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It was a CD single that had some interesting B-sides on it and stuff like that. And I said, yeah, we've got that record. And they're like, can we borrow that because we've misplaced the masters and we went to put it on a compilation and it's like the KCRW Music Library was the last place they knew that actually had that record. So we were able to do that. There was a compilation that came out with some of those cuts on it and it had a nice little thank you to the KCRW Music Library and the line or not. So that was particularly rewarding to see that the KCRW Library was useful to the record companies even to be able to serve as an archive. People rely on us. Now we're relying on you. Your extra contribution this summer to the Music Match will help modernize and preserve KCRW's Music Library. And you could drive off in a Mini Cooper convertible. Find out more at A strange little record company would have lost archives because they usually now stay tuned for the Lesho program it's next around the world at 10 a.m. at the sound of the beep. From deep inside your radio.
Ladies and gentlemen, we learn this week that John McCain has suffered the loss of a several of his top ranking campaign officials in the wake of a disastrously low fundraising and disastrously high spending, which has plunged his campaign into debt. And we also learned that the campaign before the resident mass resignations was driven by infighting among several of the top executives in the campaign who could never quite agree or get clear direction from the candidate on who was doing what, job wise, and who had the final say. Fortunately, McCain is not the candidate for Chief Executive.
And we have now, I think this week, if there is such a thing as a tipping point, I think this week was it because if you ever wondered about the herd instinct in among both politicians and the media, this week would have confirmed it for you. Had you seen Tony Snow's press briefing at the White House or the president's own press conference, you would have seen that the spine. So absent in the Washington press corps for low these many years has miraculously returned. Suddenly, they realize that Al Qaeda in Iraq is not the same thing as Al Qaeda. Suddenly, it's on the front page of the New York Times this week. That's front page news in mid July 2007 that Al Qaeda in Iraq is not the same thing as Al Qaeda.
It's saying, you know, front page news in the New York Times, Wendy's is not the same as McDonald's. They sell burgers, we thought, and just to affirm that when they all turn, they all turn. And I don't know, I mean, it's, I think it's an interesting, open question, whether it's just because this is all happening. The, uh, return of the, the emboldement, emboldement, the emboldification of the press corps and the, uh, simultaneous and, em-chickenification of the Republican candidates who are running for reelection next year, whether it's just because of the polls or in the case of the press, whether it's because the people who talk to them, the anonymous sources are emboldened because of the perceived weakness of the president. It's all the same thing.
It's just different. But to confirm, ladies and gentlemen, that they all come around when they come around. The newspaper that is made throughout the years, a specialty of being last to the story. This was the newspaper that would, if it went out of business, be the last to publish that notice as well of its own demise. The Los Angeles dog trainer today, Sunday, front pages, the fat, this, although Bush administration officials have frequently lashed out its Syria and Iran accusing it of helping insurgents and militias in Baghdad, the largest number of foreign fighters and suicide bombers in Iraq come from Saudi Arabia according to a senior US military officer. About 45% of all foreign militants targeting US troops and Iraqi civilians are from Saudi Arabia, 15% from Syria, Lebanon, 10% from North Africa, nearly half of the foreigners in US detention facilities in Iraq are Saudis.
Fighters from Saudi Arabia are thought to have carried out more suicide bombings than those of any other nationality. Well, that takes care of the problem. We don't have to kill them. This is apparently the first time a US official has given such a breakdown on the role played by Saudi nationals in Iraq's Sunni Arab insurgency. So is it just the Ali dog trainer finally waking up and calling a guy or is it the guy finally saying, maybe it's safe, 50% of all Saudi fighters in Iraq come as suicide bombers. The rest are confused about their role. So when it turns, it turns. And of course, as hard as it was to turn it in the first place, it's probably, and don't sympathize with the administration, but this is their problem now, doubly hard to turn it back.
I don't want to hurt them, but you ain't gonna let me go, you ain't gonna let me go and you ain't gonna let me go, you ain't gonna let me go. This is probably the first time a US official is calling a guy or is it just the Ali dog trainer finally said he didn't go, you ain't gonna let me go and you ain't gonna let
Sometimes you fight them, but one thing sure, they'll rise back up again. Sometimes you fight them, but one thing sure, they'll rise back up again. Sometimes you fight them, but one thing sure, they'll rise back up again. Sometimes you fight them, but one thing sure, they'll rise back up again.
Sometimes you fight them, but one thing sure, they'll rise back up again. Sometimes you fight them, but one thing sure, they'll rise back up again. From the edge of America, from the home of the homeless, back in the Lishodrome, I'm Harry Shira welcoming you to this edition of the show.
We might well note that Saudi Arabia was the source of most of the 9-11 participants, and that between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, which the American media is also waking up to the existence of Pakistan, that is to say. Had there been the kind of reporting then about Saudi Arabia and Pakistan that we're seeing now, we might have had a little better understanding of the context in which Iraq existed and exists, but context, I'm sorry, I said a dirty word, and now ladies and gentlemen, news from outside the bubble. There'll be an FCC fine for that. From the Sunday telegraph in London, who knew, department, they were mop top, pop rock quartets whose millions of screaming female fans made them cultural icons of the 60s.
40 years and tens of millions of albums sales later, their catchy tunes still guarantee them a place in the hearts of music fans worldwide. All the Beatles were among the first to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The Monkeys, one of the first band's manufactured to cash in on the success of the Fab 4, believe a plot is a foot to deny them their place in the rock music pantheon. In what has become a battle for the heart and soul of popular music, the Monkeys claim that a move to have them included this year to mark their 40th anniversary was secretly blocked by the man who set up the Hall of Fame, Rolling Stone Music Publisher, Rolling Stone Magazine Publisher, John Winner. The band believes Winner blames it for the current influx of manufactured acts and television talent shows that have seized control of chart music. The Monkeys, toured with Jimmy Hendrix, really, performed 200 concerts, sold 65 million records. The Hall of Fame includes two of their hits, I'm a believer in last trend at Clarksville, in its list of the 500 key songs that shaped rock and roll.
Who knew, department, but they're best remembered for being a group specifically put together for a television series and did not play their own instruments on the two of their four albums that sold any copies. Such facts may be easily glossed over in a world now used to television pop idols in the Spice Girls, but are less easily forgotten by the Theonados. Peter Tork says, the only person holding a grudge is John Winner of Rolling Stone. He has never written a gracious word. He personally has the veto power to keep us out. Everybody's forgotten it except Winner. He's been vicious. In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, the group's lead singer, Manchester Bourne, and Davey Jones said, Winner is clearly the one who has the last say on whom the organization promotes. I wonder whether people are going to travel to Cleveland and ask, where are the Monkeys? You know, I think I've asked that question every time I've traveled to Cleveland. Jones now divides his time between only 12 racehorses and performing in panelline, which is not what you think.
He says of John Winner, he probably did not enjoy our music when we were beginning, probably. I think he's tried to link us to the popularity of manufactured bands. That is not fair to us as we did play our instruments and we were musicians. The problem is we got caught up in a promotional machine. Defending his credentials, Jones 61 year old Davey Jones says, there is no one more rock and roll than me. I still go out on party. I get through more mojitos during a night than you could imagine. So I vote him in right there. There were lots of girls back in the day and all kinds of things went on, but no one got to see that side of us. We were not such goody two shoes, but we were made to appeal to kids and kids that not need to hear about that kind of thing. Since news of the snub emerged, he has been inundated with messages of support. The Hall of Fame did not return calls seeking comment from Winner, who's given no response to the allegations and is not commented on the alligator.
More news from outside the bubble, ladies and gentlemen, once you get over the the hurt about the monkeys, I think we should all go to Cleveland and ask where are the monkeys. Gordon Brown, the new Prime Minister of England, should change Britain's military strategy in Iraq and withdraw British troops as soon as Iraq's own security forces are ready to take over security duties. That's according to a high level independent report issued this weekend. Maliki says the security forces are ready now. The Iraq Commission set up by the London-based foreign policy center and television channel four says the troops should only remain, quote, as long as they have a job to do. Echoing the complaint last autumn of the head of the army, General Sir Richard Danett, that the presence of British troops was exacerbating the situation in southern Iraq and that they should be withdrawn soon. The Commission says the security situation is not improving in Basra and UK forces on the streets are often a target for insurgents.
Current policy has stalled, has no clear end point, and effectively seeds decision making on withdrawal to the insurgents. It calls for a clear exit strategy. Wasn't that the Powell dock? British forces should stop offensive operations and focus on training Iraqi forces who should take over when they're ready, regardless of the prevailing security situation. That echoes, of course, the recommendations of the Baker Hamilton Commission in this country. These damn commissions, it's a commission conspiracy conspiracy. The Commission was headed by Lord Ashtown, once derided in British political circles as patty pants down, but now he's a Lord. He's the international overlord in Bosnia, who knew? After taking evidence from dozens of witnesses and organizations, the Commission concludes there are no easy options left in Iraq, only painful ones. Well, you know what I say? Double down on the painkillers.
The Commission urges the Prime Minister to launch a diplomatic offensive. It's just they basically crib the Iraq study group report. It's amazing. It also calls for urgent action to deal with a growing refugee crisis. Yeah. Okay, more news from outside the bubble. US war veterans eyewitness accounts of brutal events in the war in Iraq have been published in a liberal US magazine. The nation devoted its entire July 30th edition to the testimony of 50 US troops shocked by the heavy civilian casualty toll during the occupation. Quote just to carnage all the blown up civilians blown up bodies that I saw I started thinking like why what was this for? There's army specialist Jeff Engelhardt. The nation magazine says the first time so many on the record named eyewitnesses from within the US military have been assembled in one place to openly corroborate a brutal side of the war rarely seen on TV screens are chronicled in newspaper accounts. Only the LA dog trainer has picked up on the nation story which on Saturday continued to go unreported by the country's main TV stations and newspapers.
This is a report in the British newspaper, the independent. Many of these veterans returned home deeply disturbed by the disparity between the reality of the war and the way it's portrayed by the US government and American media says the magazine. The witness is stressed not all troops took part in indiscriminate killings which were mostly quote perpetrated by a minority. It was bad apples. The soldiers quote nevertheless described such acts as common and said they often go unreported and almost always go unpunished. The war that continuing the magazine the war the vets described as a dark and even depraved enterprise one that bears a powerful resemblance to other misguided and brutal colonial wars and occupations. Said Engelhart who served in Bakuba for a year. I guess while I was there the general attitude was a dead Iraqi is just another dead Iraqi this report from Ajahn's France press. Actually.
More news from outside the bubble not as depressing. Australia drinking water standards are under scrutiny after scientific research linking commonly used herbicides to gender bending in male frogs this is not worthy to me mainly because. The fashion police are now saying well actually the eco fashion police are now saying knock off the bottle water and restaurants in. Trendy precincts of California and New York are now serving tap water is a. Back to the story the National Health and Medical Research Council is reassessing it's drinking water guidelines in Australia after minuscule traces of the herbicides atrazine and simousine. You remember them they used to be the double mid-twins now their herbicides were found to turn the frogs into hermaphrodites. Creatures with male and female sex organs. Australia guidelines up allow up to 40 parts per billion of atrazine and drinking water. Scientific studies have found that male frogs grow ovaries when exposed to the chemical at the minuscule level of one part per billion in water.
So maybe those restaurants might want to make sure at least that they don't serve to frogs. Atrazine was banned in the European Union four years ago but it's been used for weed control in Australia for more than 25 years. And is the nation's second most commonly used agricultural pesticide. There is no legal requirement for atrazine users in Australia to notify water authorities when the chemical is being sprayed. And Melbourne water tests for atrazine but does not test for simousine which is used on vineyards in the Yarra Valley. That's good wine. What struck us as unbelievable was that atrazine could cause such dramatic effects at such low levels. Says Dr. Tyrone Hayes and associate professor of integrative biology at UC Berkeley who led the frog study.
More defense secretary Robert Gates says the U.S. has no hard evidence that the Sunni Muslim insurgent group Al Qaeda in Iraq was responsible for the recent bombing of a Shiite shrine in a Samara. But wait a minute. I thought Bush administration site the attack has proof that al Qaeda in Iraq is stoking sectarian violence but Maclatchy newspapers in an interview with Gates reports him saying it seems to me that's probably an analytical conclusion about al Qaeda in Iraq. I'm not sure whether they have a lot of hard evidence about it. Why not base your analysis on a lack of evidence? That way you can have a higher level of certainty. More British troops serving in Iraq are being killed at a proportionally greater rate than their American allies for the first time since the start of the war.
This watershed has led to calls for the government to set an immediate timetable for the war point country. One of the army's most senior commanders told the Sunday telegraph in London that the war in Iraq was now regarded by political and military chiefs within the Ministry of Defense of our ally, Great Britain, as quote, a lost cause, unquote, this tea drinking defeatists. The officer added that Britain and America had to accept that they were facing the possibility of quote, strategic failure, unquote, in Iraq. We have to face that possibility, ladies and gentlemen, according to the Brits in 2007. It's now widely accepted in the higher echelons of the military that the Prime Minister will ask the chief of the defense staff to start withdrawing British troops by spring of next year. And finally news from outside the bubble. I know it should be, it should be more cheerful, shouldn't it? And a senior American army officer in Afghanistan says that only about 40% of the Afghan police forces properly equipped, according to BBC news, but he said resources are now in place to solve the problem.
While the army is relatively well equipped and trained says major general Robert Durban, the out. Only 40% of the police force is properly equipped. He says that's because until 18 months ago, the international community had provided almost 2 billion for reforming the army, but less than a tenth of that in the police force. Last year, a US government report concluded the Afghan police were largely incapable of carrying out their law enforcement responsibilities because of corruption and literacy, low pay, bad equipment, the insurgency and insufficient training. Aside from that, Mrs Lincoln, there are fine force. Many Afghans said they have lost confidence in the force, alleging that many policemen top up their pay with bribes from petty criminals or from drug smugglers. Afghans have accused the police of rampant corruption and being involved in extortion, kidnapping and robbery.
Nice people doing nice things wherever you look. Ladies and gentlemen, news from outside the bubble. Copyrighted feature of this broadcast and also from Maclatchy. A State Department official after initially denying that stated order its 1000 Baghdad personnel to wear protective gear says that the order calling for a flock vest and kevlar to be worn inside the green zone was because it got leaked to Maclatchy an undiscussable security breach. The embassy issued the memo after Saturday a barrage of 35 mortars and rockets slammed into the green zone on Wednesday. The green zone, of course, the safest place in Baghdad. As a result of the recent increase of indirect fire attacks on the international zone, outdoor movement is restricted to a minimum, says the memo.
Remain within a hardened structure to the maximum extent possible and strictly avoid congregating outdoors. Personal protective equipment, PPE, is mandatory until further notice. Public places that are not in a hardened structure, such as the blue star restaurant in the green zone. Green and blue make should be frequented only in conjunction with the use of your PPE. The embassy spokesman initially denied the state now requires workers to wear body armor in the green zone he got upset when shown the memo. He refused to give his name, asked how they got the memo and said we don't talk about what our security posture is. Now we're being told by the White House that although things are kind of scratchy and other provinces of Iraq like Da'ala, things are cooler, getting actually close to normal in Baghdad. So the state department is requiring its own people inside the green zone to wear body armor and not to go outside in the green zone.
Asked how state could require workers to walk around outdoors and body armor while waking them sleep in unprotected quarters. The embassy officials said quote, I wouldn't characterize it as being a mixed message. State department personnel sleep unprotected while British and United Nations personnel in the green zone sleep in hardened housing. US embassy workers speaking on condition of anonymity have told McClatchy that they're angry and scared about that situation. They will get hardened sleeping quarters when the new American embassy is complete this fall. The new Iraq ladies and gentlemen make your travel plans now. I'll say what's on my mind dear, the judgements let me down, you're cutting me in the corner and it's all in the second round.
So I keep my mouth shut darling, up and quiet as a lamb. I'll act just to stand there as you merely think I am. Well I can shake your hand like a rain of tang with good feet as a clown. Clear the streets at book your ceaselessness to your business back in the town. I've received a shoot right through that group, it's a trick of bread in the town. Bring the proud and laugh out loud, Mr. Stewart, it's a back in the town. No end with fast points out she's stuck with her knee and the thumb for annex. Don't fret about it darling, I'll stand by the name on checks. I can grunt my way through questions, I can scratch myself with how. I can know me with my dumbness, I can lay it on the ground.
I'll act just to stand there as you merely think I am. Well I can shake your hand like a rain of tang with good feet as a clown. Clear the streets at book your ceaselessness to your business back in the town. I've received a shoot right through that group, it's a trick of bread in the town. Bring the proud and laugh out loud, Mr. Stewart, it's a back in the town. Well Mr. Stewart, it's a back in the town. Well Mr. Stewart, it's a back in the town. Well Mr. Stewart, I've received a shoot right through that group, it's a back in the town. No, no, no, no...
On a thirty-seven per day When he handed you that make Did you still feel like of it? Don't you know with your elbows in the sink But I've said too much already No, I think I'll step aside Cos more high altitude is shredded For any questions on your mind I could shake your hand like a ring of time It could be as a clown When the streets are broken, I see Mr. Steve It's back in the town We'll have your scene to shoot by through that move There's a truck of red with mail Ring the crowd and laugh about loudness I see you, there's a spack in town Hey, hey, Mr. Steve There's a spack in town I see you, there's a spack in town I see you, there's a spack in town
This is Lesho and talk about living in a dream world President Nixon is 1972 re-election campaign tried to tie the Democrats to the mob gay liberation and even slavery according to newly released papers and tapes from the Nixon library now trying to be real Still, as Nixon's lieutenants explored every avenue for defeating George McGovern and nullifying critics of all stripes President brooded over his reputation as a hard man whose gentle side was not being seen by the public Nixon called that side of him the whole warmth business
1970 he wrote an 11 page single spaced memo detailing his acts of kindness to staff and strangers an expressing regret that he was getting no credit for being quote nicey nice unquote I see that's how that's so tragic to me because the irony is and of course it's too late now at least how I saw Nixon nicey nice that's it that's it in a nutshell which by the way is where it belongs ladies and gentlemen last weekend the host of this broadcast was in London, England as you may well know part of that fake rock band spinal tap appearing at live earth along with a lot of real rock bands it's just so hard to tell though both ways and you probably read or heard
a lot of talk about the event both leading up to it and in the aftermath there's been of course no shortage of criticism of the worldwide series of concerts which were convened I think would be the word by Al Gore to try to raise global consciousness about the climate change deal the whole warmth business as Richard Nixon would have put it and some of the criticisms have centered around the expenditure of money and energy to fly entertainers to the various venues spinal tap flue to London even though they're not real they flew in a real plane explain that some of the other critics have said well the bands
basically just sort of ignored the message and knattered on about their own stuff or if they did talk on message it was you know it was rock rock people talking in a more quantitative way NBC which carried a three-hour prime time clip job is that fair to say clip job of the worldwide series of concerts in prime time last Saturday night of finished number four among the I believe five networks four out of five that's good when it's doctors it's good when it's ratings and even and microsoft which carried the concerts on its MSN broadband network on the internet said they broke the record for online streaming but they later
issued a clarification that they're going to issue a patch for that number so we have to wait on that so it the criticism I guess is that it didn't have an effect and it was wasteful and it was even Sir Bob Geldoff before the events took place was criticizing it saying well everybody knows about global warming you got to get him to do something about it this is of course the guy who will go down in posterity as the guy who made poverty history he just did it it was a live eight isn't that right so didn't do anything didn't get any numbers wasted carbon that's the criticism of live earth former vice president Gore has taken these criticisms to heart we understand that he has organized a new event with a lot less publicity it's going on this weekend
we have received excerpt rights for it and I'm getting a signal that in a couple of minutes we'll be ready to join it it's in progress but they're doing their own stuff we'll be ready to kind of listen in on it the show the the
the the the the the the the the the the the the
the I don't want it too fat, I don't want it too lean Head there, Jesse, you know what I mean Hey, Mr. Jesse, show got some fine by me, Cue I'll be around to get some, not about a quarter to two You know what I mean, I don't want it too lean Head there, Jesse, you know what I mean Head there, Jesse, you know what I mean Head there, Jesse, you know what I mean
Head there, Jesse, you know what I mean Head there, Jesse, you know what I mean Head there, Jesse, you know what I mean Every night around 12 o'clock, Mr. Jessie's shop really starts to run. The band is playing the blue down blue, and you can get any kind of meat you choose that you're going to jump in all night long. Lake Kansas City Barbecue Manage is really gone, some like it late, I'm stuck around here to find a folk shops in this man's town.
Hey, Mr. Jessie, you sure got some fine barbecue. I'll be around to get some tonight about a quarter to two. All right, we go there live right now. All right, I have to say welcome back to live out those who are joining us. Late in the proceedings, just a brief expectance of what we're doing here today at Beautiful Mahegun Sun Stadium. We had a lot of criticism about our last event that it was too carbon expensive and too unfocused to too many rock stars with their own agendas. And of course, we appreciate the efforts and the goodwill of all those performers. But tonight, we're doing something a little bit different, a little more carbon friendly and a little more focused.
Live Al is me, just me, and just a few friends. And I guess since Al Franken can run for a political office, I can tell some jokes. Of course, now that he's running for office, I'm riding jokes for him. Now Franken will be with us via carbon neutral satellite from the Twin Cities in the next hour out. What do you have coming up for us? Pretty much more of what you're going out. Well, looking forward to that. And one of the things we are doing, in fact, the only thing is getting the message across every which way we can, and one way we can, is with music. Can you feel it? Can you hear it? Can I see the words one more clearly on the top of there?
Thank you. Save the darker, save the snail, save the head, and save the tail, save it all, or go to jail, save it all, save it all, save the turtle, save the squid, save the gentle, lady did, save the goat, and save the kid, save it all, save it all, save it all, save it all, you don't know which part you're going to need, save it all, and do it please, and work Speed, and work Speed, save the oak just about to fall, save that scrunched
butter ball, save the big things, and save the small, save it all, yeah, save it all, Now put your hands together, take the car, put them together again, and keep doing it rhythmically like our brothers and sisters do. Change your life bones, oh change your socks, lose the tote bag, lose the cardboard box, change your life, and change your locks, change it all, change it all. Change your eating, change your oil, change the water, but you boil, change to hemp, for that cooking foil, change it all, change it all.
Change it all, your life just one big carbon plant, change it all, and make this song into a chant. Don't say you can't change consumption, change your clothes, suck your emissions back through a hose. We'd like to thank the folks that boast, they gave us our audio equipment systems, change it all, oh change it all. One more thing, change your savings, save your change, even though it may feel quite strange, be the key to rearrange.
Red or whole, have a ball, we must run before we call, prevent the ball, make that call. Of course we're not saying calls, but save it all. Thank you very much. We may try to get back to a live album, on the other hand we may not.
Honey, where the money gone? Where the money go? I've been working to job, baby, bring you all my door. Now to say you've got another man, and you believe me right away. What happened to all that cash, been keeping for a rainy day? Well there's one thing, one thing, one thing I want to know. I don't care where the love went, maybe where, if the money goes. I don't care where the money goes, I don't care where the money goes. I've been keeping in the car again, well there's one thing, one thing, one thing that I want to know.
I don't care where the love went, maybe where, where the money go? Where the money go? Where the money go? Where the money go? I don't care where the money goes. Maybe you look so good in your brand new track. I want to hire people that now you just let me guess. Now you say you're moving on, getting with the living is fine. I come, I get the feeling that it caused me my last dime. Well there's one thing, one thing, one thing I really want to know. I don't care where the love went, maybe where the money goes. I don't care where the love went, maybe where, if the money goes.
I don't care where the love went, I don't care where the money goes. And now ladies and gentlemen, news of the warm, what Vixen used to call the whole warmth business. Deadline Funafuti Tuvalu. The beaches are vanishing, the crops that used to grow are poisoned by salt water. Tuvalu is a string of nine picturesque atolls and coral islands. Global warming is not an abstract danger there. It's a daily reality. This is according to the Gulf Times.
The tiny South Pacific nation, only four meters above sea level at its highest point may not exist in a few decades. It's people are already in flight more than 4,000 have gone to New Zealand many of the remaining 10,500 are planning to join the Exodus. Others though are determined to stay and try to fight the advancing waves. The outlook is bleak, a tidal gauge on the main atoll Funafuti suggests the sea level is climbing by 5.6 millimeters a year. Twice the average global rate predicted by the UN's international panel on climate change. That figure may be alarming, implying a rise of more than half a meter in the next century. Most Tuvaluans have just one to two meters above sea level. The main prominence of Tuvalu is that they own the domain, the internet domain TV. So everybody who's got dot TV as their domain name should either celebrate or worry.
Wild salmon should be leaping upstream in Britain now as they undertake one of nature's great journeys completing their trek from the Atlantic Ocean to return to the Scottish rivers in which they respond. But this year's summer run is wearing late according to the British Sunday telegraph and causing concern among anglers. It comes amid growing fears for the future of the species whose numbers returning to Scottish waters have been cut in half since the 1970s. Sounds like Seattle catches on the big four salmon rivers are already significantly down on previous years and there are fears that the delays of up to four weeks in the summer run will further damage the stocks. There's also increasing concern about the size and fertility of the returning fish. The average weight of a young salmon or grills. Grills is a year one year old fish has dropped by 15% in the past decade. Egg production is dropped by 15%. Researchers believe this is because the salmon's ocean food sources of krill and shrimp which thrive in deep cold waters are declining due to rising sea temperatures. At the same time, the industry is bracing itself for the arrival of a fish bug from Scandinavia which threatens to decimate the salmon population.
70 million pound, $140 million salmon fishing business is centered on four main rivers, the Tay, the D, the Spay, and the Tweed. I just wanted to read those rivers names for you. A Queensland Australia professor says the farm agriculture sector of Australia needs to be ready for increasing numbers of parasites as a result of climate change. Professor Peter O'Donohue from the University of Queensland says global warming will expand the areas where parasites can live, hurting agricultural production. He says as parasites spread the severity of diseases will also increase. We'll have a lot more susceptible hosts suddenly being exposed to diseases for the first time he says. Well, then I won't be your host. Direct satellite measurements of solar activity show it's been declining since the mid-1980s and therefore cannot account for recent rises in global temperatures according to new research. The findings debunk an explanation for climate change that's often cited by people who are not convinced that greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are causing the earth's climate to warm.
If you change the output of the sun, you will undoubtedly change the climate. It's just a matter of how much says Mike Lockwood of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK skeptics commonly point to climate research reliance on computer models as a reason for doubting the link between global warming and greenhouse gas. We decided to do a simple and direct analysis of the potential role of the sun in recent climate change without using any model output says Lockwood. Looking at the data for the past 40 years, he and his aide have noticed that solar activity did what Lockwood describes as a U-turn in every possible way in the mid-1980s. Somewhere between 1985 and 1987, all the solar factors that could have affected climate change have been going in the wrong direction. If they were really a big factor, we would have cooling by now. Lockwood ads he wishes he knew why the sun's activity had changed in this way. I do too. News of the warm, ladies and gentlemen, it's so copyrighted. It copyrights itself. A New Orleans woman who sued those who sold FEMA motor homes over formaldehyde exposure in the FEMA trailers has died of lung cancer.
If is for FEMA, people, the lawsuit alleges thousands of hurricane victims who lived in the trailers have been exposed to dangerously high concentrations of formaldehyde fumes and have had no choice but to accept their plight. And thousands of pounds of ice originally sent to Hurricane Katrina relief efforts are being melted after being stored in Gloucester, Massachusetts for two years. They weren't given away to the people who needed it. They have been kept frozen in Massachusetts. Why doesn't it cost any energy? A FEMA spokeswoman told the Gloucester Daily Times that the ice at Gloucester and 22 similar facilities nationwide is being melted to dispose of it for health reasons. The cost of storing the ice at all the facilities since Katrina is $12.5 million, according to the Boston Globe. The ice was originally sent south to help Katrina victims, but a few days later it was sent back north by the federal government, meaning FEMA.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers acknowledged at the time that it had ordered too much ice due to fall the estimates by local officials. Truckers received up to $900 a day to move the ice. FEMA contracts required disposal of the ice three months after purchase, but the agency decided to keep the excess ice for last year's hurricane season with fewer storms than expected. The ice was not needed, and the agency decided not to save the ice for this season because it couldn't determine if the ice was safe for human consumption. Yeah, there's no way to do that. And quickly now, the apologies of the week. I wish science could figure out a way to find out if ice is healthy.
The BBC has apologized to Queen Elizabeth for mistakenly showing footage that wrongly implied she walked out of a portrait session during a documentary. The program trailer showed the Queen in exchange with photographer Annie Lieberwitz, followed by a clip of her apparently walking off the footage. It was not intended to be seen and was shown an error. Said the BBC, the BBC would like to apologize to both the Queen and Annie Lieberwitz for any upset this may have caused. The film had been edited out of sequence and supplied to the corporation by the producers in error. And of course, Louisiana Senator David Vitter sent an email to supporters earlier this week saying, quote, I deeply apologize again for letting you and others down. Our family will be fine, though we certainly appreciate your continuing thoughts and prayers. This is just a few hours after the so-called DC Madam posted her client's phone numbers on the internet. He was one of the clients. This was a very serious cinema pass for which I am, of course, completely responsible. I certainly offer my sincere and deep apologies to all I have disappointed and let down in any way.
Of course, national coverage has ignored the fact, in addition to the DC Madam, a Madam and now a former prostitute in New Orleans have come out and told the Times pick you down there that he was a frequent client. He is not yet apologized for that. The apologies the week are copyrighted feature of this broadcast. And ladies and gentlemen, that's going to conclude this week's edition of the Show the Program returns next week at the same time over these same stations over NPR, World Wide Threat Europe. I'm going to skip Japan this week, just because I don't remember what it's called.
Around the world through the facilities of the American Forces Network up and down the East Coast of North America via the shortwave giant WBCQ, the planet, 7.415 megahertz shortwave, on the Mighty 104 and Berlin on Sirius and XM satellite radio in the continental United States. Around the world via the internet and on your computer at two different locations, live at archives and Harry and Free download at slash the show and a free podcast at And it would be just like having a way to find out if ICE is healthy for you. A few degree to join with me, Dan. Would you? Already, thank you very much. The email address for this broadcast is available through Harry A typical a show shoppo to the San Diego and Pittsburgh desks. The show playlists are also available at the slowly reviving Harry The show comes to you from Century Progress Productions that originates from the facilities of KCRW, Santa Monica.
A community recognized around the world as the home of the homeless. This is subscriber support at 89.9 KCRW Santa Monica, KCRI, Indio Palm Springs, KCRU Oxnard Ventura, and KCRY, Mojave, et al. Valley. KCRW is hand-picked music and NPR news, streaming and podcasting at We're a community service of Santa Monica College. What are you a community service of? KCRW thanks the National Association of Television Program Executives, presenting the LATV Festival, July 25th through 27th. KCRU Oxnard Ventura, KCRY, Mojave, et al. Valley. KCRW is hand-picked music and NPR news, streaming and podcasting at We're a community service of Santa Monica College. Which do you like better, streaming or podcasting?
KCRW thanks the American Cinema Tech for its support. This week at the historic Arrow Theatre in Santa Monica, a limited engagement of David Lynch's latest film, Inland Empire, starring Laura Dern. Also on screen is the French classic Grand Illusion from renowned director, Jean-Wen Renoir. More information is available at 323-466film or Why do you hate podcasting? I just don't have the time. It's supposed to save time. That's the idea. Anyway, I just forced you into an artificial choice just as a time filler. What's the next news from NPR on KCRW Monique? Five o'clock. All things considered. Will it consider? Well, we'll find out, I guess, right? Yes. Monique, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you so much. Now, ladies and gentlemen, stay tuned for the Lesho program. It's next from the Lesho Dome. How appropriate. Lesho is next at 10 a.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Time. You'll know it's then at the sound of the tone. Won't you? From deep inside your radio.
It's the unequivocal that really is the problem. Well, that's one of them right there. It's usually the unequivocal. How's that? It's usually the unequivocal statement. That's the problem. And, of course, our public dialogue absolutely teams with them as a result. We are nuts. So, for example, we will never negotiate with terrorists. They line Washington. US forces in Iraq are striking a variety of, quote, hand-shake agreements with Iraqi insurgents and militia groups, sometimes resulting in the release of fighters detained for attacking US troops. US military officials say such informal deals mark a significant tactical shift in the Iraq war. That's all it is. It's a tactical shift. We still will never negotiate with terrorists. That's our policy. But this is just a tactical shift. This represents, according to the Washington Post, a potentially risky effort to enlist former US foes, former in the battle against hardline militants.
This is despite a White House report last week, including that a formal amnesty would be counterproductive for Iraq. US military officials believe that successful counter insurgents and campaigns almost always involve some form of forgiveness as a means to ending the fighting. I say kill them all. Anyway, we won't, we'll never negotiate with terrorists until we do. And all those who harbor terrorists we will deal with as equivalent to terrorists. You remember that? That was a gold month now, golden only. Anybody who harbors terrorists will be treated as we would treat terrorists. So this week the National Intelligence Estimate tells us, if you believe the National Intelligence Estimate, and that's a big if that al-Qaeda has a haven, a safe harbor in Iraq, no, in Iran, no, in Syria, no, in Pakistan. Our ally, the one that when we decided to invade Iraq, the one that had nuclear weapons already, the one that had warred with its neighbors, the one that had already at that time, high level sympathizers with al-Qaeda and the Taliban.
So now they've reconstituted like like dried orange juice in that in that nutty area in Pakistan, where just nine months ago, General President Musharraf signed a peace deal with the tribal elements, as they're called. But no sooner had the United States issued that National Intelligence Estimate, then Pakistan bristled and asked Washington to provide it with quote actionable intelligence unquote. We would firmly act to eliminate any al-Qaeda hideout on the basis of specific intelligence or information said the Pakistani Foreign Ministry, meaning you tell us the GPS coordinates and we'll take care of it. You stay out of it. And by the way, don't ask to question AQ Khan and Pakistan dismissed US officials comments about striking targets in those nutty tribal areas of Pakistan, where al-Qaeda has its haven, its safe haven, as quote irresponsible and dangerous.
The Foreign Office, instead Pakistani Foreign Office, instead urged prudence and patience. Remember then they had that hit in the 50s. Patience, that's, that's the new, that's the new black. That's what the General Ordiano asked for this week. More patience on Iraq. We won't know by September. Who said September? Did we ever say September? We met November. You mixed up your embers. The report this week that Teenage Sex, which had been plummeting in the past decade, has now leveled off. I know it's an ugly word picture, but you know what I mean. And the proponents of abstinence education, which has been prominent in the last six years during the time that they teen.
Sex practices went from reducing to leveling off. The proponents of abstinence education call for more patience. And now the Pakistanis call for patience. We cannot, nor should we be expected to take indiscriminate action over a large territory with any precise information about any al-Qaeda hideout. So the Pakistanis. So you give us their address and their phone number and we'll do the, we'll do the job. Patience, it's the new black. Hello, welcome to the show. My ever-present past. I've got too much on my mind. I think of everything to be discovered. I hope there's something to find.
Searching through the time that has gone so fast. The time that I've progressed. My ever-present past. The things I think I did. I do not think I did. The things I think I did when I was a kid. I couldn't understand the words that they were saying, but still I hung around and took it all in. I would enjoy it with games that they were playing. It went fine. It went fine. It went fine. It went fine. It went fine. It went fine. It went fine. There's one too much on my plate
Don't let no time to be a decent lover I hope it's never too late Searching for the time that has come so fast The time that I bought the last My ever-present past The time that I didn't I'd too, I'd too, I'd too The time that I did When I was a kid Ooh, that's something that I did I'd too, I'd too, I'd too The time that I did When I was a king, when I was a king See, I saved your trip to Starbucks
from the edge of America, from the home of the homeless I'm Harry Scherer welcoming you to this edition of the show It was just about less than 10 months ago Well more, little less, it was the beginning of September I had returned from a trip to England I reported to you about my experience in London's Exocruable Heathrow Airport Some people, when I reported this experience at the on the Huffington Post blog, accused me of being, you know, a crybaby Today in the independent newspaper in London The headline reads Heathrow The world's least favorite airport It's bursting at the seams The subject of growing criticism from airlines and passengers over delays caught by security checks and the slow modernization of its creaking infrastructure Despite the fact that
the owners of Heathrow, a Spanish company made profits of over a billion dollars last year Which they either are or are not investing in Heathrow Terminal two is a shambles Says one senior airline executive The airport is in danger of sending out a message It is not fit for purpose, he continues And it is the passengers The airlines in the United Kingdom economy paying the price Heathrow has 68 million passengers going through the year When it's rated for only 45 million The independent newspaper said it has been told the airport was Quote at times held together by Sticking plaster i.e. band-aids Four senior executives have left the Heathrow team in the past year Along with a significant number of middle ranking managers
It's almost as if they don't want to be blamed for something Heathrow ladies and gentlemen, the world's least favorite airport See you there soon And now, speaking of which, the apologies of the week It's so sorry Oh, we got a boatload Concord New Hampshire's little league board of director Directors has formally apologized for the way parents and board members treated Umpires at all star game for 11 and 12-year-olds Last week heckling them, the umpires during and after the game And hitting one umpire with a piece of pizza Well, when we supposed to kill the umpire, that's what I heard when I was a kid The board hired Attorney Jim Rosenberg to look into the incident And recommend whether action be taken against parents, volunteers, or coaches After the game, which conquered lost 10-9 to Salem, Fans trying to start a physical altercation according to home plate umpire Matt Lamir He said a league board member pitched pizza at an umpire Quote, we are truly sorry that these events transpired at our home field
The boards had in its apology We are in the process of working through the issues In hope that we can avoid any future incidents De La Washington after a profanity-laced altercation with a capital police officer During which he reached to touch the officer's name tag US Republican Congressman Christopher Shays Apologized Friday for acting, quote, in a way, I know it was not appropriate, unquote Who was the uh democratic congresswoman from Georgia Who was the subject of a lot louder news reporting When she had a physical altercation with a capital policeman Was it Tammy Faisam? No, it was The fourth district Republican said in a statement I take full responsibility for this incident and want to ensure it does not reflect Negatively on the officer in any way Veteran rocker Iggy Pop is apologized for using a derogatory racial term During a live BBC interview with the Glastonberry Festival last month Real name, James Osterberg
Was being interviewed at the event when he recalled visiting, quote, Packy shops The BBC swiftly issued an apology for the singer's use of the disparaging term For a person of Pakistani descent and now pop himself It's also apologized A top Boston police officer has been reprimanded for calling rape in a neighborhood With a growing Hispanic population, a quote Courting ritual, quote, Robert Dunford Promoted to number two spot in the Boston police department after 27 years He apologized Friday he's been ordered to go through sensitivity training Japan's outspoken foreign minister apologized this week for joking They've quote, even people with Alzheimer's disease would know the difference in price Between Japanese and Chinese rice I've now realized I use an inappropriate allusion And I'm so retracting my remarks and apologizing to all those Who offended the foreign minister Written second large, the supermarket chain apologized For criticizing the publisher of the Harry Potter books
Asda owned by Walmart Said it apologized unreservably to Bloomsbury publishing And withdrew a statement accusing the publisher of quote Blatant profiteering on its suggested retail price for the latest Harry Potter books A Montgomery County, Pennsylvania manufacturer allowed the escape of more than 2400 pounds of toxic gas into the air Over a two and a half hour period More than 60 times they allowed a mount state officials acknowledge this week Previously Department of Environmental Protection said Officials had said only that the release of tri-chlorethylene A probable human carcinogen was more than a hundred pounds DEP officials Said that the superior tube company apologized for the incident Next time they'll use inferior tube When a Japanese reporter recently asked Roger Clements for an autograph He got a signed photo and a swift penalty His membership in the baseball writers association of America was revoked
Hiroki Homa said he didn't realize he was breaking the rules Although he took full responsibility and apologized to the New York Yaggers Also on our sports blotter Michael Vick called a Atlanta Falcons owner Arthur Blank And apologized for his indictment on dogfighting charges Vick is believed to have been contrite on the call According to His legal problems won't keep thick off the team Angerhurt and conciliation washed through a room at thousand oaks California senior senator as a center As officials and community members grappled to understand a discussion a month ago that resulted in complaints of anti-semitism The June 19th discussion built as a part of four series on comparative religion Was to focus on the Holocaust Calls of anti-semitism arose for both the discussion Led by a senior volunteer in a flyer promoting the event that included the question Quote did it happen Kineho recreation and park district officials received calls emails and letters From people who were offended district officials apologize to the crowd
Those some members of the audience jeered at them at times More yes there are more The BBC has apologized to heavy metal fans After complaints from viewers that the Live set by Metallica was not shown in full And it's live coverage of live earth have I used the word live enough in that sentence from Wembley Apparently they didn't apologize to spinal tap fans The spinal taps set was similarly truncated by the BBC To go to a prerecord from Thailand The BBC was at pains to point out that the decision was not taken out of prejudice about heavy metal music Or any other music rather it was a result of its efforts to broadcast from other live earth concerts Around the world However the BBC did misspell Metallica's name on its complaints website Not all the tracks by every performer could be featured But we did transmit a full trail promoting our interactive coverage
Where digital viewers wanting to see the performances in full could press the red button at any time The concerts were very fluid in London And there was certainly no prejudice about heavy metal or any other music This is inevitably a fine balance We cannot please all everyone all the time However we've caused apologize if any particular viewers were disappointed Again no apology to spinal tap The operator of a nuclear power plant stricken by our earthquake earlier this week said that the damage was worse than previously reported Clean safe plentiful nuclear energy and that a leak of water was 50% more radioactive than initially announced Hey that's a bonus that's the way I look at it That's a plus they plused up As the military likes to say For the third time in three days Tokyo Electra power electric power Apologize for delays and errors in announcing the extent of damage at the plant Which was struck by a magnitude 6.8 earthquake that also struck the rest of the city of Kashiwa Zaki
The company also said tremors had tipped over 400 barrels Barrels sorry of radioactive waste not 100 as it originally reported and that the lids had opened on 40 of those barrels Relax it's clean it's safe it's plentiful BBC also has apologized Unreservedly for airing inappropriate language The line what do you mean F blank off in a comedy sketch on a show the green guide to life at aired at 1 p.m When children could be listening The chief executive of Whole Foods market is apologized to shareholders this week for anonymously posting comments about his company on the internet And the Securities and exchange commission has launched a probe into the matter Whole Foods chief executive John Mackie posted messages on a Yahoo message board under an alias for years He talked up his company while predicting a bleak bleak future for a competitor whole old whole sorry wild oats
Which Whole Foods is now trying to buy Quote I sincerely apologize to all Whole Foods market stakeholders for my error in judgment And anonymously participating on online financial message boards I am very sorry and I ask our stock stakeholders to please forgive me last week He defended the postings Saying he posted on you ho Yahoo under pseudonym because quote I had fun doing it And speaking of fun The Los Angeles archdiocese Has reached the settlement with more than 500 people allegedly abused by Los Angeles Catholic priest The settlement will be worth about $660 million the alleged abuse dated back 60 years Cardinal Mahoney Apologize to the victims pledging that the abuse quote will not happen again Well, they're not children anymore Cardinal so you know it won
Quoting the Cardinal again. There really is no way to go back and give them that innocence that was taken from them The one thing I wish I could give the victims I cannot Cardinal Mahoney said Well, how about sending the perpetrators to jail and those who protect oh So largest payment by the U.S. Church since the abuse scandal began hey, you know LA is kind of abuse central right now. Sorry apology central right now. No scandal central right now I'll get it right because You know nothing makes people in Los Angeles pay attention to local news like a scandal in city hall and suddenly Jay Leno is doing jokes every night about mayor via regosa and is a fairer with a woman who used to cover him Journalistically, of course for a local Hispanic TV channel and now this with the With the Catholic priest and the settlement and the thing The latest settlement does call for the release of confidential priest personnel files That'll be good might want to read those might want to have a
A stage reading of those This might be very very cute Just a little more information about the settlement The LA dog trainer estimates that the archdiocese has real estate holdings worth more than four billion dollars Though it has always been the position of the archdiocese that insurance companies must honor their responsibility to fund a major share of settlements That's right Let the insurance companies pay the victims of priest sexual abuse it won't affect the rest of our premiums The archdiocese must also be prepared to fund its share of these settlements Mahoney said This will require the archdiocese to begin to dispose of non-essential real estate properties in order to raise funds for the settlements The archdiocese its insurers and various Orders have paid already more than 114 million to settle 86 claims so far The apologies of the weak ladies and gentlemen
A copyrighted feature of this broadcast And exactly how will the church dispose of those properties What started out as a nasty lawsuit is ending up as your real estate opportunity of the year High time play with the use of a property auction so big it could make the pope open the woods How would you like to own a former prokyl school with the latest in athletic facilities and audio visual equipment Think of the possibilities you know the former owners did that's why it's got to be sold before August 31st How about a high rise building formally used only by some a bit of administrators or a mini car wash Just purchased an investment and what an investment it was it could finance the refurbishment of your very own Investory just a fraction of the properties that must be liquidated at this once in a lifetime so far auctioned event The Los Angeles archdiocese one of the biggest in the world has got to slim its real estate portfolio to meet pressing legal obligations And the victim's loss can be your gain half a hundred premium Southern California properties many never in the market before must find new owners Or it's bishop at a job too time Supermarkets mini balls warehouses and premium residential is the church part of it's all here terms you call the tune
You're dealing with the most motivated sellers and Adam had to unload his garden apartment Remember if the church considered it non-essential you'll find it here We're talking everything but the name sure it takes the success builder gene to look at a freestanding nails alone and see dollar signs But this is the real estate portfolio that build like a theater. It can do the same for you When these properties are gone in the plate of spade-off There won't be another opportunity like this until the next archdiocese settled So act now view the properties online at That's That's where you can sign up for the auction and get your free Virtual bidding pedal then august 31st go online and stake your claims the biggest gold restaurants did he got his first Royalty check prime Southern California properties price to move and it's all for the kids Presented by Mahoney and Mahoney auctioneers to the perps If I ever leave you baby
You can say I told you so And if I ever had you You know I have myself as way Is that any way for care to carry on Do you think I want my love one gone Said I love you More than you ever know More than you ever know When I wasn't making too much money
You know in my paycheck way I brought it home to your baby I never spent a rest there Is that any way for care to carry on Do you think I want my love one gone Said I love you More than you ever know More than you ever know I'm not trying to be there Just anytime the girl know I'm just trying to be somebody You kind of look up and understand
I know I know I should be The kind of young and young as you can see But I've got to keep you safe It's all I I'm only flesh and blood But I could do anything that you can bear I could be queen of everything Or just a tiny green thing Is that any way for care to carry on Do you think I want my love one gone Said I love you
More than you ever know More than you ever know I don't need nobody else I don't want nobody else I don't need nobody else I don't want nobody else More than you ever know More than you ever know
I don't need nobody else I don't want nobody else I don't need nobody else This is Lesho And ladies and gentlemen, just a snapshot of the new Iraq If you're listening pleasure You are an American ambassador to Baghdad Ryan Crocker has asked the administration To all Iraqis who've worked for us in Iraq This should please the right wing Because of growing concern that they will quit and flee the country If they cannot be assured eventual safe passage to the United States That sounds like a cool place to work and live
The administration has admitted all of 133 Iraqi refugees Since October despite predicting it would process 7,000 Our Iraqi staff members work under extremely difficult conditions I thought it was getting better And our targets for violence including murder and kidnapping I thought it was getting better Unless they know that there is some hope of an immigrant visa in the future Many will continue to seek asylum That, ladies and gentlemen, should tell you all you need to know But it doesn't and it won't Now It's time for me to read the trades for you It's kind of juicy in tradesville this week First from multi-channel news Which covers the cable industry Hence the name Biography channel begins multi-million dollar rebranding effort
Well, it gets better believe me Just wait till I read it for you The biography channel would put truth behind its new positioning In a multi-million dollar network rebranding effort starting this week The channel will be renamed Bio The network will emphasize true story celebrity profiles And reality programming You know, finally somebody has figured out what we don't have enough of on TV Sorry, that was an interpolation Ranging from the classic biography programs Which form the basis of the channel's founding To a talk show about notable celebrities hosted by William Schatner More shout on TV There's already competition in the quote Truth category
Turner broadcasting system last week Recast its court TV network as True TV TRU Which will follow the exploits of Feuding families Oil drillers Outdoor outlaw chasers Other real people In Bio's case the emphasis on truth comes as the network looks to draw more viewers Really? I thought they were trying to view draw less viewers Silly me, particularly in prime time Quoting Quoting A and E executive vice president Bob de Bittito In today's hyper competitive marketplace brands that don't evolve and keep pace with the wants and needs of viewers Run the risk of becoming irrelevant Whether it's famous people, investigators, criminals or psychic investigators
We know that the truth is more entertaining than fiction Said VP of marketing guy's lottery Saying what he knows The centerpiece of the original lineup is the talk show built around William Schatner tentatively titled William Schatner's raw nerve It's not going to be your typical celebrity junk at show He's going to get the most interesting unusual celebrities and notable people So says Rob Chernow Head of programming in bio Other original shows on the docket include Small medium at large Featuring four-foot tall medium and morse channeling the spirits of dead celebrities I'm reading this, I'm not writing it The network will also seek to improve its appeal with its core audience of 25 to 50-year-old women By potentially launching an HD channel Yes, it seems like a non-secretary
Just because it is And in the advertising world brand identity as if you didn't already know as everything Since the US military invaded Iraq in 2003 Its show of force brand has proved to have limited appeal to Iraqi consumers According to a recent study commissioned by the United States military Yes, marketing studies by the military, what's your problem with that? This is from the Washington Post The key to boosting the image and effectiveness of US military operations around the world involves shaping both the product and the marketplace And then establishing a brand identity that places what you're selling in a positive light As clinical psychologist Todd C. Helmus, the author of enlisting Madison Avenue A 211 paid study for which the US joint forces command paid $400,000 It was released this week
Helmus and his co-authors, yeah, I don't just blame him, concluded that the force brand Which the United States peddled for the first few years of the occupation was doomed from the start And lost ground to enemies competing brands While not abandoning the more aggressive elements of warfare the report suggested A more attractive brand for the Iraqi people might have been, quote, We will help you Helmus acknowledged it could be too late for extensive rebranding of the US effort But he still cashed the check No, sorry, that's me Walmart's desired identity As a friendly shop where working-class customers can feel comfortable and find good value Would be undercut if telephone operators and said sales personnel had rude attitudes For the US military and US officials understanding the target customer culture is equally critical, says the study
Helmus recommends expanding military training to include shaping and branding concepts The study underscores the perils of failing to understand your consumer A gesture Bush made during his inaugural parade in 2005 the University of Texas Hookham Horn salute with raised index and pinky fingers stands for the sign of the devil in some cultures Yeah, this one, and an indication of marital infidelity and others Reliefly dropped to intimidate Iraqi insurgents the study noted also reached non-combatants And gave everyone who picked it up the evil eye The challenge was to find something we could learn from Madison Avenue
Or from the marketers, the best in the world That might help us when we're trying to deliver a message about what democracy is Helmus says the US military and civilian authorities must stop thinking of themselves as a quote good idea factory Whose every thought has greater merit than those of their customers Not even proctor and gambled as that, he says Something to think about, ladies gentlemen, when I read the trades for you, which is why I do it It's a copyrighted feature of this broadcast The University of Pennsylvania this week was the site of the latest taping for a broadcast A broadcast I'm guessing that you have never seen I'd be interested if anybody in this audience has seen it, it's called Dan Rather Reports And it's on the HD net, which is available to, well it's not available, it's market to do everyone
Who has a high definition television? No, not high definition radio, that's what you're listening to! And on this edition of Dan Rather Reports, the venerable journalist exiled of course from CBS a couple of years ago now And recently in the news for his denunciation of his former home as having Quote dumbed down and tarted up the CBS evening news Unquote denounced for being a sexist on the basis of that remark The evening news course now being anchored by Katie Corrick On that broadcast this week of Dan Rather reporting Mr. Rather had as his guest another anchor formally of network precincts now on Occasional duty at Discovery Networks, Ted Coppel So the discussion obviously is going to be broadcast Though no one living now can see it
But to find out what happened afterwards one might need another episode of High Def Dan Next here on the show So Brother Coppel, we should pleasure a Cup of Chino, box of one Well I'm just thinking Brother Rather that a couple of years ago we would have been meeting it Oh I don't know, Chana Grille, Aquavit, the Four Seasons Now it's in the vending machine room of a college in Pennsylvania And you know something Brother Coppel? Aside from the noticeable step down in the level of service, I prefer it this way No former actor turned network presidents to Coutau too, no mouse to please But I'll have the box of wine Alright I got this, you were my guest No argument There you go sir
The best pin on the war upstate New York has to offer in the box Thank you So Dan that was a lovely interview that's a side of you We didn't see enough of News serve the preeminent interviewer since talk a model bought the farm That is a supreme compliment But if I may put a ribbon on the pony There were many sides to me you didn't see back there You never did your Donald Duck imitation on Nightline either No sir, I did not But I guess the whole countertop about your description of your former broadcast Has dumbed down and tarted up as blown over Let's put it this way, Haas It's been downgraded to a tropical depression That's good No, a decade ago I said that Quote more often than a DC call girl changes seats But all of a sudden Because Sister Corrick is warming the chair until fearless leader has a second thought All of a sudden I'm some kind of sexist
Well I think this is why the new breed of television news talent is such bad writers It's not because they're dumb although there is that But they've just been trained by lawyers to avoid writing anything That doesn't have all the Zing of a Zoloft Of course don't get me wrong Susan Miss Katie wasn't so much a Hail Mary Pass has helped me Jesus punt But you can't blame the girl for the cake she jumped out of I couldn't help thinking about what Barbara was thinking When Katie got the job Sister Walters The two and only, I mean She's got to be thinking to herself If I were 20 years younger I'd be getting that gig instead of Refereeing a cat fight between the Corpulent Negroes And the adipose friend of Sappho I suppose you would Although reality check here, Brother Couple I don't think Miss Star and Miss O'Donnell were on the view at the same time You have had some time on your hand since you stopped anchoring
Go and spend all your hours doing high-definition reports Speaking of which perfume thanks for doing this interview tonight, Copo I do wish we'd been able to wrangle a few more Audience members into the Corral Daniel Theodore the number of folks we had in that auditorium to not guarantee I'll double my previous number Not a lot of viewers over on your channel Get on discovery all that off And they seem to run shark week every month now But when I do, I have to tell you The email trickle does become a tsunami Well, I hope you get food and water The victim's brother calls No, see, they all high-definition Universe can be a cruel one And not just because A soft-focused lens doesn't cut it And they present a bill with the department any longer You know, friend, brother, shefe Certainly put the knife and sister Katie With a certain deafness Well, sir, he's peeing in a saddle if you think they're going to give the anchor chair back to him Fearless leader is certainly not going to go distaff one more time
And Katie unbars the door, but he's going to go younger than a tadpole's maconium I'm sure that's true, Daniel, though I doubt the tadpole's have maconium strictly speaking I was at wine treating you Best box I've had since I left ABEC You know, I think Miss Katie is learning one of the iron laws of television That's hard for perky to go serious than vice versa Well, Ed Mero didn't look all that believable when he was interviewing Sammy Davis Jr. Diddy No, no, sir, been a while since I've seen that tape Just saying that our friend entered the rodeo A little shorter riding weight Daniel, this isn't just a matter of evil corporate despots In fact, is our time is up We've had a very long stay at the fair, but the party's over Yes, sir They have indeed prepped our pretty balloons
Yes, sir So when a new and stupid was bound to replace us who that particular individual turned out to be was just a matter of identity He passed lottery, if you will Well, the Jennings entered a pass and the torch too Well, not exactly one of us Was Gibson? Well, true, he's not there for his legs But the whole point of the enterprise has changed Nightline's target attention span is now shorter than that of 60 minutes Well, never about attention span at 60 No, four star journalistic storytelling Of course, that's before Brother Cooper Or should that be Since whatever it was about at 60, I'm very happy to be on a basic cable stud farm It's a little elitist to be talking only to Lexus owners Well, at least you have enough viewers to get a sample Our viewership is just about the size of a sample Still about full editorial control So an audience just about the size of a high school graduating class
Has seen some kick butt-troner rattling journalism Not 10 of the country, no sir, although We do have the budget for it if Brother Cuban really believes in the story Well, sir Daniel, I don't want to be late for my train If I miss it, I have to take the local Thanks for the wine Oh, my pleasure sir Thank you for the deep thanks at chat tonight My best to you with yours The same to you, Brother Rather I will see you there in a lot of fun You expected the news to be louder I believe you got the fight when push comes to shove You got the news to be louder You know you got to be strong You can call me sweetie You got the news to be louder You got to get your gun and guard your duty The news to be louder If you take that dog away I ain't got nothing to say. I'm a leader, a bookie man that's coming to get you.
In the name of his heroine. You try to never let him, but he's not gonna let you. In the name of his heroine. In the way he hates you for freedom and you can't pretend to be. In the name of his heroine. We got the same for him or for the much. In the name of his heroine. If you take that down the way. I ain't got nothing to say. In the name of his heroine. I believe in the right of life.
In the name of his heroine. I believe in love between a man and a swipe. In the name of his heroine. Yeah, I believe in the electric chair. In the name of his heroine. This round of all and you're gonna all win this. In the name of his heroine. In the name of his heroine. If you take that down the way. I ain't got nothing to say. I believe God gave us this nation of wonders. If the name of his heroine. We got two men and birds. We got two men now, there's a lot of milk forl. We're gonna need it out. We got way too many fish, you got near enough forl. If you need it, take it out. If you take that thought away, I ain't got nothing to say. Get the gipsies, you got something to say.
I believe in it all about you. If you need it, take it out. You got that global warming guy, I don't think he's real. If you take that thought away, I ain't got nothing to say. I believe in me and mine. I've been breaking it in, I've been going to spy. You know we're gonna leave whatever I turn you to.
You just hope that I might give it all to you. When I take that thought away, you ain't got nothing to say. If you take that thought away, I ain't got nothing to say. And now ladies and gentlemen news from outside the bubble. From the British newspaper, the London Sunday Telegraph, the British government is condemned for failing tens of thousands of people affected by the latest flooding to sweep. Great Britain. Government officials were accused of mishandling the crisis and doing little to ensure that areas were properly protected after three days of downpours. If the full extent of the latest flooding became clear, swathes of Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, Warwickshire and Lincolnshire were underwater. The Prime Minister said the flooding was, quote, an emergency that no one could have predicted, unquote.
But forecasters had warned officials at the Environment Agency about the risk on Wednesday, two days before the first downpour. Is this sound familiar? Now this is a labor government, which supposedly believes in the power of government to do something. As opposed to the Republicans in this country who believe in the power of government to do nothing, except bring democracy to the Middle East. But still, there were no sandbags in place, no pumps and no ditches had been cleared. Why wasn't the fire brigade or even the army mobilized, leaving people stranded on the M5 freeway overnight for more than 15 hours is totally unacceptable? Said the opposition leader for the environment. This is the second time in three weeks that the Environment Agency has faced criticism over failure to erect temporary flood defenses after it decided not to use them in Worcester in June. An audit report found that 63% of British flood defenses were not properly maintained, and more than a billion dollars of flood defense spending did not reach areas most at risk.
But they did build a millennium dome. Areas still recovering from earlier flooding were engulfed again. After vehicles carrying temporary barriers to the towns became stuck in the floods. And from the Guardian, the balance in the internal White House debate over Iran has shifted back in favor of military action before President Bush leaves office. The Guardian has learned, although the Bush administration still has its hands full with Iraq, it remains focused on Iran, a well-placed source in Washington said, Bush is not going to leave office with Iran still in limbo.
I could go to purgatory. That is a possibility. Limbo has been, I believe, abolished. Is that right? Didn't the Pope abolish limbo? So that's sort of stands to reason. We're not going to leave Iran in limbo news from outside the bubble. Now followed by news of the war, aren't you? Let's go. Ethanol fuel made from corn may be being seriously, dangerously oversold as a green energy solution according to a new review of biofuels. The report concludes that the rapidly growing and heavily subsidized corn ethanol industry, thank you Archudangels Midland, will cause significant environmental damage without significantly reducing the country's dependence on fossil fuels. Quote.
There are smarter solutions than rushing straight to corn-based ethanol, says Scott Cullen of the network for new energy choices and co-author of the study. The Vermont Law School Institute for Energy in the Environment also participated in the study. The 27% of the country's corn crop for this year is earmarked for ethanol. But even if all corn grown in the US was used for fuel, it would only offset 15% of our gasoline use. And meanwhile, there's all that runoff in the Mississippi, creating a dead zone in the Gulf. You've heard about that? Sure you have. News of the warm latest gentleman. And finally, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, since early 2006, has suppressed warnings from its own field workers about health problems experienced by hurricane victims living in government-provided trailers with levels of a toxic chemical formaldehyde. 75 times the recommended maximum for US workers. The trailer of emails obtained by congressional investigators showed the agency's lawyers rejected a proposal for systematic testing of the levels of potentially cancer-causing formaldehyde gas in the trailers, out of concern that then the agency would, quote, own, unquote, the problem and be legally liable for any hazards or health problems.
Also, on top of its game, the Department of Homeland Security, a $1.2 billion program to deploy new radiation monitors to screen trucks, cars, and cargo containers for signs of nuclear devices is delayed. Department of Homeland Security officials may have misled Congress about the effectiveness of the supposedly cutting edge technology. He said it would detect highly enriched uranium 95% of the time. Now, actual rates were as low as 17% and no higher than 50%. Feel safer yet. And so my job is done. That concludes this week's edition of the show. The program returns next week at the same time over the same stations. Over NPR, worldwide throughout Europe, the US and 440 cable system in Japan around the world through the facilities of the American Forces Network up and down the east coast of North America via the shortwave giant.
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In 10 seconds 11 a.m. From PRI Public Radio International. From WBEZ Chicago, it's this American live. I'm Ira Glass.
Le Show
2007-07-15; 2007-07-22
Producing Organization
Century of Progress Productions
Contributing Organization
Century of Progress Productions (Santa Monica, California)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-906971ca3f7).
Segment Description
July 15, 2007 description: 00:00 | Open | 05:16 | 'Enough (Quantic remix)' by Judith Owen | 09:35 | News from Outside the Bubble : The Monkees aren't in the Hall of Fame | 22:59 | The New Iraq | 25:33 | 'Mr. Stupid' by Richard Thompson | 34:28 | 'Hey Mr. Jessie' by The Johnny Nocturne Band | 38:43 | Live Al | 40:21 | 'Save It All' by Harry Shearer | 45:07 | 'Honey Where's The Money Gone' by Solomon Burke | 48:31 | News of the Warm : Goodbye, Tuvalu | 55:17 | The Apologies of the Week : BBC, David Vitter | 56:55 | 'Everything I Love' by Eliane Elias /Close |
Segment Description
July 22, 2007 description: 00:00 |Open | 05:16 | 'Ever Present Past' by Paul McCartney | 10:20 | The Apologies of the Week : Iggy Pop, Boston cop, the Archbishop of LA | 21:45 | Mahoney and Mahoney property auction | 23:30 | 'I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know' by Alice Russell | 28:33 | The New Iraq | 29:44 | Reading the Trades | 39:02 | Hi-Def Dan : Ted the Guest | 45:36 | 'If It Makes Me A Dollar' by Charlie Wood | 50:05 | News from Outside the Bubble : The British government mishandled the flood disaster... sound familiar? | 56:02 | 'As Long As I Live' by Barbara Carroll /Close |
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Host: Shearer, Harry
Producing Organization: Century of Progress Productions
Writer: Shearer, Harry
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Century of Progress Productions
Identifier: cpb-aacip-e48beec627a (Filename)
Format: DAT
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Chicago: “Le Show; 2007-07-15; 2007-07-22,” 2007-07-15, Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 2, 2024,
MLA: “Le Show; 2007-07-15; 2007-07-22.” 2007-07-15. Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 2, 2024. <>.
APA: Le Show; 2007-07-15; 2007-07-22. Boston, MA: Century of Progress Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from