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it's b the old age is all too although i'm only eighteen days hot shot it and they use although it's all the bible was read in the synagogue with rabbinic commentary this evening we're rabbi andrea longer spiritual leader of the conservative congregation of the temple emanuel in westfield new jersey the us said it abrams wife aboard no children but she had a handmade an egyptian whose name was hurt that and sad eyes and a
brimmed behold know the lord heavy stream from betting going on tv and my handmade it may be that i should be built up to that and a broom hockenberry to the voices that i had said it had been his wife took a dog you get from a hand made of david had wrote ten years in the land of can and do that to a prim husband to be his wife and he went into he got and she conceived and when she saw that she was because she had conceived it and this just was despised in her eyes and said i said every room my wrongdoing and the idea of my handmade and it was him and when she saw that she had received i was despite her eyes the more the judge between me and the but abramson said i be who would that made using that power due to have that which is getting the eyes and said i get harsher with her and she fled from her face and enjoy the north county ga by the founder of the water in the wilderness by the fountain in the way of short
and he said i've got a sad eyes handmade when scheme has now and with a ghost up and she said it from the face of a mistress eye and enjoy a little incident they don't have a mistress and seven by seven ns and the angels or sent to have either greedy much but i see that it shall not be number for monday june and the angels and behold thou art with charred and i'm sure there's some and thou shalt always named hisham audio the lord here because the waters had my fiction and he should be a wide as a man is hand should be against every man and every man's hand against him and he showed when in the face of all his brethren and she called the name of the mortar that spoke of the doctor got a scene or she said to have it than he has seen him
genesis chapter sixteen a lot of the bible from that in synagogue this forthcoming sabbath shirt but left behind the story hit him to read about a broom set it and the seven go how bad it is a curious one touching in some respects disgusting others there's tenderness in deep humanity as well as jesse spike and cruelty in this project indeed the most intriguing person here appears to be enough so much that the trouble the matriarch of a young by vicious egyptians won't woman he got and if the text of the bible as ever is impartial in its depiction of human behavior and heeding the evacuation to the ethical ideas of the reader and the sage is a rabbinic times certainly did not hesitate to bring their own live normative yardsticks to bet on the story won tennis and intriguing ambivalence and the rabbis approach to take when a one handed she's regarded as the arrival of set up that supposedly seen the mother of israel he
got to use the mother of ishmael and does the existence of a cluster of nations you get the hostility jews in this movie that rabbis added utmost to denigrate he does but on the other hand it isn't awkward but undeniable fact that he goes of course they've got a stranger the underdog the sort of person with whom jewish ethics invariably aligns itself soon be a bitter divisions appended to this text display these conflicting sentiments revulsion against big as unpleasant woman and sympathy with her status as the and privileged that russia suggests that he got was new egyptian award predictions but a daughter of fado himself how come several have a great escape room and exclaimed mike dill it is better for you to be a slave in such a man's house then to be allegedly at any illicit this is home a pretty dim at a plot point does it have it may be an effort to diminish the instinctive compassion due to poor go
into says no need to be too soft hearted was that she had nothing to ensure people posted by her if need be or perhaps when a dude is a different one how god awful they become even his wife and the mother of his first born son some sage could not conceivably room would've taken as a concubine someone to know the wrangler princess it without the beginning of his great standing perhaps snobbish upset me a chance you know it may be but i show the buildup to the cynicism when she had been so avram husband to going to have made the freeze is a bustling one in what we would set off the buildup if he got received any one sense that she needed to be built up at the wedding has it where she quotes too interesting ounces he says this crew was there to be china seas to be desolate destroyed as though that already not a very comforting thought for those affected in this
manner but certainly a clear expression of the loving in this is that judaism place on that one now as the fines fulfillment and joy to children graduate teaching i was self want to be denied that satisfaction is in the school disappointment and then the question is as to how he does the supreme court the stall size and that life and even inspiring response is often by the ignition by who are willing to accept as a veteran in edinburgh said it quieted the last night which ended up as coolly as a houseful of offspring could be able to go into a natural jealousy to sacrifice a private decision to welcome a competitor with grace and generosity these are booming quarters of the person by manifesting then said i had and the speech of recruits as precious and enduring as a biological when i got a soul that she had conceived of a mistress was called the eis why
so i want to understand this as the midst of these natural sort of common reaction it is the crew pride of federal was the baton before filled woman against the frustration but the academic minded look for deeper reasons how did tug of reason when she became pregnant and so i said i have the space still longing for a job that she said after the set i mean a woman but secretly she must have sinned against god otherwise she would not be denied a child now this sort of logic according to jewish believe is the virus hennessey duty daughter was suffering as in this setting the divine penalty for sins is a smugglers who a slight imaginable biblical job is perhaps nothing gets than a glowing and tragically beauty apron but this force would evil does exist in the world people don't suffer and often it is the rangers were sorely affected why do the wicked flooded some suffering is indeed punishment but some of it is a divine guest witness to
campuses this is invoked scripture in history and sometimes it isn't simply baffling agonizing history to ensure to see how closely but they're just doesn't use it to have a purpose and got into that and in the ultimate analysis wise and this was key but is there then new justice in the world the two ounces weight in the end when this life or in some huge event of existence divine justice and compassion do stuff that really a beautiful thing the midrash remarks how many of the image of israel would better than to start with saturday becker regional hannah and the oscar went to us that we have been in this audience by lisa just god longs for the prayers and its obligations of these wonderful women and so he teaches them along to elicit more and more a strange idea indeed the guard needs per hour long supported and lets it
yet give me not be viewed as two humbler kind of anthropomorphism judaism doesn't garner the relationship between man and god as in many ways east medical won both are created as both man and god often criticize their will both have an awareness of right and wrong that had intelligence there was an infantry different quality and quantity those again give love and be enriched by seeking it to see that god delights in both showing his love and in receiving human love is if anything a heightening of his cosmic grandeur that it explains in the battles of the nutrients as really addressing the roughly about him forever late in life the ordinance even for children but what about the children can be so god give them along a good speller freedom before they buckle down and childbearing so it spans about as a young finds the quaint
exploration the matriarch he said were beautiful women coming from region respective households only too easily they could have become independent of her husband's mortgage problem in this week we listened to the third baby pandas and the husbands and the men busy day jobs anywhere this comedian andy said this benefit similarly about hundreds of creation easier our other shows one guarded not that the matriarch is having children too early life so that they might be sent the youthfulness and beauty until early age and thus the georgia the husband starts sarah legend has it was as weekend and fish at the age of ninety eight as a young bride disturbing from a match katie in a more serious vein was he remarks widely de julio he got some become the forefather of israel's historical prices this was ordained by god to punish lieberman said it for the hopelessness indeed and
consequence the ad time scarf but david just more the more drawdown using binds to keep god as impartial his justice surpasses boundaries of race creed but maybe the most difficult lot of buddhism lies in the senate have to say at times even we even our greatest man could be wrong to not pleasant meetings apologize to make amends and dishonest or to fish what greater clients that await any man in any you have been listening to a portion of the week the bible as retin a synagogue with rabbinic commentary this evening you heard rabbi andrea longer spiritual leader the conservative congregation of the temple emanuel in westwood new jersey the cantor for a portion of the week is it as a combine of the congregation that's a long of things may invoke the new he's got shot it in the days long as they're
wrong why is also our a la long murph knowledge of all the nannies bomb those are al ali in mayor off that buzz aldrin a pall mall human body all matter bell army am yeah it is my ob halo he has all of the ball lyin to me i'm dana blog will name our culture by at mr al ali year long yawn there are college as long will moy all my atm am laurie you the royalties
my alma well arnie of eh rocky yeah that's the oh are more years the aba my other big data mine ian mom onto by oz hello again as more playoff why are bad arab bank of mom i am
Portion of the Week
Lekh Lekha 44-5, Rabbi Ungar
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Part 5 of reviewing the Hebrew passage of Lekh Lekha.
Series Description
Readings of various parts of the Bible with Rabbinic commentary.
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Event Coverage
Jewish Law; Bible--Commentaries
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Ungar, Andre
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-4dad390c52d (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
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Chicago: “Portion of the Week; Lekh Lekha 44-5, Rabbi Ungar,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 21, 2024,
MLA: “Portion of the Week; Lekh Lekha 44-5, Rabbi Ungar.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 21, 2024. <>.
APA: Portion of the Week; Lekh Lekha 44-5, Rabbi Ungar. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from