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mirza that evening senator gary hart of colorado has scored an upset victory in the new hampshire democratic primaries as lively piled up less than half an hour after the polls closed former vice president walter mondale conceded defeat will have the results we look at how new hampshire is affected other presidential elections and what it could do today also today a wall street is that another wave of selling as the congress and the white house remain deadlocked on budget deficits we examine one outcome is likely to mars after you address in washington also tonight the supreme court has
handed down a decision and a controversial sex discrimination case the verdict may close the case but not the controversy we update the ongoing battle of times beach missouri closed down by dioxin its neighbors now fight a plan to make it a hazardous waste dump and we hear about a young musician whose name is not a michael jackson is unusual unusual virtuosity is making him one of the most talked about artist in the music world use the macneil lehrer newshour is funded by at and t the corporation for public broadcasting and the station and other public television stations colorado senator gary hart is well on his way to an upset victory in new hampshire tonight where incomplete returns have been holding a comfortable lead in this first in the nation democratic
primary former vice president walter mondale conceded defeat a little more than half an hour ago after months of being considered the front runner in the democratic presidential contest the contest that suddenly looks wide open unofficial returns show that with a little more than thirty percent of the vote counted with a hundred and sixty seven of two hundred and ninety eight precincts reporting hardly with eleven thousand four hundred and fifty one votes or forty percent mondale has eight thousand eight hundred and twenty votes or twenty eight percent followed by john lennon with three thousand five hundred and eighty eight votes or thirteen percent the vote for the other candidate is running as follows jesse jackson's six percent george mcgovern five percent of earners hollings four percent alan cranston three percent and finally rubin ask you one percent we went on the air and it was no comment yet from senator hart but <unk> mondale told reporters that he was convinced that he would eventually win the nomination even though new hampshire voters he said get a debate
going by favoring sen hart mondale appeared somber face at a news conference at the boston airport just before he prepared to fly to new hampshire john glenn who until just over a week ago was presumed to be the only real challenger to the front runner mondale set in an interview tonight with a cable news network that hearts victory explodes the myth of the inevitability of mondale's winning the democratic nomination glen said the new hampshire results mean the race will be a crash will have a fresh beginning in the south where three major primaries will be held in two weeks robin it's the fifties the new hampshire primaries developed a life of its own in the making of presidents even the recent influence of the iowa caucuses a week earlier has lessened new hampshire's ability to give candidates momentum or deny it for the primaries and caucus states ahead this year its importance may be even greater because the democratic party has been so many states together in the month of march but it's an effect that the people of new hampshire do not create by themselves it's an unpredictable interaction
between voters candidates pollsters and the news media nobody designing a rational system for nominating presidential candidates would begin with new hampshire it is too small and too unrepresentative of the country as a whole it has fewer than one million people and almost half of them live out in the country double the national percentage but they're mostly factory and office workers not farmers the state is not only a lot more rural in the nation but a lot more republican forty percent of new hampshire voters registered republican compared to twenty five percent nationwide he's a decent man he knows the problems of new hampshire he's been here several times please welcome fritz mondale and more conservative democrats across the country they are predominantly catholic and heavily french canadian an ethnic group that is politically significant only in this corner of the nation but the state is changing its the fastest growing state in the east
the depressed no economy of textiles and shoes is being replaced by high technology spillover from massachusetts that is given the state population an unusually high proportion of white collar managerial types summer is encroaching on new hampshire's pastor loveliness yet the state remains pristine in another sense it has no state sales tax population changes are gradually making the state more like the nation's demographics but it remains an typical for example it has hardly any blacks all the same new hampshire is not a major presidential elections for a generation the primaries also proudly displayed in the memory lane restaurant in manchester their they celebrated history of upsetting the oddsmakers an idiot of creating victories not just from violence but from expectations a nineteen sixty four barry goldwater and new hampshire were to lead over nelson rockefeller international law
buried by write in votes for henry cabot lodge who was thousands of miles away in saigon as us ambassador those lines would go waters nineteen sixty eight eugene mccarthy was campaigning against the vietnam war and president johnson so i call on you to be more orderly or more completely dedicated and committed to this political campaign of nineteen hundred fifty eight then you have a new idea about them in a poll two weeks before the primary mccarthy was trailing johnson sixty two to eleven percent in the vote he was still second but he's forty one percent compared to johnson's forty nine made mccarthy the psychological winner second was first it gave the anti war movement a lift and it led to
johnson's withdrawal but in the end johnson's vice president hubert humphrey the nomination but in seventy two at one mosque here from neighboring maine at a sixty five to eighteen lead in a poll six weeks before are the primaries a george mcgovern from the midwest trying to be dramatic because mostly had done so much worse than expected and mcgovern so much better second was first again and the government launched on his way to the nomination nineteen seventy six jimmy carter broke out of the pack three months before new hampshire his numbers didn't even register at national polls but twenty eight percent became a tremendous springboard put his picture on the covers of national news magazines and ended with his nomination four years later edward kennedy took on president carter but his challenger is pretty much wrecked year by a strong partner with the president went on to win re nomination
a ronald reagan behind in the iowa caucuses ten points behind in the polls delivered a knockout punch to george bush who ended up his convention and always history of upsets and unpredictability the new hampshire primary has been consistent in one sense since i began the beauty contest in nineteen fifty two no one has become president of the united states who did not win in new hampshire and the candidates who scored those then the sun sets like henry cabot lodge gene gene mccarthy george mcgovern did not become president running a surprisingly strong second in new hampshire may have been good for headlines momentum in fundraising it may even lead to the nomination as it did for mcgovern so far number two has never led to the white house that fact did nothing to dampen the ardor in this year's primary which is often looked like the race to be number two with its companion game of playing the expectations here is how it looked as the
voting took place today the presidential hopes of some of the eight democrats may be about as durable as these ice sculptures of the candidates in a shopping mall in concord an unusually warm february at least until today storm has already taken its toll so have the polls until today that their expectation for walter mondale was that he would have an easy win perhaps virtually locking up the nomination is nearly fifty percent women and created a danger that a smaller boat in new hampshire would seem the laws now with the latest polls showing very hard perhaps an economic model may be forced to play in the coming in first is victory enough gary hart's expectations of sword correspondingly after his second place sixteen percent in iowa as the polls have shown him apparently gaining on monday his staff has talked more and more boldly some even talking of winning new hampshire
is danger is that anything less than a strong second after such heady talk could kill a new momentum john glenn suffered his big damage in iowa were six place exploded his images mondale's chief competition now new hampshire has become a desperate effort to recover the latest polls don't work encouraging putting in a distant third since expectations for atlanta now so mothers a strong showing close to mondale and hart would be a surprise perhaps keep his campaign alive expectations about jesse jackson have risen and fallen a few weeks ago he seemed the wildcard generating a campaign enthusiasm the others were reporters began to talk of a surprisingly strong showing in a state with a tiny black population now apparently become by the controversy over his remarks about jews jackson stands forth in the latest poll it's a different expectations game for the four remaining democrats mcgovern cranston hollings and ask you the pundits expect some or all to do so poorly
here that they will have to drop out the latest polls give each five percent or less polls on votes george mcgovern says he's going on to campaign in massachusetts the only state he took from nixon in nineteen seventy two mcgovern denies that he is running interference for mondale was ignoring instantly get out to help one or the other alan cranston's expectations were not raised by his fifth place showing in iowa and have not been improved by poll standings in new hampshire is one candidate who will consider dropping out it doesn't break and three rancher ice sculpture didn't include that true southerners hollings and ask you earn a stalinist who ignored i were staked his whole effort to make an early northern showing here he says he'll hang him for the southern primaries in march no matter what happens it uses the same friends had been urging him to bow out of the void being embarrassed by a big loss in his home state florida that's howard look before the
polls closed now an hour or so after the polls closed in with fifty six percent of the precincts reporting gary hart as forty percent of the vote mondale has twenty eight percent and bland has thirteen those of the street leaders in this election victory in new hampshire mr robert lacey another democrats today got a reminder of mondale's apparently even the rest of the nation a new york times cbs poll showed mondale a choice of fifty seven percent of democrats jackson was a very distant second with eight percent and about thirty seven percent moreover it suffers from incomplete slates of delegates in the next round two weeks away when five hundred delegates are chosen in nine states and so called super tuesday senator artisanal organize delegate slates and only forty percent of the district's but clearly new hampshire has made it a real fight today the big political story in washington today with a deficit and the continuing inability of the bipartisan working group to do anything about it even before they met federal reserve chairman paul volcker was telling a
meeting of the nation's governors that in order to get consumer interest rates down the bulging federal deficit must be cut quickly and i certainly think we have a hundred billion dollar problem in more than a hundred billion dollar problem when one looks out further in the future i was asked what i think might be a reasonable doubt payments turns toward the bigger amount of overtime and i suppose i try to be realistic and answering the question in keeping myself with a narrow low but what's possible now in the short run i think that as big enough to begin to make an empire hundred billion in the first year would certainly maybe at a sparkling difference in my mind in terms of the kinds of problems we know oh sure volcker is positioned for unions teamed up with a proposal adopted later in the day by the national
governors association that calls for deficit reductions of almost a hundred and fifty billion dollars over the next three years president reagan's proposal for a one hundred billion dollar reduction over that period volcker's that is not adequate mr wright it was also rebuffed a dead by the results of a meeting of republican and democratic members of the bipartisan congressional working group trying to attack the deficit their talks with representatives of the white house broke up with no new meeting dates that republicans rejected a democratic all or new major tax increases while democrats and some republicans insisted over the objections of the white house at any package includes sizable cuts in the defense budget each family recommended
reading for all the discussion about five thousand troops which really guessing that we're proposing the bill that the minimum wage low but i think that will be the leader and the thank you treasury secretary donna reagan's sitting in on those bipartisan talks told an american legion meeting in washington today but the administration would not accept large defense spending cuts as the
basis for a deficit reduction plan we cannot indeed we will not accept wholesale flashes of the defense budget some leverage from operate all in spending reductions i don't mean to say that the pentagon to be considered as a sacred cow knowledge should be handed a blank check there are perhaps a government savings achievable what that cannot be an ill conceived ill advised and indiscriminate hacking it is imperative that progress being made and reducing deficits equally important as it progresses though is how we make that progress we'll be taking on the revenue side an unintended benefit is we must focus on cutting domestic spending we must resist attempts to lower the deficit
from general tax increases on the repeal of tax and that tax increases is fighting on there the already been taxpayer simply wouldn't have the desired effect and quite possibly could cause very undesirable patients reagan felt despite today's problems leave cautiously optimistic that there will be further progress by the bipartisan group despite reagan's outlook the warning from chairman volcker and the reports of dissension within the congressional white house working group helped cause a drop in the stock market at the close the dow jones average of thirty industrial stocks was down almost twenty three points two eleven fifty seven point forty years shed some light on the significance of today's developments is robert john moe cofounder of a bipartisan private group called the committee for a responsible federal budget mr john moe spent twenty two years as the democratic member of the congress last
four of them as chairman of the house budget committee before he retired in nineteen eighty yeah i know you've been following of the progress of this era of bipartisan working group what you think the prospects are that they're going to be able to reach any kind of consensus probe a lot of the pride you have to go through come to grips with an election year and that's the difficulty but the crisis is there you just heard paul volcker enunciated there have been other people who have can states simply been saying you got to get control of its deficit they can't put it off they're risking the very well being of this country but the trouble is that both sides are playing politics you here the secretary of the treasury say that you've got to cut spending what they mean by cutting spending the discretionary spending has already been cut by president reagan in his first two years we just heard a rule out any major cuts in the defense you want to cut spending further you're
talking about defense and the huge entitlement programs which no one wants to go near that one a half to go and address them eventually like medicare like social security like veterans benefits costa living adjustments and all those but that's the spending the va secretary doesn't spell out the fact is unless there is a real crisis and morning amp on wall street or in the bond markets or be forced by third warren nations or collapse of some sort in the third world and we are the rest of the world were threatened when here unless that happens i'm afraid your side will give in before the election would you have any problem with what we were told today was mr wright's characterization of the white house he said that it displayed inflexible hostility to cuts in defense spending that affair character i don't know if that's a fair characterization because i wasn't there and i don't know there are inflexible or hostile but there's no question in my mind that if the president is serious after all he invited them the reagan democrats to join him in a bipartisan effort to do
something about the deficit this year if that's the case and we should be willing to put everything on the table and that everything means defense in taxes what art let's talk about the fans what about <unk> domenici the senate budget committee chairman proposal to cut defense spending increases down below five percent prince philip are told exactly and the president is has repudiated and rejected that in fact i understand his his comments today one one that issue was this disgust was that there were observers not participants in that issue and you know the president should really know that he isn't going to get their respective of the talks he should really know that he's not going to get the kind of defense increase that he's asking for this year of twelve or seventeen percent and overall growth that is one of the more unlikely five and the five percent area that senator domenici is talking about it youre like a lot of it the responsibility on the republicans on the white house but isn't it true that the democrats are also going to have to show us and yemen have as many
eyes and the democrats are going to have to show that good and spending issues for example in medicare issues in cost of living while the appointees who starts this is a chicken and egg situation but as the president who is responsible for proposing in suggesting his budget and where he is going to find the two hundred billion dollars that is short he invites them in to find places to have to make the reductions and it explodes defense and taxes and neither side wants to talk about entitlements at this early stage what's left there isn't anything why why would neither side would talk about entitlements because they know that they're going to have to be a part of the final yes but i think that that would be the last item on the agenda in these talks i think the first things that they would have to do would be to talk to about defense issues and reductions talk about reasonable tax increases and even difficult tax increases as senator dole has suggested suggesting more assertive
person rostenkowski was it was suggested and then approached the entitlements perhaps through the back door of course the living adjustments things of that what i'm saying is that if it's so politically impossible for the republicans for the white house to be discussing of tax increases and we're asking them to spit to stick out their necks why should the democrats simultaneously next when it comes to entitlements i think the democrats have indicated a willingness to sit down and discussions with the president and that's where they are now you know i think that you're taught both sides should announce and say that all of those items will be on the table for discussion rather than saying as a secretary reagan said today we're not going to allow them to slash the defense budgets i'm not saying that one side is totally right or the other side is totally wrong and i recognize now the problem now lies with the white house and i think that there's a clear recognition in
this nation by everyone who has barely cognizant of the fiscal situation in this country there's a clear recognition that we cut taxes too much a couple of years ago and that is the problem with with without our budget right now including mr feldstein but there's a clear recognition by mr bulger lived by the financial markets in new york by the end all of the educational community but everyone except the president leak absolutely does not want to go along with finding additional revenue certainly his own people on his own in his own republican party in the house and senate recognize a need for for additional revenue well if all this is is is you say that i we just witnessing for of a silly political exercise all activities in this term as you know our political especially a few months before an election and i believe that there are hard decisions to be made here making increases in taxes as a hard decision cutting down cost of living adjustments and entitlements is a hard decision
and those of two hard one and neither side wants to make that decision unless it absolutely has to as they seem to think they can wait until next year which i think is suicidal so what's missing and what is going to force them i think what would force at the stock market went down i think you announced about twenty points today you can if you have no retirement from around the world that actually would force and air but apps and that i believe they will feel and try to get beyond the election the next year i think that's extremely dangerous and one last thing quickly what about this white house idea though the line item veto proposal that was raised by you know if i were if i were in the house of representatives today and where not but if i were i would give the president a line item veto for a year or two or three and legumes come up and show us where he would reduce the deficit by two
hundred billion dollars he couldn't do it unless he did what we're just talking about it since you think the democrats will do that or i don't think so because frankly neither democrats or republicans like to give up why not give up their powers that they would have to present a line item veto in effect congress could really almost gone home what's your best projection unresolved i think that given the economic realities the threat of wall street the threat of the bond markets the fact that what's caring at the threat of higher interest rates which many economists tell us is coming along this year that to me will indicate that there is an outside chance that they can get together and do something not big this year but at least get started a lot of people that i hope that you have to like it the supreme court handed the reagan administration a major legal victory today the court by sixty three vote ruled that the federal government does not have the right to cut off all
types of aid to a college simply because in sex discrimination in one specific program women's groups in the carter administration and argued the part of a nineteen seventy two law called title nine require that any type of discrimination should disqualify a school from receiving every type of eight reading the court rejected today last year the administration came under heavy political fire from women's groups for its narrow interpretation today the political he continued as leaders of women's groups criticize the decision and called on congress to amend the law in iraq a scandinavian airlines jumbo jet with a hundred and sixty three passengers and a crew of fourteen skidded off the runway as it was landing at kennedy international airport late this afternoon the airport were shrouded in fog light rain at the time applying the dc ten splashed its nose into the waters of jamaica bay some of the passengers' lid down to the ground on emergency shoots some walked up the tale exit and if you jump into the water and swam ashore at least eight people were injured but their injuries were not serious airport was closed
but only briefly and a team of investigators was sent in by the national transportation safety board some of the passengers complained that the airport did not have boats prepared for an emergency landing in the water and they had to sit on rafts for twenty minutes before they were brought to shore the damage to the plane itself was limited to the left wing tip and the nose assembly and airline officials of the accident was probably caused by what is called hydro plane skidding on the wet surface of the runway for threatening another look at the latest returns from the new hampshire primary with at least half the vote counted or a hundred ninety three of two hundred ninety eight precincts reporting colorado senator gary hart continues to hold onto a commanding lead he has fifteen thousand and eighteen votes or thirty nine percent of the vote walter mondale who had been expected to win until just embarrass or ago as ten thousand five hundred and eleven votes or twenty eight percent john glenn has four thousand five hundred nine nine boats twelve percent of the vote jesse
jackson and george mcgovern were tied at about six percent robin in jerusalem twenty one people were injured today when two hand grenades exploded in front of a blue jeans retaken the city's main shopping street none of the injuries was critical three separate factions of the palestine liberation organization planned that they set off the explosions two israeli soldiers were killed in an ambush near the lebanese town of not a beer which is the site of a large palestinian refugee camp israeli soldiers fired back at the attackers and began a search of the area in lebanon president amin gemayel was expected to go to damascus within the next day or so for talks with syrian president hafez assad to end the violence in lebanon in the persian gulf the defense department today confirmed the us destroyer opened fire on sunday to warn off an iranian patrol play play machine guns and flyers were used the first time a us ship has opened fire in the four years they've been patrolling the area
radio signals we used a one off an iranian friend that was too close to the ships us and its allies had been concern that iran might stop vital oil shipments through the strait of hormuz as its war with iraqi escalated president reagan said the us is determined to keep a straight open us officials today said there was no evidence to support iraq's claim yesterday that it had attacked iran's main oil terminal at argyle and jd the company that operates the three mile island nuclear power plant in pennsylvania has agreed to plead guilty to a charge that he falsified data about the plant in an agreement announced in court today by the us attorney david dark queen the metropolitan edison company will pay a million dollars to a special fund which will be used for emergency planning around the reactor site in nineteen seventy nine three mile island unit to was the scene of the worst commercial atomic power plant accident in us history us attorney said the agreement does not make a connection between bad accident and
today's guilty plea the reactor operators have also agreed to plead no contest to six other charges brought by the government the agreement goes before a federal judge for approval before it becomes final the suburb of times beach missouri is at the center of yet another dioxin controversy it was just over a year ago that the environmental protection agency bought out the entire town because it was contaminated with potentially dangerous levels of dioxin now federal and state officials have chosen times beach and the ideal home for a new hazardous waste site where dioxin found in other parts of this day would be brought in store that doesn't fit well with times beaches neighbors correspondent on the home and found in this report almost everyone has been evacuated from time speech the soil and roads here are still heavily contaminated and you have to check with regard to enter times beach is essentially a ghost town now
ahmed what about lane jumper and his family lived in times beach for ten years he built his home here to his son was born here lane and his family had hoped to stay there were four hundred and two single family residences four hundred mobile homes in the two troopers in this house earlier this out we were living with celeste holm offense thankfully that's a defense that was before i was living when the story came out in late nineteen eighty two times beach was hit by the double disasters of the worst flooding in its history and the official government announcement of massive dioxin contamination the jumpers were relocated to a small apartment in eureka missouri
three miles from their old home to their peoples cars or houses for forty fifty miles away still it's been eight hundred families scattered as hard as they were evacuation of lane jumper and others from times beach has not ended missouri's dioxin crisis the state discovered thirty six other sites that had been similarly contaminated with dioxin under growing public pressure for some kind of action state officials proposed a plan to remove contaminated soil from several of those sites and place it in a concrete bunker in times beach the side there and caremark are supposed to be here in this open field it used to be a city park the bunker would be on evacuated and already contaminated land in times beach but it would be located only several hundred yards from eureka a town of thirty eight hundred people and the town to which lane jump or has been moved our inn you read
the residents are apprehensive about the potential effects of having a hazardous waste dumps so nearby on february sixteenth several hundred area residents turned out every year to cajole missouri department of natural resources director fred lesser what they thought it's been the land was originally sure later they'll id this is a human health problem in
uganda does not fit within these people you're sitting here with us our cars there's no answer because nobody wants it in their backyard and i don't believe in the fireplace that you can put in locating this blogger in the frontline when their possibilities for alternatives is totally irresponsible and i guarantee you and the governor that we will fight you through the agency process through the courts or through the legislature necessary with this big plan will be done everyone wants us to solve the problem somewhere else people living on the sides want the problem removed from the area the people in eureka don't want more maternal brought to times beach but the people of eureka point to the nineteen eighty two flood as a graphic illustration of quiet times beach is the wrong place for a bunker filled with contaminated dirt jerome lot easier if his city attorney come in and put a massive landfill in the
floodplain of growing issue really affect the situation and director not to mention that thing to watch an awful lot of toxic materials down to a downstream neighbors their end of december for the water was completely over these mobile homes maybe a foot higher than the top of these mobile this trailer park is directly adjacent to the countryside lessard says he's taken the floods into account not just about purchases to love love on channel provence in small levees that are designed to protect the bunker in soviet times beach but also one side benefit of providing some very important for protection for erie one of the major fears here is that if a bunker is built in times beach it will be only the beginning times beach will become the dump site of missouri i think the epa
and the department of natural resources perceive the need to have a very large dump or landfill operation for the containment of hazardous waste and i think that they've pinpointed times beach missouri is location i can understand that concern and i can also say to that is not our proposal is not my intention i'm willing to sign whatever binding assurance is the government can sign to commit that that will happen and the battle over whether voters should be built in times beach continue to blame jumpers more concerned about the overall problem it's about time that the people in the country realized that time speech and love canal our way of start of what's really going to come to light and they need to put pressure on
their legislators and then to lawmakers and then the movers and shakers in government to realize that human lives are at stake director laugh serve the missouri department of natural resources that he would bizarre decide by march eight whether to push ahead with plans to build the bunker in times beach this april robin the new hampshire primary was me on that contest americans we're following tonight the national academy of recording arts and sciences put on a three hour show to announce the annual grammy awards the recorded music before the broadcast began michael jackson's thriller won three awards rock male vocal rhythm and blues male vocal and rhythm and blues songs in the most prestigious category record of the year jackson's beat it was competing with jackson's billie jean leading to the possibility of another artist weekend because of a split vote that was just one of the unusual possibilities at this year's grammys charlayne hunter gault has another german but i have to tell you about is perhaps the most unusual combination in the history of the
grammys one artist has been nominated in bulk the classical and jazz categories is wynton marsalis whose jazz album think of one is up along with his classical album haydn homo el mozart from it prompted concertos but there are still other factors that make wynton marsalis unusual he's young twenty two gifted he is one of the few artists ever to play both classical and jazz music and he's black the driving force behind his creativity ha ha ha as yes
bees for the last few years of places around the country like this a denver nightclub the crowd's turning out to be a young trumpet player keep getting bigger as the most policy gets bigger and bigger as russia says it's not just the fans think this could be the status of the jazz greats like thing was silas is well on his way into their hall of fame but technically is far more advanced than is a little who were there to gauge the plane to trump that no no no it wouldn't work what direction this follows will
instill surgeon when applied as the conductor of marseilles his first classical recording that's now up for the atlantic i think he's doing his business and he seems to do as we certainly have a form of suggestions on a pad and overseers of acres just want to thank you al maliki he stood onshore of that goes to be a better just because
he plays a drug dealer and he did that a divide trumpeter because there is just so lang classical music was a choice for marsalis jazz playing was more like a calling on three key factors in than my father's jazz musician and number two growing up in new orleans is why range of music he could be played and cows also very fortunate to meet a lot of different musicians who taught me a lot of things but he was really isn't a musical tradition marseilles is truly a product of his environment the child at that historically musical city new orleans the second of five sons of the respected new orleans jazz pianist ellis marsalis i asked ellis marsalis a few places more so
marseilles remembers other factors that propelled listening to jazz went inside onto up and our life skills and his third grade year and i think through the years he was looking to find himself in his own our cultural our heritage and i i think you know since he was around music in and it was around him our time and it i was a student of the trumpet and i think that within his experiences he thought of found something that represented himself something that he could present to our people about the culture and it became a big thing with him and i think that he thought a bomb fell in love with it with what we say as he felt that the new owners of my music once marsalis begin to express his identity to
janice it liberated him totally as it is about the truth and the truth was the same as eating sixty one white person wrote it is that is in nineteen forty one a black person played the music transcends all region is an on air and he saw his life but i was also the brother branford shares his commitment and desire to learn more about their music they frequently work together beginning it's
been marsalis couldn't escape jazz surrounded as he was that the many great musicians who were his parents' friends el faro gave him his first trumpet now is with the global ngo that was a good thing well a lot of them our guest allison lowe we're only overlapping with obama's own trumpet says only welcomes is a lot less expensive and mouse it gives of those changes to our you know so as they were about it we know is that we don't want you for a summer and thousands of just those twelve minutes because i guess i'm the father of the jesus like that
so on easy as he respected the plane took seals us the community but more recently play it's close if you have some pain can do you know the trumpet estimates today and take this movement is that for a classical music at the un says today that at some point is to listen to us in captivity saddam practiced monopoly like this modern similarities between jansen classical music's summarize but we are faking the way of life of a group of people and beethoven's music sunrises the feeling of a certain type of people in europe at that time to get into new york city all the signs of a fix soon as the us with a really great artist can do and never spent all great music is to say that music is in motion with us and for us always think on your feet in his five have to get other people's way to play with them is like making up some of the spring moment this logic in
classical music so i like i had was brilliant because that's one thing that understood as he understood that millions the drama the instant logic so his music is really logical he takes a freezing terrorism around the opposite way you take more political pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pom pa ba ba ba ba ba ba boom like that these things like that and that that problem as a nation want to play it because you and do justice to the genius is it inevitable that there's going to be a conflict between the jazz musician and the classical musician official the disappearance of different musicality is pepsi saying that the disappearance of technical difficulties of pain jump trumpet in the jazz way and planned it in the classical way of different ways actually is it that makes it so difficult it's the way his lips actually enter into the
capital mouthpiece of a trumpet and it's a totally different way of the of the mussels a completely different in different order i when he's playing jazz when he's sick the task of music you think you think he's gonna have to make it so i think that that talent roster yet well why would you have to make it is difficult to keep from one thing to another really do justice to both of maybe and i haven't seen one of those from the classical side that is the music that he could very well with the next fight is recall everything is the recall right now as far as president trump is as large as the band jazz musicians rally that shariah really good
to be around for a new device from iraqi ability of the things is its tailspin back in unison only way if you listen to me as a jew you have the us no arms no active role here in mozart's robin know he knew we knew was i guess in music the face of music the body music everybody has to be home yeah because so much great music it's both and later were just in wynton marsalis won a grammy award tonight in the
classical category once again the main story as senator gary hart of colorado scored an upset victory in the democratic party's primary election in new hampshire with sixty nine percent of the precincts reporting art was in first place for sixteen thousand and seventy nine votes or forty percent mondale was second with eleven thousand two hundred and ten votes twenty eight percent john glenn four thousand nine hundred and five votes or twelve percent jackson two thousand four hundred and seventeen votes or six percent followed by mcgovern in fifth place with two thousand three hundred and eighty eight votes and six percent in seventh place square crammed cranston nine hundred and ninety nine votes or two percent and it followed by rescue with five hundred and ninety one percent on that basis heart would get ten of the eighteen delegates it's being failed and mondale would get eight years reaction tonight from the front runners
as you know the results are now in and senator hart has won the new hampshire primary and ice and the senator live warmest graduation as an aberration for his campaign and i will take vacations personally telling the same words because i want to know want him to know my respect for him i'm curious or phrase deja vu absolutely fantastic work that you did on our behalf it couldn't have been better you know our friends were always important in good times but in tough times they're priceless and
tonight you're golden i love new hampshire ta ta cry everyone is right as they set the night new hampshire voters or an actress or independent they make up their own minds and they're also smart the paintings i'm not prepared at this moment at least to claim the position of front runner but i know one thing the night in new hampshire we buried the label or easy to kicking kicking things a few days ago
i was talking to a reporter or one of those skeptical reporters and they said that for iran where do you intend where possibly can you defeat walter mondale i only ways how do all of those appear with us tonight to all of you for the thousands in the tens of thousands of new hampshire voters and citizens who have supported this campaign with their boats with your time with your energy with your money lay and andrea and john and i want to know that we will never forget you you have done what we have said throughout the course of the last few weeks could be done and that is that the people of new hampshire could literally have the power to change the course of america
a scandinavian airlines dc ten skidded off the runway at kennedy airport in new york and splashed into jamaica bay least eight of the one hundred seventy seven people aboard were injured but their injuries were not serious and the supreme court ruled today that the federal government does not have the right to cut off all kinds of aid to a college simply because of sex discrimination in one specific program emerging in iran and that our newshour for tonight i'm judy woodruff thank you and goodnight the macneil lehrer newshour is funded by at and t reaching out in new directions the corporation for public broadcasting and the station and other public television stations on a tie our man i
can tell why thank you eurozone now
The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour
Producing Organization
NewsHour Productions
Contributing Organization
NewsHour Productions (Washington, District of Columbia)
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This episode of The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour covers the following headlines: the results of the New Hampshire presidential primary, a debate on how to resolve American budget deficits, a Supreme Court decision in a sex discrimination case, the backlash against Dioxin and its plans to turn Times Beach, Missouri into a toxic dump, and a profile piece on rising young jazz performer Wynton Marsalis.
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Performing Arts
Social Issues
Global Affairs
Politics and Government
Copyright NewsHour Productions, LLC. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License (
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Producing Organization: NewsHour Productions
AAPB Contributor Holdings
NewsHour Productions
Identifier: NH-0127-9P (NH Show Code)
Format: 1 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00;00
NewsHour Productions
Identifier: NH-19840228-9P (NH Air Date)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Preservation
Duration: 01:00:00;00
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Chicago: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour,” 1984-02-28, NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 4, 2024,
MLA: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour.” 1984-02-28. NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 4, 2024. <>.
APA: The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. Boston, MA: NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from