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NEWSNIGHT Minnesota is a production of Katie C. All of the stations of Minnesota Public Television pamphlets all that must be time for music show All thanks to director the slash talent Booker Jeff why it's never hard to put one of these together. No indeed so we're going to replace your regular NEWSNIGHT with another music night Lou Hartman Ken Stone here tonight NEWSNIGHT some musical diversity is on display jazz to classical pop it all going to find it right here. Indeed Richard Thompson Big John Dickerson a lot to name just the field it's all coming up right now. NEWSNIGHT Minnesota is made possible in part with support from the Blanton Foundation creating a stronger Minnesota by bridging rural and urban communities. And by the Nick Knight Foundation dedicated to improving the quality of life for Minnesota families aren't reporting on News Night is supported by a grant from the Dayton Hudson foundation on behalf of Dayton's move in California and Target stores.
First off the music and performers you are about to hear are brought to you by the very best studio crew in town and heads off in. It's a holiday show so no headlines let's get right to the music. We are going to start out tonight with something national followed by something local. OK now we admit that the Doc Severinsen was just on but we have to play this again it's a doc's two minute tribute to his friend the man who wrote The Christmas Song on the wall tour in May. All right. It will follow that with a local musician an arranger who has contributed to the spotlight on several occasions. We just had to roll out Lorica the audio again because the last time she was here she brought a tight combo with her. So here is Doc Severinsen and Laura Linney. With.
Her. Long. Long. Time.
Thanks. Even better the second time around. In just a minute we're going to kick it up another notch with another local powerhouse blue chamber featuring Big John Dickerson But first a sample of the international talent that's come to NEWSNIGHT. More than any other act we had scores of people contact the producer and director to see if they could come down to the studio to meet Richard Thompson the British singer songwriter was here back in September and early Hamer
had the honors. It was about a thousand things we could say about our next guest but to his fans nothing little old Mary read here off the teleprompter could do to thank him for giving just a few perceive as many impressive accolades as any other musician in the past 30 plus years. His new album mock Tudor explores growing up in suburban post-war London. He's performing tomorrow night in First Avenue. We're pleased to welcome Richard Thompson Absolutely an honor everybody so not sure about things are not going down. Let's go let's go back to the 60s and 70s and talk about the Fairport Convention in and what you've become since then and how your music has kind of changed and evolved. Well in fact what we experimented with mixing pretty traditional music with rock music and sort of taking you know the blues and country music as a route so we took our own tradition so that made it sound quite different. I'm still kind of doing the same thing I still write songs that are more in the tradition so it's a little
off to the side of the mainstream. The buzz you say is different about it. I mean it's a sly thing it uses more modal music you know it's more Celtic modes. I mean they're definitely cross influences because a lot of country music comes from Scots Irish So you know there are similarities but you know it's not a bluesy and I'm hearing a lot of Celtic sounds and influences in this new CD mocked up song good hat right. Well let's hear what. You're kind of poking fun at your background. Well you know I come from the suburbs and you know it's a bit of a to grow up in. You know there's not a lot to like out in the sticks when you when you're in the middle of town. So you kind of get quite a bit depressed. But what if you do in your bedroom you know. So I was going to you know on the subject of suburbia but that's the backdrop.
You know songs about human beings you know pulls a lot from your experience. Yes some of it's quite autobiographical some of the things that happens with other people just stuff it's slightly fiction. I like to see the records exist. The same things to you to hear your thoughts. On the seat Burris.
Says. Burris. It's. Not our. Love your. Love the service. To your.
Life. Is one. Of the. Things I. Think you're all right along with. Her. The third. Seat Burris. Said through. The seat the seat with the seat through. With. The Knowing. Nothing. But through. To. Go through. The thick things with that so he threw it through. The seat by this.
Seat Burris. 0 0. 0. S. S.. S.. S.. S.. S.. S.. Things. Seem smooth. Don't. Make. Me. Wrong.
No. YOUNG MAN. Says. It's not so. Long ago. A man. Named. Mike. Duncan and telephone. Mark. LANE. Took. Me. To. A. Cold cold. Cold. Cold. Thought. My. Brain just sitting still. In the days. To. Go. With. Me. Cold. Nights No. Longer. On Main Street. My. Long.
Honor. Her. Last. Ilang. Ilang. Just. Look at A. Little. Bit. On. The way. And. Saw. The look. Of the man's face. Like her in. The a.m. or. The rain and
the land. And. The land. To. The land of. The hourlong. Good. News.
We're going to continue to flog her musical diversity with a couple of more acts unlike any you have seen tonight we've got something classical and something low. One of the benefits of living in Minnesota is the wealth of great musical organizations in the state. The Minnesota opera certainly one of them. A few months back they staged Mozart's Marriage of Figaro performed in the spotlight by Jennifer Vala and Bruce Statham. The low knocked us out when they were here a month ago do not adjust your TV set pay for everybody here at NEWSNIGHT Happy New Year and see you on Monday.
See. So. Far.
So you were. 10. Or. So I. Said to you. Chris.
B. I know.
I know. NEWSNIGHT Minnesota is made possible in part with support from the Blendon Foundation
creating a stronger Minnesota by bridging rural and urban communities. And by the McKnight foundation dedicated to improving the quality of life for Minnesota families arts reporting on NEWSNIGHT is supported by a grant from the Dayton Hudson foundation on behalf of Dayton's Bourbons California and Target stores.
NewsNight Minnesota
Episode Number
"December 30, 1999 Pre-Tape"
Contributing Organization
Twin Cities Public Television (St. Paul, Minnesota)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/77-81jhc1kd).
Series Description
Minnesota's statewide news program which aired from 1994 to 2001. Hosted by Lou Harvin, Ken Stone, Mary Lahammer and Jim Neumann.
Broadcast Date
News Report
Media type
Moving Image
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Guest: Doc Severinsen -
Producer: Steve Spencer
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Twin Cities Public Television (KTCA-TV)
Identifier: SP-50489-1 (tpt Protrack Database)
Format: Betacam: SP
Generation: Dub
Duration: 00:27:40?
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “NewsNight Minnesota; 7070; "December 30, 1999 Pre-Tape"; SD-Base,” 1999-12-30, Twin Cities Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 14, 2024,
MLA: “NewsNight Minnesota; 7070; "December 30, 1999 Pre-Tape"; SD-Base.” 1999-12-30. Twin Cities Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 14, 2024. <>.
APA: NewsNight Minnesota; 7070; "December 30, 1999 Pre-Tape"; SD-Base. Boston, MA: Twin Cities Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from