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it's b the day's yeas all all alone eighteen days casale and they use although it's also the week the bible as retin a synagogue with rabbinic commentary this evening we're rabbi roughly almost ran spiritual leader of the orthodox congregation brothers of israel long branch new jersey a very good friend of mine was not of my faith recently asked me why isnt that traditionally druze awful than two weeks of infants and maintain such stringent dietary restrictions i open to the bible as their literary portion which will be read on the sabbath and synagogues indicated the following versus to him my adoptive question will share the uk are only more on the
m and the morgues spoken to moses and two wherein saying to them the lebanese soil a more songs hey honey asha talk to recall how a mom i shall all accounts speak and to the children of israel saying these are obese or if you will the animals which you shall lead among all lee animals that are on rio whatsoever part of the hook and disclosing footed and chew with the condor among the beasts that show uv and thus we find specifically spelled out the very animals which may be consumed by those of the jewish by this practice and that is a vast complex but beautiful one is called the observance of culture another verse we are told a recent fort so that he shall be
holy and to god what does holiness mean let us again translate the hebrew word for holiness which is could you show sanctity of very same word it is used for that which is to be considered a parked separated divided divorced from holiness means the us that which is a bug if you will a certain stage or state now please do not get the wrong notion that he who observes these laws intends to place himself above others have the big mo of the country the idea is the metric we ought to sit the objective here from a religious jewish philosophical point of view is to him flying at a religious regimentation
a form of moral discipline that will make the individual be better cognizant of his fellow man how is this achieved by restricting one cell from certain foods permit me to explain and by explaining i'm going to use certain contemporary psychoanalytic concepts ford taught us that we are born with about one against the instinct he referred to is that which tells us that we must know us to obtain food we must have food to survive the bus a certain development in the human personality takes place at a psychologist call or write and from this very point of his initials page in life as our
entire personality makeup did those having a three clinical experience this has been proven most had unpleasant nursing experiences will tender two we utilize their or expressions unhappy unpleasant away if i'm a tigress for a moment and indicates that a recent studies proving that those get into alcoholism are often people whose first oral expressions whose first exposure for all ratatouille has been a distasteful on mount pleasant on and the switching to suppress this not consciously we'll begin to alcoholism we find that's basically our initial exposure to security comes from this very interesting experience the infant the hands or arms of its
mother feels secure during that moment when the painted and what is actually in sync your that is without the means by which to orchards of i as we grow older nevertheless this basic and fundamental exposure raids throughout our entire lines and the p is quite often when there's emotional depression or distress and was a form of regression sets in and we read progress to infancy and thus are all real experience takes on greek import the objective of faith in god as told by judaism is that we can lead to replace our plight in his hands that we wrap ourselves in a cloak of security and knowing as we shall never be discarded it up
above is our dearly beloved thus quite often people who become obsessed with food and psychologists have indicated very very distinctly to us this food obsession is a measure of insecurity only recently one of the outstanding psychoanalyst told that obsessive smoking is another measure of our own security people who speak excessively or use all forms of our identity are quite often displaying their own person emotional insecurity los angeles and we are cool to begin with that security comes not from that which we can achieve our own but it comes from disciplining ourselves from regimented ourselves to a complete and total realization but we are secure only if
our garden are creators with us mr beaver was one of the reasons there's another reason of all the deeds that we perform the least out for was to give them all is eaten the food and i taste only i enjoy my palate is the only that taste it my inner being is the only one which digests here i would think i can be my own master here i would think i can dictate and dominant and here marco even in this really is dumb oh truest it functions in the share with the discipline yourself man must be disciplined man must learn that he must race and self a bob the status of vietnam in sheer idealism one piece will destroy another
will devoured other so that it can survive the fact which this barracks which divides man from the beast is the understanding and realization that although survival may be important and regardless of what importance of naked gun i cannot be a utilize my fellow humans for the sake of my own survival i cannot destroy one so that another will survive andrew raises above the low status absolute majority was ordained divinely by god and has taught us that men cannot be completely committed only to physical satisfaction and in every area of life you must realize that there is that
which is above him he must supplement himself to the higher meaning to hire idea which truly employees that he is man made in the image of god in the home but as the jewish home with these important tenets of the faith these very vital regulations are observed the homeless transformed is not an ad a haven for physical existence it becomes a sanctuary he becomes a citadel if you will for civilized lending and what we mean by civilized living we mean kind of life or a form of living but has concern that has few for this bus with these reasons given you
ask why then was this beast forbidden this permitted one should be told for the tweet at certain times of the day this will be sufficient regimentation one should perhaps offer prayer and this would suffice the answer is that in obedience one must be able to commit himself to that extent where he finds his own ability to rationalize some reason employee chloe limited an employer legally without understanding without ability for obedience is not when we do that which we desire but that which we know is right although we desired not that is desired not consciously or understand it if every soldier on the battlefield for to question the commands of his office a battle would
be lost before it even began if every person if every human and let us not be deceived by the fact that we are forever in a lot of survival fighting will the government's fighting the anger and animosity and enmity of men that for ever seeks to destroy and to the dollar thus making each and every one of us humans soldiers making us men and women must abide by the decisions of our offices if we are to survive now we're survivors men not his obese and as men we must portray that which has elevated us to the high status of holiness being different separate and apart apart from what apart from the animal on that
lofty high playing which only a god could have created that highest of stateless man the words of a great stage of a common been asking the highest principle of the torah is this is the book of the generations of men it transcends all you have been listening to portion of the week the bible was read in the synagogue with preventing commentary this evening your word rabbi rafael gross on spiritual leader of the orthodox congregation brothers of israel long branch new jersey they can't care for a portion of the week is eliza combine all the congregation beth sell arms to new york's is
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Portion of the Week
Shemini 16-3, Rabbi Grossman
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Part 3 of reviewing the Hebrew passage of Shemini.
Series Description
Readings of various parts of the Bible with Rabbinic commentary.
Created Date
Asset type
Event Coverage
Bible--Commentaries; Jewish Law
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Grossman, Rafael G.
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-6f231a8694a (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Portion of the Week; Shemini 16-3, Rabbi Grossman,” 1962-03-26, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 16, 2024,
MLA: “Portion of the Week; Shemini 16-3, Rabbi Grossman.” 1962-03-26. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 16, 2024. <>.
APA: Portion of the Week; Shemini 16-3, Rabbi Grossman. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from