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A Bulgarian choir collaborates with African musicians in the contemporary world music melting pot. Here music transened the boundaries that separate us on global music every Monday night 10 till 1 on K-U-N-M, Albuquerque. OK, we have a winner in the middle of the year. She just wanted a pair of tickets to the Lego Bertha and then she concert February 6th. We'll have another giveaway a little
later after the show so stay tuned just as I promised though. So, rock is banjo, rock reggae and little pop and you get a little good mixture of Latino stuff. So, we'll be mixing it up with the Latino, Spanish, rock is banjo and also jazz and salsa dance. So, it's a instrumental for the dance.
learning. I just said I haven't traveled any city yet. Thank you for inviting us, it's been a while since we talked and I'm wondering if you could please bring us up to date with some of the
accomplishments of working classroom but perhaps you can let some of the people that don't know about this project which is now internationally known. What is all about now? Well working classroom is an arts and education community in downtown Albuquerque and we concentrate basically in visual arts and drama and we have both an art reception and opening for a new art exhibit on Friday this Friday in our gallery and we also next week are opening a new play at the chemo theater. Nan, but how many years now has working classroom viewed in existence? 12 years? 12 years? A long time, huh? It all goes by so fast. Nan, when did you realize that it's good to provide instruction and development for young people through the arts? Actually I never started out to do this, it just sort of happens so I don't know that I ever thought about it.
I mean I just try to keep it going now, I'm always sort of hanging on so I don't really have a lot of time to think about it but the program has really grown and changed in 12 years from a little tiny volunteer project which started with your son at Washington Middle School if you remember a long time ago and now it's like a professional theater company and a really beautiful gallery and we do public murals and we have a business that designs holiday cards and we have teach and we have scholarships and so now it's really become a pretty big program. Most of the murals downtown actually have been done by working classroom no? A lot of them, huh? And of course some of the big, big accomplishments have been being able to take the students working classroom outside the United States. Can you share with us some of the countries that you have visited? Well the project started in 1987 as a solidarity project with Nicaragua. Rebecca who's one of the other guests here tonight with me
went with me and some other people in 96 to El Salvador to help them start a theater company, a grassroots theater company there. In 1993 we were in Brazil in Rio and we performed there and in 1996 we also sent a group of students to Toronto to start a mural project there. So we get around. Did you mention Brazil? Yes, that was one of the very important visits for the young people because they saw some horrible things that were being done to young street people of Brazil. We're going to be talking about the play that will be presented beginning on April the 14th and you have a pair of tickets to give away. It's going to be a tremendous play by the international renowned playwright Maria Maria Irena Fortunes, I believe she's a Cuban ancestry. Maria Irena Fortunes she's actually been to El Bocherca a few years.
Tapestry players, a drama collective brought her here to El Bocherca and it's a play entitled Sarita. And then how would you like to do this? What do you want to give the tickets to? We'll give the tickets to the third caller. The person that is the third caller and we'll give you the telephone number. Please write this down. 277-5615. It's in order to see what Obama is going to help us with the telephone. Two tickets per tickets for the latest theatrical presentation by working classroom. A play named Sarita by Maria Irena Fortunes, Irena Fortunes. And this will be presented at the Kimo Theater beginning on April the 14th.
Third caller, again the telephone number. It's 277-5615. How do you feel about the play? Oh, it's a wonderful play. It's great. It's very important. It's very important. It's very important. It's very important. It's very important. It's very important. It's very important. It's very important.
It's very important. My favorite is the with the
You know, what I said was because I wanted to answer a word,
the fuss with the famous Poisson dot� and leave to tell me, what was the problem I owed toWho was right. How was the truth? One end, why What we call the
economy cut So Nan is just going to be like a full-length play about how long do you think it might be? Yeah, it's about an hour and 15 minutes without an animation. Uh-huh. Once again, the name of the play, the title is Sarita. Written by Maria Iren Ne Fournes. Did you hear the poem of Paolo Nounes? Uh-huh. When? When? When? When? And again, Maria saw the dates. In these past years, we wereacteria and Chinese photographers, and we became veryahful forprovulting his music fordocs Today's theme is that apex is about 10 years old, they came most widely Intellectual,
and is about 5 years old. And therefore, it's about 10 years old. And I am serious, and I become a very pleasure for the actor in this brief chapter. in my face I get real and in my eyes I'm so crud the third color, the third color to take the stickets. So please, if you're interested, please call two seven seven five six one five, don't see it to see it there, syncosés, uno cinco, croquet, cepa sería, núná, manana una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una una
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when we were slowly By beginning this day, and once this year, I'll stop saying this time whenever we rest You'll love this day I'll occasionally engage a learning being This week and I think that the community is a community and a community and a community and a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
a no no a a a the a a a a a a a a a in Teatroquimo. When I over I split up for Maria Renefordenas, I continue to look at the Sarita.
Before we continue with the play, I did want to mention again that you will be having an art exhibition, an opening, opening reception. Can you tell us, I believe the title is Scholadges, and it's the title of the whole exhibition is Bottle Fighting Dragon Pictures? What is that all about now? Well, we had a six-week art workshop with, I guess, artist named Charles Castillo. It was a very well-known young artist from New Mexico. And there were about 15 young people in the workshop, ranging in age from elementary school to university. And they are very, very interesting collages. Very not very nontraditional. I mean, they're not what you're going to expect to see. And we have our own gallery now. It's called BCONUS Gallery on the corner of Second Gold, 212 Gold Southwest.
So from 5.30 to 8.30 on Friday evening, we're going to have an opening reception for these young artists. And I would like to invite everyone to come and support them. And there were, and also it's an opportunity to buy some really beautiful art at amazingly low prices. Wow, this is just around the corner. The opening reception will be this Friday, beginning at 5.30. It's a collection of collages all done by working classroom artists. 212 Gold Southwest, that's where BCONUS Gallery is. So there are very good feedback to our staff. Next up, we'll join the panel, local colleague, recipient have an opportunity to be appointed to master our David Rodriguez, President of ...rete's
... ... ...and these two ... ... We are giving away a pair of tickets for this play.
Please call. We are accepting the third call as the winning call. These two tickets for the play, Sarita by Marir and the Foreigners, and presented by Working Classrooms. Please call. Two, seven, seven, five, six, one, five. If you're interested, again. Two, seven, seven, five, six, one, five for a pair of tickets. Please. There is no question, no question, without the signals.
So we just have to say that again. We mobilityalmoste the gas print and I mean what why? We wanna look at myself and and to the time and to become the home. That is where the ...but nobody's happens when you say so. You need to lie with yourself. It's not an ESPAl comp that beginning, you would say, you're not still talking to other Element Gods. Yes, when you tell us what I think we, or the passion of the 7th winds.
They are only walking down and respectively! Because my own possibilities changing what I have to say a lot. By the end of that it's a great pipe to see how the the spriteful is in the room. or to see what is possible. or the into the I don't know about wisdom, but I don't know about wisdom, but I don't know about wisdom.
I think that I would really like to encourage everyone to come. We have three student mat nays, so if there's APS teachers listening, I would encourage you even at this late date if you haven't made your reservations to call a chemo, 764-1700 and make them. These two young actresses are being very modest tonight, but they have now four or five years of very intensive training behind them, and it's going to be a very, very good production. I have live music. One of the musicians is Camilo Kignones, who's Tony Kignones has had an old race, and he's got his son.
Congero. And we have all kinds of live music. There's dance. So I think it's going to be really excellent production. We have a really great director, and so we're looking forward to seeing everybody there. And again, for that pierl ticket, it's 2007-5 6 1 5. provided by Bookworks featuring a mystery tea with Agatha Award winner, Nevada Bar, Tuesday, April 6, 4.30 to 6, Nevada Bar talks about her new mystery liberty falling at Bookworks
42 Rio Grande Boulevard, three miles north of Old Town. All right, we...
Espejos de Aztlán
Nan Elsasser, Rebeca Mayorga, and Marisol Avilés
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
The University of New Mexico's Center for Southwest Research and Special Collections (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
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Episode Description
In this episode of Espejos de Aztlán, Cecilio García-Camarillo interviews Nan Elsasser, the founder of Working Classroom. Also, interviewed are two participants in this program: Rebeca Mayorga and Marisol Avilés. Elsasser provides updates on current projects with Working Classroom and her work with youths in the community. Mayorga and Avilés talk about an upcoming theatrical production called "Sarita" by Cuban playwright, María Irene Fornés.
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Guest: Mayorga, Rebeca
Guest: Avilés, Marisol
Guest: Elsasser, Nan
Host: García-Camarillo, Cecilio
Producing Organization: KUNM
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The University of New Mexico's Center for Southwest Research and Special Collections
Identifier: cpb-aacip-e868d2ae059 (Filename)
Format: Zip Drive
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Espejos de Aztlán; Nan Elsasser, Rebeca Mayorga, and Marisol Avilés,” 1999-04-05, The University of New Mexico's Center for Southwest Research and Special Collections, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed May 20, 2024,
MLA: “Espejos de Aztlán; Nan Elsasser, Rebeca Mayorga, and Marisol Avilés.” 1999-04-05. The University of New Mexico's Center for Southwest Research and Special Collections, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. May 20, 2024. <>.
APA: Espejos de Aztlán; Nan Elsasser, Rebeca Mayorga, and Marisol Avilés. Boston, MA: The University of New Mexico's Center for Southwest Research and Special Collections, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from