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Dear who this is the army upon which the future of Cambodia rests. One look at it and you begin to wonder how the government of General Lon knoll has lasted as long as it had. This battalion is about to be airlifted from Phnom Penh to the city of compound Tom. About 85 miles to the north where communist forces have been attacking for the past month. Many will go into combat wearing shower shoes and sneakers. There just aren't enough boots to go around. Another problem is weapons. These men at least have something to carry with them an assortment of the Chinese Communist Soviet and American rifles and even a few old muskets left behind when the French pulled out of Indochina. Twenty seven battalions of the Cambodian army don't have any weapons at all. The helicopters were the troop airlift were provided by the South Vietnamese. They flew in for the day and made several round trips to compound Tom to get the reinforcements
where they were needed. Cambodia simply doesn't have any helicopters capable of transporting its soldiers. This young man had never flown in a helicopter before. He was going into combat for the first time. He is 16 years old. In a few days these men will probably be fighting against North Vietnamese and Vietcong troops who have the city of Compton Tom virtually surrounded. It will be their first combat assignment. They were lucky to receive one month of basic training at the local sports stadium in Phnom Penh. Basic training that consisted of calisthenics learning how to march and how to hit the dirt. Going to her. Ammunition is so short that most new recruits get to fire a rifle only five or six times before they go into battle. These troops will now be spread out around the outskirts of the compound come to help defend the city against a new enemy attack. At the headquarters of the Cambodian 10th Brigade which is responsible for defending compound.
The commanding officer Lieutenant Colonel revealed that in the past month 60 of his men have been killed and 400 wounded during fighting against the communists. His entire brigade consists of only three battalions he explains. It should have 12. His chief of staff captain chalk quarry who speaks English says some Cambodian brigades have only one field radio. And communications are difficult if not impossible. Captain Laurie went on to reveal that American Phantom jets have been providing direct air support for the 10th brigade. Support which is sorely needed. Cambodia's own air force is a grim joke. 8 p 28 single engine fighter planes which can carry a few rockets or small bombs. A few old sea forty seven which are kept out of sight are used for strafing runs at night. Seven Soviet MIG 17 Jets haven't been used at all. There is no ammunition
for their gun. There is no longer any doubt that if the Communist choose to do so they could swallow up this country in a matter of a few months. Cambodia simply doesn't have the equipment the manpower and the supplies to defend itself. It is now quite apparent that unless this country receives massive military aid including arms ammunition air power and ground troops. The Llano government will survive only as long as the communists permit it to survive. Gary Shepard CBS News pan. Or.
The purpose.
Of the. Museum at that you've got that kind of time by some men. I. Hear they now have us young and we can truly my. Here go back I see and used it and I know here by. TIME The Onion downfall kind of thing if. You come under you was told is it lead tourists or your mind to see the action now is are rooted out to really come. Into the tops of the any MV Hell record that the bow the aisle more than a thousand are not good news and I mean NBC.
Vietnam: A Television History
Raw Footage
Cambodia's Rag Tag Army
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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A unit of the Cambodian army, barely trained and so ill-equipped that many are wearing shower shoes instead of combat boots, is sent to aid in the defense of Kompong Thom, under attack by Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army. Troops at copters. Close-ups of facesof troops. Feet of marching troops showing sneakers and shower shoes in place of boots. Stacked rifles (AK-47s and old French muskets). Troops onto copter. Air view of copter. Close-up of youth in copter. Copter lands, men disperse. Troops moving in trucks and buses. Headquarters of Cambodian 10th Brigade and commanding officer. Officer Shepard and interpreter Captain Chak Bory saying 1000 enemy killed. T-38 prop planes, MiG-17s. This item consists of raw, unpackaged, news materials relating to the Royal Army of Cambodia during the civil war.
Asset type
Raw Footage
Global Affairs
War and Conflict
Military assistance, American; Party of Democratic Kampuchea; draft; Cambodia; Cambodia--History--Civil War, 1970-1975; Youth and war; Air bases; combat; Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Cambodia
Rights Note:,Rights:,Rights Credit:CBS News,Rights Type:,Rights Coverage:,Rights Holder:CBS News
Media type
Moving Image
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Distributor: CBS News
Speaker2: Bory, Chak
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: 715b66cfb4c5a2409f304fc4e8792f265f806d98 (ArtesiaDAM UOI_ID)
Format: video/quicktime
Color: Color
Duration: 00:04:41
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Chicago: “Vietnam: A Television History; Cambodia's Rag Tag Army,” 1970-07-15, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 12, 2024,
MLA: “Vietnam: A Television History; Cambodia's Rag Tag Army.” 1970-07-15. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 12, 2024. <>.
APA: Vietnam: A Television History; Cambodia's Rag Tag Army. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from