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it's b de la chaise all although only eighteen days harshaw i am days all portions of the week the bible was read in the synagogue with rebutting commentary this evening we hear rabbi leon be think spiritual leader of the congregation beth shalom of kings bay brooklyn new york his guest is dr richard m silberstein medical director of the staten island mental health center continuing from yesterday before
i go on further into the text that like to ask just one more question dr silverstein and that is this we were discussing yesterday the subject of unity and perhaps a lack of unity would be a better title among jewish people and yes there is one time when there is unity and that isn't very time of trouble how could you shed some light on this yesterday for the recall always we spoke about the individuality of june we drew from the text and iran in which you compared the text the biblical text in which moses promises the jews that they will multiply like the stars to another concept that he used in another book of the bible when he spoke of them playing together as the sands beach and we also talked about the jews tend to feel that the irs single individuals the show a law unto themselves in a sense the longtime the
jews tend to come together of course isn't time of crisis i would never wish that anything as i was testifying the euro would repeat itself but his career has left the jews with a unity they had not had for many years previously and of this unity sams to grow with the memory of those tennis shoes and discovered that i discovered much as they young american mission discovered that if they didn't hang together that would accept an original version and this is true of the jewish community in all fairness whenever there's a jew suffers anywhere where they're managing it get with him and social action certainly for suffering there's a strong feeling of empathy and so more than empty involvement on top of this of course results in low crime rate among jews village like when cigarettes among jewish children and refine jewish facilities
for social service like getting care medical care that the jewish community provides there is a sense of responsibility as part of the picture says responsibility for other just not only involvement sense of responsibility that is going to debate teachings that conflict or has a very fine iron i like to the voters press which on the point that and what a return to that takes place yesterday we discussed the second former ruling commentary and that is with the rabbis compare one text to another and if there's any difference know the difference and give reasons why we shout tonight once more today once more return to this source of riveting commentary in the first chapter of deuteronomy twenty second verse we find a taker womb a light color and moses where he's speaking to the jews about the more about the
spy kids about their wanting to send spies forth into israel to spy out the land and he then turns to them what the complaint at that time particularly like ohio the tone on national funding of the opera love with the arts and you came here and to meet every one of you and said let us send men before us they may surge plan for us and one of the rabbis comment that an exodus chapter twentieth chapter be at verse by the revelation of god upon mount sinai it states there and that people stood a far off and moses complaint was this when it came to acceptance of the torah the revelation of god the mount sinai at that time of people still far off when it came to a complaint to me is then but to grow when a line you came here and to me this reminds me if it bring in a personal story i once not too long ago a friend of mine a
priest contrary to popular opinion we do have relationships among other clergy every five relationships as spokesmen a very frank manner and he asked me whether it's true that the synagogue is in the church people come in first in various in the bag and i tell them it's quite true it gets in england rushed to the front seats but i tell them i have one advantage over him and that and my religion has historic precedent because when a car was given mr simon he was that a far off but seriously what is it are there is this difference between coming into a synagogue coming to a house of worship the people and people are coming into work you know because of obligation family or otherwise and yet there's this fear almost a sitting up front and yet the same people never turned down a front row after c to a play and there is this great difference in the us there is this distinction he remains
in psychiatric lectures but not to the same degree they're as opposed to the synagogue church and of course were and one is in synagogue or women's in church one must face oneself as well as ones can sometimes they're sitting back then once they seen one so just two that said amway the front row and i think the analogy of texters a particularly appropriate one because of course when they had twelve messengers that moses across the jordan returned the messages came back with considerable anxiety in considerable concern they were stressed they want how they want and comfortingly one of those is to tell them that what they saw was there it was not so one was came down from mount sinai however he was a person to be dealt with with great care with great work he carried lead solution to their problems of life and death and his
arms when he held the tablets and one does until lightly are closely to anyone who carries a message of life and so in the senate it's best perhaps not sit too close so that one can escape quickly while in the theater there's less to be concerned about that one expects to be entertained and so consequently of possible missing other words to the extent as just one might think when i referred to the replacement me when god reveals that i think a mature women was able to morsi's return in other words in so far as a person has a confrontation with himself and this is where he tends to veer off and when he comes face to face with the law also be true this is where he's quite apprehensive until your comparison between i don't even use the word and it meant the masses yesterday jews mount
sinai were less patient who was lawyer college pickett one foot or she can because then he just was the measure and isn't afraid of confrontation or you're bringing another element here nobody wants to be sure of it discover something without society can leave quickly he wants the new dorothy was in the middle of the state on terra firma i see i say and what actually bring another element i don't always thank you correctly there's also the element that the mystique is that part of i guess i spoke of the all but one thats when one has faced a an experience that involve dealing with one of one's own feelings and of this feeling of all one always has and a synagogue or church so it's best to some junior intensity of such emotion that sometimes and leaving
their foot in the door leaving the matador and not being so totally involved not being so totally of all i see you know it i to the extent that you involved yourself within the worship that takes place in church or in a synagogue to that extent you are apprehensive is that i know i don't know i didn't find an employer because other people who do not sit in the back who come early and go sit in the front and thoroughly enjoying the experience of a religious feeling that exists in church or synagogue and these people get more pleasure out of the situation than most yes but these are but and to the extent that you have this confrontation with yourself which is a certain is finally putting it is i never heard that should really take place with a religious experience to this extent there is this every inch of this is only understandable
because this is a man sees himself menzies himself as always a difficult situation that maybe threw secular ways of the masters argues that religion yesterday we were talking about young people who want specific type of religion around older people who have different religious experience and i would guess that it really younger people are and you're over people close to the front this would be because they are young person hasn't yet i've become comfortable with himself or with his feelings in a synagogue while the older person who attends synagogues would have become more comfortable and therefore would be able to sit closer to the front and enjoy the experience for holly it's very interesting when i don't have to remember this started with that next time and i'm appalled at looking down i mean because of the height of course they're looking down
our heads see who sits up front to have to look at the age and this may be something to observe the younger people really are the ones who sit back or perhaps kill the people or perhaps those who haven't had much experience with synagogues which is in effect what you're saying doesn't remember the age but no matter what age those who've had more experience of those who feel more involved so they're actually to some other two elements that enter into this one is the element of confrontation which takes place within religious experience and secondly the element also and the fear of something new and this is a rather simple way of doing it but i hope that that the fines which are saying is that right as with anything i'm as a human experience and you expressed to find it quickly yes yes of course there is this mystique which would account for the high number and that's a very interesting thank you very much because they certainly brought some lighter than providence always perplexed
lee thank you very much you have been listening to portion of the week the bible as reading synagogue with rabbinic commentary this evening new word rabbi leon de think spiritual leader of the congregation beth shalom of kings bay brooklyn new york with his guest dr richard m silberstein medical director of the staten island mental health center and a member of the faculty downstate medical center state university of new york the counter for a portion of the week is a lesser crime of the congregation beth shalom of kings bay brooklyn new york days are shot it in the days long as they're wrong lies also on a long merv college of all dead men days so bomb murder ozark al ali him mayor off that buzz aldrin they are more human body all matter fell on me
at he owned by at all my ob halo ali eighteen as maron the ball my ah the eu dana blog or made awful by a lot and al ali ag long yawn that allows college as long will moy all my atm am laurie you gone vi er matt about narnia is a rocky yeah this'll amore europe the a lot of the data mine ian long wall used by oz hello renee
Portion of the Week
Devarim 31-3, Rabbi Fink and Guest
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Part 3 of a discussion of the Hebrew passage of Devarim.
Series Description
Readings of various parts of the Bible with Rabbinic commentary.
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Event Coverage
Jewish Law; Bible--Commentaries
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Silberstein, Richard M.
Speaker: Fink, Leon B.
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-d97ec6e58ff (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Portion of the Week; Devarim 31-3, Rabbi Fink and Guest,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 17, 2024,
MLA: “Portion of the Week; Devarim 31-3, Rabbi Fink and Guest.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 17, 2024. <>.
APA: Portion of the Week; Devarim 31-3, Rabbi Fink and Guest. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from