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From deep inside your audio device of choice. Once again, ladies and gentlemen, it's that time of year, which means it's a particular time of year, which means it's the time of year right before the big holiday in the Christian part of the world. I know there's another part of the world. Interesting, isn't it? There are probably several others. Anyway, it's a Christmas Eve as this program is being broadcast or podcast received. You tell me when you're hearing it, but no, don't really. Let that be your little secret. But it's a program basically devoted to that time of year. So with that as both a warning and an invitation, hello. Welcome to this special Christmas Eve edition of Hello. Welcome to the show. And he thought the city was the new North Pole. And he drank hurricanes instead of hot apple cider.
Then they would have those out of Louisiana, Santa. Run and do the never-dustin' t-shirt on all the way to the end of Santa. If he wasn't long, beat him, slang him, loose. And he could be the take, but he got them shoes. So he got his heads in life. If he had himself a place down in the desert and knew all his stories, life was from a snowball stand, I would have to say that's a real good indicator. That what we have is the Louisiana Santa. Run and do the never-dustin' t-shirt on all the way to the end of Santa.
Well, the last of them I can do again, I'm down and I can fall through dawn. If he caught a miss by the name of me and was getting out of the doors, I came with you in pink. I wouldn't have to worry about what would he bring me. And instead of all the shout out of ho-ho-ho, he was riding around screaming that something don't know. That's the kind of guy I want to see coming down my chin, yeah.
And maybe we'd have this all the way to the end of Santa. Run through the never-dustin' t-shirt on all the way to the end of Santa. Well, the last of them I can do again, I'm down and I can fall through dawn. If he caught a miss by the name of me and was getting out of the doors, I came with you in pink. And instead of all the shout out of ho-ho-ho, he was riding around and I can fall through dawn. I get the holiday fever now, every time you walk by my house.
Yeah, if I'm in a lower cold from this turnin' the weather. If Santa asked me for what I wish, I'd want to you and say it less, yeah. I'd been a real good boy, do you think we could get together? Got to get you under my tree, not by the light that loves to come out and be swaying with me. Got to get you under my tree, I'm under my tree. Now you can tell I've been lying to you, and I can see you been lying to you.
And let's celebrate, that you're tired of getting and giving. There will spike, the egg not done. There's a season right here on, gonna raise a glass and toast to loving and living. Got to get you under my tree, got to get you under my tree, not by the light that loves to come out and be swaying with me. I could only adopt the giant rock, you have been mine. There's a season right here on, gonna raise a glass and toast to loving and living.
Got to get you under my tree, got to get you under my tree, not by the light that loves to come out and be swaying with me. Got to get you under my tree, come out and swaying with me, got to get you under my tree, not by the light that loves to come out and be swaying with me. There's a season right here on, gonna raise a glass and toast to loving and living. Got to get my sleigh, make a phone car ride, runnin' green lights, playin' on the underside.
Midnight is the finest man on the sea, and everybody won't see me comin' up, gunna out on the street, gonna pick my sleigh with big chrome red. The hub kept spills, fins on the tail, I know it's not much to look at now, but when I paint and runnin' and then rain, you pound. Gonna pick my sleigh, I'm gonna make it fly, runnin' boards, covering and all the eye. It'll jump out and down, sideways back and forth, gonna be so cold and know it came from where I'm off. Hey, trick down, pumped up my rainbow Christmas Eve, Santa can't be cruisin' in no whack but jeep, ridein' low, sittin' back in un-ducks. Big jeep, Santa, no take no shot, no, no, no.
Hey, trick down, pumped up my rainbow Christmas Eve, Santa can't be cruisin' in no whack but jeep. Gonna pick my sleigh, I'm gonna make it fly, runnin' and then rain, you pound. Gonna pick my sleigh, I'm gonna make it fly, runnin' and then rain, you pound. Gonna pick my sleigh, I'm gonna make it fly, runnin' and then rain, you pound.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Don't know these so proud, jumping up and down, and my Christmas Eve, I'm gonna ride on it, just gotta ride on it. I'm gonna ride on it, just gotta ride on it, just gotta ride on it. From New Orleans, Louisiana, in place, in case you haven't guessed, from the music, heard so far. I'm Harry Scherer, welcome you to this edition of the show, more Christmas stuff, momentarily, but first, just a moment from the real world. That's right, news of the Olympic movement. It's the real world. Produced by Jim Emerson Jr. Who hasn't been made to resign yet?
That's interesting, because he doesn't exist. South Korean officials have ruled out turning a state-of-the-art Olympic skating arena into a giant seafood freezer. Other than that, much, but not much is certain about the country's post-winter games plans for the expensive venues they have now built. Officials are preparing for the games in and around the small mountain town of Pyong Chang, coming just after the first of the year, but there are lingering worries over the huge financial burdens, really, facing one of the nation's poorest regions, this is in South Korea. Not North Korea, it's all a poor region. Local officials hope the games will provide a badly-needed economic boost. Of course, they do. By marking the area as a world-class tourist destination, but past experience, according to the Associated Press, shows that hosts who justify their Olympics with expectations of financial windfalls were often left deeply disappointed when the fanfare ended. Well, here's the solution to that. Keep the fanfare going. John Williams?
You can do it. This isn't lost on Gangwon Province, which governs Pyong Chang, and nearby Gangnoong. A seaside city that will host Olympic skating and hockey events. Officials there are trying hard to persuade the national government to pay to maintain new stadiums that will have little use once the athletes leave, but the government in Seoul is bulking at the idea so far. You know, because it would cost money, the Olympics would begin February 9th with cost South Korea about 12.9 billion, much more than the eight to nine. Sorry, much more than the 78 billion in the country projected as the overall cost when the city won the bid way back in 2011. That never happens. Worries over costs have cast a shadow over the games among residents, long frustrated with what they say were decades of neglect in a region that doesn't have much going on other than domestic tourism and fishing. What good will a nicely managed global event really do for residents where we're struggling so much to make ends meet, said a local restaurant owner. What will the games leave, he asks?
Maybe only debt. Strike them, maybe sir. The atmosphere was different when the 1988 Seoul Summer Games essentially shaped that capital into the modern metropolis that it is today. In a country that cares now much less about the recognition that large sporting events bring, it will potentially be remembered more for things dismantled and built the picturesque Olympic stadium, a pentagonal 35,000-seat arena that sits in the county of 40,000 will only be used for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics and Paralympics before workers tear it down. A scenic downhill course nearby will also be demolished after the games to restore the area to its natural state. Fears criticism by environmentalists over the venue being built on a pristine forest sacred to local's cost-construction delays that nearly forced test events to be postponed. Gangwon officials want the national government to share costs for rebuilding the forest as much as 95 million. Despite more than a decade of planning, Gangwon remains unsure to do
with the local Olympic facilities. It will keep winter. Sports facilities are often harder maintained than summer ones because the higher costs for maintaining ice and snow and the usually smaller number of people, they attract. Yeah, but it's a movement. It's the Olympics. It's a movement. And even at Christmas time, we all need one... Every day! Well, it's Christmas time, is it's come again? And my heart will break as it must again. Seeing all those faces from away back when so tonight I'll say,
silent night for you. I could run, I could hide away but what am I going to do? And this is the chance to leave it all again. Christmas Eve and my stomach churning waking up to my Christmas stocking down the stairs and my family waiting there for me. So I'll dress the tree and I'll light the bow because it makes me feel like you're with me now. And the smile will soften this heavy brow and the dark while I sing, silent night for you. And I could run, I could hide away
but what am I going to do? And this is the chance to see all again. A turkey leg hanging off my plate. Christmas cake and the world was so safe. Miss you cards from our aunties too. Made us love, how they made us feel blue. Everyone and their rightful place is there with me. Now it's Christmas time. Yes, it's come again. And my heart will break as it must again. But before I raise a glass with friends well. I'll sing silent night for you. I'll sing silent night for you. And I could hide away
but what am I going to do? And I could hide away but what am I going to do? And I could hide away but what am I going to do? Run, run, run, 1800 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 005 004 003 004 004 004 005 003 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 005 004 004 005 004 004 004 004 005 004 004 005 004 004 005 004 004 004 005 004 004 005 004 004 004 005 004 004 004 002 004 004 004 005 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 005 004 005 004 004 004 I wanna beg you, darling, I can cry, see what you eat in the wind I'm willing to root off, whizzin' like a saver jet So send her to a boy child, why is he so long in the form?
All I want for Christmas is a rock and roll, wrecking the top I'm willing to root off, whizzin' like a shooting star Yeah, run, run, root off, Santa's gotta make it to town Santa's gotta make it to town, why is he so long in the form? All I want for Christmas is a rock and roll, wrecking the top I'm willing to root off, whizzin' like a saver jet So send her to a boy child, why is he so long in the form? All I want for Christmas is a rock and roll, wrecking the top I'm willing to root off, whizzin' like a saver jet Thank you so much, Harry, that's very nice, I'm willing to be here
You know, occasionally this time of year, my friends will say to me, Mr. Willard And they call me Mr. Willard, because most of them of all the walls felt a little uncomfortable around me, they'll say, what is the true story of Christmas? And I said, come on, everyone knows it, and I know we've heard it a thousand times, but I think this is the time and the place, TJ, I think you're right on, on cue there So bear with me for the thousands and one first time And it came to pass in those days that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed, and Caesar's wife, the evil queen, spent her days shopping and looking in the mirror, saying, mirror, mirror on the wall Who's the fairest one of all? One day the mirror answered, it's your stepdaughter, the beautiful, made Marion
The queen decreed that a hunter should take Marion out into the woods and cut out her heart But Marion escaped and a handsome prince found her slipper and followed her He found her in a manger in Bethlehem Doing the only work she could do, scrubbing floors and taking care of a baby boy child named Jesus But whose baby was it? Nobody knew So, I know you've heard it all, but yes you do So the prince and Marion and Jesus went to live in the prince's castle and be happy ever after But the wicked queen kept searching for them in December 7th, a day that will live in infamy She captured Marion and Jesus and hid them in a cave
She left them one candle with enough oil to last for only seven days This was called the cradle While everyone went crazy, the birds were flying all over the place and the Japanese were fighting the Germans And the Germans were fighting the Russians and Marion's little friends, grumpy and snazzy and groucho Went to send his kingdom in the north pole to get him to help They thought he was dead, but it kissed from grumpy, grumpy, awoke him And it came to pass that Santa called out some reindeer and together, Dasha and Dasha and Donda and Blitzen The snazzy and grumpy and groucho and Vixen flew to Bethlehem to try to save them, but low they couldn't find the cave And you know how the where this goes If you want to say it with me, please feel free And it came to pass that groucho's brother Zeppo had become an agent and enlisted the aid of Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer to lead them
Now a star shown in the east and the shepherds were sore and afraid And Franklin Roosevelt, a great man, calmed them saying, we have nothing to fear but fear itself They found three wise men and bribed them with gold and Frank's incense And Murr, which is a drink of milk and honey like mead, and the wise men pointed to where Jesus and mead Marion were trapped Well together they huffed and they puffed and they rolled away the stone And many people don't believe this, but you have to believe They rolled away the stone blocking the entrance and saved them And the baby Jesus came out and saw his own shadow I know you've heard it a million times, but he proclaimed there would be six more weeks of winter
And to this day that's why the baseball season doesn't start until April And the seven dwarfs chased the wicked queen back to her castle and then Cupid shot her with an arrow and she was filled with love And realized that being the second best looking woman in the world wasn't all that bad At least she believed she was the second best looking And after all, the mere wasn't about to correct her And Santa celebrated by going all over the world and giving out presents And that's why we celebrate Christmas on December 25th And Santa flew overhead to the North Pole, he was hurt to cry, married Christmas to all and to all the good night And everyone's heart from that day forward was filled with love And that's why on the day after Christmas, department stores throw open their doors and offer great sales And the true story of Christmas, thanks Mr. Fred will odd people, give it up
Snowfall, softly gently drift down Snowflakes with blue Deeply fine window covering trees, misty light
Velvet breeze round my doorstep Gently softly silent snowfall Do, do, do, do
Snowfall From New Orleans, this is the Christmas Eve edition of the show You just heard a little sampling of what you might have heard at the Los Angeles version of Christmas without tears The charity show that Judith Owen and I put on every year in Chicago, LA, New Orleans, sometimes New York, sometimes London, sometimes your house Fred Willard was telling the true story of Christmas there
And Richard Thompson was doing run run Rudolph And then Snowfall was an arrangement that was done this year by John Michael Higgins and the OK Corral at Christmas without tears Which by the way, there is a Christmas without tears CD that I think all the proceeds go to the charities that we raise money for with the live shows So if you can't come to the live show, you can also fail to buy the CD Merry Christmas everybody and Merry War on Christmas too Jesus was a dreidel spinner and this we can't forget all was saw before he was fallen the last supper wasn't sader Jesus was a dreidel spinner and all his disciples went to to all your Christians remember your Lord wasn't you It's a life of my Lord who didn't saw a tree give the thanks to the wise men and the back of these Jesus was a dreidel spinner turn water into wine he did like some miracles but he never ate for the wine
Christmas is for everyone Holocaust too are you remember your Lord wasn't you It's a life of my Lord who didn't saw a tree give the thanks to the wise men and the back of these Jesus was a dreidel spinner and this we can't forget all was saw before he was fallen the last supper wasn't sader Jesus was a dreidel spinner and all his disciples went to to where he nations remember he didn't look like you like our Lord
It's a dreidel spinner and this we can't forget all was saw before he was fallen the last supper Christmas time is here by golly disapproval would be folly deck the halls with hunks of holly fill a cup and don't say when kill the turkeys ducks and chickens mix the punch drag out the dickens even though the prospect seconds brother here we go again On Christmas day you can't get sore your fellow man you must adore there's time to rob him all the more the other three hundred and a six a day of war Relations bearing no expenses and some useless old utensil or matching pen and pencil just the thing I need how nice
It doesn't matter how sincere it is nor how heartfelt the spirit sediment will not endear it what's important is the price Park the herald tribune sings advertising one rust thing God rest you marry merchants may make the you'll tie to pay Third on high tell us to go out and buy let the rock a slave El Jingle hail our dear old friend Chris Gringo driving his reindeer across the sky Don't stand underneath when they fly by Don't want nothing for Christmas I've got plenty of stuff I haven't got room for the things I own made up my mind enough enough I have over three thousand records
My books alone would fill a moving band so I don't want nothing for Christmas I hope you'll understand I don't want nothing for Christmas I've got too many clothes 25 sweaters and 30 ties 40 shirts don't eat no more of those I can't think of any good reason I'd want more videos and DVDs I don't want nothing for Christmas Eat my wishes please take the money it's spent on a present for me and buy a beggar of meal one ill appreciate or you can stop by the house for a hug and a kiss that would be great So send me good
So send me good tidings for Christmas nothing material please I'm more than happy with what I've got I'm feeling good my mind's at ease We've all become too greedy I don't care what I TV say just spend your love to the needy to have a great Christmas day And what could warm you on a Christmas Eve or day more than news of the warm won't you
The forest you see today when's the last forest you saw today by the way you probably saw a forest of buildings but they're talking about the trees the forest you see today are not what you will see in the future That's the overarching finding from a new study on the resilience of Rocky mountain forests led by Colorado State University We've analyzed data from nearly 1500 sites in Colorado, Wyoming, Washington, Idaho and Montana measuring more than 6 to 3,000 seedlings after 52 wildfires that burned over the past three decades they wanted to understand if and how changing climate over the last several decades affected postfire tree regrowth That would be a key indicator of forest resilience you remember him he was in a lot of those 40s movies they found sobering results including significant decreases in tree regeneration following wildfires in the early part of this century
This is a period markedly hotter and drier than the late 20th century And we're proud of that the research team said with a warming climate forests are less resilient after wildfires So maybe a bonus for smoky the bear to keep them from that we often talk about climate change and how it will affect us in the future but the truth is we're already seeing these changes Said lead researcher determines is like wildfires are a catalyst for change in many places forests are not coming back after fires you know like like math lower What we found to be dramatic even in the relatively short 23 year study period added the researcher historically forest do change over time but the research team said their finding suggested it will take a much longer time after wildfires for sites to return to forests if they return it all In one third of the areas studied researchers found no seedlings growing zero zilch not zip nada the hardest hit sites were the warmest and driest and that where fires burned so severely that few trees survived to provide seed
I think we need johnny tree seed running around now don't you even if we plant trees in those areas It's unlikely to be successful said the researcher we need to start expecting that these landscapes aren't going to look the same in the future whether it's reduced densities of trees or no longer a forest at all She says one of the big surprises for the team was seeing the data for the average annual water deficit in the study sites in my lifetime she said you can see these sites becoming substantially hotter and drier Many forest managers want post fire years to be cooler and wetter to help with regeneration that's just not happening anymore or happening very infrequently She says what can be done I'll treat similar to the ones that burned have typically been planted on a fire ravaged site they meant not longer be the smartest approach she's been meeting with land managers and foresters to discuss what might be better Managers might want to plant species that are adapted to the current and future climate not the climate of the past she says there are also areas that could support certain tree species but there isn't any regeneration currently these are the ideal places to plant after a fire
Another strategy is to foster fires burning under less extreme conditions so that more trees survive to provide seed When fires are patchy more areas are within reach of a surviving tree this goes back to that old story about do you encourage these areas to burn more frequently as opposed to the current practice of trying to prevent fires as much as possible so that when they do burn they burn like crazy News of the warm ladies and gentlemen a copyrighted feature of this Merry Christmas broadcast To make you trolling
Nothing but pain Yeah, and you three plus minutes to man No, I'm not like nothing Two is way too few, each word needs no trauma We're too malibid running through the sunlight that could right be the tree inside gone a thing to man and need no more
No, I'm not like nothing Yeah, it's my gift to you, this pain Yeah, it's my gift to you, this pain Yeah, it's my gift to you, this pain Yeah, it's my gift to you, this pain
One note is a thread, two is an ear I'm taking the song and I'm making, making me like a vocal exercise Gone a thing to man and need no more, what's this? Yeah, it's my gift to you, this pain Yeah, it's my gift to you, this pain
Yeah, it's my gift to you, this pain Ladies and gentlemen, the next song you're going to hear was a world premiered on this program a few weeks ago And I was in receipt of a note from the manager of one of the stations that thankfully still carries this broadcast saying Oh, a listener was offended, would I care to apologize and of course you know exactly what happened then And at that point, I didn't really know how to sing it, so this would be take two
For an afternoon nap Mrs. Claus pieced together the clues Then she saw the girls on the news extreme vetting the guys undeccing some halls It's gone quite beyond embarrassment Closy and confusion infuses the malls who knew touching your ass meant harassment Reckoning time for Santa, his elves are in shock and dismay
They may well boycott sleigh duty, come this Christmas day Mr. Weinstein ordered the reindeer surveilled in case they might talk to the press And Santa Roy Moore asked a 14-year-old to ride on his polar express He wise men brought franken some sense but it didn't prevent the storm
His elves, his hugs were a little too warm Reckoning time for Santa, he's in need of some sound and vice He's composing his lists this Christmas and he's more naughty than nice Root of the most famous reindeer of all renowned for the shade of his nose
But he had to flush at the depth of the size from the visiting Charlie Rose Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power But he won't leave the North Pole to visit some shrink no you Saddle like chat with Matt Lauer Reckoning time for Santa, as he lifts off to the skies He's ashamed of his past behavior but beneath the suit despite all the loot he's still one of the guys
Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power
Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex
Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power
Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power
Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power
Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power
Santa will take the coming year off mulling issues of sex and power
Le Show
Producing Organization
Century of Progress Productions
Contributing Organization
Century of Progress Productions (Santa Monica, California)
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Segment Description
00:00 | 00:55 | 'Louisiana Santa' by Wayne Toups | 04:37 | 'Got to Get You Under My Tree' by Sonny Landreth, feat. The Dixie Cups | 08:15 | 'Pimp My Sleigh' by Houseman | 11:40 | News of the Olympic Movement | 15:59 | '(I'll Sing) Silent Night For You' by Judith Owen | 18:41 | 'Run Rudolph Run' by Richard Thompson | 21:12 | Fred Willard tells 'The True Story of Christmas' | 26:43 | 'Snowfall' by The Singers Unlimited | 30:51 | 'Jesus Was a Dreidel Spinner' by Jill Sobule | 33:03 | 'A Christmas Carol' by Tom Lehrer | 34:46 | 'I Don't Want Nuthin' for Christmas' by Tom McDermott & Connie Jones | 37:19 | News of the Warm | 41:43 | 'Too Many Notes' by Harry Shearer, feat. Jane Lynch, Alice Russell, Ian Shaw, Davell Crawford, and Dave Koz | 46:46 | 'Reckoning Time for Santa' by Harry Shearer | 51:32 | 'Christmas Wrapping' by The Waitresses | 56:48 | 'Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies' by Béla Fleck & The Flecktones /Close |
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Host: Shearer, Harry
Producing Organization: Century of Progress Productions
Writer: Shearer, Harry
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Century of Progress Productions
Identifier: cpb-aacip-6a9df1f9658 (Filename)
Format: Zip drive
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Chicago: “Le Show; 2017-12-24,” 2017-12-24, Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 17, 2024,
MLA: “Le Show; 2017-12-24.” 2017-12-24. Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 17, 2024. <>.
APA: Le Show; 2017-12-24. Boston, MA: Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from