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     Defense Orientation Conference Association presents "Leading From
    Strength" "The US Army"
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The to feed for four and arnold. Of course we are into comics bomb blast a terrific. To see what happens when a hydrogen bomb blasts the darkness of night. With an explosion equal to more than a million tons of t.n.t.. It creates a ball of fire that from fifty miles away. There's thirty times as brilliant as the sun of high new.
We are living in a world of fighting. Want to have under the banner of freedom. The owner asked one or the communist yoke of all pretty free nations look to us united states for leadership. A leadership that must be prepared. Alert. Ready to counter any move by the cons. Any move to take for little real or assumed. Immediate. Or long range. We fervently want to look at all times before it prepares for brushfire engaged. Or a catastrophic. War. We must not be thrown off honest by what he or other propaganda. Or trick. We must be ready to character for a complete. Any attack from any joy. At any time. We must be strong militarily strong. Just where do we stand. We have what it takes. Are we leading from strength. So we have a ship. To come on the free kick over the lifeline shailendra.
All times and. Also understand. Do we have the planes to control your last. Most power plant and. Do we have a gun or a comic quantity. To overwhelm any attack by a lion. I we have missiles against long long range missiles or a conventional nuclear and some of the and based in scores or rejected ways. Bringing our potential enemy of. Time do we have to
train mobile forces. To close with them. Overpower an enemy on the ground. Let's take a look at some of our military strength. Through the eyes encounter of a civilian. A private citizen and businessman from farmington connecticut. It has you cited by the secretary of defense to join a home group for some of our military installations. The darkening sixty one which gave her a new face on confrontation the dominant theory already. Of our military might join with us as we go to some of our most are young. We go first to the pentagon to meet with our defense chiefs. Leaving the pentagon. We bought a military transport to those. The army training center at fort benning georgia. It
is a mercy day but our pilots are in frequent contact with ground control station. A soon we are above the clouds. In brilliant sunshine. Before long fort benning spreads out the lower. As we glide. Him smoothly for a landing. At last in feet. The you know we are greeted cordially by. General freeman on thursday. And the army post thank you the you see you moving quickly to a training area. We are given
a close up look at our modern combat. Weapon. First the nike hercules. Also the multiple heart muscle strain homing. All the way type of killer. Even the army takes a coffee break between jets general fremont common at fort benning skills are seen on both troops on weapon capability. Radar and garnishes terms are constantly on the alert. Weavers at the famous ringing in the training or use say. The general clifton. Tells us that all rangers are blowing through that for their special type of hand to hand combat. Volunteers only they are accept. Rangers must be self-reliant. Resourceful. Quick. Tough. By day or by
night in groups or alone. A jungle. Water or mountain operate their assignment to harass the enemy of. Every conceivable way to get a sleeper case. Kill or be killed. The of who you say. Thank you for the police the you see my hand. My rope. Your a foot or by monkey call. The you think crossed the on cross about turn up before asking instructors permission to drop forty five feet under
water. If you see what they do is address was ninety feet into a bomb demolition area. They are a rugged last ten years. You see her troopers to go through tough and rigorous training that sirius doesn't watch them practice planning for how to hit the ground. How to control or shoot on the way down where to. How to exit from the door of the plane. How to take the opening shock to a forty four foot tall. The in the us who has now to battle the wind on landing on glass to shoot down smart car two hundred fifty feet off.
First a dummy. Oh. You and learn to kroeber's make their first practice jump you. And freefall. They made it. For the real thing. Aboard a c one my case. It's the first of five actual junctions flights. During the cover to jump when. One man after the other one seconds into this rigorous perko training conditions both muscles and mind going to do you want
to maybe live under real battle. You see. You later helicopters are pulled. Like coleman over furcal envelops wonderful creatures or you were a bird. Or economists for flying troops into battle or. Transporting materiel near the bottom five hundred on the shoulders back handers birgitte mercy. We're evacuating a woman hating you. The day we break for lunch. With and from three officer candidates. No officers present. A current for informal. And frank discussion. We can have
great confidence in the high caliber of the future officers. Men like candidates. Ernest. Staley and richard. Mcleish. The of the four hour afternoon demonstrations we have visitors. Keenly interested. Whacks from burma. Korea and viet nam. Generals from australia. Given to army captains from west germany. Sea and from drake takes over. Puts on a striking display of modern and frank three weapons. Of all sizes. Small to large. But each with a particular job to
do the same a single incendiary shot from a forty five caliber pistol. The is usually the result of rifle grenades. There are many kinds for many purposes. A burst of servile hedge to target. Hundreds of one for first gulf. The yes. And what's her name john starr through a fatal for actions against. The the the
of with deadly accuracy. And and fourteen rifle shoots the boy right. Out of the target. The two legged i'm fifteenth. Semi or fully automatic. Use a very standard natal correct. To ultra surplus. Yet and to missing gun fired from the hip. That's the target ulf one enters tank mind. Innocent looking isn't that what you want to burst the gulf. And i'm forty one lightweight ice has a to
a two hundred eighty trying to answer. Just like with nine millimeter self-propelled gone to finance if you flex time. With one most likely qualified for could wheel and current families like a baby carrier. But want to want to carry a good general pearson heavier storm fay two hundred. Eight. Mourner you know. In all sizes. For different purposes. Thirty one millimeter. Eighty eight sixty millimeter. Finds its
target. Eight hundred eighty one hundred eighty four point two mortar. Age so what a t. a portable flame throwers are wickedest or not. What war is not against. Details. Good survival or destructive. It has. Again. They require a price smarted on a flash piece where the
and so. Eight hundred eighty. Thank you for a teenager's newco show. Age. It's the same fight the face of a potent powerful entities. Are job security on a show or factories that are her ultimate goal on the battlefield for the our army general principle of the importance of the individual fighting man can never be over and for so he
must be well trained. He must be disciplined. He must be quick with honors and best left for you will always be the most decisive influence on the battlefield. Photonic or otherwise. Anywhere in the world hey just nya of our army is on the alert to be a bright star wars. You are seen for clear the modern conventional weapons that were used.
War and Peace in the Nuclear Age
The Education of Robert MacNamara
Episode Number
Defense Orientation Conference Association presents "Leading From Strength" "The US Army"
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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A film profiling the US Army weapons systems at various locations throughout the United States.
Asset type
Raw Footage
Global Affairs
Military Forces and Armaments
United States. Army; Military weapons
Rights Note:,Rights:Public Domain,Rights Credit:NARA,Rights Type:All,Rights Coverage:In perpetuity,Rights Holder:NARA
Media type
Moving Image
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Identifier: a2ac893e7f1b9fb93104b1b2930a2be84bb7da2d (ArtesiaDAM UOI_ID)
Format: video/quicktime
Color: Color
Duration: 00:00:00
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Chicago: “War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; The Education of Robert MacNamara; 106; Defense Orientation Conference Association presents "Leading From Strength" "The US Army" ,” 1962-00-00, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 19, 2024,
MLA: “War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; The Education of Robert MacNamara; 106; Defense Orientation Conference Association presents "Leading From Strength" "The US Army" .” 1962-00-00. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 19, 2024. <>.
APA: War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; The Education of Robert MacNamara; 106; Defense Orientation Conference Association presents "Leading From Strength" "The US Army" . Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from