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From deep inside your audio device of choice I'm undergoing self-isolation It's the only way to be Just for the lack of stimulation Who's who comes self-isolate with me? These are strange times We don't know where we're going Place on the mind All of this unknown in all of our lives It's also terrifying We're at the breaking point It's true
Now is the time To change this world forever Just read the signs We've all been sent the letter We've crossed the line But if we stand together There's so much we can do Give a little love Give a little love Do each other If we have a little faith Have a little faith And one another Stand by what is right, what is right And not the daughter If we turn away from hate Before it's too late And we lose everything this much I know
We're at a fork in the road Streets of our town I feel with peaceful anger To turn this around We won't watch any longer And not make a sound We need to write the wrongs here From the ground up And so if we just Give a little love Do each other If we have a little faith Have a little faith But one another Stand by what is right, what is right And not the daughter
If we turn away from hate Before it's too late And we lose everything this much I know We're at a fork in the road If we give a little love Give a little love Do each other If we have a little faith And one another Stand by what is right, what is right And not the daughter If we turn away from hate Before it's too late And we lose everything this much
I know We're at a fork in the road We're at a fork in the road We're certainly at a fork in the road This is the week that Donald Trump met up with John Yu Who? Hello from Santa Monica, California, the home of the homeless I'm Harry Scherer, welcome you to this edition of the show
And now, news of our friend, the Adam Clean, save, do cheap to meter Save, save, do cheap to meter Save, save, save, do cheap to meter Now if John Yu met up with our friend, the Adam Then you have something You have this, France's new energy minister Who knew? It's called a major French nuclear project Quote, a mess Unquote, in interviews The European pressurized reactor The EPR, do you and me It was commissioned by the Flamauville nuclear power plant It was to join two existing pressurized water reactors But it's been delayed and plagued by problems Just extension takes the project timeline from 13 years to at least 17 But you know, we could push it
The goal with the design of the EPR was to continue to set out the world's highest output nuclear plants With individual reactors that were more powerful and safer Why did we need it? It was already safe The EPR uses less uranium because its chemical design is more efficient It's not any kind of major technological leap Instead, it's an iteration on a previous design that's just a little bit better According to popular mechanics Engineers are so eager to keep iterating They already have an EPR design 2 in the works EPR dates back to the 2000s Remember those? When the first two reactors were commissioned for Europe Specifically France and Finland Despite breaking ground in 2005 and 2007 respectively, neither reactor is kept to its timeline That is so unusual for this industry Now Finland will be the first in 2021 If it hits, it's repeatedly rescheduled opening day France is even farther back at 2023
The latest extension of its deadline was signed in March That puts flammovie Thank you Ten years passed its original due date One of the more alarming causes for delay is a break in the main secondary system penetration welds You know those? That's contributed to a budget that's bloated from a plan 3.9 billion to 14.6 billion That's not bloat, that's just a kind of a nice fattening In July, France's court of auditors slammed the flammovie project saying EDF, the builder, had vastly underestimated its cost and timetable for completion Orson? Aha, the French My sentiments exactly And let's go now to the Marshall Islands Shall we? Come on, you got nothing better to do Let's go back there in July 1946 when US officials relocated inhabitants promising them to consume return For many of them?
No, it just didn't turn out to be possible Some islanders were exposed to high levels of radiation In a March 1954 castle bravo experiment, US engineers vastly underestimated the impact of a thermonuclear explosion Thousand times stronger than Hiroshima And radioactive material rained down on nearby coral reefs, islands, and their inhabitants This is from the Washington Post as we observed the 75th anniversary of the first atomic weapons Dropped on people But these are the tests that followed, Marshall Islands were exposed to the daily equivalent of 1.6 Hiroshima-sized explosions between 1945 and 1958 If the impact were spread evenly Well, that would be fair Last year Columbia University study found that radiation levels in some areas there are still, quote, far higher than areas affected by Chernobyl and Fukushima The president of Marshall Islands till January, Hilda Hain, Hilda Haini, I didn't really say that, did I? It looks like Hilda Haini
She told the Washington Post a lot of the critical information was not disclosed at the time of the tests In the following decades she said her people faced broken promises No, from the United States An insufficient compensation therefrom The U.S. has refused to pay 2.3 billion in damages awarded to the Marshall Islanders by a nuclear claims tribunal Victims in the continental United States, the Conus, have faced similar legal hurdles The U.S. Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, I didn't know there was one Did John Wayne know? That act does not cover all those affected and is set to expire in two years anyway, unless it's extended You know, the president's sitting down, that is golf course, and having a signing Soldiers assigned to witness atmospheric tests in Nevada through 1952 were also among those exposed to radiation You're welcome, protecting the troops, supporting the troops
Report for the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention in the National Cancer Institute found that testing may have led to thousands of deaths Reports that at least 11,000 U.S. cancer deaths may be attributed to the atmospheric tests between 1951 and 1962 According to research by Keith Andrew Myers, an economic historian, the atmospheric tests may have affected a wider area than originally assumed Throwing radioactive particles across a swath I say of the United States and affecting mortality patterns on a grand scale leading to at least 145,000 deaths between 1952 and 1988 Why we've killed that many people this year, just in the last six months with another thing Nuclear testing, quote, has always been disproportionately felt by already marginalized communities according to Matt Corta Researcher with the Federation of American Scientists Nuclear Information Project The U.S. government and the scientific community essentially lied to residents who were living around those sites in Nevada As well as the Marshall Islanders, about the dangers of radiation exposures
Meanwhile, over in the Soviet Union, they weren't exactly doing good stuff either Health authorities in Kazakhstan believe that atmospheric tests in semi-politics in Kazakhstan The primary testing site, that the tests they're exposed up to 1.5 million residents to radiation The impact may not yet be understood because of the, you know, the silencing of the people Research cited by the journal Nature suggests adverse cardiovascular effects may be passed down to future generations Hey, you can inherit this stuff, you can inherit a lovely relationship with our friend, the Adam And now here come these guys again I just want to say one word to you, just one word Yes sir, I can listen to you Microplastics, think about it, what do you think about it?
Yes I will Love said What about the Maldives? Who ever thinks about the Maldives? I guess the same people who think about the Marshall Islands? The amount of microplastic pollution in waters around the Maldives, a global tourist destination Known for its beautiful coastline, that microplastic pollution level is the highest among the highest in the world Has a potential to severely impact marine life in shallow reefs and threaten the livelihoods of island communities Microplastics, you know them? Marine scientists from Flinders University in Australia, I bet you don't know them Recorded the levels of plastic pollution in sand, across 22 sites off the coast of Nafaru, the most populous island in Leivani Le Viani, a toll, I say, to determine how much microplastic is present around the island Distribution was found to be ubiquitous in the marine environment, results published in Science of the Total Environment
Flinders University lead researcher Toby Patti, says microplastics are highly concentrated in the waters around the island Majority of them were less than 0.015 inch in width, results raised concerns about the potential for microplastic ingestion by marine organisms in the shallow reef system The accumulation of microplastics is a serious concern for the ecosystem and the local community living off of these marine resources Can have a negative impact on human health, he says Who cares about human health? The high levels could have been transported by ocean currents from neighboring countries in the Indian Ocean You're India, you're Bangladesh, you're Pakistan, as well as from Maldivian land reclamation policies, poor sewage and wastewater systems As to that, Professor Karen Burke de Silva says notorious quote, rubbish islands Unquote used as land fill sites are also contributing to the high concentration of microplastic found around the island
Quote, current waste management practices in the Maldives cannot keep up with population growth and the pace of development Well, that's true here too isn't it? By here I mean where you are, the small island nation has seen a 58% increase of waste generated per capita on local islands in the last decade She says researchers are now looking at the stomach content of coral reef fish to see if they have bellies full of microplastics In a follow-up study, I'm not sure I want to be among that number Virtually all seafood especially sardines contains microplastics according to a new study Every sample tested by the team of researchers at the University of Queensland contains some form of contamination We found polyvinyl chloride widely used synthetic plastic polymer in all samples we tested But the most common plastic in use today polyethylene was the highest concentrate we found
Reports from Francisco Ribeiro from the Alliance for Environmental Health Sciences at the University Quote from the edible marine species tested sardines had the highest plastic content which was a surprising result The microplastics were packed in them like every gram of sardines you eat you're consuming on average about 2.9 micrograms of microplastics Lower concentrations in crabs, oysters, prawns and squid Different kinds of animals had different dominant microplastics fish mostly had polyethylene The only type found in oysters was polyvinyl chloride Now you see your oysters have good taste The researchers say it's the first time the amount of microplastics in terms of weight has been measured in seafood Microplastics not only enter a diet from seafood but also from bottled water, sea salt, beer and honey Well that's my diet as well as the dust that settles on our meals
Eat quickly Last year researchers in Canada estimated the average person would consume between 74,120,000 pieces a year There's little evidence on whether they're actually harmful or not at these quantities Yawsey researchers from Queensland say their next step is to figure out exactly where all that stuff is coming from They fear that microplastics are able to degrade into nanoplastics small enough to enter cells This is published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology And there's good news really why spoil the fun? Used masks and other personal protective equipment could be turned into biofuel This would prevent the devastating environmental effects of disposing of such items Newsweek is quoting from the journal Biofuels As it always does really if you follow it
Researchers at the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies say PPE of course as we've learned is essential for protecting health care workers But you know we're cranking although the President of the United States likes to say we're cranking them out by the minions Still seems to be a shortage but yet we are there's a lot of them And they're used up quickly PPE, stuff gowns, masks, shields And that plethora will make plastic even more of a problem for our planet According to that university team Polypropylene used to make PPE is a single use nonwoven plastic which can take decades to decompose And so ends up in landfills or in the ocean A study published last year in a journal Marine Pollution Bulletin I buy it for the ads that was before the pandemic
Found polypropylene was among the most abundant microplastics in Mediterranean coastal waters Amid the pandemic reports of emerged of masks littering the environment According to a study published in environmental science and technology and estimated 129 billion face masks and 65 billion gloves are used each month globally During the pandemic and you can imagine what that can do to the environment The authors of the biofuel study reviewed existing research on how to reuse polypropylene and suggested an approach known as Pyrolysis, not pyrolysis, or paralysis, but pyrolysis may be the best solution And involves exposing materials to high pressure Temperatures for short periods of time, high pressures and temperatures This causes the macro molecules, thank you, to break down and turn it a liquid fuel in other substances What are those other substances I wonder? We'll look at that another time. Unlike with some recycling processes, materials do not need to be separated before pyrolysis
The liquid fuel produced from the plastic would be clean and have similar properties to fossil fuels according to the team The material can cause a significant threat to the environment in the coming months, you're talking about the PPE Pyrolysis-based conversion into biofuel can help to overcome this challenge substantially This method is an environmentally friendly alternative to incineration and inefficient land filling Landfill is now a verb, a toast One of the co-authors said the benefits of pyrolysis indicate the ability to produce high quantities of bio-oil Which is easily biodegradable, hence the name No, not hence the name at all, but it is, just a happy coincidence Just one word, ladies and gentlemen, microplastics Now, I make it a habit not to really spend too much time on this
This wee little hour I have every week talking about my own self There's plenty of time to do that to my friends and neighbors and relatives I don't need to burden you with all that, but it occurs to me that at this moment when maybe the publicity blitz may not have reached you or the rest of this planet That I might take a moment or more to tell you about a little project I've got going It's a song about Donald Trump every week for the next dozen weeks And you may recognize some of these diddies they started here, but they've undergone a severe dressing up for the occasion And the first of these songs which went public a few days ago also features a video which I can't play for you here Because dammit, this is radio, I mean, God bless it, it's radio, because I'm not wearing pants
But I can share with you the song itself It's an old, in the voice of the president, to his chief advisor, a man whose portfolio extends to the very limits of his lack of competence, Jared Kushner Because of course, his son-in-law The person I trust most, son-in-law He gives me good advice, he's cheap and after price Things my daughters, tits are nice, son-in-law
Son-in-law, son-in-law He knows just what to do, what's more he's a Jew, son-in-law Sometimes I let it down, son-in-law That's when they call me a clown, son-in-law
Despite his stronger appeal, I didn't like the climate deal He called me a big clown deal, son-in-law Son-in-law, son-in-law Son-in-law, son-in-law Have we done this already?
Come on, guys, I miss you, Kennedy News of the Olympic Movement The International Olympic Committee faces the prospect of having to reopen negotiations with NBC Oh my God, it's the first time I've ever felt sorry for the IOC Over the amount NBC will ultimately pay for the US rights to the Tokyo 2020 Games
Which, as you may have noticed, are not happening in 2020 A note in the newly published financial statements of the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee explains that the one-year postponement of the Games has triggered a basement in the agreement between the IOC and NBC This is said to stipulate that NBC and the IOC shall negotiate in good faith An equitable reduction in the applicable broadcast rights payments If the Games pass office normal in their new time slot, it seems possible that any reduction to the 1.4 billion fee reported to have been agreed in 2011 Might be relatively small, the two are old partners, according to inside the Games NBC's still broadcasting the Olympics until at least 2032 Under present extraordinary circumstances, however, this cannot be guaranteed Especially since the negotiations would not occur until after the completion of the Games in 2021
This might give rise to concerns over possible delays to the time frame under which money is subsequently redistributed to the international federations who sports form part of the Games Ooh, sounds like somebody's going to get screwed, and a politician who served during the FUC disaster is criticized claims that the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics can show humanity's triumph over coronavirus Former Mayor Katsumohu, Katsumodbu Sakurai drew comparisons to the recovery efforts after the FUC tragedy in his region He was in office with the town in FUC prefecture among the hardest hit areas Which caused the Games to be postponed Sakurai gave a critical assessment in an interview with Japanese newspaper The Manichi He compared the coronavirus claims to earlier pledges to use the Games to highlight recovery efforts in disaster hit areas
Even though he says a recovery is far from reality, it is superficial he says to declare a recovery with no actual progress Vaccines have not yet been put into practical use, the world has not yet been freed from the risk of infection There is no chance of success, Sakurai, of success by trying to box in reality to meet the labels the government upholds But I got that problem too, the idea of a coronavirus Olympics may likely end as a mere fantasy Baseball and softball games knew to be held in FUC during the Olympics To highlight recovery efforts Postponed Torch relay was also scheduled to begin in FUC Sakurai says that there was inconsistency regarding the label of the Games as a recovery Olympics No matter how much it out the Games as a sign of recovery, the overall picture of only Tokyo prospering while the recovery of the disaster hit areas remains undone will not change There are more crane trucks in Tokyo, if the construction side of the Athletesvilley village than in the disaster hit areas
He says Yeah, but it's a movement In Olympics, and we all need one Everyday Okay, hold it down people You may have noticed, ladies and gentlemen, in the news, that one of Rupert Murdoch's sons Yes, this is news of nice people Nice people doing nice things One of Rupert Murdoch's sons, I say, has resigned from the board of nice corp James, he had been implicated in when he was overrunning the nice corp operation in the UK In the phone hacking scandal that almost brought the whole shooting match to his knees And then he was shipped to New York to do stuff here
Here in the United States, he was long rumored to be the heir But then his brother, Lachlan, returned triumphantly from his self-imposed exile in Australia To be the guy that Rupert tapped to run The Fox outfit, Fox News, Fox Sports Fox Business, the Fox Network Everything, Fox I thought that should be their slogan But he remained in James on the board of a nice corp, a separate company from Fox Corp Nice corp runs the newspapers Your Wall Street Journal, you're in New York Post Thinking about you And then that's over now He says, reporting by the organization and its news outlets no longer meets his standards Especially with regard to the reporting about the bushfires in Australia last year by the Murdoch owned nice papers down there
But there's more on this This week on Keeping Up with the Murdoch's The particle sun leaves home again Okay manual Yes sir, down on the lower back Yes, yes sir That's like I tell you what each says Yes sir, I like to hear it I can find my own way Thanks But it may be I'm sorry honey, he just Hello James I don't recognize you by the desperation in your voice That's excitement you're hearing I've come over to give you the news in person I haven't got my lower I haven't got my news in person since Don Croc told me he was going to run for president I told him he was back guano crazy Such a news Another next gen investment go belly up on you Bigger bank accepting my boy I need to listen to that Usually during massage he just talk
Manual three letters N-D-I Kapiche Cute story That was the first thing Trump and I bonded over was the need for NDA Leaving the news court board sir as of right now You know you're still banned by the NDA just the same That's all you have to say about it After I took all those bullets for you on the phone Hacking nonsense in London I gave you a graceful exit to a BS Jorp in New York I could have just left you in England There's chum for the sharks in parliament Speaking of food, would anybody like some tea cakes? I'm good I'd like some darling Take your time bringing him out Okay So James Seriously what's the problem? Bride the jet to the board meetings too small Would you save the sarcasm for somebody who doesn't get it like The L word Did somebody say my first financial lock on you? You know your brother The form of board And that way I'm gonna miss you The crosshounds The special coffees The jokes you heard on Kimmel the night before You're always hang out here in your trunk Next align for a manual special
I don't think I was ever invited to a massage a dude I'm assuming you're not quitting the board of a lack of equal access to manual It's all in my statement You know some of us might be too busy writing the company to read your state Okay for the reading impaired I realized the editorial stances of this company were out of alignment with my principles Or all due respect with like reality And you just figured that out this way I took that long for his wife to turn him into a certified tree hugger Why don't you leave my wife out of this? Why don't you, we're running a business here on a social justice Yeah, emcee go Maybe I shouldn't have let her mother raise you to compete for my love Oh sir, you did right I guess I came back just in time Teacakes Look Jameson, he's not my fault that Disney deal didn't work out The other mouse house has slightly higher standards Maybe I should just... The fireworks continue online And keep up with keeping up with the Murdoch's Honor Instagram It's not free Now news of the godly
A recent literature review I don't think they were reading Shakespeare though I mean I think they mean scientific literature University of Alberta cult expert And his former graduate student did the review, it paints a startling and consistent picture of institutional secrecy and widespread protection of those who abuse children In religious institutions, quote, in ways that often differ from forms of manipulation In secular settings, unquote According to the university, it's the first comprehensive study exposing patterns of sexual abuse in religious settings Quote, a predator may spend weeks, months, even years grooming a child in order to violate them sexually Unquote, Susan Rain, a sociologist and McEwen University and co-author of the study Well that just sounds like a regular old music superstar of the 1980s Oh, no I'm sorry, he didn't do that
Perpetrators are also difficult to identify the researchers said because they were allowed to conform to a single set of personality or other traits The findings demonstrate the need to spend less time focusing on stranger danger That's a quote, and more times thinking about our immediate community environment or extended environment and the potential there for grooming Says Rain Examine the research of abuse in a number of religious dominations around the world to show, quote, how some religious institutions and leadership figures in them can slowly cultivate children and their caregivers into harmful and illegal sexual activity Unquote, those institutions include various branches of Christianity, as well as cults and sectarian movements including the children of God, the branch divideans, the fundamentalists, the Latter-day Saints, as well as a Hindu ashram And the deva disease, alright I would also mention, although it's probably not involved, apparently not involved in this study, some ultra orthodox Jewish groups in New York, which has been covered in the New York Times Because of religion's institutional standing, the report continues, religious grooming frequently takes place in a context of unquestioned faith, placed in sex offenders by children, parents, and staff they found
They had to study different The two researchers began their study after the university was asked to provide expert, oh no, after one of the researchers, sorry, was asked to provide expert testimony for a Vancouver lawsuit accusing Bollywood choreographer and sect leader Shyamak Davar of sexually abusing two of his dance students, Kent, that is to say, Stephen Kent, the University of Alberta sociologist, realized that all some scholars had written about sexual abuse in religion, they had not identified the grooming process and the distinctive features of it So there is such a thing as not good grooming, apparently news of the godly, ladies and gentlemen, it's copyrighted, but you know copyrights should be copyrighted And now the Donald Trump song released just a couple of days ago, is the second in this series of such songs coming out
Every week from me, for the next little while, you'll see the videos, the first one is up on YouTube now, and the next one coming along shortly But in the meantime, the songs continue, with a lyric video, in case you're wondering about the lyrics, up on my site, Anyway, this is the second song, and it's about what we've just been living through, this last little while, COVID-180 Hold month of February, it's under control, just a few cases, then we rock, and we roll The market's like a rocket, it's on Twitter and Reddit, you could call me crazy, but I'm taking credit
Coronavirus, just a neighborhood in Queens, win number one, not some fool poll like Haiti People keep watching, when you do, a COVID-180, 180 Now it's early March, whole other story, I'm hearing incredible, scary and gory For beautiful companies, nothing was surprised, as the market you're taking, is this how my campaign dies?
I'm taking the responsibility at all, an admiral told me, you're doing great, matey, it keeps the virus guessing, when you do a COVID-180 180 Almost end of March, the week's enough for that, we're the champs of testing, we skin the cast Just wait till Easter, we'll all be wearing a smirk, no way we're like Europe, got it, got it, got it, got it, got back to work
No one could ever have imagined this, we sell the question oil, not like some crazy, it drives up the price, when I do a COVID-180 One day, now we're in April, I'm no Max Fool, they showed me such bad figures, I was so good in school The clampdown continues, it's a lot to take, just wish the media wasn't so fake, did I mention my hotels are dying
And with the burden I carry, just gets too weighty, I can always deny that I ever did a COVID-180 I know some people say that we're in a kind of spiral, but a big part of leadership is going viral And now the apologies of the week, the sorry is place in the world, that's not an infringement
Deadline Melbourne, Australia, there's this huge mining company headquarter down there called Rio Tinto This chief executive apologized at an Australian Senate inquiry this week, he apologized for the destruction of two sacred caves Saying there was no doubt the company could have made better decisions This said defining moment for Rio Tinto, we're absolutely committed to land and change Chief executive John Sebastian Jacques said, the world's biggest iron ore miners who they are, late May illegally destroyed two historically significant sacred caves in Western Australia Against the wishes of the Aboriginal traditional owners, which sat atop a high-grade ore body that it planned to mine You know, for the benefit of the Aborigines, the destruction distressed the local
Putu Kunti, Kurama and Pinicora people, and led to the inquiry into how the destruction was legally blessed The destruction of the sites, which showed evidence of 46,000 years of continual habitation Curred just as the Black Lives Matter protest strained as global spotlight on racial injustice, according to the Financial Post The inquiry is looking at how culturally significant sites came to be destroyed, the process that failed to protect them The impacts on traditional owners and the legislative changes required to prevent such incidents from occurring again But there will be better decisions made by Rio Tinto, we know that Videos released Wednesday showing incident at a North Carolina jail that led to the death of a Black man who was restrained while having a medical emergency This happened last year, several news organizations including the news and observers And the New York Times petition to judge to publicly release the videos They show officers hog tying 56-year-old John Neville, who died of a brain injury
Last December, three days after police took him down, one of the videos is from the body cam of one of the five officers involved They all were fired last month Over the course of 45 minutes of being held in an observation cell, Neville would sustain injuries that would eventually cause him to lose his life According to Forsyth County District Attorney Jim O'Neill Neville was being held in jail after police arrested him on an assault warrant While there, he suffered an unknown medical condition in his sleep The D.A. said, Neville fell from the top bunk onto the concrete floor of his cell where detentions officers and a nurse found him disoriented and confused As he starts to move and ask for help, officers hold down his arms and legs, tell him he's okay He repeatedly say, don't fight, at some point a white mish hood is placed over Neville's head He is handcuffed, strapped into a chair and taken to another cell
Once inside that cell, he's being held face down by several officers that I struggle to remove his handcuffs An officer says the key snapped off inside the cuffs, Neville repeats A familiar phrase now, I can't breathe Because you're talking and you're yelling and you're moving the deputate replies, you need to stop You need to relax, quit resisting us Neville told Jellers more than 20 times he couldn't breathe While he was restrained to his arms behind his back and his legs folded in the hog type position As he goes quiet, the officers call for bolt cutters to remove the cuffs They don't work and one of the officers says, he's not looking fine Officers check with each other, ask if they need a break from restraining him and check that their cameras are working They joke about the cuffs, finally the cuffs are removed with bolt cutters and an officer asks if he's alright The nurse returns, says she can't tell if he's breathing She examines him, says, I can't hear a heart rate He died two days later, the autopsy said his brain injury occurred because his heart stopped beating which deprived his brain of oxygen
It also said he is fixated while being restrained The sheriff's office didn't publicly acknowledge his death for more than seven months He said the sheriff did, he withheld word of Neville's death as a request of the family and their attorneys But now the sheriff Bobby Kimbrough apologized to the family, said he was saddened by the videos Five detention officers in the nurse were charged last month with involuntary manslaughter Kimbrough told Neville's son Sean and the family's lawyer, I apologize again for what took place on that day, apologize to you and your family Your father has changed the way health care will dispense at the 4th Scythe County detention center, as well as how it will be dispensed throughout this region Actor Ryan Reynolds has publicly apologized for his wedding with Blake Lively at a former slave plantation in South Carolina It's something will always be deeply and unreservably sorry for Reynolds's old fast company, it's impossible to reconcile
He said he and Lively wanted an antebellum ceremony for the 2012 wedding, you know like Lady Attabellum, that kind of antebellum, pre-civil war, antebellum What we saw at the time was a wedding venue unpinterest, what we saw after was a place built upon devastating tragedy He said he said the couple had a second ceremony years later at their home, shame works in weird ways He said he apparently the last person in the United States to be aware that plantations housed slaves The Australian tourist who got a bit too close to Napoleon's younger sister has apologized, this from the New York Times The tourist on a trip to celebrate his 50th birthday, Big 50 was visiting an art museum in Northern Italy last week When he posed with a statue over a climbing Pauline Bonaparte, her husband had commissioned the semi-nude statue by the artist Canova in the early 19th century The tourist has captured on security camera footage sat down at her feet with his neon sneakers still affixed to the floor
And he mimicked her luxurious sprawl and repose, someone snapped a photo, by the time he got up Bonaparte had lost some of her toes By Tuesday the man apologized to the president of the foundation that oversees the museum He hadn't realized the man said that the plaster toes had snapped off the statue, which is a plaster model for the actual marble sculptor The museum, which is dedicated to Canova's work, posted part of the letter on Facebook He didn't flee Italy, but finished his trip as planned with some extra toes in the bargain I'm asking you for information on what steps are necessary on my part in this situation he wrote, which is very unpleasant for me, and for which in the first place I apologize in every way There's a discrepancy as to how many toes the Bonaparte plaster model lost, and a Facebook post in the museum said it was two toes, the Italian police told CNN It was three
You know, I believe the museum Dave Lyne, Notre Dame, University president, father of John Jenkins issued an apology to the student body this week for failing to recommend follow recommended social distancing guidelines while engaging with students In the email, he apologized for taking photos with students over around campus over recent days While all the scientific evidence indicates that the risk of transmission is far lower, outdoors than indoors, I want to remind you and myself, we should stay at least six feet apart He said he apologized for his actions and recommended students follow medical advice Notre Dame, ladies and gentlemen, Jerry Falwell Jr., president and chancellor of Liberty University has agreed to take an indefinite leave of absence According to a statement from the Evangelical Christian Organization institution, the leave of absence is effective immediately, the school said This was the Board of Trustees making the request of Falwell, they didn't provide a reason He came under fire in recent days after posting a picture on Instagram that depicted him with his pants unzipped and his midsection visible to the camera He's seen holding a couple a cup of dark liquid with one arm around a woman whose shorts are also unzipped
In a radio interview, he said the woman was his wife's assistant, they were the costume party, and it was in good fun You know, it was weird because she's pregnant so she couldn't get her shorts up and I was like trying to like, I have a pair of jeans I have in a more than a long time, so I couldn't get mine zipped up either So I just put my belly out like hers He said he should never have put it up and embarrassed her I apologize to everybody and I promised my kids, I'm going to be a good boy from here on out Jerry Falwell Jr., a person responsible for putting a Trump 2020 sticker on an Asheville North Carolina's bear collar A bear in Asheville has a collar Has come forward and apologized for his actions according to the help Asheville Bears organizations bears around there in trouble 18 individual bears each missing a limb within a 90 mile radius that independent veterinarian wildlife experts have concluded are the result of leg hold trap and snare escapes Nowhere else on earth have there been this many bears with amputations from injuries in such a small area
Joe Biden apologized late Thursday for comments he made earlier in the day that suggested the African American community was not diverse In no way did I mean to suggest the African American communities of monolith not by identity, not on issues, not at all He said in a series of tweets, and he used the word monolith Sorry, Saldana has formally apologized for playing African American singer, songwriter and civil rights activist Nina Simone in the 2016 biopic Nina Saldana identifies as Afro Latina, she was speaking on August 3 interview Posted to the Instagram account of a media platform founded by Saldana herself, so she gets the views German carmaker Audi has apologized for an advertisement showing a little girl eating a banana in front of a high performance car after it drew a torrent of criticism on social media We hear you, let's get this straight, we care for children, we sincerely apologize for this insensitive image and ensure it will not be used in the future And the Chamber of Commerce of Chattanooga, North Chattanooga, there was a zoom bombing from an individual identified as Todd Williams
Swastik in the background and used the N word and profited it, that's the zoom bombing of the week, a regular feature of the Apologies of the Week, a copyrighted feature of this broadcast Okay, just one more, because it puts it in my arm
One of the owners of a downtown port here in Michigan, restaurant was apologetic this week after facing some backlash over his controversial Facebook comment about Michigan's governor Mark Rubel suggested the governor should, quote, go and kill herself, unquote, and do the state a huge favor In a comment thread on a public county page, by the next afternoon he'd posted an apology on his personal Facebook page, which was also shared by the restaurant on its public page He'd been under a lot of stress because of the impact the virus has had on his business And has affected me personally, I'm afraid of losing everything and it's caused me to really stress out the emotions got the best of me yesterday I'm sorry for making comments about a governor, please hear me, this was not my heart, my heart, and I do not stand behind that statement Okay, we got it, we shouldn't go out in killer, we should kill her inside
That's going to conclude this week's edition of the show, back next week, same time, same station on the radio Whenever you want on your audio device of choice, and it would be just like not killing the governor of Michigan, if you'd agree to join with me then, would you? By the way, the music video for Sun and Law and the Lyric music video for COVID-19, both yours to enjoy, I hope, on YouTube The show comes to you from Century of Progress Productions and originates through the facility, oh, by the way, thanks to Pam Hallstead and to Thomas Walsh or WWE No Anyway, the program comes to you from Century of Progress Productions and it comes through the facilities of WWE No New Orleans, flagship station of the Changes Easy Radio Network so long from the home of the homeless
Le Show
Producing Organization
Century of Progress Productions
Contributing Organization
Century of Progress Productions (Santa Monica, California)
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Segment Description
00:00 | 00:07 | 'Come Self-Isolate With Me' by Harry Shearer | 00:37 | 'Fork In The Road' by Judith Owen | 05:20 | News of the Atom : France, Marshall Islands, Russia | 12:34 | News of Microplastics : In the Maldives and in all seafood | 21:16 | Harry's new Trump project | 22:46 | 'Son In Law' by Harry Shearer | 26:27 | News of the Olympic Movement | 30:47 | News of Nice Corp : James Murdoch resigns | 32:50 | Keeping Up with the Murdochs : James quits | 35:42 | News of the Godly : Study exposes patterns of abuse in religious settings | 39:47 | 'COVID-180' by Harry Shearer | 44:31 | The Apologies of the Week : Rio Tinto, Sheriff Bobby Kimbrough Jr., Ryan Reynolds, Jerry Falwell Jr., Joe Biden, Zoe Saldana, Audi, More Zoom Bombing | 57:44 | 'Bambuzal' by Carioca /Close |
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Host: Shearer, Harry
Producing Organization: Century of Progress Productions
Writer: Shearer, Harry
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Century of Progress Productions
Identifier: cpb-aacip-35b53013dba (Filename)
Format: Zip drive
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Le Show; 2020-08-09,” 2020-08-09, Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 4, 2024,
MLA: “Le Show; 2020-08-09.” 2020-08-09. Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 4, 2024. <>.
APA: Le Show; 2020-08-09. Boston, MA: Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from