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That fleeting glimpse back along the ages is striking, especially so because it helps to reveal that nature offered merely the germs which education developed, perfected to, well, let us see, life as we know is full of paradoxes, many of which are difficult to comprehend. The most elusive one, however, the most distracting and with all the paradox with scenes most lacking in reason or logic is that humanity developed from its primeval stage to their markable degree of culture by the world of all of its mysteries, all of its promise and achievements, all of its resources and prizes appears to lie before us for our use in benefit that this humanity still reverts to a survival of the fittest state, no less savage and cruel than in the beginning. Yes, education has developed the germs offered
by nature, but perfected in, well, hardly. Man's continuously occurring, orgies of blood, life overwhelms any such statement. For many generations we have been prone to defend our species against this indictment with the claim that the greatest devastations which have afflicted mankind have been the result of invasion by barbarians, the uneducated, of culture that they'll possibly decayed in people. True from the earliest days of recorded history, barbarian hards have often overrun their more advanced and prosperous neighbors, but the greatest horrors and the worst suffering of mankind have not been attributable to savages rather the other result of ruthless attack by so-called civilized nations on their weaker neighbors or ill-tradiic wars among themselves do they usually asserted to conflict
of ideals and ideals are a product of education. Even now, as the whole world stands in the shadow of World War III while still undergoing the grave trials of readjustment from World War II, we discerned a proving ground of three colossal experiments in education. One began some 70 years ago in German at the time for autocratic government initiated its plans for the subjugation of the world. That experiment successful in that the whole German life was molded twice in our time for total war and world revolution is the most remarkable demonstration of the power of teaching in the history of mankind. Another is the colossal undertaking which the United States, profiting by the errors of France and England and utilizing the product of its most prolific and efficient inventive and manufacturing genius ever know
its own, constructed in an exceedingly short time, air and naval fleets, and equipped and trained the citizen army to form the most prodigious armed preparation of all time. Added to these remarkable demonstration comes the third. One of the greatest contributions of all time both to history and design. Is that which was made by American scientists to bring to an abrupt ending the war with Japan, although it is still too early to foretell what direction the prodigy will take? I refer to the event of that fateful day August 6, 1945 a date which will remain forever a milestone in human annals for on that date the first atomic bomb to be used was dropped on Japan. Now that bomb was not merely another episode in the long history of man's inhumanity to man and it was far more pretentious than
ending of a war for it marked the first harnessing of the sun's power on a large scale with only untold consequences for good and evil implicit india achievements. The new chapter may end in man's reversion to a toddler died, a caveweller, or it may lead to the passionately desired world brotherhood in which the forces of nature would be harnessed for the common future. If the latter were to prevail and it would seem that the odds should be a little in its favor, it would be another contribution of education, the uplift and moral suasion which alone can ever ever melt the iron curtain. View of this rapid rise of the red tide of communism with Russia's conquest of China a colossal victory in a grand strategy. It
is only natural that many have been saying that the efforts of the world wars were in vain and those attempts to establish collective peace no better than feudal gestures. If the books of historic outcome were closed just now and no more included, the verdict of futility might seem justified. Certainly the League of Nations was flouted before the world, the United Nations organization thwarted by the Kremlin in the maintenance of peace and constructive education in many countries disorganized and moralized. But there was an ideal brought forth in connection with the League, whatever may be said about it, for the moment, and an ideal which grows out of a continuing need, seldom, if ever, die, that may have to wait, wait for perhaps a long time. But if the need persists, and especially if it be urgent, the ideal will live at least in the minds and hearts of the discerning.
That the need for peace persists admits of no doubt. The world needs peace to fly anywhere as to be decent. But we can have no sure or lasting peace unless there is finding law and order. There must be collective security, otherwise civilization itself is jeopardized. It is then for this world peace that the soldiers of the United Nations are fighting in the hills in the towns, in the rice paddies of Korea. Never before has a world organization used military force in a program designed to keep the peace. That is why millions of people now are saying that at last the world is moving toward international protection against aggression. That is why America so firmly support the United Nations organization
as the world's best hope to attain our ideal, to ensure law and order and ask your collective peace. That is why support of the United Nations is the cornerstone of the United States and the world's best hope to attain our ideal.
7 Smith (?)
Producing Organization
KOAC (Radio station : Corvallis, Or.)
Contributing Organization
Oregon Public Broadcasting (Portland, Oregon)
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Program Description
Recording of a talk on support of the United Nations, the rise of civilization, and the importance of education.
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Producing Organization: KOAC (Radio station : Corvallis, Or.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-9e222fd34d9 (Filename)
Format: Grooved analog disc
Duration: 00:07:56
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Chicago: “7 Smith (?),” Oregon Public Broadcasting, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 17, 2024,
MLA: “7 Smith (?).” Oregon Public Broadcasting, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 17, 2024. <>.
APA: 7 Smith (?). Boston, MA: Oregon Public Broadcasting, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from