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pope good evening after a day of new warnings about the size and impact of the federal deficits president reagan says he's reluctant to raise taxes or cut defense spending to reduce the congressional economists predicted the deficits will be higher than the president estimates while the conference board certified results could slow down economic growth wall street had another nervous day continuing its recent fall will analyze what anxieties are driving the market down your letters all of the workers in washington state another new the saudi and syrian negotiators say they may have a solution to the chaos in lebanon we cover middle east development encourages documentary look at syria for horses with it a controversial policy there is no news from the iran iraq war what's called a decisive battle
is now underway and we conclude our series of interviews with the eight democratic presidential candidates tonight jesse jackson i'm i've spent all my life laboring with the poem i'm kinda get the pool of the station the third world for all the fall run of them are concerned the macneil lehrer newshour is funded by at and t the corporation for public broadcasting and the station and public television stations president reagan announced this evening that the bipartisan working group to reduce the budget deficit will meet again tomorrow a group of senior reagan officials and congressional leaders as not only one since the president suggested a month ago democrats and said they wouldn't negotiate until the white house indicated the president would agree to accept cuts in defense spending at a televised news conference tonight the president said it's time to get down the business he said he was against raising taxes the white house would listen to proposals to cut defense that he was against it in principle
you don't decide to spend a certain amount of money on defense you look at what you believe is necessary to do in order to ensure national security and then you add up how much that's going to cost any other side of these attacks that are commonly other side of the aisle on the defense spending incidentally in the figure that we submitted in his budget we ourselves the defense department undersecretary reduce their budget by sixteen billion dollars before it was submitted by taking things out that would've been worthwhile would have increased our security ability but which we believe we could do without for a time then settled on this particular thing now if the democrats in the meeting will take place tomorrow and they're constantly talking cutting defense only talk about his job as well my idea is that if they got a plan in which they can come in and
say what they would eliminate in the defense budget and how much money that would then say and we can study and see what would that do to one national security how far would have reduce of how far would increase the window or cry because that is the way to negotiate on defense i have to believe that we've submitted a more reasonable defense budget in view of the several years decline in spending that had taken us down to the very dangerous state we weren't by nineteen eighty in the last years before we came here there was a twenty one priest reduction in defense spending entire weapon systems were canceled and i think the world is a safer and more secure place and refer the removal of possible war at what we've done with the defense budgets that we have introduced that we've been a number of years the news conference his first full scale and since december twentieth followed a day of new
warnings about the size and impact of the federal deficit and a further decline in the stock market the congressional budget office said today that the nineteen eighty five budget proposed by president reagan would result in the federal deficit of a hundred ninety two billion dollars that is twelve billion dollars higher than the president estimates the conference board an industry supported research group in new york said that sustained economic growth is not likely in the face of continuing large budget deficits while the board said the economy look good in nineteen eighty four it also warned that highly expansionary us fiscal policy and massive federal budget deficits are setting the stage for a potentially widespread economic problems as early as nineteen eighty five in washington senate finance committee chairman robert dole unveiled a plan of his own to reduce the deficit by a hundred and two billion dollars over three years with a combination of spending cuts and tax increases slated to the national press club republican senators stressed that congress must act now to reduce the deficit i know many words added hearing about the deficits
that and talk about writing about dramatized in many ways but we have yet to make a problem at all i'm willing to predict the day that president reagan the congress will agree this year on deficit reduction measures that will meet or exceed the downpayment estimate of about eight hundred billion dollars over the next three years a lot more oddly visionary want them back now the other benefit from a display of leadership and democrats benefit by countering of a standard gag republicans benefit by demonstrating our ability to compromise without sacrificing less the progress we've made interiors for lower taxes and for growth domestic spending and stable economic growth eleven quake but more importantly the nation will benefit now and waiter from concrete action now to reagan administration officials continued to wear their differences about the impact of the deficits in a speech to the us chamber of commerce treasury secretary don regan said that the
us dollar is not over value added strength is due to the remarkable performance of the american economy he said the strong dollar is neither overvalued as some have suggested nora something to be ashamed of but martin feldstein chairman of the council of economic advisors said later in an interview on the christian broadcasting network it's clear that the large budget deficits are keeping the dollar stronger than it would otherwise be the stock market closed lower today after several days of heavy losses the dow jones industrial average slipped five point one three points to close an eleven thirty four point twenty one since reaching a record high of twelve eighty six january six the stock market has fallen more than one hundred and fifty points in six weeks mentally at many analysts are concerned that the bull market of the past eighteen months is finally winding down for more on the stock market and its anxieties we have modi gordon vice president and director of research for the dreyfus corporation a leading wall street mutual fund mr gordon what would you say is the principle concern that is driving the
market right now the principal concern is a fear that unless actions taken to reduce the deficit significantly over a period of years to give eighty six in a sense that that deficit will act to slow the economic recovery and could lead to a recession in nineteen eighty five so it's directly related to the deficit size of an action on it now not only in the sense of the size but the growing awareness that a substantial part of that that this is being financed by foreign money coming into the united states at much that money accounts about fifty percent of the financing of the that was if that means in the open question as to how well is this recovery in the event finals should elect not the whole dollars if the dollar the dollar began to continue to go down and if they continue to go down they might decide they don't want a whole lot of them wants and there would be a tremendous switch out of the us market that could lead to higher inflation because it would mean that because of a weaker dollar we would nearly bring imports of the price we can bring them in it would mean a lot of
purchasing power would focus on the american economy and that would probably act drive prices up so visit an underlying concern is beginning to develop that the underpinnings of this recovery all vulnerable to account for all of pharmacy now will raise concerns the fed today by the conference words are warning americans were is a very prestigious group isn't it it probably will be to assert that you have to realize that also what's evolving here is a recognition that the economy is much stronger than people had thought it was when the first report on the fourth quarter of nineteen eighty three came out with that report showed an indication economy slowing down every indication now as the economy's moving on very rapidly that means the private sector private demand is falling to grow the deficit meeting that businesses are finally joining consumers in a recovery and wanting to borrow money to invest in new plants that's right and if the deficit stays at about two hundred billion dollars or even automated in the event has to be financed and it runs against the credit the man coming from the private sector from business which is now beginning to expect that these interest rates
will mow more hike interest rates will be higher fees the recovery will be completed i see now is the market yet another round of that the market has millions of people and hundreds of big institutional investors is so is there are sort of conclusion and the market that washington is not going to get its act together they share contra to what senator dole just said and isn't going to do anything about them or is that waiting is still uncertain the market is sending a very clear signal from these institutions and from individuals that even says the administration and congress do something that now is the time to make movies and i'm going to get this thought what you're looking at is a case where it is what's the amount that's in mali it would be the trend of the deficit over the next two three years that would be significant and this performance by the stock market is very unusual at the beginning of a presidential election year normally normally goes for what normally would go up there to be a couple of things that would be wearing in the head of their unit one would be that would be expected that the federal reserve would adopt the monetary policy which
would be favorable to the income i want them to do that i mean the federal reserve would ease up on the money supply and let your money in a circle and keep the economy moving a law it will also act to keep interest rates down so that would mean that when the election is coming around the economy would be would be no word and thus far the incumbent is in sight what has evolved as mr volcker has enabled chairman of that miserable as indicated quite clearly that fed reserve has no intention of taking an action that has all the whole attitude of scenario that is that investors will follow can the us market turnaround plan until there is a definite action on reducing the deficit and it led them on i'm a rally but that rally will probably have little substance that make everything he's tried to rally a few times in the letters it that any of it does it make all forty fifty points but it will not have substance it will not be sustainable bond villain on less kang as an illustration you say get their act together and begin to take this city that conversely if they do not take any decisive
action will market continue to go down well yes it probably would be have invested that would buy stupid move out of the underdog fifty basis points on the dow and you know i don't that would mark the end of a walmart at this particular if that particular election in a defeat for organized labor the supreme court ruled today that businesses don't have to honor of labor contracts when they filed for bankruptcy the case involved a small new jersey company that the ruling could have a significant impact in major corporate reorganizations such as continental airlines which filed for bankruptcy last fall the court ruled nine to nothing that businesses did not have to prove to a bankruptcy judge that they would be rolling financial like if they honored a union agreement all the business have to show the court said is that the contract would be burdensome and the best interests of the business its creditors and its employees they were canceling it a new jersey company involved isn't involved is a building supply firm
build this girl and build this girl declared bankruptcy in nineteen eighty and cancelled a wage increase that it negotiated with the teamsters union the company is now back in business began under another name afl sea isle president lane kirkland reacted saying we are disappointed in the decision and we will pursue a legislative remedy a stronger reaction from william went missing on the head of the machinists union called the decision outrageous and inconsistent with the intent of the bankruptcy law and from the head of the municipal employees union recall the supreme court ruling devastated the us chamber of commerce however the reaction was more favorable acting as a third is that i know that the union for rod quite upset about it and i really don't fully understand their reaction because the court said that the bankruptcy court with the balance of the equity to look for the expertise on both sides of the equation in before making a determination that it would really set aside the
labor contract or the neutral judge has been made from nation of what's there in another decision the court ruled that interest free loans from one family member to another are subject to the federal give tax the irs estimates the ruling could mean wealthy taxpayers have to fork out another five and a half million dollars to the federal government in cases that are already pending the wealthy and often use the device the interest free loans to reduce their tax bills the ruling means that taxes will happen again on the interest that would have been charged had alone come from a regular lending institution robin at his news conference tonight president reagan denied that the withdrawal of the marines from beirut airport a monster were reversed for united states policy and for his administration here's part of what he said i know it i have no regret the fact that we went in there with the idea of trying to bring peace to
that troubled country we are really going because once the terrorist attacks started was no way that we could really contribute to the original mission by staying there as a target just hunkering down and waiting for further attacks so the forces have been moved or redeployed ours as well as others and ours are going to be on the vessel's offshore but as long as there's a chance for a peaceful solution we're going to try and see if there's any contribution we can make to achieving that and i just as long as the chants exist i'm not going to give up and say it was over and they were not voting are we just going to a little more defensible position they have been one of those who is said to be very discouraged and he said that eleven on the light at the end of the tunnel when the train coming happens when you tell us what you share the disparagement end would you accept the resignation and george shultz who feel has failed i wouldn't and he has not failed
and i've seen that work and i think his disgraceful frankly i think he has done a splendid job and i have every confidence in the world in anger i will beat doesn't have any thoughts about leaving as this point the idea for the mission happen to be mine a french soldier was killed in beirut today as us marines continue their evacuation to the ships offshore detention was killed another injured by mortar fire as fighting between lebanese factions continue to shake the city of beirut and surrounding mountains the reagan administration concern that the lebanese army may not long survivors a fighting force as suspended deliveries of military equipment us official said everything's in a state of flux the army has no direction because the political situation is so fluid the associated press quoting officials said they fear the tanks and armored personnel carriers due to be delivered would fall into the hands of the shiite and druze militias which a recently decimated the lebanese army all these developments
occurred against a background of continued efforts to work out some peace plan that there's a mile government and its muslim opponents and syria can accept saudi arabian america saudi arabia mediators are reported to have secured syrian backing for a new cease fire plan which has been sent back to beirut for president allows approval is a report on today's situation from gerard willems of business marine helicopters thought short stop holding out for the marines the old faithful day us officials say how many troops have gone quote we've known the hundreds have already left if they did play the bulk of the troops will pull out together almost at the last moment so far about half their equipment loaded onto the five will hit every deployment to prepare to leave the fighting continued writing more on the green line the bodies they've made hostility when the army and pro government
regulation last name the printed version of their heavy artillery and small on right around the time of the typhoon in the museum area of beirut and muslim militiamen have a checkpoint of militias consolidated that the vision french troops from the multinational force continue to carry out a lot of visible presence or muppet repeat increasingly the par with the upper hand in lebanon in syria in the reagan administration sees syria as the obstacle to peace and as blame damascus for sheltering terrorists and promoting the recent factional warfare but the syrians and their supporters in lebanon c they're always quite justified as we hear in this report by an would be on the canadian broadcasting corporation set to the syrians opposite side is no ordinary here
supporters chant with our blood been with or so we will sacrifice ourselves for you officer saw in the thirteen years since he seized power is achieved an indispensable syria and ziad now us envoy donald rumsfeld comes to syria saudi moroccan in french mediators all come together saddam's brutal nine day the limousine followed think diplomats are just learning about a new force they tried to persuade professor to mollify but more often than not they come away trust in syria goes a long way as its own admired and follow
in her work with victims are you the leaders in the arab world today where we don't want to claim that but as metro city and now is taking the indigo man is now on the fiercest because of that given how mental illnesses all that night in the back to the masses but why they are in the big woods up on his syria at the heart of their mission you can upload stereo when you get the nice yes and level two bc of house in a sense organ sale for anybody city is at the center of the police
much of its importance is geographical for example to the south the syrians face the israelis on the golan heights it shares borders with jordan and iraq and to the west as lebanon a country on the verge of being swallowed up by syria since nineteen seventy six at the invitation of the lebanese syria has been called a large section of lebanon now with the help of its lebanese allies that area grows daily much of lebanon is now a kind of extended syria under its control guarded by its army is this is lebanon with these soldiers for syria there are more than fifteen cents checkpoints one has to pass through the drive from beirut to damascus syrian arms go through here so the army transports caring man from one position to another this checkpoint is at the entrance to deer schweiger it's a christian village in central london
but like most of the town's overlooking beirut syrian soldiers are everywhere they live here and walk around as if the town is there is rather than lebanese dear swire has a special importance it's less than two kilometers from that fire the home of asia miles from deere's wire you can look down at the streets around the president's personal headquarters you could easily pick a target the syrians are that close usually they don't allow pictures here for us our man was kidnapped two days before we arrived there we could come and go safely because we were with these many lebanese from giersch wire would like to be part of syria really means we think that there are national geographic history the nation's between lebanon and so here in brussels what's the syrian golan ian what is your goal and into the morning and a lot of by force but by consent
and by bedouin development like the one up and threw them on the thin respect and defend the independence of lebanon and to think that i was an employer those support us in this defense a one nation one nation what that means to syrian minister from trial is timed time on syria side unlike the israelis they're unknown to leave i mean the americans are foreign affairs shop one of the layers of what they are staying in a hostile climate that was there we are in our brothers now i think that kind of unity work through waves of this eerie and stay in lebanon the number of factions opposed to the lebanese government are now awaiting their campaigns that of damascus they're against gemayel's dealings with these rallies and they're all working out of damascus to get their
message across damascus has become the center for the hardliners that's one of the reasons to druze leader walid dreamlike now works here other than from his home in lebanon that's when easy interview this typically with a glass of brandy as he repeats how much miles an hour would accept lula gets down family and the voters will know what the prices and whatever the consequences are desperate to feel do you think that syria really will help you do that doesn't seem like that that you'd like their assistance in that level i don't want it they don't want for some reason it would not actually my we know and they giving you any any indication that they would help boston i'm asking you asked them from your point of view and you felt that they'll get a
nomination is action and it would stay there that's excellent relation is largely based upon military support tanks arms and rocked support the syrians got from the soviets and are now selling or giving to the groups last week on one day some four hundred tons of ammunition were reportedly talked to the front lines this was just an exercise but in lebanon the targets are real the man who did a lot to build that army's general slices of those areas minister of defense and you know not only loves movie star glamour he loves beautiful objects and he's an avid collector of guns his private library at home includes guest from lebanese ex president frenzy
of fidel castro what is this and various moments from the israelis that were not yet his concern in lebanon is not gemayel but israel and getting lebanon firmly back in the armful for us we don't care who is sitting in the chair amin gemayel or anyone else what concerns us is first of all israel leaves lebanon without any preconditions for any restrictions for the benefit of israel this is a basic addition we've lebanon for itself to follow its own policy when there's a minority was looking for to try to sever lebanon away from the arab nations we cannot agree to this we want lebanon within the arab family not post is right but divorce a newsreel from my mom which general class once will not be easy israeli prime minister yitzhak shamir made that clear today when he said that if lebanon canceled its nineteen eighty three withdrawal agreement with israel is or would take all necessary steps to ensure the security of its borders speaking in the engineer said he still hoped lebanon would implement the agreement the syrians are insisting this crap
shamir's said is your preferred the official lebanese force under orders from a legitimate lebanese government reform to prevent palestinian guerrillas from attacking israel alternatively israel is reportedly considering the existing christian militia founded by the late majors i'd had that one prominent christian leader former president emil shumlin said today he would withdraw all support for the gemayel government if it's cracked the agreement with israel without arranging assyrian troop pullout as well elsewhere in the middle east iraq said that iran launched a new attack tonight near the city of basra is the second iranian offensive in the last twenty four hours earlier today iran's that its forces surged across the iraqi border in three places and are now within ten miles of the key iraqi highway for its part iran claims that the first iranian attack was totally crushed iraq's president said then hussein went on baghdad radio today to say that a decisive battle in the
three and a half year world war had begun this latest combat is part of a sharp heating up of the gulf war sparking new fears in the west about iran's repeated threats to close the straits of hormuz shutting down the route used by tankers from the oil rich gulf region our own ms bee the senate voted sixty three to thirty two today to restore the death penalty for the federal crimes of treason espionage murder and attempting to assassinate the president there has been no death penalty and federal law
except for an airplane hijackings in which lives are lost since the supreme court struck down the old capital punishment laws in nineteen seventy two the new senate bill would overcome the court's objections that there seems to be little chance that the bill will be passed by the house of representatives where fierce opposition as expected some shake downs are apparently underway in the democratic race for president in the wake of walter mondale's victory in the iowa caucuses this week former florida governor ruben ask you suggested today that he may drop out of the race if he doesn't finish in the top four in the new hampshire primary next tuesday and john glenn who finished a surprisingly poor fit in iowa has decided to paul out of the contest in maine which is holding its party caucuses a week and a half from now all the candidates are gearing up for new hampshire and today in our last in a series of interviews with the eight democrats we talked with one who has been moving up in the polls there jesse jackson has made new hampshire a test of
his ability to draw boats outside the black community before we get to the interview our cameras caught up with him on the campaign trail there jackson like these women into an aerobic exercise class in a little political rally your a and the headline the definition of a rainbow coalition jackson often refers to lots of women hispanics and other disenfranchised people is apparently being broad and here it was
jackson's resources are limited in new england he is spending no money for tv commercials but he's trying to make up for that with a heavy campaign schedule yeah yeah yeah there's a contrast between the style of that softspoken jesse jackson and the one who traveled a week or so earlier to the south to try to get more blacks to register to vote thank you reich's registered as is political as any other element of jackson's southern strategy
juan's make up as much as a quarter of the vote in the southern states the primary to be sure they could make all of the different political survival after march thirty at jackson's populist appeal in the south reduces an audience reactions probably never seen in a decade thank you the reverend jackson stopped campaigning today in new hampshire are long enough to talk with charlayne hunter gault and me we first asked him about his charge at a news conference yesterday that certain members of the jewish community are persecuting him actually a larger animal discusses in
great detail because they will all i'm a gay a batman are worth that and i think will serve and socially useful purpose in her laugh before before i announce that though that my opening would be disruptive force there was a disruption of people taken out of buildings or more have been hated it and the new york times all ads in their radios in the new hampshire and in boston are red black headed for the macho man holds a source of information call to my family on this one continuous self or at a demonstration at the mother just as presley august there was a barricade and then had to call the police ought to get out there in boston those attempt to disrupt us to come to new hampshire they'll upi someone know from all the shady all all from lee urges again jessica miller center they did intend to how may i think it's bad because jews and blacks as to first read minorities can ill afford to get caught in this kind of public
confrontation i've kept all this open about oh i hope that cooler heads will prevail sometimes a real so we hope to have a meeting to cast a jewish president in the meantime i am tend not to talk about it so as not to really exacerbate the situation would do you feel a veritable verity of funds or are these just isolated incidents well when you pull over the daily lives and that were orchestrated are in a grave camp to discredit me to discredit my work means for the campaign ah i cannot sell such personalities in organizations and name who either women were mike wallace interviewed me false witness before a mouse and about twenty page document of a media campaign has been leased to stop my campaign says a lot of activity i hope that some of the hostility and antagonism will give away to a reform of dialogue can be socially useful again the great issues
about they require the best resources that that blacks and jews and others of us have thought well we can ill afford at this time from each other i think will turn to each other and i hope that look for enabling the ship will come to know that allison is a situation i think is getting but we are a thanksgiving dangerous but also think it's unnecessary and i really feel a cold one on the way i've been so are also upset frank about the continuous harassment one level and my trying to reach out i'm going to let this mother rather zone corps leaders will meet i think is a good thing and then come to me to be a part of it in connection with that you wrote a letter of course to vice president mondale complaining about an apparent leap from his campaign one that really accurate did you make is so recognizing the plo the condition of your getting out of the race absolutely not as a modified go we had three or four meetings at both most livers about though why should i should not run of what the cost would be on in
terms of his fellow get the nomination i found it with our group made because maybe judgment to run a winning get into any bargaining position with us about south africa appeal on social justice issues are at home whatever happened another was a bit strange for a private meeting hall for a legit context to serve is a five mostly the decision about the plo when you have a private meeting that was a discussion on the come out publicly about michigan sadness and wore them is present muller that's about promises you said that the lake was designed you thought the seriously damage or campaign what do you think mr mondale is trying to do here well i don't know what it is he really impressed and i did tell them bob eckel about it and that was said that they would issue a public denial that that was a content of our about meeting all which means that the kernel of the information op that cbo said the world was false information
i called back and i reckon after about less all said that sheeran says of all that private meeting that that was the bargaining point it was not the bard and pointed tell you that releases important to us but it's not the central is not the central issue in my campaign and i get the impression the elbows with fabio holds the millie's agenda in the moment my campaign as an asset of the mud guy let me ask about something else in <unk> mondale is your chief opponent now in new hampshire he's had a lot of experience why should voters not vote for him and both films there it doesn't sounds as i revise of the clutches of his campaign a bit more before and he has been about the hairs on the reagan era fahmy more people in poverty remain more children for the four million people i'm i've spent all my life laboring with the poem i'm kinda get the pool of the station the third world for all the front runner them are college and he's not only that with a lot of pressure put on him that people who otherwise all would
not be written about a lot in this campaign second that my involvement repossessed as russian views into the mention of him coming to the campaign a revival of all of the pro wrestling about plotting i also am convinced that unless week ago another the reaction is changing presidents about generations is not enough our regular has a case you know their butt has exaggerated used to be that no college within the size of this budget mr the thirties it was the mondale was too i have a raised know that budget as like and gotten reagan's budget was a bonus we get another direction second that corporate america five of every six jobs in corporate america whether nominate be another global economy but a preacher in on the private economy we must go a novel way as we seek social justice and peace ari thank you shirl i mean that's not like to go a different way and ask you now about i heard some things in the middle east by the end of next week us troops are supposed to be out of lebanon do you think the
united states still has a role to play there yet us as a diplomatic role to play in the middle east are the military role was ill advised six thousand syrian troops back and listen to without american troops there about mission of the military we had too few marines are if it were suicidal we had to memorize and so that was a wrong party how was that number will be perceived as a neutral peacekeeping force because like sparkle involvement that's it was a bad judgment or missouri to spot in the first place now what we can lose as we are involved that the three big act as rudolph america syria in israel mark as good religion is you know keep those relations was also talk to mr assad why syria occupies needs a percent plus of lebanon the bill avoids as occupied by about forty groups and we have the right relationship with assad and so that some real communications the print on with
him on the one hand and on the system in all the other hand we have a running shares of ridding syria and is on the move back to what they'll borders was directing and ability to get some little help from beirut prince fight will put some formal do you think the reagan administration missed an opportunity in the wake of the goodman release there's no doubt about it a song with the request that he cherished relationship with john mccardell former president andy murray disagree with camp david he chairs the relationship audience fact welcome all over land the confusion with mr reagan when the bomber also went back to syria after i left he met with us soccer the first time good with the reagan took aim at least diplomatic initiative he would have a kind of report once expand our base of influence in that region and at that same time as that aside from talking with a side of that war in the current
one else in terms of overall us mideast policy would you do different from the reagan administration i guess when it was time to mark harmon lays out you the regional approach not just a one nation approach that led the nation in the middle east than ten million people we have an actress as a superpower and all of them i am to some are all the economic political and jubilant and the military will peculiar interest in israel while to protect that interest or skeletal won the ten most relate to all of them within abilities two ways one by giving is a lesser economic and military the other way is to get users enemies stop all struggle against her and in fact obama trade routes when you have the genius of the camp david accords can they believe the covers two things one if he didn't drop the armed struggle against israel and open up trade routes an american president at his best case pamela course involve more people and those tensions in the region well you've talked about having the united states have dialogue with the plo what's wrong with refusing to have
dialogue with the plo as long as the plo doesn't recognize israel's right to exit for this one rule says they will recognize israel's right to exist as real estate on the clan war inside the korean war re the most urgent has been thought would be a lot of it has been revealed and we know as exchange of prisoners a couple months ago a permit israel isn't and below have the talk was all about four thousand philistines were released six israelis were released only top cat and when actor james says when that makes you that not passing now mean how what would you do to change that equation well given merkel playing the role of conveying the role of rhetoric of a marketing gets forgets about and begin to step down the same table the murder bit almost in a modest sit at a table gaza say wow we have the strength and they appealed a bill that would have been less convenient would undo it as referee within the book without the ability to talk and we cannot talk diplomatically when the fighting militarily
choose to tell skinny are on on that point but in another country out what kind of concessions do you think the united states should make or would you make to get the russians back to the arms talks well i think that we'll have for a little initiative called the russians have a common interest is about what just as we do we no longer have the fence because the nuclear weapon scientific development will have the first week and now a white beach about we should tall found on mutual interest and moving back to was banning the bomb and not during the people begin to focus more agriculture and charades and technology will drive that but for him all over russia's of my things in the ninth mall twenty billion dollars in agribusiness fall from russia's the russian capital as an american farmers we need to go another way why should we on the one that's not so i mean it was a russian control baby so computers to south africa that's inconsistent won't let russia out first class missiles and
third class computers that's a brit ramesh a security let me just ask you this do you see the soviet threat in central america as great as the reagan administration seems to be not i think that probably it was in the season next door is a greater threat that any other form of all of russian imports it will fight you that diplomatic ties either imitate the historical allies we will be able to stabilize our our neighbors in the hemisphere on this in this hemisphere next door to what it would have trouble you to have a communist backed regime or calming effect regimes in the region would that be a threat the thing to a wealthy it that it's rare that would be a threat of course q was there aw end of it as we get less and so important you wet if in fact we took the right kind of initiative i don't think that we use a call the border and work through that original process as opposed to the building from gaza based also the paranoia we can affect make much more
progress warren and academic his appeal to you and i'm judith i'm concerned in this printer the marlins campaign that the two weeks ago where before it was the date two thirds of the bait when about three fourths of the world we must include african policy in south africa policy in these foreign policy based alltel is was expanded view of england africa and asia in the world or reverend jackson thank you for being with us very well some of the heat from the mounting political campaign was held at the white house tonight when president reagan was asked about a remark made about him by the front runner in the democratic campaign and a likely opponent in the general election it goes beyond the whole village is that if you're intellectually lazy and you're forget that the levees that are reviving vintage of miami but even i
i've been a common to make it that if that's all he has to talk about out there on the trail those audiences why let him go i'm gonna be talking about the things we are doing and the things we intend to do and what we intend to do is built for that kind of a future that this country and the people of this country have always won and we're going to try to get that well as i say that i was talking about now two stories about the environment canada made a formal diplomatic protest today against the reagan administration's plan to delay action on preventing acid rain the canadian ambassador to washington delivered a note to the state department saying that the united states is shirking its treaty obligations to canada an acceptable and the national education association said it will ask the environmental protection agency to require removal of asbestos from the nation's public schools or measures to protect your bills and teachers from the health hazards as fast as fighters are known to cause lung does orders
including cancer but the present epa will require school officials only to report any health hazards that are found at in an let's return to this rich book review the author is new york times columnist tom wicker the book is an historical novel set in the civil war titled and to this hour our reviewer is
critic and novelist ross greenberg this is an historical novel would you describe the setting force well it's about today's that involved the battle of the second manassas just south of bull run and for the south of washington in the year at sixty two from early morning of august twenty eight to the end of august thirtieth a battle which the south one is it there was a as a microcosm hours and across a very broad characters ostensibly it's a microcosm ostensibly is those it is that small small time but actually the implications of a very broad and his as weaker himself says that men and women and events haven't changed in so you can read it as a novel of war on what he calls for the
commonality into war and how does agree just as well as fiction i think it's a flu strain all it's an eminently readable despite for you again difficult form which is sections paragraphs which could give a little bit of one soldier or one general or one onlookers view and then breaks to the next and that is a little disconcerting since there are hundreds perhaps that's an exaggeration of their many characters but they're so well dawn each one that you remember them from great great as a piece of history does it add to the knowledge and understanding of the bottle i don't think he would claim that i think he would claim that by looking at a great many people including an invented general and invented privates and then religion will simply isn't stonewall jackson's in john paul the
union leaders in that by looking at these persons very closely you see something about history that you might not see if you read along book about the war in which this was just a single event tom wicker is one of the country's best known leading journalists is this a journalist opposite is it kruger was triggered emotional i think that's a complement to say that a novel like this is a journalist's novel because it has two elements it has the elements of accuracy and you trust it from the very start the factual trost and it has an inventive imaginative element which rises aren't of the fact that he knows the facts so well that he feels he can play with them a bit in terms of invented characters so yes it's a journalist's novel which moves from knowledge into imagination and does it's a good way to july
what i liked was the fact that it explores within the context of war for subjects of love every kind of the love that soldiers have for each other under great stress in one case the touching and most believable love that a young very rough corporal has four young private totally innocent incentives elements to love that in general invented general hope cornell has for his wife amy the passion that a very cultivated chat from friends who has been in france a captain has four rough lowdown southern girl whom he spends a nightly despite i hate that exists in war the book is suffused with love once again the book were
discussing is time workers and to this hour published by viking this is just a david the twelve year old bubble boy who spent most of his life in a sterile environment because he had no immunity to disease died tonight at a hospital in houston it was removed from a plastic bubble and fabrice evans after a bone marrow transplant and began to show signs of illness is death was attributed to heart failure and his doctor said the cause of the heart failure is unknown david's real name and the names of his parents were never disclosed however the hospital said the mother and father and david's fifteen year old sister were with him when he died now reviewing the main stories at a news conference tonight president reagan said his defense budget is necessary for national security and he challenged the democrats to say what they would cut out he said once again he's against raising taxes but declared it's time for both parties to get down to business and dealing with the federal deficit he said he had no regrets about his policy in the middle east and turned aside
criticism about secretary of state shultz as record their eleven and the french soldier was killed while the marines' continued moving from beirut airport as ships offshore and canada formally complained to washington about the delay in taking steps to combat acid rain finally an item of no importance whatsoever for several weeks the small town of port coburn ontario near the us border was bothered by us wearing raven it flew around the shopping center distressing the customers with its bad language and the bird disappeared now it's turned up just across the us border in the town a barker new york and disrupted work at a local school someone taught the bird to utter what was described as a common two word directive speculation that it was part of canada's message to washington on acid rain could not be confirmed in nigeria that night robin that the newshour for tonight i'm judy woodruff thank you and goodnight the macneil
lehrer newshour is funded by at and t reaching out in new directions the corporation for public broadcasting and the station and other public television stations or maybe it's b the
point it's b the pain i mean since you're
going now
The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour
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NewsHour Productions
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NewsHour Productions (Washington, District of Columbia)
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This episode of The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour covers the following headlines: economic anxieties on Wall Street, a documentary report on Syrian policy (along with coverage of the war in Lebanon), and an interview with Democratic Presidential candidate Jesse Jackson.
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Producing Organization: NewsHour Productions
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NewsHour Productions
Identifier: NH-0123 (NH Show Code)
Format: 1 inch videotape
Generation: Master
Duration: 01:00:00;00
NewsHour Productions
Identifier: NH-19840222 (NH Air Date)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Preservation
Duration: 01:00:00;00
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Chicago: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour,” 1984-02-22, NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 3, 2024,
MLA: “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour.” 1984-02-22. NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 3, 2024. <>.
APA: The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. Boston, MA: NewsHour Productions, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from