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ME ME ME ME. Me. Me. Me. This program is funded by grants from the Dons operational Donald's restaurants
and by public television stations. The Ford Foundation and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Which. Give you name occupation and a charge against you. My name is Spock. I'm an electrician and the charge is Battery where I would just have to put you know this is a terrible shock. Well let's switch. Man. There's a reason they were sent in by will dance kind of wouldn't even have to change with resumes on each one. Each person must blow up a balloon tile you want to sit in the balloon to pop it and then run back to the starting point the first team to pull up. It's that. Good. OK. The team did Caesar let me let me. Know if. You need. To blow your life. Or not.
Yes. I think. That's what I see. Mark I see you. Just taking time now. To see. Just. Yes. How did I. Do. Yes. Oh yeah. Take you time to time. It's just. Yes. How did. I think. Of it. Just kind of. Just what you see going out. That's right beside me on time I didn't push up. Yet.
Thank you. Thank you. Right. Right right right. Why do you. I. Am now. In the name of another episode. Oh. The Lobby.
What's the matter. You didn't lose another letter over again did you. Yeah. It's why I. Think that might come up in a new. Comic. Why is someone singing the blues. Yeah Ricky one of his columns been cut off come off that's terrible. Maybe I can make a song on it. I was got. I just lost my job. I know what to do. This looks like a job for sober Clark you know. Right. I'm afraid not even. Now. Professor. Did you hear about happened to. IVY. She says that she is going to go out and. Got it all because it got a. Problem and so you know. We can't let her go on we. Can solve our problems. How do you. But I do I don't see problem just wanting a face. It's a little.
I love hard work and I serve good food. That's nasty. From my time on the blank. And. I don't have the right to use the beats the other day. Well I mean. My playing days I needed concert lined up and an agent. Well we said again. Not enough money and professing. Not good enough. I thought you were second during. You can't. Yes I have it set up but nothing. Nothing out. One fine line. Of second seat. Business. Trick today. I have one.
Three wrong. Good all right. No joy to examine these robes very very closely. But good good. Let's take a good look. I hope so. Yeah. OK. Now I'm not sure that this is too long to use it is joining on the ropes and. Now you know if you're one long one short who kiss pocus presto show's going to stretch these ropes. Yeah that's a magician secret. Oh good morning Mrs. Jesse. I help you. Good morning Mr. Jones I'm looking for a new pet.
Well you've certainly come to the right place. How about a lovable little puppy. Yeah. I want something more original. Well what. Do you say. He's a genuine crunch bird. He's amazing what he does to my newspaper. Transcribed my paper. Oh oh oh oh oh oh pooh. French bread. My pencil. Oh he did it again. Simply amazing. I'll take him. Oh I just can't wait to crunch crunch right. My envelope oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh my. I think I better get a checkup with Dr. Smith. I think I'm seeing things again. George look when I got home from the pet shop. I crunched. On what good
French bird could just put my foot. Maybe I should get that done. Why. Do. You. Blame. Weiner. By. The. Final. Month. Old. Poll.
The sign said no fish on Mt.. Could you tell me why I wanted a fish. Anyway do you Misha. I was only trying to teach what I want to swim. Swim. Teach your warm swim. This year let's celebrate America's 200 birthday. So zoom x. Several kids to make animated that goes to show me feelings about country and that get built. Today we're going to see the cut and also how they well may. He is the first. Hi my name's The only message I was born in Yugoslavia
and then when I was 1 year old my father and my family came over here because my father was going to get a job at MIT and we liked it here so we decided to stay. Making an animated cartoon is different from writing a story for me because I have to make art work and the people move and I think there's a lot more complicated than making story. After you finish doing your work the next thing you do is take it over to the camera and film it. I think that it's like a whole new world when you look through the lens of the camera and it really looks real. Every time that you click the camera one pictures being taken you have to click the camera 24 times to get just one second on the screen. The smaller you reach toward the better it's going and I think that other people ought to have a chance to animate because I think that it's only then and most people would like it.
We should be able to see her sad face in her eyes and everything so should you have to pull her down. Right there. If I had one wish I'd wish that America was just like it was about 200 years ago. All clean and nice. What's going to happen the same how is the action going to go. About going to cut down trees and trees going to one by one. Right and I think. How it comes. Ever since my poor friends the clips of the run it's been awfully hard to breathe. In Baltimore Maryland tonight the last train American was cut down with no plans for mining to produce
vital oxygen panicked people in droves to drive to the airport. Meanwhile across the country a single plant survives. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. The last plant left in America daycare if you. Want. Now lookee look. I found a plant. OK. Now I'm off. Look. My niece and a gentleman earlier today in Kankakee Illinois you found a plant still alive in America. I don't like an operation is now underway so that something has to be given to each state to propagate. Good news. Americans can once again brain freely with smaller families fewer dwellings
and room for plants to grow as Americans. Another chance to live now we can breathe again. God Mother Nature you make water you make trees grow. You give birth to a baby fawn. So why can't you mold though on. Them I couldn't help noticing. Yes sonny you look very happy. That's because I am happy. What's your secret for such a good life. Well I'll tell you I'll smoke a carton of cigarettes every two days. I drink to six packs of beer every day. I go out every night and never come in before to it you know. I haven't had a bet since I was six years old and I haven't seen the doctor for no known time the last time I saw the dentist was in
1963 and the only thing I eat is potato chips and care and the last time I changed clothes was in 1967. That's incredible. And how old are you. Twenty two. Do I think I was. Where Andrea would you like to know how to make a present for our friend no. More. Come. On I was just kidding chill. OK you can make paper flowers and you can use a tissue paper crepe paper. In this way using tissue paper what you do is you take a couple of layers of tissue paper and you damn put them down. Then you start folding them like they. Get with my. Hopes.
And a lot of the. Time to. Intimate. That it's not a good. Night. If you. Have to recall a tissue paper. Rate that. Once you get to the hand. You squish the metal and. Take. The. Water. Can be clean if you want to read. The new. Brad Pitt. Around it. Just like that. So far it looks like this. Then you take. This is. What I. Like. Paddles on. On both of them. If you don't know what you're in you know you don't have anything to do anything to make do you want to be. Then you spray the part. In the. Gut.
Feeling that. A man. Would. Do and tell you. Want. To be careful. Though sometimes this kind of paper. Do you really. Think you're. Going to be dancing. At the end it should look like this. For you. By the way. Your new. Music. Don't bother to try this big you know. Right there. Lol.
My name is Don al-Asad. I'm 12 and a half years old making films makes me feel pretty good because you learn so much while you're enjoying at the same time. You know all the art work you put into it's worth it at the end. I think working with magic markers a little bit more than painting because with magic markers it's much neater but with painting if you really want a specific shade it's better to use water colors. To the white room because on film it'll look more like a piece of paper than a real character. It's not just for characters so that your characters are places where they have movable parts just like human giants pending is not really hard but it just takes a long time. First with masking tape a little piece
of string on the leg and then about a quarter of an inch of string. Then you tape it to the body with masking tape. In order to make one that's completely closed. And then when you're filming them every two frames from Blink once separate the sides is closed part way open one that's all the way and then you'll be able to alternate them and it will make it look like she's talking. To a person of the country I think I'd have to say good things and a bad thing about it because there are as many good things as bad things. Oh boy Sharon and finally to
me. Oh boy I wonder. How you run. I'm glad to be here. I can't wait to show you around. I think I will. Traffic. On the nice people and interesting shops. Well it's kind of dull but everybody's having so much fun and it's such a nice day. I really like to think it's from a different point of view.
Good good run from. You. Well. Yeah. That's. Right. What do you do.
Just touch. Your dentist are you. Yes your honor I am just widow pulled it just enough. Yes. With the. Money again money needed later. Yeah. Well.
There's got to be a talent show next Saturday at events right down the street. Oh yeah. Oh wow we're telling Congress I'm going to try for the greatest wages in the country and I will make my special day upside down cake island then something nutritious who kissed a girl. And I'm going to skate around the mint 400 70 times in two minutes and I'm going to set a new world record. I think I'll prove to him I'm a guitar something to get the just dance. While I'm going to show my special talent and the best manager in the world. I'm going to sing a song a nice romantic one. I've got it. I'll crack to see if these all thing is a story I wished on the wall when I just through the phone booth and change it to see what your talent Blabby. My tally is owing people. Oh boy do you know. And yet. My friend it's. Like.
Out there. This program was funded by grants from McDonald's Corporation and Donald's restaurants Fund and by public television stations. The Ford Foundation and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The.
ZOOM, Series I
Episode Number
Producing Organization
WGBH Educational Foundation
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Producing Organization: WGBH Educational Foundation
Production Unit: Children's Programming (STS)
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Identifier: 1083 (WGBH Barcode)
Format: Betacam
Generation: Master
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Chicago: “ZOOM, Series I; 430,” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 20, 2024,
MLA: “ZOOM, Series I; 430.” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 20, 2024. <>.
APA: ZOOM, Series I; 430. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from