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It's this is Jordan with your fishing on the fly report for the weekend of August 13th. We're seeing good attractive dry fly fishing in gallon Canyon and just about anything you'd like to throw the caddice or coming off sick in the evenings making for great soft hackle and emerge of fish in the spruce mouth fishing is great in the canyon as well and it's worth the trip if you enjoy fishing dry fly tipping has still been the most productive if you're going for numbers. Throw in a couple of stone flying names and drag them through the deeper runs. And also try fishing caddice larva and may finance reports have been decent from the upper Madison. There are plenty of wade fishing options now that the flows have come way down with the CFS hovering around 13:00. Try down around Ennis through the braids were beginning to see some nocturnal stone shocks so it's time to grab a few barred legged Goldstone's also try catus and a few attractor patterns as well. The nipping has been ok just plan on cycling through a few patterns before you find what's working. Smaller has been better. A few people have been picking up fish on hoppers interest trails so it should be a dynamite summer for hoppers ants and beetles this year. They are beginning to pulse flows on the lower mass and which seems to be keeping the water nice and cool. Meaning we may have some good dry fly fishing right through the middle of the days in August and September which should be a nice
change on the lower the fishing has been slower as the water level has dropped by around 1000 CFS. However the late night dry fly fishing has been pretty consistent with catus and PM DS. No hoppers yet but it will happen soon and it will be good. And in FEMA's short leaders has been productive using crayfish with whatever dropper you prefer. Try the crystal pheasant tail. Close of dropped on the Big Horn and are currently sitting at around 9000 CFS than the fishing has been getting consistently better despite the increased weed sniffing has been productive. The salads are still out but the fish don't seem to care that they have been eating some black caddis. The hopper fishing has been decent on the warm and windy days minting has been decent as always but better during the early and late part of the day. Try using big wire worms hop bead soft hackle sow bugs and scud patterns. The Yellowstone is still running high with clarity around 1 to 2 feet and the fish are fat and happy has been the most productive lately but that should change in the next week or so. Look for the hopper and Goldstone attractor dry fly action to start up soon flows are about to drop below 8000 CFS which usually leads to great dry fly fishing. Midnight stone sharks
have been spotted along the banks meaning it's time to start trying some Chevy's. The Valley section from Karbala down to Mallard's has been a bit more popular. The pine down the big timber is getting more productive as the flows continue to drop. Look for rubber legged stone finance and bugger patterns with lightning bug and copper John droppers to be the mainstay nipping reg for the next few weeks with Bow River buggers and sand worms fishing well too. This is been Jordon with your fishing on the fly report for the weekend of August 13 brought to you by Montana trout fitters and cagey L.T.. More in depth fishing info is available at Montana tri Outfitters dot com. Hold on a summer while you can and get out there and fish sauce.
Fishing on the Fly 08-13-11
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KGLT (Bozeman, Montana)
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Producing Organization: KGLT
Publisher: KGLT
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Identifier: F7E973886468D7C663DBB44A6FB3F764 (KGLT(MD5))
Format: audio/vnd.wave
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:02:55
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Chicago: “Fishing on the Fly 08-13-11,” KGLT, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 3, 2024,
MLA: “Fishing on the Fly 08-13-11.” KGLT, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 3, 2024. <>.
APA: Fishing on the Fly 08-13-11. Boston, MA: KGLT, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from