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these beans from philadelphia pbs live coverage of the republican national convention i suppose though the bill that help prevent heart disease is already a natural vitamin e and supplies it to the world this program was also made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to pbs stations from viewers like you good evening i'm jim lehrer welcome again to the first union center in philadelphia and the
pbs special complete coverage of the republican national convention on this fourth and closing night when george w bush except the republican nomination for president are entire newshour team is here senior correspondent gwen eiffel ray suarez and margaret warner analyst mark shields and boldly go perspective commentators michael beschloss doris kearns goodwin things johnson cage names among others we will as always be going to the body and throughout the evening for speeches another major happenings when i pulled from her position just off the convention floor gives us a rundown on the night ahead when and then i thought this is the polish family of course the highlight of the evening phoenix after the faith of george w bush to be the nominee of the republican party he also spends a few biographical videos appeared about both george w and laura bush and you're at a two minute speech in spanish delivered by their nephew george p voice george
prescott bush and his son of george w bush's brother jack kennedy family travel all the bushes hall the cheney all the people on the floor all before i did this convention on stage together our shoes and you know our air with me as they've been throughout the convention syndicated columnist mark shields wall street journal columnist for hugo and women to talk in a moment about what george w bush was doing his speech tonight and i think we're about to go to the podium where heather white stone column the nineteen ninety five miss america do interviews a video of war over with the fbi
she says they're for sixteen months in europe has helped get a commendation for six months contain its service in germany in the winner forty four we were so happy that we had the early november we couldn't have been more pleased we were purchased the most beautiful thing i've ever seen she was always a nice well mannered little girl she just naturally i don't think she was a born rambunctious
issue these crazy bets go what she got in kindergarten she should let solutions gentleman place to whether gas i always wanted to be a schoolteacher wanted to teach school since i was the second grade so i've got a degree in education and me and started teaching in nineteen sixty eight at first glance and alice and then it's hard for a few years and in houston and austin hughes well what when i went back to liberia school to graduate school to become a librarian and then i was a school librarian years after that an awesome from the time about the second grade i think she decided to take us our second grade teacher this week at the beauty shop and we're still teaching school when she decided she wanted to be a teacher my mother read and always wanted to read little women and cried
and other things she liked to recover the rituals we have a library of books and we went through and i get letters from people all around the country who say they love to read because their mothers returned with their dance routine where their grandparents were into it so important for all of us to remember and in this disease we might ever been with our children that we always need to take and read our children we love to read and we can teach them to love to read lahr was a happy as well as your intellectual a kid i was one of one hundred hours she was a public school librarian who loves children who loves books and he was a perfect combination for her because she was able to share her love for literature in a meeting with the children were young children instances of became a governor and says she became the first lady she's been on a crusade to make
sure every child wears her read the state of texas with george was governor of texas was largely serve to charged in her own gentle quiet way she hired the american staff one person i think a very good one person and she and andy had a meeting in the governor's mansion after political worries sweeney me she knew immediately what to do and how to do that and she has been i think the best first lady in some circles
for years he ran a legal circles she is she is she was a perfect perfect she'll be announced in the first lady people love her she's wonderful her quiet manner it is so reassuring to people and she certainly is intimidated to anyone and yet she seems self assured so i think she could trace a good teammate and certainly i would like people to realize that she has good
american values she's made a big difference in the state of texas when it comes to teaching not you read it should do the same thing is persuading farmers and ghostly provided greater story for more than one and her girls had the same way so it's written these cities if we discuss the week he invented about four years ago the texas literary festival thousands of people are going to come over
texas in austin some of the sessions here in the capitol building various places all over austin know anybody with the texas connection has ever written anything that was ever published as always invited to signposts and talk and then raise money for the texas library system there you see his voice of laura bush's mother long long long the president and there's course his mother saw in the july fifth two twin daughters jenna me your
brother is right now is asking the people we went to that very quickly paul marco were going to get rich when idol before we do just quickly would all end in a few sentences what is it that george w bush has to do tonight cbs will mergers a week talking to tommy thompson the governor of wisconsin said people there at the mine about al gore but they haven't made a divided by george w bush in a gas to make this a show is a new vision show his intellect should tell people what he wants to do what our wants to do a show he deserves a job in his own right or people will get their attention and it might help to know that it will be it will be introduced himself right mark in many ways we're all and suspend judgment and debates
and those political debates and so the second stage this is a moment when people are looking or listen to pay it and you're like what you said is not right sure you're saying that there are other times when all the windows windows are open to us in a presidential campaign where the voters look in the end this should suspend judgment they say i want to look at this hour with fresh eyes new ears and one of those presidential debates and tonight the acceptance speeches one i would say that george bush tonight i must show itself was comfortable to me hi those of those is this new comparative theatrical terms and the parameters but this is a one act or performance he has to fill the stage talk about the genius you don't talk about it so i
always kept rejecting this is a fabulous retail politician the rope line one on one he's a terrific advance this is a wholesale theft cases on television for the country and also before an audience here and he's right marcus wright he's got to do to get seen big enough and to project on margin on sunday instead reagan was a master of the bill clinton it it to prove that he can do this is so george w bush's opportunity bill clinton's worst moment always had a sense of present tense sense of command and that people expect the president and the president and especially george w bush who calls worries a particular concern that people mean like but jim best retail politician was at the white house with jimmy carter the guys who supported the nation's largest and go to glen who is with the gingrich plan are hygienists for what newt gingrich you'll forgive the former house speaker is now this convention is an analyst with the very different
it's very very different a lot of fun for me is like a family reunion that of a campaign in all fifty states have a chance to actually slow down and see people's you know the last few minutes later ira and i could focus on ideas rather than worrying about when the conventions of what your question is convention where why and i will find out the country was certainly clear it's positive in st lucie is happening and it isn't a new invention a new approach and i think people liked the way that george tenet was running things at least a little bit of grumbling that maybe the party has submerged to the principles in the name of unity so i think you get very strong statements for example in favor of school choice caldwell talk about home schooling it's a very strong position on national events like talk about reforming so security personnel savings accounts and those are big issues that matter a lot to this party's annual ronald reagan usually win about privacy he can't win and sixty delegates there's a vegetarian food suddenly is all
hamburger of girls they cover the very straightforward positive way was a mean spirited there was a massive us through the lines then in a campaign or a legitimate lines we were talking last night to our bob dole here in this position and i asked what the difference was four years ago when this convention and one other thing he said is that the party had been very polarized four years ago and actually named do you have an example you will be able to decide for themselves basically democrats rammed hundred and twenty five thousand at their think they raise money starting in september of nineteen eighty five from the chinese communist be indonesians the union's oil money was illegal and i didn't explain any sense of that kind of wave of advertising this year you haven't seen that and the result as george bush looks a lot more positive than bob old administrative ninety six most people would not call you a moderate republican some of the moderate republicans or the moderates in the party
dick cheney's vice president was trampled moderation accepted i've always favored school choice this compensatory voice forever having a bridge social security savings accounts inventions or they were big tax cuts this convention sport i've ever strong differences there is nothing ever insisted that a governor who has positive who is an outsider to washington does not involve the daily violence and even give you a much more inclusive party and that doesn't bother you that you feel part of the party for them i've articulated cheney voted with denny hastert's sharing the party's convention just as i did four years ago jae soo lots of solo work with very close to the second highest ranking african american in congressional history department a great job john mccain has no close friend of mine and i think we have a pretty good team but also i worked with derivatives which back in eighty
eight when his dad's first election so we're pretty close to this team that question what is the single most important thing that we're seeing now is the thought that he is seen as a leader who really gets things done in washington i think it is better to seize that's broadly has been i think it's probably not the fbi gingrich hitting europe than stank willis also tonight of course is another gathering of newshour regulars they are with race for us right all this convention we jam we've been hearing from our cast of prospective commentators presidential historians doris kearns goodwin and michael beschloss and author and journalist haynes johnson joining them again tonight is kate james a senior fellow at the heritage foundation and director of its citizenship project she's a bush delegate from virginia where she was dean of the robertson school of government at regent university
well looking back from today across many of the conventions of the recent past the speech as one of the most memorable moments of the convention so a lot of eggs in this basket well yes and it's not just the oratorio a minute these convention speeches are remembered mainly for the impression you get a person who delivers it's where i was just thinking about all the conventions i was anyone thought that the word still doing like roosevelt isn't i thought i was going to give it up for the farmers the impression of a comfortable while reagan was great masterpieces dc he commanded the stage and you felt that he was presidential whatever that is you know you have to be not prep think you have to be inclusive than i public is very cynical about slogans and she worked we know that may shock people we know that toothpaste is twenty six so right i mean i think the words are obviously what the speech
is made from but it is more the impression that the person gives a substance of conviction of depth in a certain sense it's almost like your first image the potential presidents we've seen is a candidate we've been living with him for a while but now you're looking at him with a much more serious side you know it's said that even when harry truman first became president after franklin roosevelt died the first image that the country have put out of him as a president was so difficult because he said to reporters boys if you've ever prayed before pray for me now and it made him seem frightened about this new task and it took him years to get over that so that's what he has to establish tonight that sense it is not frightened by this job but that he's also aware that it's a difficult job sometimes you worried as too cocky thinks it's too simple but this night was coming for an unusually long time in the past candidates didn't always know it was the speech being prepared and right up until the moment that they walked to that lectern to deliver it worked oftentimes just attacked the
big example recent times of reagan and four to nineteen seventy six we didn't know who was going to be the nominee really until almost the middle of the week and ronald reagan had begun to prepare an acceptance speech assuming that he might be the nominee and that was there he knew that that was going to be his big moment but george w bush's different we don't know much about him and one of the things that comes out in focus groups of people like about bush as they say he's real when easy reading this speech it sounds of it really is coming from has got that's one of the things that we were successful but the cheney speech last night in private he's got this rather dry occasionally cutting sense of humor that was totally on display in that speech tonight i think the big test of george w bush is going to be is this someone who looks as if he is real and is this someone who looks as if he can be a price cajun confident but not cocky he's got to be visionary and at the same times substantive he has got to be presidential without appearing to come off as though he thinks he already has the job
he's done big task ahead of them tonight i daresay that i even in these final moments he's probably out if it's for someone who gives a great many speeches he's probably changing words to get exactly the right nuance on the right tone and yes he's probably worked with speechwriters as many people in the political arena do but those words have got to be his in the database it with conviction and they've gotten they said in such a way that the american people believe that getting to know george w bush the man that his father not his mother and not a campaign spokesperson but ham and what he wants to do for this country how is tv changed this ritual a lot of people will never see the whole speech will see pieces of their excerpted highlighted tomorrow in the coming weeks we watched last night you saw all the presidents little snippets of their lives played out on the screen before him the only little
moments and yet we all within a parliament because we saw that we were there we have dissipated intimately none of us ever saw the other great powers of you know it literally republican jewish fly we don't know really who the great debater when all those things that you really don't know what they were like now we can see the budget only seals rich moments will live in time i mean obviously when franklin roosevelt said i pledge a new deal that became historic when bill clinton said i pledge a new covenant afterwards critics said that was the important part of the speech that as well we'll remember that is not what we remember because it never took hold and we may not predict well tonight exactly what's going to take all but the impression well just as they said people react emotionally on television when it's alright in nineteen eighty they said this was somewhat uncomfortable with looks like a president and also it really understand me i understand him a lot of that same kind of like which comes up from people who was george w bush on television if you can bring
that kind of response in the speech tonight is going to be a long way toward being present but you know i believe that the media has changed the speech because over the years about when you owe well aware of the fact that nobody other than a few of us who care about these things deeply and then the americans who were political junkies all over this nation were tuned into every single minute about what they're going to see as tomorrow morning on the morning talk shows a portion of the speech and the speechwriter in the candidate knows that so they are going to put in something that may come close to sounding like a slogan because they know it's going to get cut and pasted so they want the applause line they want something that can be buried tomorrow morning on the talk show we were talking earlier that allow ourselves that about honesty was a great speech brick maker but he labored over them and so forth they were great to read but you don't notice it but go back up the jam mark ok james actually ride ocean bottom and people write speeches know write them with soundbite soundbites of
mine given a pen with soundbites in mind june and then what you do is you distribute your own people they know it's coming soon to alert your family and reporters and your own people on the floor so those delegations of time they get the speech they get the underlying they know when they're one point so you get the applause for that line now obviously that and that helps that helps enhance enhance its possibility as a soundbite exactly so they say it brought the crowd in the feed to the crowd to its feet with a line now fifty four forty five lilly yeah let me bring people up given what's going on this is the final night of the roll call the roll and roll call during the first three nights you may recall that many of the state's came right up to in the past twelve thirteen of them now they are being called on i didn't take of all fifteen twenty minutes for all of them to cast their votes remember last night george w bush got enough votes to secure the nomination the court to become official all of the
states all of the koala the vote's mostly gas and that last date of course did you cast those votes tonight will be his home state of texas in the world it will pick it up in just a moment for those last few states and for the big finale bit odd holland as a very interesting interview that when did we heard newt gingrich hear what was going through your mind as you saw him standing there answering those questions from glenn was going through my mind was the fact that newt gingrich is one of the people responsible for the fact that george w bush's vietnam and i don't think that could've happened without newt gingrich's collapse pretty the election collapse in particular nineteen ninety eight and the rancor in washington has competition with bill clinton created before that is that convinced many republicans that the nominee could not this party could not be somebody from congress it had to be somebody from outside washington who would not fall into the trap of being part of a tit for tat of washington with al gore for a national figure for potential candidate it
had to be a government and there's particular governor or somebody like mccain who could transcend congress because of the queen's personal story for the leadership knows that's right he was that in some ways he was a fool and he was a thorn in the congress on him and bush as a governor had that network of governors who are going to produce rally to that kind of sentiment and not get the nomination newt gingrich i heard newt gingrich just before working on tonight or indeed anyone doubt that you and dale of course if the mayor of philadelphia was responsible and violent wasn't it was nearby and bring this convention of the city he's no wonder mayor is now the democratic national chairman and ne rend al his ears buzzed to perk up when newt gingrich said dick cheney voted to the right of me i mean the democratic national committee has a radio spot probably that they're cutting at this point on his third two thousand philadelphia the speaker of the house newt gingrich said a big table to the right of me i think that's
that's not well let's talk about the concern is that the competitive serve you on sunday to the lighted don't think i would find that you heard what he said to me is very happy and very pleased about the parties nominees without that yes that that's right which when a little when he is the still very much of us over iraq to start at this gatherings like this and people stopped at this from outside and people stop and it wants to have a picture taken with them and all of us that it's gonna be tough the powers past has there ever been a story quite like that a man who was so powerful and so prominently and then boom no he's not certainly not in modern congressional history know what maybe you go back to henry clay but even at an early nineteenth century this make of this mark also when they were talking earlier with ray about how television has affected the
acceptance speech television is also think it may be that the lifetime of political stars maybe well i don't think that's true at the end to talk about the remarkable history was the architect and engineer a republican takeover those i think are already carried forty nine states richard nixon cared for united states to convince the republicans have had a minority party mentality they never thought the obama white house economist in the good he's time magazine's man here in nineteen eighty five and then cause in alibaba runs smack into bill clinton gets rolled by bill clinton politically bested by the plane and plummets public favor the wall street journal nbc news poll gives a few percent favorable to emanate from him a year and the dominant figure martian and eighty percent favorable ok let's roll call vote which way seal for the us nomination for his voice is the governor of new york and out
it's basically you know as a peace builder he'll be in north carolina so that rattle behalf of the great state of north carolina to speak on behalf
of restoring democracy and honesty and the free enterprise system for the american way has demonstrated by our senior senator and enabled senator senator jesse helms crass a helpful for the south to the republican party and we're going to open the south of george w bush the time has come to bring that type of integrity and honesty and leadership to the white house that we have demonstrated so long we did two threes only
sixty nine data mr chairman i'm not kept the governor of the great state of ohio the birthplace of aviation the mother of presidents and the home of two outstanding united states senators mike dewine and george voinovich at stake for republican presidential candidates and the state is going to deliver a resounding victory in november for george bush and dick cheney and the american people that there is a drought that has its motto with god all things are possible have to turn a hefty german scale i'll probably guess all sixty nine other sports for the man to restore honor and dignity to the white house the next president united states george w it's been
great tonight in the year two thousand we launch our party and another great voice the voice of george w bush to the white house that the united states pennsylvania probably can't sell seventy eight of its votes for governor george w bush high matt ryan is a reminder here of the judges will be the last hole although one of the motions to make things
happen the war demonstration thrust a middle class family firewalls they'll stand strong dry out driving through a state that values life respect they an honest families of the state of the low country than the midlands to the grandstand and the piedmont to the pt who's decided to the great state of south carolina the primal the patriots and the original home abuts country probably cast all of his thirty seven votes for the next president of the united states it's been cleaned it's
beans it's been it's been to be
a beam means music and turned to move all at the very crime rick perry the lieutenant governor of the great state insect larvae bouncing instead says to my tears goes better our streets safer and our economy stronger i feel like right americans like tony garza
and didn't as sexes vote tonight's new smart the starches metzger from laredo texas that's right you can you know the pc was the
pay fb the chair recognizes the delegate from michigan
workers making as a chairman name's kevin fobbs first vice chairman at your republican party things things no my mom out there who's now recovering from a stroke at the eve of the convention my we love you are prayers there which you referred in this new century with an old president i know that we may not vote for george w bush for president has faced it's
been playing with his band for michigan although the favor say aye all those opposed no in the opinion of the chair the ayes have it and the most it has agreed to without objection the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table is big cheer proudly announces this convention's unanimous choice for president of the united states i knew the invasive want to see babies
is by the mark president hugo chavez will talk about john adams hearing here is his side against the ticket and this is by the way this demonstration want for a couple minutes let's take a look at an interview when i can get a few moments ago with governor jeb question one of the other bush's science in it was done when talk of him during the roll call
and have a lot of fun but i'm also more nervous because the songs can be speaking about thirty minutes and that's a big deal for me and i got three george's a man george overdosed on ana love my dad more human being i'm so proud of my brother for what he's achieved in my sinuses my thinking is that they focus on the hopeful optimistic agenda and get a brush off the attacks will come let people know who he is and people are looking for a real person someone who's genuine really cares about their needs and it does that is in elected this is a time where ideology is less relevant i think than character and people in public white people feel so disenfranchised are looking for someone they can trust our brothers the gun now to florida man out al sharia law our
profile and i'm it's an important state companies could carry it our duty to serve the best job in the world to be governor of the state of florida and thats my first bra only based on the advice my brother gave me what i didn't say and i think this convention will help but there were not that it's a key program where we're really hard marcus is governor bush right governor jeb bush right when he says ideology doesn't mean as much as it used to and well it certainly doesn't hasn't this week here it was done in terms of politics right now that's around and now i have a good i think in a presidential race gender ideology receives reports it's a personal decision that's what we talked about what government would wish the nominee has to do it and it tears their job the qualities people present which have little to do with ideology become a and comfort confidence that those ads whether you're liberal confidence for our conservative province is a remarkable from prison it's a personal choice
does he understand what my hopes are for my own family in the country and those decisions are made those transcend party or ideology and always is is that as the reason george reflecting rather just so you try to rule of ideologies did not affect those too far i really do he ran on several big ideas in the primaries to help him cement is right he didn't just roll of the conservatives of his party is not a good thing and so you really get a big tax cut and he's the first republican since goldwater talk about changing the social security system that's a pretty big deal on gun control abortion very much a conservative so i don't think ideology is not a relative peace and prosperity have a way of telling their attention in nineteen ninety four was an ideologically polarizing figure because people warm and that were fired up so much on the table people were frightened
they were doing when they really came out since then with this kind of atrocities we've had in washington are angry troops and ending peace and prosperity for the detachment from politics that doles the edge of ideas you agree with mr the tension that we're doing your job bill that yes it all away because of various things but wanted peace and prosperity up with that when assad as well that we would just wasn't so much to argue about one thing to everybody a little bit where i actually going to war is making star you basically had one ideological presidential election has researchers nineteen eighty ronald reagan when an openly ideological campaign about the size government spending government cutting taxes rather double defense budget but since then i think it's fair to say that the winners were there was george bush at a bill clinton i need to sort of
submerged ideology and ninety two ninety six after the ninety four sixties fall described him what happened was it became in both parties in this bill clinton and a republican congress to cooperate and so that muted the differences for in the election it has six democrats still are angry that bill clinton didn't lead his party to victory when he was writing or bob dole big spending political capital for the congressional party and they cut a deal with a man when i fool just interview that newt gingrich and it helped republicans keep the house that year and that certainly took ideology philosophy differences outfitted both candidates represent bigger differences though than either one of them was to have met for the second selection i mean the differences between the parties are still still while a new oil well as you know i want to meet them for the election because except when they see a real advantage but they want to have peeled of that ten fifteen percent electric that it's really up for grabs and those people are the least ideological voters in this whole
country runners go back to the convention and specifically the question about managing the message from a normal convention and margaret warner jim to assess the image of substance of this convention we turn to a veteran republican image maker ken khachigian are he's a republican strategist kick in california and he was a longtime speechwriter an aide to ronald reagan and in these primary campaign invaded by senator john mccain how well do you think this convention has done what it has to do in terms of setting a church to be with the fall well it'd be a whole purpose of the convention is to be an overture to the symphony and they've done a great job of creating a crescendo and they won and i think it's picked up the energy levels a couple's estate is gone by and we won't really know until after the speech liked how successful they've been but the state has been so very very well there has been a lot of criticism even from people the party that it's just going to plan to lots of happy talk that there's
been no shark picture of the party that simmered shore or on issues or even or ideologies paula marcus discuss i think you get a sense of that yesterday or less light with dick cheney states that though we're having up the artillery little bit and i think tonight the well i haven't seen the speech i suspect that there were bushes cannot make those differences between the two candidates even more clear and you know youre a lot of energy in the audience tonight you'll have a lot of excitement in a lot of partisan feeling very frankly and that'll be an interview with andy autocrats really what was lust starve the state official led the criticism that's come from david gergen commentator but also a long time in your business communications business and his point is that a convention is the time to really make the case for some of the big proposal say for governor bush tax cuts or missile defense or what his plans on social security and instead this convention has been more
concerned with creating this very likable image but the others are that i know much more about what he's really running online after this convention that before we'll make we'll find out after tonight and each convention guest is a sliver of slice of the time the history of america an mit at reagan had to convey something very large because it is rich the recession here that many of the tax cuts that he proposed were essential part of his entire candidacy for a very long time actions are essential part of his whole philosophy lincoln made that the election is years really what's about those policy issues per se and substance and i think they are about changing the character the presidency that's my personal belief and i think that's what they ought to be aiming for this year where's the democrats to talk to them on the street what they say they think it's ultimately going to be about patience so does agility was safe essentially the two
camps are betting on completely different banks well it and that's natural but i think they're probably make of that they were they want the campaign to be about issues that rather than what it what i said but the fact is you don't want the convention where you get excitement in people come from all over who want to participate in politics you love them a lady of the excitement at the city or jury speech about the economic policy we're about four balls are about national defense in fact wearing like do this state of the union speeches week we say it's always the laundry list that we don't want to have so not quite cheney speech last night in context for us i mean if we have this very happy face for senate for basically three nights to weekend dick cheney and suddenly wham was that was a tell you what's going to face the campaign for the farm i think it's a lot of the race last night i think what you saw is very classic american politics that there has to be
some edge to political rhetoric there has to be some edge typical communication they have to say things that motivate a country a convention and a presidential speech and what was or nomination speech like you here tonight has really like the opening statement before a jury has to lay out the case since a let the country know whether it's compelling case to like somebody to reach a conclusion reached a verdict at the end of that process and then worked there you had to get to lawyers and if it has evolved for dick cheney started out and i think that that number which will have to close the deal to reports victory and what do you think given that where he is in the way he's regarded by voters what is that he really has to convey to persuade the public and he's ready to leave one thing to a lot of things i think yes to convey some sense of who is both a lawsuit follow politics every day have a great if it was a lot of people out there that don't
have a good sense of the portrait of government which we wrap now so i think that this man from midland texas to work as a great heritage that yet as they're a lot of things on its own who have some inner feelings their philosophies and an inner compass those things have to be made as well as a philosophy but at the end of the day to the election has won or lost in the great center of american politics and the republican party largely no ideology but now he wants to go out there to convey something that's larger than everything else because there are several and that being presidential people that's what has changed by looking thanks so much for coming listen speaking of texas addressing the convention now is jammed bolick who is the widow of bob bullock who is the democratic lieutenant governor under governor bush he died in june nineteen ninety nine shortly after leaving
office he endorsed governor bush despite the fact that he was really opposite party in fact those we were all were with us earlier this evening heard the story about how bob ball like that george w bush's fiftieth birthday in reduced the governor as a future president of the united states or his widow joanne is now talking to the convention before the legislation that george ibarra now speaker pete laney got together in the first of many strategies breakfast george with a consensus builder in those meetings to pursue those cities needed changes in tort reform education in juvenile justice that's weekly breakfast form the foundation of a working relationship that reduced to the most harmonious legislative sessions in history thorny environmental bard's personal relationship with
george dickel i'm bob saw that george was sincere in his efforts to do the right thing for texas is being recognized exceptional ability and great leadership potential their friendship evolved from mentor and student to friends and three am as bob gain admiration for georgia's senate piper laurie we work together on projects ranging from the preservation and revitalization of small towns to the texas festival i found mr bush's the dedicated while a devoted mother in the loyal three and cheer girl says bendix were shocked when bob bullock the state's highest ranking democrat probably involve doors get
nervous for re election in nineteen ninety eight says he was re elected with nearly seventy percent of the total that included democrats and independents as well as republicans and i got to know the best use of our state and away from the limelight we got to know the real people and real brands our friendship continued to grow after bob retired and in the weeks before bob george to time from the campaign trail or become hard to come by almost every day and then he'd joined thousands of texans morning bob financing when he delivered the eulogy is free and you know so my message tonight is simple we had seen firsthand what kind of union people george and laura are we seeing his intelligence his integrity you
think that humor is a bipartisan spirit and his dedication to public service taxes of all political stripes and large anti american president george w bush and laura not the way to make a plan first lady in the tradition of barbara bush said my dad's been predicted that george mccommon president and encouraged tonight i am honored to join his nomination i consider it to be part of bob bullock's unfinished business says
is a gentleman in nineteen seventy seven a rising political star named george w bush was traveling through west texas encouraging people to join the republican party he was running for congress that year and he was accompanied by his campaign chairman michael always during that three he met my wife nancy wiese shortly thereafter george and laura bush would become friends with michael and with nancy and they've stayed friends for twenty three years nancy
says it's both he's ranked each year the lighting and gentlemen i am not a public speaker in fact i had never been anything like this before and i am not here to
talk about george urged to get in there and i'm not here to talk about george bush our next president here to talk about george burns my grand isle americans get no i liked it and i wish you could've been there in saying it's excitement when he learned that the law were having plans our share in his joy at their her george relied into his daughter's according to their buried very different personalities teaching them to ride their bikes are trying to derive their bikes practice their spanish work they're mad he nurtured and encouraged them to be and the wonderful strong independent young women that they are today the
population in st george and lies amid the way it's to watch their lab and respect to water while began the outstanding public person she is today while reminding the warm quiet individual she has always been saying here in the way it ends at home working on the ground watching the dishes and empty and the trash almost every night when he can sit in the gas as anyone that their pets yet knowing full well that he's the only one that never leaves the bats are way she could say how he reaches out to people taking that is a good idea and protecting those who can't i wish you could see is that they enjoy airing for others like when you call my mom from the campaign trail and cried with the rapture the sudden death of my band i wish that when our
children were growing at you advance in there are masks and with dan and there are hints about progress in their lives which are children who actually learned that he would remember those details and brought them to a ninety pound dry land long before the cameras were rolling army within the national spotlight george always had time to stop and talk with the stranger sign an autograph our picture taken i wish you could see him challenges koreans and staff reaching your personal best is more than a campaign idea for george is labor that made his entire life george reeves is and he encourages his princely rage and name what this highway is texas girl is doing right now nashville wonderful art
league we can be proud that nominated him for this high office because america is a country with a wonderful aren't thankfully and god bless america eighties action all right the next big coming up as george prescott bush george p bush nephew a while ago with his son hadn't spoken in an interview that when the europeans are this is really tremendously talk about
going to law school in north texas well in school education go for him if it isn't every day that we get to meet one of people magazine's top one hundred most eligible bachelor oh that's a good lesson that very charming personality comedian mandy his intellect and heart to speak volumes about why this country desperately needs the leadership that only his uncle can provide a please join me in welcoming yards even worse
mr chris at chris's father is killed when he wasn't sure whether he enjoyed it i'm proud of the man that he is
a good man known the atlanta symphony of those laws this family and this country i'm proud of the governor he has been determined to do what is right and fearlessly inclusive most of all i'm proud of the president then he will be as your dignity and honor what was just become a better nation a nation of justice and compassion and gray bats and decency the nation were all people that polls also the guinness can share in the promise in the prosperity of its when you're maybe i know the american dream that's why yeah that's why i got involved in my uncle's campaign because i realize that we know this year the same name we share the
same dreams that dream for a leader who will bring people together to solve problems not create them will get the peoples' work done for the good of the people not the political careers as actress emily really cares about those he was elected to serve including those of us whose faces looked different you see an american but like many i come from a diverse backgrounds and i'm really proud of you al and i respect leaders who respect my heritage only do they cause mediocrity are the last
of the people at the old people as a christian my uncle and i'd trade emails and they're not about the florida marlins or the texas rangers are about education senators that i share with my uncle and my dad my dad sold by his education that he carries pictures and as a lot of children from an inner city public school we'll start in miami that love for learning rubbed off after my first year out of politics after my first year out of politics on high school my ninth graders would accuse the system had given up on the dropouts the lost cause that's what i learned from them more than they learn from me by the time the year was halfway over
and lost more than a dozen students many to apathy some to arrests but i also saw this rise above the roar circumstances and blossoming putin sounds of programs are now on track for college and a life far better than the one they were headed for al haq someone recently said to me he really made a difference for those kids maybe i did but as a teacher i just gave them the tools they did something far more valuable they believed in themselves and have the courage to try i really love those kids that ardent suitor and my spirits of them is the reason why i truly believe that the best hope the best hope for every kid like
indiana's and her name's an easy heels as they have mild who in the white house at uva teachers and schools and parents the support they need to help all children in our country get the best education they possibly can my mom and dad always told me if you believe in a cause how can you not to get involved says that's why i'm here and because it's a new day as you know i will be out now with the times and the cynicism and the fussing and fighting in austin you can do that by letting my uncle now sometimes make sure the american dream touches every willing heart no matter the color of your skin or vaccinate your speeds you can do that while like a
milestone now is the time to restore a sense of honor and decency to the white house we can do today as we can do that while it mildly the next president of the united states the model to give the published be given bottles of salsa noodles it's bjork next to the reader lips as she said i
like him what'd you think of george p bush i thought it was terrific job in the end the idea that the president states especially a division president george bush sr whole lineage and pedigree has the sun browned skin perfectly bilingual it did not hurt his standing on people magazine's list of eligible bachelors you might have guessed it's just a terrific delivery greater presence there as just joe his mother's mother's mexican american and jennifer dunn has to play now can be a convention and the republican message of television programming talk about that now and we will go the media correspondent aaron smith today's fbi answer three journalists who cover television martha moore of usa today elizabeth
johnson of the los angeles times and david bianculli of the new york daily news' welcome to you all day but you have covered these convention since nineteen seventy six there used to be a great television as this great television no but it has to be great television i think west wing has to be great television this has to be informative television an interesting television that's a good point because it's against what the judge to be great television entertainment news events what's what's it well i think it's changed from being a news event to being more of an entertainment spectacle and so if you evaluated on whether it's entertaining and interesting in that way it's ok television it's not television or something is going to happen when the problem becomes when the networks still unknown to cover it and they're caught in this little thing here before just be straight years at this and that was very entertaining now that the standards have changed the parties are presenting him
as pure entertainment continental and they go back and forth on that now cbs says well there's none this year's event of the convention they were going to go to a little newsmagazine re run of the healthy sentiment back to the convention and at the viewer doesn't know what they get what signal does that send if the network's approach about why what signals that some of the victor the first thing was that this isn't as important as it used to be not even us and certainly shouldn't be it and they get what happens is always high power broadcast networks they still have the stats they still have the clout they still have the drive to want to compete and so instead of it being about seeing as many politicians as possible as many issues it's getting the face time for all the correspondence and bouncing back and forth as they construct their own time on the air they look clumsy are with what i have you know good republicans have focused like a laser news oakland county i'm for eyes on on
their message that they go the crows well i think if there wasn't was wearing clothes the party yes they have because as we'll now what's important television as the pictures and they control the pictures well enough so that all you've seen as a stage full of diversity and while that we have tried to report that the audience isn't necessarily as diverse i think about the pictures of the quantity and even the networks unveiled stories at the airport and they're saying that they're talking about the whole issue and they're the repeating the message and asking whether the party has gotten that message out so it only reinforces the past cbs for example has emphasized the money the money here the fund raising that sort of thing so there's a certain sort of practical politics some would say even skeptical i'm the old fashioned i still think there is value to having analysts and commentators are sitting there that at certain times cutting away from the podium when it's not compelling to make
points that you might not know as the pizza chance to focus on the political process in america and we won't let you know one thing that's interesting is on c span is putting out a daily tally of how much time each now work spans focused on the podium and their point being of course that they spend all their time focused on the podium when some of his other podium and nhl is just how much chat there is versus how much of the convention is a jewish woman and i think that's an issue because it's hard when you tune in to see the convention and you don't get to see the convention today that they're going to win for the democrats the probably going to go back to chalet a little bit more of the convention because they think that's unsatisfied when you're when they can david abc made a decision doing to calling fouls they i know what year this is my favorite goofy moment of this convention and it i been watching these things for every scenes and i've never seen anything like this and it was because of the squeeze of minutes you had colin powell doing a really compelling speech i think there's
no argument there not much argument anyway abc cuts away early from it to have cokie roberts who really like on the floor talking about what a great speech it was and it was you know it was still going on and she's talking about the reaction and there's applause and you can't hear him because you're hearing her talk about we're not we're not able to see it exactly the speech show up and show it has been that it's always the third battle between the networks and they are parties to control the men of their time that's going to be devoted to the conventions and one thing that the networks i think feel the parties routinely do is try to scuttle it so that they have no time to talk about what has been shown so that they have no time to say anything to evaluate anything so that you can dip your message write you know the networks have made an editorial decision not wrong the biographical file that will be shown tonight that will precede the acceptance speech by george w bush is that is that right
this has been a debate for many years and then i guess about twelve years ago this first came up that they were upset some networks are so the record at their point is that it's an infomercial that it's something that the party wants to see it and they're just goes off it is indeed it is a marketing tool at the same time it can be valuable to see how the party wanted to see the candidate if that's the argument for the whole evening you know when you draw the line between which party a commercial venture which are dug in and especially one from her father's better production values and david do you think that the networks are with all their talent and production values could make a show about or show and one that would find an audience out of the convention and they try to make a better show whether it would find an audience i don't know i think that well nbc is a network has been embarrassingly absent at least was the first public over on msnbc in primetime they were doing a very good
job and yet the ratings for msnbc were abysmal and so you know if you go somewhere else to some alternate source in order to do a better job and viewers don't fall you what's the point why don't we thought the internet was the big new player here and this time as a minute if it's totally unclear but i don't think even immediate families that are engaging in the internet now how it's working out but they feel like they have to do it it's a big experiment for them thank you all very very much yes ikea jerry we're going to take a brief break in our special pbs coverage of the republican national convention will be right back from philadelphia pbs live coverage of the republican national convention i imagined a
system that produces and distributes wrong thing people with disdain plantains of those that you're about to get more than a simple wilken presiding this program was also made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to pbs stations from viewers like you know how our eye harry truman ran as an underdog just as i am and he liked it and so i wouldn't know the united
nations the fuel tank campaign two thousand as a simple two man race think again to use of election history americans have often looked beyond the two major political parties and reach conclusions and ralph nader both the republicans and democrats join ben wattenberg for a look at third parties present their choice he's curious you know what's really amazing
is that recent discoveries in orion then you were encouraged to carry of a horror show has freed a porsche eventually married to say this information the changes oh rivers fists many ls yes it's been
years of continuous live coverage of the republican national convention yes invade on july around were back here at the first union center in philadelphia on a day where we are we're building a course toward the accepted acceptance speech of george w bush he was officially nominated be as the presidential candidate of the republican party earlier this evening what happens between now and then we're going to have some discussion recent speeches having to do with social security governor tom ridge of pennsylvania is going to address the convention and then there will be this video by all of george w bush which will then introduce him and then he will give his speech it is now said due to last somewhere in the neighborhood of thirty five maybe thirty six thirty seven minutes we'll see depending on how applause and other things go for you for right now we want good when i fall at her position just awful
things we've been talking a lot this week about the changing face of the republican party and i'm here now with a delegate from alabama who left when he attended a political convention there was a democratic convention his name is george wallace jr yes his father once governor of alabama and a three time democratic candidate for president just how different is this campaign this convention they're still in that the enthusiasm and seventy two instances but since i've been here i've run into the republican from indiana michigan wisconsin florida and other places are indicated they were delegates for him in seventy three and seventy six at the democratic convention for that very thing and i believe has indicated privately a lot in the whole greenberg and dave broder until another doctor says the grandfather of the modern conservative movement even though many people here acknowledge that
this is the culmination of the philosophy is how the medicated with repentance alabama very very pregnant and there's been so much conversation this week that unity is party and indeed as you know better words your father had a reputation for not necessarily being a unifying they'll stop our development and eleven year one third of your delegation from alabama used to be democrats what's changed we haven't changed philosophical distinction of the market that have an identification and now with a different card giant and we're part of that does have compassion and empathy for both know that hole in the
wall five years that life labor let's remember this convention and i think you know if you have heard so much talk this week about what kind of candidate with this kind of influence of the city that so to speak that your father would be in the water his father his father at the nineteen eighty one and it's a moment i was involved in order plus memoir so it has filed a lawsuit we're now closer look at george w bush that when the leader and i'm margaret
warner wants george w bush like as a leader political and otherwise for that we turn to clay johnson governor bush's chief of staff and lou dubose editor of the texas observer has been covering texas politics for twenty years he's co author of a recent book on bush entitled shrub the short but happy political life of george w bush i just ate tonight is the night that george w bush by needs to demonstrate according to many of the pundits that he can actually this country how does he do that in the woods and what is his leadership style how does he go about getting what he decides he wants you know he's very good at deciding picking up four or five things that he thinks are very very important and that are possible to make significant progress on them and put everybody together decide what's right what's wrong what aspects in particular are being pursued getting building a consensus building a team and then the scientists to know what to do next and then proceeding forward he doesn't believe in being all things to all people and god you know a handful of
objectives and pay attention everything else but he's very focused very disciplined he places a great deal relies on his staff to do the research and do the leg work do the analysis of the scientific designation about what needs to be what's right and wrong and that is very good at sharing why he worked with democrats in and members of his own party as to what he's all about what he's trying to do to sound of people are it's a very collaborative style it's a very focused on results silence a very focused disciplined approach to move in the state of texas in this case for and how fat from your vantage point well i think as an advertisement in a disagreement on policy i think i think what we have is for the politics of personality are you know governor bush before he was elected before he took office between took office thinking that more democrats in the texas house and his his predecessor did so are you know their democratic predecessors democrat prison
princess react so he you know he is very much like that very much of his campaign is about is a personal campaign is the marketing of personality that he marked the personalities and history where where gm with that with what chairman committee with whom he was negotiating he he caught him in a headlock on the steps of the capitol and it was alien i want i want i want is this will feel competition is that that is his family from new york with him he's in new york and texas and i think it's it's that personal the draconian welfare reform reform provisions but you know he's he's is the handshake there's that there's that there's a look at the high and he's like that it works on the campaign trail and iggy worked with a legislature and worked the press corps he said it starts i read somewhere back and he said he rarely even vetoes bales had a c feel about confrontation does he try to avoid it does he tried a major doesn't happen
The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer
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(The ending of the episode is cut off in this recording.) This NewsHour Special Report delivers live coverage of the 2000 Republican National Convention. As the final night, where George W. Bush is expected to be the Republican Presidential nominee, everyone from delegates to political pundits discuss whether he will succeed at the polls in November.
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Identifier: NH-6824-A (NH Show Code)
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Duration: 01:00:00;00
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Chicago: “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer,” 2000-08-03, NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 17, 2024,
MLA: “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.” 2000-08-03. NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 17, 2024. <>.
APA: The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. Boston, MA: NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from