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This is Jordan with your fishing on the fly report for the weekend of June 18th. The very upper reaches of the Galton and into the park of the fishing conditions aren't stellar but you can get into a few fish with streamers and. The gallon continues to be on the rise and most likely won't be safe to be on around in the near future. Despite the rains and marginal whether they're still fishing on the upper stretches of the upper Madison. Most people have been fishing around $3 and Reynolds pass and have been catching fish on nymphs. We're still looking at less than a foot or so visibility. The West Cork side is still dirtier. And once you get below Lyons it's really mixed. Work the runs well and fish stone flies and ugly bugs right along the banks in the slower softer water and you want to put some weight on your line to get your bugs down. Kloza dropped a bit on the lower Madison and are right around 5000 CFS. The lower Madison remains one of the options are on the Bozeman area and despite variable flows the fish are still eating. The better you know the river right now the better you'll do. Warm Springs to blacks has been fishing better than lower down. Throw in big bugs like crayfish patterns Sculpin patterns or big buggers will be your best bet. This is also a good time for the hot worms in orange bright
red hot pink or anything with a little bit of color like JJ specials and soccer's. Closer holding at thirteen thousand five hundred CFS on the Missouri not waiting flows but the float fishing has been as good as anywhere in the state. Figure out your leader length split shot in flies and you're in for a great day of fishing. The fish are nice and healthy and gorging on worms right now. Nearly everyone has been concentrating on the upper section of the river above the Dearborn. Nothing remains your best bet. Anything with a fire beat has been fishing well as well as Big Scuds and San Juan worms and the typical wide variety of nymphs. Despite some nasty weather in rip and high flows the fishing is still good on the Big Horn. Right now the fish are concentrated together and can be caught most readily on the flows are around 15000 CFS and are expected to be brought down any time soon. Worms will be the ticket on the big horn for the next couple of weeks and you'll want it in the larger variety in orange and red. We've heard most of the fishing is in the top three or four miles of the river. This has been Jordan was there fishing on the fly report for the weekend of June 18th brought to you by Montana trout fitters and more and up
fishing info is available at Montana trout fitters dot com. Grab your dads in your San Juan worms and get out there and fish it.
Fishing on the Fly 06-18-11
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KGLT (Bozeman, Montana)
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Producing Organization: KGLT
Publisher: KGLT
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Identifier: A7922EFA8B55744352B9843EB7256326 (KGLT(MD5))
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:02:25
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Chicago: “Fishing on the Fly 06-18-11,” KGLT, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 3, 2024,
MLA: “Fishing on the Fly 06-18-11.” KGLT, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 3, 2024. <>.
APA: Fishing on the Fly 06-18-11. Boston, MA: KGLT, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from