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So when you when you cue me. You want me to. Start. Before I say my first word. Your success is our mission. We are the Indiana University Alumni Association. Your network to more than 460000 I-You graduates worldwide. Your service is our mission. We are the Indiana University Alumni Association. Your network to more than I have for that over. Your success is our mission. We are the Indiana University Alumni Association.
Your network to more than 460000 I-You graduates worldwide. Your success is our mission. We are the Indiana University Alumni Association. Your network to more than 460000 I-You graduates worldwide. University in your very capably ended up with an eye hand something like this in the last shot was that going to matter you tighter than at. OK. You were linked to hundreds of alumni programs and services. Your conduit to a lifelong learning athletics and culture your connection to the university on
every eye you campus. You're a link to hundreds of alumni programs and services your conduit to lifelong learning culture and athletics. Your connection to the university on every eye you campus. To that city you learned well. I didn't realize there were so many busses.
This time of day. You were linked to hundreds of alumni programs and services. Your conduit to lifelong learning culture and athletics your connection to the university on every I-You campus. I've forgotten what the commercial days were like. But. Your link to hundreds of alumni programs and services your conduit to
lifelong learning culture and athletics your connection to the university on every eye you campus. There comes the sun again. Through the clouds. Your link to hundreds of alumni programs and services your conduit to lifelong
learning culture and athletics your connection to the university. All are you campuses. On everyone. I didn't do it. Your link to hundreds of alumni programs and services your conduit to lifelong learning culture and athletics your connection to the university on every eye you campus. Your link to hundreds of alumni programs and services your conduit the lifelong
learning culture and athletics your connection to the university on every eye you campus. We are the RU Alumni Association dedicated to the success of the university and our
alumni for the past 150 years. Joining us today. We are the I-You Alumni Association dedicated to the success of our units graduates for the past 150 years. Join us today.
We are the are you alarmed by association dedicated to the success of the university and its graduates for the past 150 years. Join us today. We are the RU Alumni Association dedicated to the success of the university and its graduates for the past 150 years. Join us today. A.
Your success is our mission. The door closed I'm sorry. Your success is our mission. We are the Indiana University Alumni Association. Your network to more than 460000 I-You graduates worldwide. Your link to hundreds of alumni programs and services your conduit to lifelong learning culture and athletics your connection to the university on every eye you campus. We are the I-You Alumni Association dedicated to the success of the university and its graduates. For the past 150 years. Join us today. Your success is our mission. We are the Indiana University Alumni
Association. Your network to more than 460000 I-You graduates worldwide. Your link to hundreds of alumni programs and services your conduit to lifelong learning culture and athletics your connection to the university on every eye you campus. We are the I-You Alumni Association dedicated to the success of IOU and its graduates for the past 150 years. Join us today. I know that I said I you instead of university you know me or just really get real well out of that line I don't know how you want to do it. You want it just fine with me to read it over. Your success is our mission we are the Indiana University Alumni Association. Your network to more than 460000 are you graduates worldwide. Your
link to hundreds of alumni programs and services your conduit to the lifelong learning culture and athletics your connection to the university on every campus. We are the I-You Alumni Association dedicated to the success of the university and its graduates. But the past 150 years. Join us today. Oh and I'm. Probably OK. Very good. I'm going to work with you sir as always. You are welcome sir. Thank you Alan. And. You can get control I got a. Page. Number to turn on. Us. Was.
Cool. Thanks Pete. I. I. I. I. Do With. With. I. Thanks. Thanks.
Thanks thanks thanks. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks thanks. Thanks.
Ken Beckley Alumni Association
Contributing Organization
WTIU (Bloomington, Indiana)
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WTIU (Public Television from Indiana University)
Identifier: AlumAssoc2004Beckley (WTIU)
Format: Betacam: SP
Generation: Original
Duration: 00:30:00?
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Chicago: “Ken Beckley Alumni Association,” 2004-10-21, WTIU, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 4, 2024,
MLA: “Ken Beckley Alumni Association.” 2004-10-21. WTIU, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 4, 2024. <>.
APA: Ken Beckley Alumni Association. Boston, MA: WTIU, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from