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the ms ba as beans beans newly discovered the loss of one man
was a mysterious promise to have a meeting in which already cost radio promotion brandeis super doctors in the city these are life spirit dr zucker can discover his interpreter it's institutions mr hutchinson perhaps you could tell us a little bit about alexander zocor campbell the man how you met him and perhaps then we could talk about his main philosophical lines of thought those are those small cafe and one on many years ago like
run i was the only student coty richardson it was going so far as to consult directly while shaving might have the same score on his chin looks for a first film has great work of interpretation of dreams he welcomed me to the table with a bomb laden line which was was that time unintelligible i don't want to have the job was one reason now really want to get into later well perhaps you could introduce at any point you weren't so requires me to enter one of discussion was elation of doctors are candles philosophy reason why certainly was unintelligible was
it we speak to marian the pilot of his native village which is a village on which has a three hundred minors who according to the census of nineteen fifteen and i want to explain why it is that doctors a candle on a bitterly resorting to the sort of dialects in spite of the fact that he was a little unsure you know a one of the leading several of his time historically requires right now as of course it was not possible at all times that this is the ideal target which we strive u on the nation's sensation what he would say one is a laser personally most vile soccer unlike a lot of the most
violent and during sensations installations it was disturbing kind of warriors no control courses those communication their heroism and demands that communication be reduced to know and the servers of course wrestling facility and save on the selection of a medium of communication which communications might almost impossible there are solar sailing through the ninety seven people on the world's biggest wind was there for the chance that doctors again will be interrupted by communication and this language was a rather slow one reason why when i guess the cannibalism is the philosophy of the future isn't a reflection day descendants of mankind as we can save our insistence on a mainstream viable rokia languages and places widely scattered as ireland and india texas and brooklyn
south africa and whales and why popular president eisenhower's extent line year's nominations which are clearly designed to prevent communication and every word as possible is for example will probe eisenhower when asked about the great crises going to ration saul replied by saying however when a federal court gets into the thing you got a judicial time on a new legal claim that is as far as i'm going to know the answer your masterpiece well this was what doctors are handled it when i met and this is one way to turn out later when he was saying when i met him was heartened to sit down
we do first glance his exterior was not prepossessing personality was homeless are doing similar powder with said you know most of all it was an undertaker's assistant the crowd was unusual you recently had a minor rolling stone we had our fun attraction for many reason was a homily that he personified he was the embodiment of song philosophy thought he thought it wouldn't know for years you practice what you preach this is very unusual phenomenon were you able to get through two of the dominant motive in his philosophy the dominant theme right from what i've seen of his papers that you've shown me i do
main point of his philosophy was simply that the aim of life has to get through it to with his little sensations possible i think that substantially truly us now to explain how this work and while i was at this time the president of the research color nothing to do so and doctors are handlers at la where the money went our graduate national review through translator i have never been able to get the leisure to receive translation consequently these documents have not yet appeared ill will some time but i think this is this is a way to put some mildly
importance of gardens are going to have to say that all other philosophers who opposes a bit frail pale for one simple reason was that they wanted to change mankind there and it was a recession quite a force under promise that supplies mankind were the reasons for doing one of those doing all right does not for example like dark and justify the ways of god to man who justifies away as amanda got you know if he started writing plays and doctors are beginning to say you have the right attitude your bow with the right result matters more comes out his position is the object of life
in this together but this is we're sorry we can only do that is great discovery matters of all sensations are painful the ancient distinction between pleasure and pain in his hallway and out as for example lawrence arabia reports that the arabs consult paying for pleasure michel ridiculous as distinction that since arizona's tension between pain and pleasure are both equally bear i've noticed this with at the chinese when they feel very unhappy they laugh now she tries to
join you found them when one question who for assistance in our human story of loser goes on repeating a young man who was hurt and teachers man said to his wife at one of his guys are shown to paris this is a state of mind was an enviable mind is what is all of this is what i call order disentangled while now it can do you want to happen to those to get rid of sensation pleasure and pain being on stage question is how do you know senator kennedy all observers only had one great insight namely the second great insight is which you write a question came to
happen oh especially for example told how to practice he can reform quite significant actually buying cigarettes calling on his friend and discussions with hunter walk about town composer one on the long period of his time of those tiny said i'm coming to suddenly i remembered that i had forgotten to remember my cell loses the game of soccer gent now we achieve this doesn't have those can i interrupt here is americans is one thing that bothers me now you say that dr zucker campbell was a pupil of freud but also a doctor's order campbell seems to me to have devoted his life to reversing the friday an idea for oil spent his life trying to make his conscious of our unconscious and the dr zucker camel
the tries to make this unconscious of our conscience has an alarming development zack at they still have those original was an employee when he didn't stop when he went to the un and showed enormous gaps wanted to patients psychology was a measure say we're going to test that does not become conscious of our unconscious but to become unconscious of our concerts the shows total professors <unk> reporters there and make the same mistake and suggesting that the spiritual life is to become conscious and the unconscious quite the reverse is true of the game of life to go unconscious of the conscious now as i was saying we achieved in a state of mind if we can achieve them all art who haven't
had any release of the five cases of a child who learns to tie a shoelace you may be young enough to remember how difficult was performance theater engineering knowledge to go nose and a fire rescue of witch trials are like you've gotten to first this morning you would be unable to town because you performed these acts on a petulant pension reform and unconsciously these acts may be taking those types of a solar panel i have a tuition rendering most unconscious or conscious this you will observe is a toll force and tendency of our whole psychological operations it is in my desperate wrestling unconscious of our conscious know how can you have been
to eight years you're still do things that are less so to mosul clearly it would be really judicious forensic accountant who will experience an unpleasant is an orca compared to wait until this point been sober cannot as mr grayson which is the theory a vicarious experience one of his works is untitled and someone and services on one popular tall one of his works is untitled letter or your experiences be a vicarious crew is you can have these experiences vicariously you will be perpetuated children without having the sensations of this is new and were terrible how does one get used to the idea of floods in china or atomic bombs and
i was one overcome those feelings of passion or compassion plenty of fear that one would ordinarily experience and seeing one's own fellow man destroyed and one little flesh the answer is going to holdings that because a theory a vicarious experience is very closely related to another while doctors are candles contributions which is called theory of the mass arts the object of the main suppliers to provide us with these rubio isn't ryan's are dr paul painful experience without causing us any of the sensations that we would have we would if we had mr selby talking about television well one thing about that kind of a man's heart performed this role for us
they will enable us to need more arcade fear shame wall is a very distressing emotions that we would have if we had these sensations or sell but their tuition being yes you must find a way to achieve this happen without suffering the pain or the sensation i don't like areas period like harry's experience period amass arts who it is you're a commonsense a call to mind a little passage that i caught and somewhat furtively manuscript and which doctors of their canceled speaking on this point a vicarious experience who wrote the sensations of others particularly their misfortunes are invigorating and even exhilarating if evidence were needed it could be found in the long
lines and cheerful dispositions of those who like the justices of the supreme court of the united states spend their time exclusively contemplating and sometimes causing the misfortunes of others while occupy positions of assurance of territory and guaranteed income cut of that this is this is a way in which is i'm sorry yes a major problems for a lot of doctors out the candles the whole point of course is that anybody who still feel sensation as intolerant conscious acquisition of habits rendering us in different two parties to sensation i'm driving cast around in my mind to see if we have
certain groups of people in our country who perhaps unconsciously in seems to me that if you're going to be a sober can ally your feelings should be unconscious who are unconsciously zocor can hear some mention of commuters you know it's interesting observations were conducted on to his foreign land in which he studying their race have computers with with a view to confirming a disapproving his series was a test case and he also owned resort to the work of professor maximilian thunder for whom they were elaborate study on of commuters and he had a reasonable finance by writers who company
all began his inquiries by asking commuters what they had for breakfast in the first year of commuting thirty seven percent of all computers everywhere are arriving at the office remember what their rights only eighteen percent of rooms second year third year only one point three percent of the best of all and of course there was no way of telling when a ninety eight point seven percent of those lawyers because of course there was a big challenge of this process must have been a little disconcerting to the breakfast food company isn't this a little bit like padding science against the industry i wasn't really wasn't others were surprising and disappointing was this dr zucker candles last visit to the united states and so so it was this really is since on this occasion to handle statistics of our commuters has trouble
flying life of the future mostly he said the trees see how happy these people are your favorite rice and why is that why because formal one morning to look into the no they are this business of going on the new haven railroad train in the morning and reading the new york times all away to new york i said this is just like the wall gazing of his recommended by was and what is what about college presidents there is some sort of quotations in there you enter that dr zucker camel attributes to find more cold he says that it is the rule among college presidents but the mental disturbance following any of their remarks show be almost imperceptible as if the remarks have not been made a mind that is not only caused itself but because of common others that is the true
challenge presidential ideal and as a rule it is realize especially public cage i think has chosen one can say for people in this country the university presidents are probably closer to the separate candlelight ideal most of our fellow citizens are consciously closer since their object of course is to communicate as little sensations little disturbance to our audiences as i possibly can i think we ought to say that great insight ago doctors of the channel has is inside of the whole problem of original sale he is the only man on our was observed a new regional centers a solo what a great excuse to call he agrees it's a scent of obsessive curiosity
now then i think there's no doubt that since man emerge from rome on the roses one of the unconscious a decision soon return of their most remote ancestors that many of them suffer from the senate are excessive curiosity or hubris of the show stayed where they were you're the original know they mainly was original sin and from a cyst from his lack of self control on a borrower prime originators of all our troubles will follow you take fourteen doctrine and we all want to return to the wall this is confirmation of that proposition what we want is to be unconscious because when we were in the wall we were unconscious i think it can be said that every great man in the past has had
something going up those of cannibalism but it was only doctor who has seen the whole story has got orleans sides and who has brought the whole doctrine together and make it applicable to contemporary life i think he mentions that his views about not wishing to be borne or wishing to die were shared by people as widely varied as bad and the city asked how perhaps milton shakespeare or yours this is no question it i think that the one of the great insight and doctors this is inside that nothing that hasn't been proven in the laboratory can be true it is a great thing i was a crook and listen this is a scientific philosophy and i think the world will recognize that day
there was something inside so i'm happy to say that dr zucker kindle has established this philosophy on a scientific basis you can see oh wow that must be so when james wan working on with the strike muscles of establish that happened was it a matter of muscular action he could decide these mussels a laboratory until now whatever happened to that got just by watching a blue stripes in their muscles or doctors or channel goes on from this scientific basis for examination of our behavior is for well scientific now it is the show that
there have been various attempts to establish a scientific basis one votes a stroke of art institute on how to listen in a study of the lives of over three thousand sites are among the protestant catholic and the two orthodox churches show that an average of sixty one years much longer than their fellow men in spite of the fact that twenty seven percent of them the martyr for young tender age this is a law professor a random sample of the harvard school of business examine the mortality records of three thousand chicago gangsters and show that they have an average of sixty two years against this age sixty one young generation i think we do have to congratulate doctors are okay now for trying even though he was unable to prove we
recently on the basis of those statistical examination polling shows that the saints were trying to show that they were the juvenile delinquents of her generation versus the gangsters reform society or obviously class i'm wondering if you would from your knowledge of doctors of her camels would be willing to classified doctor stroking himself as perhaps a partner sober campbell it i've always felt that the doctors of a camel herder doctor stroking did achieve one thing in that perhaps while he wasn't sensitive to his email in sensitive about his own feelings he was highly insensitive to the feelings of others that businesses are partial thing it i remember at one point he it
became very angry about burlesque shows and he didn't show me on television now i'm sure he felt very strongly about this but at the same time it seemed to me that he was achieving a certain state of an awareness that he was doing
Living without Fear
Part 1
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Robert M. Hutchins speaks with Joseph P. Lyford about the philosopher Dr. Alexander Zuckerkandl. Hutchins also speaks about how they met and of Zuckerkandlism. This is the first part of the series.
Series Description
This is a series by Living without Fear. A series focusing on the philosophy of Dr. Zuckerkandl, his thesis focuses on the idea that the main object in life is to survive, with little pain as possible. The goal is to help man become total unconscious.
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Talk Show
Philosophy; Philosophers
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Guest: Hutchins, Robert Maynard, 1899-1977
Host: Lyford, Joseph P.
Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-ed17f8948dd (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Living without Fear; Part 1,” 1962-03-03, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 16, 2024,
MLA: “Living without Fear; Part 1.” 1962-03-03. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 16, 2024. <>.
APA: Living without Fear; Part 1. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from