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well yeah well he is mourning son is the other day and suddenly so close to it now in your view this season we're in latin america so let it rain the greatest fear and so now we don't really hear a sentence like jack dorsey you feel the place of what what what what you're writing news or eleven about that when i say that when people finish my book sold in the field away don't feel that left a grateful dead concert earth fellini movie but i did have something here that i would probably have to read it now i can paraphrase it i guess the person
thinks you might have heard it it's big how long now this is part of words about iran and in last time i did say i talked about howard there was attempting to do was to mix fantasy spirituality sexuality human a laws isn't uncommon missions that the same premise is narrowing down tradition with this theory for
this is that agencies that interests them well here's something i wrote when i was a some time a scholar yale for a day a couple years ago and i had to speak to the student body and george bush's and isn't that occurred to me i read about the timing may make no sense whatsoever but i said don't use my observations have led me to conclude that in contemporary society raises an anonymous if publicly expressed along in a ceremony a ritual for any kind of experience that might propel us our fit cleanly beyond the strictures of it goes and establish a connection however
can us with what we might call for was a better term the mystery <unk> capitol hill and says experiences are liberating transformative and often as static amazing before so universal human made a few reasons difficult understand virtually no writers of serious fiction or dissonant made no long in part part of my name as a writer has been the phil arrives ride that persist because i most talented writers writers and style and intellect and knowledge and where same dialect the wisdom or the courage or both to deal with that aspect the cosmic expect if you will of human consciousness as a key consequence each of miles says as is the animals things liberation transformation and celebration i'm
pretty much convinced that when this life to live so line up the brain and liberate the spirit the challenge for me has been how to reflect this purpose or contribute to this purpose and novelistic fiction without producing work that is fluffy abstract or a county official one thousand and done over what i'm really interested in maybe are really interested in business going around the language you know in my opinion what is clear is it's a new path a new rehab and that amazing grace is well aware that there is a huge you can do people he says i
just wasn't born in the right frame of mind to be fearful i also am easily board so to protect myself is by myself i watch down unexplored trails around this day yesterday but to the bottom as they're more frightening and it's good to be terrified a certain amount of care is essential fine artist when you look at the blank page when you sit down to work in your fill of shudder of fear then what you're going to produce probably is something a little juice week you're going to go out as a messenger so when i sit down the face the blank page and you don't feel at least a tiny shudder of
fear and youre in danger of becoming us for miller writer and it keeps you from becoming smirk an over confident and self satisfied and lampson and two so realistic person my work is playful but is nonetheless deadly serious analysts they hired former un some westerners to comprehend i think any intel as an open minded person can understand my work certainly nothing there that's at dalton but to analyze my work to really know it's
what it's about you have to understand at least into in intuitively but didn't cause a crazy wisdom great mayors and paradox until paradoxes the the ellis upon whose shoulders a universe rest and the west there's a lot of trouble with paradox but you'll never never really know never really have a clear picture of reality if you cannot incorporate paradox into your worldview so i say my work is playful and serious there's no contradiction there and even though i think a playful with my my
worldview mark forsyth well it is played all highly focused some hippie playboy always sits down to write when the hangover worse off now work every day in an extremely disciplined you have to you have to remember words are immature leno and i never wanted to be one of those writers to break up a cocktail lounge and i know probably broken up a couple cartel land is a mullet but because of subconscious frustration because you can't break up the stuff on the page on the page don't disappoint her where her party
and others sued them both and i have i have my eye on my legacy of misbehavior mr throughout all of them know very disciplined dedicated serious writer isn't simply feed the sixties like what i mean on this nineteen ninety seven and died in nineteen seventy two my first books of life my first novel was set in the sixties of the sixties did mandarin in nineteen sixty nine so so some of what we call the sixties stopped wherever well overnight the seventies so some of the slop over into account roads which is set in the seventies but
since that time my work has had absolutely nothing to do with the sixties and just stand when anyone just an albatross around my neck a slug and what it's like i can think that you get that some people were too lazy to really to find out what you're really about and so that and i'm taking a writer take shakespearean and nevada judge him on his first two pieces of work and from then on throughout the rest of his long career describe him only as a writer who wrote those first two pieces coming to me a break in at eating moose lies
you're trying to do with us that film an argument jurors that the blues for may i believe was an entirely positive experience i think the movie has a couple of major problems but i totally respect what gus van zandt the director was trying to do this as an artist maybe most film a hollywood filmmakers are not honest mistake risk if you're taking this to
my opinion are really are ms gustafson chances and a couple of them didn't pay off but so what he took from i respect him for that i respect him as a listener respect him as a man i thought parts of that summer and so is already in london and this is my fault isn't it going into something gus is one of the few filmmakers who is interested in language and perhaps one of the mistakes he made this promise keeping too much of a language from the book
one in about this a nice sauce over own versions of the script i myself did not write the script i was not really involved in the making of the film except under some voiceover narration i was on the set from our we can act and wonderful time i will have been on film sets is like for me as a going away with the circus i spend most of my time in solitude writer has to do you work very much alone an integral of movie set where people were working in concert an ensemble and they're also good and within them and just great fun from a but though the dialogue in the book is very mannered and stylized it's a literary dialogue and i think it works well on the page it was never meant to be sent by actors answer
prose and then re written for the film i still think there are the film was better than its critical reception many things are well known the people of violence in amman who are the distributors came back from the cannes film festival yes somebody that call me up and said will thompson's women back from france we read two hundred years of charles and all two hundred and in bed and my heart has soared wonderful know one of the one hundred and seventy five had been banned and twenty five that i would've been concerned but the fact that there was such a uniform reading made me think of it has got to be
something there i ran into a well known film critic in florida and missouri so the french film festival a couple years ago and i said there is that she was one of them two hundred fishermen and women encounter as a lesson telling the truth if you had to be set up in a room for thirty days and be shown the same movie every day for thirty days which will you choose cowgirls are speed because she'd given speed on the referendum which would you choose controls the speed and she says there's no choice at the deli counter us because it was there was something there to make you think something there that your imagination had the russell and rosen's a movie like spain want to
say i've seen the trailers are a nerd from beginning and then there's there's no mystery theres no magic at all is gone baby so i have no regrets about the congressman and he was spam it when you talk about the mess yes yeah are were you know noticed this that you get at a year here on this barrier is a crazy things or from mo when i was a juror at the spam coming contest a manager in there than four times less with thousands of spam and
just forget me davis you know because of that well i must be a valid question about my spam free cab bone as a vegetarian simply i'm attracted to the irony of the associate with spam so what's the color for something so benign about it analysts say taste pretty good side their careers on wonder
bread mayonnaise mustard but i was in hawaii a couple years ago dormer what's up with terence mckenna and i started writing and the meaning of the secessionist movement as we'll hear much about on the mainland there are people and why every serious about seceding from the united states and that there's some airlines they're really know and culture and i asked one of them why he writes about spam and why effect throughout the pacific where we're going south pacific enormous amount spam as kids and learn as it was the attraction the spam to my core news in college and people and he said well you know up until one hundred years ago most of these islands practice cannibalism and we called him and meet long
pig and spam place closer to long period than any other meat on earth so i'm in the cannibalism and you people are making me hungry yes they're you know they're i think you can allow any regular maintenance the keynotes the city right a great deal when we're picking the winner was your target sometimes it's been suggested that idea down but i never traveled almost never travel specifically to write about travel
oftentimes a place that i had visited well of them showing end up in one of my books that is usually not the book i'm working on at the time it will be a book or two down the line after it's marinated in my imagination for five to ten years i have made some research trips don't tell specifically for research like the i might tell the timbuktu to jerusalem israel i went to i went to jerusalem woes are working on steroids and all and in the big scale isn't all an arab and a jew open a restaurant together in new york and it's always be involved
maybe this is a a gesture of solidarity and brotherhood that many people on this planet and owns a non interested in memoriam want to pursue their own little political ambitions solo shows a lot to jerusalem i found that there was a rather was there was a restaurant there for the most hilarious to reform that was opened by american ingenuity had been bombed three times real life imitates art within twelve to imitate your changing the tsa force that is out there and we
do it you know i know it sounds really was there but that's how conditions are internet well the human being as an enchanting five for five thousand years and only sells mozart of the uninformed won't do as a drone it's not really any specific channel and killed on monday pod me home which has now has a meeting very few people who should change it actually made me had to have that little romanian the jewel in the lotus birth ms emma words or symbols that i have been given but it will set goes somewhere this is more than a ton of drone that during your your love in the high not a long
series and tibet and maple run through my own daughters in the mile of tailored it to fit my own needs and then i can't do it at night because sleep and really as energizing where she just opens up all this stuff and her head hurt mccain you just give us a little background on the movie film you add that you think that pj something to the effect that you are at all you have been making these and one was going to be your best assets out or when the union an attorney
how could i be with his voice and my voice sounds like it was streamed through daniel boone unaware by different camera cheap so they were totally me and oddly enough and know about for five feature films and small parts in an enormous amount of fun certainly my most recent stand before the cameras was part of a documentary that to really young women completed
recently call an end they travel around the united states speaking to people whom they thought they had a vision for the future of america not just political moment there's a really isn't much about politics as a visionary and early day trial or the country now with a list of people they thought might have something original to say about the prospects of the future this country and now as a former west and other film has been shown in a few days at the salle international film festival and it has a very small one i'm sure i'm only in there for a few seconds and
faces at a june seems like a tax is levied on us for money we never weren't this event a punishment for crime ridden command all there probably are a few grams i am committing one time or another from a mad isn't dead but i think we're we put far too much emphasis on a gin and no buffalo news they don't age you know i mean we'd listen to worship using fear age and therefore we put so much emphasis on it that you know it becomes a kind of self fulfilling prophecy when we have to buy that isn't there a
certain biological events that are going to occur within your body whether you like it or not but many of them can be slowed down its not reversed now that his attitude i don't know that attitude is the secret to longevity but it is certainly the secret to be in youthful that is to say a vital and a lot of why you are on this tiny out of clay fb good me allison oh
yes is by in
new three foot thick thick cessna
it's been off
but it's been
Raw Footage
Interview with Tom Robbins, Tape 15
Producing Organization
KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
Contributing Organization
SCCtv (Seattle, Washington)
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An interview with author Tom Robbins.
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Interviewee: Robbins, Tom
Producing Organization: KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Seattle Colleges Cable Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-d2f03b4291f (Filename)
Format: Hard Drive
Duration: 00:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Interview with Tom Robbins, Tape 15,” SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 16, 2024,
MLA: “Interview with Tom Robbins, Tape 15.” SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 16, 2024. <>.
APA: Interview with Tom Robbins, Tape 15. Boston, MA: SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from