled Fouque Nuclear Plant. The plant has co-hosts like live with Kelly, the most well-known of the banners which
residents campaigned to save, reads nuclear power is the energy of a bright future. That's museum stuff now, ladies and gentlemen. Deepening setbacks to France's nuclear reactors have shaken confidence in Europe's wholesale electricity markets since traders push winter prices to new highs, anticipation of fresh outages. The month long rally intensified after French nuclear safety watchdog ASN warned its sprawling probe into forged quality control reports on reactor parts would turn up more irregularities. Swiss chris is right next door. Taxpayers will pick up the bill should the cost of storing radioactive waste produced by Britain's nuclear power station rise unexpectedly. That's according to confidential documents which the British government has battled to keep secret for more than a year.
The Guardian got a hold on. The papers confirmed the steps the UK government took to assure the French energy firm EDF and Chinese investors behind the hinkley point plant that the amount they would have to pay for waste storage would be capped. Much like the liabilities for any untoward events, those are always capped, couldn't build a nuclear plant without capping your liabilities. The Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy resisted repeated requests on the Freedom of Information Act requests for the release of the documents which were submitted to the European Commission. The government is attempted to keep the cost of the taxpayer of hinkley under wraps from the start, according to a green piece spokesman. The document explained that there will be a capped on the liability of the operator of the nuclear power station, there you go, that would apply in a worst-case scenario. Separate documents confirmed the cap also applies should the cost of decommissioning the
reactor at the end of its life. Balloon, I like life balloons, they're colorful, clean, cheap, safe, to balloony, our friend in the ARM. Within the heart of me, all too soon my secret became impatience to be free. And my secrets no secrets anymore. For the first time since the CIA launched its post-911 war on terror torture program. The agency is officially unmasked. The two Air Force psychologists credited as the program's architects. This, according to Vice News, just to Bruce Jessen and Dr. James Mitchell were identified by name in an April 27, 2005 CIA Inspector General report.
That's the one that probed the circumstances surrounding the death of a 34-year-old Afghan militant in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by Vice. The militant Gul Rahman was rendered from Pakistan in October 2002, detained at a secret black site prison in Afghanistan at the Bagram Air Force base known as the Salt Pit. There he froze to death after undergoing a harsh torture regime. Mitchell and Jessen have been known for years as the architects of the program, but the CIA never officially confirmed their role until now. This is in fact the first time the CIA disclosed the names of anyone who played roles in the interrogation of detainees held captive by the agencies for years. The CIA argued that identifying any of the officers or contractors could lead Al Qaeda to target them in their families. Mitchell told Vice News a couple years ago he'd received dozens of death threats.
The agency didn't respond to requests for comment about why it decided to reveal their identities and declassify additional details about Rahman's death. The ACLU is suing both psychologists in federal court alleging human experimentation and torture are Rahman's family members are among the plaintiffs. It's likely the two men's names Mitchell and Jessen were disclosed as a result of that court case. In any case the CIA apparently no longer feels it's too dangerous to declassify Mitchell and Jessen's affiliation with the agency. The new details reveal far more brutality than had been previously disclosed as the CIA unredacted a slew of details kept secret for more than a decade about the torture program and Rahman's death. Just four months after the death of Rahman the individual in charge of the detention site where Rahman died was recommended for a cash award for his consistently superior work,
said a former Senate Intelligence Committee staffer who led the investigation into the CIA torture program. The same individual was allowed to skip formal interrogation training sessions because of his experience at the detention site. The CIA did not officially reveal the name of that officer. One of the most noteworthy and previously unreported revelations in the new version is that Mitchell was present at the black site and participated in one of Jessen's interrogation sessions of Rahman. Mitchell reported that at the time that he observed Rahman being interrogated he had scratches he did the detainee on his face bruises on his ankles and his wrists were black and blue. He requested a physician's assistant examine Rahman's hands according to Mitchell. But the physician's assistant subsequently told the inspector general sorry that no one had ever requested that he examine Rahman's hands.
Physicians were not on hand at the black site only assistance and the physician's assistant Mitchell asked to tend to Rahman was ultimately criticized by the inspector general for not providing the detainee with the same medical care medical care that was provided to other detainees. Jessen is named in the report 58 times Mitchell about nine times and about four years after Rahman's death they were awarded a sole source multi-million dollar contract to manage the entirety of the so-called enhanced interrogation program. I think the total originally was reported up to 60 million although there were some deductions later on because some people didn't die apparently. Mitchell and Jessen had no experience in interrogation when they were hired on as contractors by the CIA this was all revealed in Jane Mayer's book The Dark Side. You may have heard my interview with her a few years ago it's still available on the website.
What Mitchell and Jessen did was to review the SER program which was designed in the 1950s to help American troops who might be captured by the Chinese Communists in the Korean War to withstand the torture they were expecting the Chinese to inflict on the Americans. Mitchell and Jessen reverse engineered that program to come up with the list of enhanced interrogation techniques and now their names are public for all to know. Mitchell and Jessen signed up to teach a lesson to the CIA. Mitchell and Jessen producing confessing they could do it all day.
A pair of shrinks for hire they did nothing but aspire to make millions off of torches. Never did it before but they had right up on the floor. But you get better when you do more of the churn. Mitchell and Jessen making learned helplessness in the winding way to the truth. Mitchell and Jessen for the troops it got depressing guarding the cough and the peace.
Just a pair of shrinks at large helping to lead the charge to take the handcuffs off of torture. Now we know each one's name they can dig their fame either in jail or I'm their portraiture. Mitchell and Jessen the pain doesn't lessen for the customers of their ways. Mitchell and Jessen no salad all dressing but after all no one cares no one cares. Now ladies and gentlemen news from outside the bubble.
Whoa the Ministry of Defense in Great Britain has been accused of seriously misleading a cabinet minister in a desperate effort to get export licenses for British made missiles. So the Saudi Arabia can use those missiles in its controversial bombing campaign in Yemen you know where the war crimes happen. The former business secretary Vince Cable has told the Guardian he was given specific assurances by the Ministry of Defense about oversight of potential targets. He deemed that an essential safeguard to minimize the risk of civilian casualties in the increasingly bloody conflict. But O'Connor he says he was told the UK would enhance its oversight to the level given by the Saudis to the United States. It includes involvement in decisions about what was being bombed. That was the basis he says that he agreed to sign licenses for a consignment of laser guided pave way for missiles. He had blocked them previously amid concerns about civilian deaths. But the Ministry of Defense has told the newspaper it has no military personnel in the targeting chain and is denied ever offering such assurances to the minister Cable who says that is categorically contrary to what I was told was going to happen.
If what they are saying is I was not offered oversight on an equivalent level to the Americans and that this would involve oversight of targeting. Then I was seriously misled that is total fabrication because that was very specifically stated. That is not something I would have made up on quote. A second source involved the discussions has corroborated Cable's account. Quote he was told we would have oversight of targeting. He wouldn't have agreed to the licenses without it. Saudi Arabia has spearheaded the bombing or bomb headed the spearing in Yemen raising concerns that UK weapons may have been used in airstrikes that resulted in civilian casualties. Why then would this happen? The Ministry of Defense was desperate to get the licenses signed, said one source. The Saudis were putting enormous pressure on the government. This hold up was extremely embarrassing.
They had already told the Saudis this stuff is coming and then it got held up. And they couldn't explain to the Saudis what was going on. Another source added the Saudis are extremely important to us both as a customer but also with strategic terms in the region. The bottom line is if we don't sell these arms to them, someone else will. That's reason enough to do anything I guess. Amnesty International has condemned Australia's offshore detention regime on the island of Naaru about which there was reporting in the Guardian earlier this year. As an open air prison and akin to torture, where refugees and asylum seekers are attacked with impunity, health care is inadequate or non-existent and suicide attempts including among children, think of the children, are common. Amnesty researchers visited the island in July. Its new report of conditions has catalogued a series of interviews with 58 asylum seekers and refugees, as well as Naaru and locals and Australian staff who work at the site. The Australian government had been very clear including public statements about the purpose of this system which is to deter people from seeking asylum in Australia.
Says Amnesty's senior director for research. What we see in Naaru essentially amounts to torture a system set up to cause deliberate harm to people. The visit found a seven month pregnant Iranian refugee attempting to hang herself telling her husband, I am homeless, I can't bring another person into this world. The woman who's rescued and the baby was born but she has made several more attempts to kill herself and does not breastfeed or engage with the baby. Suicide attempts by children were commonplace including a 13 year old boy who attempted to kill himself multiple times with a knife with gasoline and by drowning himself in the ocean. Staff on the island reporting people are discharged from hospital even when they are still sick, sometimes half conscious. Once a patient still had needles in the hands. Don't ask me about acupuncture then ladies and gentlemen. What we are seeing in the Australian government going to extraordinary lengths to hide the daily despair of the people in Naaru in doing so they have misled the Australian public in the world by failing to admit their border control policy depends on the deliberate
and systematic abuse of thousands of people according to Amnesty International. News from outside the bubble ladies and gentlemen, that is a copyrighted feature of this broadcast. And finally, from inspectors general, the special inspector general on Afghanistan reconstruction has a new report. The US has now spent some 868 million dollars to rebuild the education system in Afghanistan that system suffered from neglect under the Taliban and then from destruction and general chaos in the wake of the US invasion way back in 2001. Part of the money was used to fund their construction or rebuilding of schools. However, a inspector general review of 25 such schools in one province found the attendance level at the schools are often dramatically lower than what administrators are reporting and staffing levels frequently appear lower as well. There may be problems with student and teacher absenteeism at many of the schools we visited that warned further investigation by the Afghan government said the inspector general.
We also observed that several schools we visited lack basic needs including electricity and clean water and have structural deficiencies affecting the delivery of education. Like, where didn't the roof used to be above us? Use of inspectors general ladies and gentlemen, on America's longest war, it's all a copyrighted feature of this broadcast. Just one item of news of the warm global climate change has already impacted every aspect of life on earth from genes to entire ecosystems.
That's according to a new study out of the University of Florida published in the journal Science Science. We now have evidence that with only a one degree Celsius of warming globally major impacts are already being felt in natural systems as the lead author of the study. Genes are changing species physiology and physical features such as body size are changing. Does this climate change make me look thin? Species are shifting their ranges and their fridges and we see clear signs of entire ecosystem under stress all in response to changes in climate on land and in the ocean. A team of researchers from 10 countries spread across the road a globe collaborated in this study.
More than 80% of ecological processes that form the foundation for healthy marine freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems already show signs of responses to climate change. Some people didn't expect this level of change for decades said the co-author of the study. No ecosystem on earth is being spared. Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes this week's edition of the show. The program returns next week at the same time over the same stations over NPR worldwide throughout Europe, the US and 440 cables such in Japan around the world through the facilities of the American forces network up and down the east coast of North America. By the shortwave giant WBCQ the planet 7.490 megahertz shortwave on the mighty 104 in Berlin on the equally mighty Soho Radio in London. Around the world via the internet, the two different locations live and archived whenever you want at and available for your smartphone through and available as a free podcast. Besides your network soundcloud,, iTunes and And it'd be just like having a system even more obstruist than the Electoral College if you'd agree to join with me.
Would you already thank you very much, huh? A tip of the list show, shout-out to the San Diego Pittsburgh Chicago, Nex Island, Hawaii desk, thanks as always to Pam Haustead and Jenny Lawson at WWW and own New Orleans for help with today's program. The email address for this program, playlist with the music heard on this program and your chance to buy cars I talk t-shirts featuring the stars of the incredibly popular series. That's all on view for you at and me, I'm on Twitter at the harryshare.
The show comes to you from Century of Progress Productions and originates through the facilities of WWW and own New Orleans. That's the flagship station for the Change Is Easy Radio Network. So long from the home of the homeless.
Le Show
Producing Organization
Century of Progress Productions
Contributing Organization
Century of Progress Productions (Santa Monica, California)
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Segment Description
00:00 | Open/ Presidential election | 00:54 | This is Your Brain on the War on Drugs : Wonky testing in MA | 03:24 | 'I'm An Adult Now' by Pursuit of Happiness | 07:55 | News of the Olympic Movement : Baseball at Fuk? | 11:00 | News of Microplastics : Seabirds like 'em | 12:53 | News of the Godly : Guam edition | 17:25 | The Apologies of the Week : Azaealia Banks, Hillary Clinton | 24:39 | Clintonsomething : Is it O-V-A-H? | 31:39 | 'Mas Não Dá' by Sônia Rosa | 34:05 | News of the Atom : Not in 'Nam? | 39:25 | News of Secrets : CIA makes public the names of the designers of 'enhanced interrogation' | 45:00 | 'Mitchell & Jessen' by Harry Shearer | 47:38 | News from Outside the Bubble : UK minister lied to about Saudis | 53:40 | 'Driftin'' by Stanton Moore /News of the Warm /Close |
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Host: Shearer, Harry
Producing Organization: Century of Progress Productions
Writer: Shearer, Harry
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Century of Progress Productions
Identifier: cpb-aacip-5c619dcbdcc (Filename)
Format: Zip drive
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Chicago: “Le Show; 2016-11-13,” 2016-11-13, Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 7, 2024,
MLA: “Le Show; 2016-11-13.” 2016-11-13. Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 7, 2024. <>.
APA: Le Show; 2016-11-13. Boston, MA: Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from