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123 repack WGBH to Boston . Oh. You . Presentation of zoom is made possible in part by a grant from General Foods corporation and by this station and by other public television stations the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Ford Foundation. But. Not . Every. Night. For
. Me . I'm . No. Judge. Here's another version of a Mary Mac sent in by Susan called
. Ms . He says that's why they just got back back back to . Life. A while ago I asked what the longest word in the English language was. And here is some of the answers that people sent in every letter
they can. Do you assume I know the longest word in the dictionary. It is wrong because it stretches. And that was sent in by Kim warren of Bristol Pennsylvania . Do you wish to stop this. It is only within 28 letters. I mean some people opposed the church to government chooses tough Susan craft of Miami Florida says the longest word is anti interdenominational mystically that has 32 letters. Here's one from Linda Watson and Carl are key to a cock. They say it is smiles because there was a
mile between the first Let alone and the last letter yet is that oh here's one by Sharon out of the open challenge go from Lawrence Mass. And she says the longest word she knows is children . Children. Yes I am. This is one of the nice enough of Columbus Ohio. I think the longest word in the English vocabulary is super girly fragilis to dance reality donors . And of my biggest inroads dissipated. Did a Puerto Rican clapping again. It tells the story of a mean who says good bye to his lady before he goes off to war. He tells her to be true to him and if she's unfaithful
and he dies he may come back from the dead. If she'd lie to you . Carol. Do you want me to old old souls . Our souls told me gold gold gold gold gold gold gold. Yeah boy draw on ya girl. Good lord you're one gets through with a lot of dogs all play fun. So schools guessed that their schools go on with this one was said by a lot of you including jamming wide of House Springs Missouri
Frank Christian of Adeste California and Jerry al night adventure in New Jersey. It's a lot of this word ever to appear in English literature. A great Irish star phonies made it up to made a meal cooked out of 17 different sweet and sour leftovers Lapo dropping math also . Oh oh I saw an old during Remember part Otto's Elfie . Let's oak at our talk show. Ok week also off at half Arras. Good cherry on top. Put Eric fairly early . You jerk. Lap dog. Always see Apple extra
up to. I . Could Do you think is the richest person in the world. Only kings president made president of General Motors. A friend of my father's. My father saw movie star. John Paul Getty is a 3 million. It's Howard Hughes or John Paul Getty. I don't have any idea. Heard of him before but I know the name. So it's purple buckets. Do you have a camera and sometimes take pictures of your neighborhood. Well our next guest did just that. And here he is naturist Gethers goes me not to give this in the movie holding my cue more in my own chemical
instructed Tom when he saw in the mirror up so I can take the picture. I like that particular because it looks like he's holding the bridge of myself in this ritual here. I just indicate and write me and I to picture myself. My friends like for me to take them in school. I did take it to you . He's always shown of this. He was cool he could take it. He'll see us. So I just. Need just one like like you taking a picture of a person when he's not he don't even know
this is a mystery . I find a picture like this sold ball to wind chill . He goes on I was I want to give it you right. She looked she kept looking like a cheap so when she looked up because this is a drug store near the school . This is a picture of my mother. I took a picture of her. I actually did she want to take a picture.
He he. Here this is from.
She said My idea is to have some people write in and to show you what he is what she may show you and make you take up. A piece of paper in a construction paper that you have. If it's this you try you take a pill. You cut down. You try to cut down the middle . Then you take this piece of paper . And you can crease it if you want to. Come out .
You open it up. To side to the crease. Then you do the same and . Then you follow that like a lead. I'd say you get to fold like this. Then you take your peers says again and you cut. Half way down. To that. Then you change it into the same . Thing you keep on doing it till you get all the way down to you. Then you close just let them put him over the sack. Then you open
. This up all the way . And all you have to do is take these two hands . Yeah. You have a chain . Can ya do that . Sounds as quiet silences when you're walking down the road. Yeah the birds your feet crunching in the snow and you hear the wind blowing. Silence means to me that the wind is coming at me on a sunny day and no one is
there. No noise no people no cars trucks machines just nothing sounds talking not out loud but to yourself . You can sense our snap by really hearing it or seeing it or tasting it or feeling it but just by knowing it. Silence is having the whole world to yourself . To a . Good evening. This week's play involves us and all of the excitement of a hockey game. Miranda Benet of Brookline Massachusetts. Sent in a sort of cock to him with his impressions of a hockey game. We made an animated film out of his
picture. Here it is. It's called Joey on the hockey game. He's going to. He's. Trying to get into thinking . What. You want to start something here. Are you looking for something. No I'm a catcher for the Red Sox and I go. Right. To does. He's looking . How do you . Doing eventually kids. Look for AC. I wish they'd get the. Young man help me find my feet. Let me see you again old. Man. You got the wrong clothes. Yes
. That. Matters. Maybe . You got the wrong state . To games. But Joey is reading his program . Oh. Yeah. Oh. That's. Right. Hello. Was . During the game Joey decides to get something to eat. We just sit and watch the game. You your kids all right . Joey gets his food and drinks on the way back. He decides to buy it and now . He's . Crazy.
When joy comes back. The Bruins are losing and the crowd is tense . Esposito tries to pick. UP QUICK catches a passer by. That . Time finally ran out and the Bruins won. Joy . Happy. Yes that . Joy went to wait for a train to come and when it did he hopped on went home . If you have a story that you have written. I would like to see
company. To send it to 0 3 5 . 0 2 1. 3 4. When you are so dense your mind takes over your ears. You can think loud thoughts but
no one will hear you. You will sometimes wonder why it sounds I do because I don't hear Berea. Sadness of being alone still people sinning saying nothing will bring from the group being able to think with others . So that happened because you can cause Jade to listen to many sounds you have never heard of. You can always hear songs you can hear walk and trees and things like that. Eh
. The song . Sounds The wind is coming at me. No noise no people cars trucks machines just nothing. So this is talking not out loud but to yourself . To me sounds as peace is when I can think of anything but I keep saying wonder what would happen if something strange happened in the sky. Go to another planet or Martians or just keep . The.
I don't want. Him there. Yes
. I am . I am . I am. Just a little bit lonely. At the end of the storm over . The From. This faster
. Than my mother wasn't there . To that. The end is no light. No really I am. That. I am. This word was from after and Julie Damon of Medford Massachusetts and Janet Jones who didn't give any. This is the name of a lake in Massachusetts and it needs an ending. You fish on your fish and fish in the middle. She get back and ask me she'd gone again agog. Jean van and Dan again . Mom. Actually the right way to pronounce it is charcoal government.
Way you know. Yes this new mano old truck micro skull pick so go a volcano Kone else's you know I was still a volcano . Yes. That's how much I was. Told. Was I. Was. The sun. Just . Wait and see. And. I am . I am. I am . I am. Presentation of zone was made possible in part by a grant from General Foods corporation and by this
station and by other public television stations. I want the.
ZOOM, Series I
Episode Number
Producing Organization
WGBH Educational Foundation
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Series Description
"ZOOM is a children's show comprised of weekly half-hour episodes which showed what youngsters do and think. Seven ZOOMers hosted each episdoe, and the cast changed over run of series. ZOOM premiered locally as ""Summer-Do"" in 1970, and premiered nationally in January 1972. ZOOMers played games, told jokes, riddles (called Fannee Doolees) and stories and did crafts projects...and invited ideas from their audience. The result was an avalanche of ZOOMmail - in the first season, over 200,000 letters. Additionally, the Ubbi Dubbi language was invented by ZOOM."
Zoom show # 123
Media type
Moving Image
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Producing Organization: WGBH Educational Foundation
Production Unit: Children's Programming (STS)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: 0000235276 (WGBH Barcode)
Format: Betacam
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “ZOOM, Series I; 123,” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 15, 2024,
MLA: “ZOOM, Series I; 123.” WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 15, 2024. <>.
APA: ZOOM, Series I; 123. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from