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the power early days yet is all although i'm only eighteen days hotshot i am they use although it's all the bible was read in the synagogue with rabbinic commentary this evening we're rabbi andrea longer spiritual leader of the conservative congregation of the temple emanuel in westwood new jersey now incidentally get it out of the country and from biking good and for my father's post under the men that i would show the
and i would make of the a great nation and i would miss the and they claiming great and b valley blessing and i will bless them against the n in that this if the eyewitness and in the shoulder families of the activists so the brim went as an odd way and avram was seventy five years old when he departed out of hand and a group of sendai his wife and his brother son and all this says that they have gathered and the stills they had gotten caught on and they weren't forced to go into the land of command and into the land of canaan and they came and bieber impossible and other places under the tenants of money at it tonight was been in the land and the mortar pit and lieberman said under the icy didn't i give this land and he believed that an old landlord who appeared on him and he moved from dance under the mountains of the east the bethel
and bitch just jammed heading back they'll on the west and it on the east and he believed that all time to the lord and called upon the name of the lord and a brimmed journeyed going on stilt walker self genesis chapter twelve the beginning of a brainstorming the bible the portion at noon in jewish life as a heart rate in the synagogue during the fourth inning seventh it begins with a starting to mama got a grim go leave your level people family and become a gypsy indeed that is something dog and its divine call which builds a broom forsake his native secured a sophisticated it's about the problems and become a nomad a vagrant literally without to do and you normally you would have got such an act as an abdication of responsibility at guggenheim yet being jewish tradition this private exodus was
essential prerequisite on a broomstick drove progress and liberation from the shadows of society culture and conditioning agreed forcing the name of god and for the sake of god if jewish people would do began with a physical political exodus of a set of tribes and amazes the jewish religious identity must be dated to the one man well one plan exodus of abraham and in a way this acceptance of the nomads destiny by a broom has been repeated and amplified in history through the nations of the jewish people from continent to continent a prose is still continues today traditional garment it is i founded many suffered beatings hidden invisible that letter how go for yourself for your own sake for good ride she explains the qualifying would how guarded demanded a sacrifice neighbor and when he came on the team to leave although he helped them in india and yet in truth it was freezing good that this was done
and on a universal logo to when god confronts man with him on this important thing for any rat hole in any age and circumstances ultimately the two all the harp for your own sake four men still not a benefit this assurance somebody in the ability to do more guns in this to win tonight well has been a wellspring of troop strength and courage for them to another country stoops do you say you know you've played with words point is curious enticements the un country to get permits a different reading of the bible tax increase of like a harp reed yes yes that is a not good for your own sake but go go wide lead education not for a political effect that luxury but that information may dean's scripture never in damages but this is a divided veterans that into exile is forthcoming
minister giorgi in the future a broom forces the conditions awaiting his offspring but it is true that in the end a salvation peace justice to which jolly and all mankind a catalyst to detonation relates this first phrase abrams on future when he went for from what other caddies he was already afflicted with assault charges this this phrase of god is their main message of hope the medical letter heart is one hundred the age at which a long last abraham would end the delight of parenthood twice the rabbis have pondered the man on in which the bible gets proceeds go to a broom is preceded by a long dreary list of meaningless names the sort of geological rigmarole that seems to be the part of all in genetics how come i guess and to rattle off why with a broom the story slows down and goes into loving intended
detail a legend in the midrash expands the underlying reason a kingdom lost the precious jewel from his crowd when you discover the last he hold his writing you and had the scent of the ba'ath on which he had walked sixty by the shovel full until at last he covered the last digit and so did parts of the senate with his generation's until it lost the phone the jewel that is a part of the imaginative but they have the magic of pi given the drug ads and many other dealers to human at the background the room school and then i was looking for something in a dark street upstairs of the house another man opened a window and she had liked for the sega them and below shows a you can bring that and unhealthy message so god looking for decency and justice and kindness in the way of the storm and openness picture window and summoned him to himself to help shed light
and seek help find that man a broom get help god in usage that god is endeavoring to find something to use it in this world and the man is a dating and beautiful dark and indeed as a professor who show so badly and authentically be phrased the common phrase region is not so much man said for god as rock gods search for men an even more astonishing images created by yet another midrash what was it like when god gordy room to leave home and move i'm a bottle of perfume was lying in a corner it's cap screwed on tight open that bottle and sprinted round that is fragrance the like the room just so god it takes a broom like some symbolic chanel number five and tickets and the freshest a yuletide and putrid work through for yourself from your country from your recipes from your father's house and go to
an end it would it show show you that is a complete structure of symmetry between this text and allegedly to pass a passage in which god commands that it was something it only son the son you love them as sacrificing on the mountain which i should have you on the harsh him on as he treated hamad it freezes your country your birthdays your father's house and later your son son the son you love me be this as he graduates the teams adding tackling gentle to break this even use compassion be perhaps just the opposite is the case does it emphasized the stock pot of the demand even more dramatically and some want to use the deliberate vagueness as to the destination builder pays which i sure sure you and then sacrifice among one of the mountains which i should tell you about in both cases the big losses given to its missions
firstly this was designed it simply the increase in graham's joy when in the end you would confront god's generous dispensation his fears and end to spell that his fondest hopes far exceeded second the system at each single step the neighborhood built in obedience to god emitted by itself had got to him the final destination there would have only been one dish filled with a brown embarking on the project at all our best kept in doubt in suspense each moment of his compliance was an active had arisen by itself but again the theme of the rabbis is it is a sign of his special favor to israel that god give a difficult <unk> spiegel is assure hallmarks of god's mercy when a menacing love the exception of this and conditions to be able to do are suffering not as a denial of god's love but as it's evidenced is one of your dishes tenets of judaism immediately following the demand of the province i should make a great nation and i should
pursue national to name creed and you should be against it they're remarkably the text does not make it a condition since it has not said if you lose your land then i shall miss you it is instead a simple secrets buried the system so they simply because it is god who demands but then he does going to see god would bless you didn't ask for its own sake for god's sake not for the sake of any water this wealthy or otherworldly says the rabbinic tradition and that adds but there is an award because god is just include the ward are believed to be real must not be the medieval religious he gets the schimmel the study to work to sacrifice for its own sake is one of the most difficult and wonderfully duties of the job the blessings promised by god is a fourfold one be a great meal when means many offspring i showed this you
implies material prosperity i should make your name great meals leadership respect among mankind be a blessing off that is the simplest of them will russia argues the traveler involves a three times of loss and breaks a family life it dissipates was wealth and it didnt interferes with the business of social status seeking so your furnace god promises to compensate for every type of loss he would encounter in obeying the command goforth you'll be fruitful ridge and respected the hazy but heart and you be the best the classical it's against each a profound indication of his first year but a hobby a blessing in the beginning i got himself was in uganda with this for now the un blessing abraham himself when his studio was the guy who only the store of blessings it is as if before
then man was a recipient of god's light no more notice he was a bit of cross sustained by god's radiance at best he was a move member reflecting about a brightness now with a brown man becomes the zone he becomes a star or maybe just a tiny gamble but anyway the source of light by himself a problem but jogging truth to hinges on the word about a hot one agency suggests reed brody hot instead goddesses freedom not become a blessing but become a poorly funded into the sordid stains of the world to be washed off in the curative your teachings be like dip your water of the well can seem refreshing that like getting and what tradition constantly compares the waters to how god's word humble fluid soothing and sustaining gentle is that you go and terrible as a two hundred storm
you have been listening to a portion of the week the bible as retin a synagogue with rabbinic commentary this evening you heard rabbi andrea longer spiritual leader the conservative congregation of the temple emanuel in westwood new jersey the cantor for a portion of the week is eliza combine of the congregation beth shalom of kings bay in brooklyn i shot it in the days long as they're wrong why is on saturday obama and whom murph knowledge of all the nannies gone girl ozark el ali in mayor off that bus all the napalm all human body all mad about all game is all varela is because it's
been the pay to play fb
Portion of the Week
Lekh Lekha 44-1, Rabbi Ungar
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Part 1 of reviewing the Hebrew passage of Lekh Lekha.
Series Description
Readings of various parts of the Bible with Rabbinic commentary.
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Event Coverage
Jewish Law; Bible--Commentaries
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Ungar, Andre
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-5a17945ae03 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Portion of the Week; Lekh Lekha 44-1, Rabbi Ungar,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 17, 2024,
MLA: “Portion of the Week; Lekh Lekha 44-1, Rabbi Ungar.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 17, 2024. <>.
APA: Portion of the Week; Lekh Lekha 44-1, Rabbi Ungar. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from