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Well, and as an outstanding football team, like we said, they throw both of them up to 35 to 40 times a game. Their defense is very good to have two of the most outstanding tackles, and in fact, some who 35 and Fisher is 250. They were both all-America, honorable mention candidates last year. So this should be a real exciting football game, and I think it's going to be exciting to our fans, because we're going to open up our offense and do a few things that will be quite different to the people in the fans, and I think they're going to enjoy it. One final question, coach. The future of Shocker football, talking about, it seems like there has been improvement, vast improvements since you started two years ago. It's getting where people are really getting into football here, where it used to be only basketball. People are liking the improvements they like to see the team win. How far do you think this team can go in the next few years? Do you think that the Wichita State Shockers will ever be the kind of force, such as like
a Tennessee or an Arizona State, where you have other people wanting to play you, or how far do you think this team can go? Well, Lewis with the economic crunch now in the Midwest, where in teams have to play each other in the area, you know, like our KU game. I foresee in the future we're going to play Oklahoma State, KU and K State and Arkansas, and then our conference teams. And I feel that, in the answer to your question, that our football team is improving because our personnel hasn't improved so much. We're bringing in real quality athletes here at Wichita State. First of all, if they want to go to college and graduate, secondly, if they're good athletes, we take them. And our coaches have done a tremendous job recruiting. And we can keep our present freshman class here, at least 90 and 95 percent of, we're going to be a good, we're going to be in an outstanding contender in the future. I think the team will do well this year.
We've got a good nucleus. I think in a year or so starting this year, that football at Wichita State will be an item that the fans can be proud of. And I think if we win, they'll come out to the football games. We need something at this university to be able to boast about other than our basketball team because I think you should never put all of your eggs in one basket. You should do like you do when you invest, diversify. And I think that our football team will complement our basketball program here. We need something else to boast about on Sundays and for our students to stick out their chest and brag and talk with the other students in the state of Kansas that go to KU and K State and Pittsburgh State and some of our sister schools. I think it's high time that our football can feel we can do it because we have quality athletes.
And if your football program is going well, Lewis, you notice this. It's harmony on the campus and I think this is something our administrators can be proud of. If you go through got harmony the next week on the campus. I think that a good football team brings back alumni, it stirs up community interest and most of all you have harmony on the campus because the students have something to talk about. Well, I'd like to thank you very much, Coach. I want to wish you the best of luck in tonight's game against Missouri Southern and later on through the season. Thank you very much, Lewis, and take care of that mustache. Thank you, a lot, Coach. My guest has been Coach Jeff Jeffries, the head football coach at Wichita State University. This has been the Shocker pregame show. My name is Lewis Foster and stay tuned for football action as Wichita State takes on the Missouri Southern Lions right after this. So in the line, a French New Approach to R&B programming in Le Hays and the State. Muses is the latest on the R&B music charts combined with those old favorites, features that
make the community aware of themselves and the world around them, complete hours of uninterrupted music. Geneva divine news. Hi. I'm your son, right? I'm a great year for invitations of youth, puttin' to soul like Saturdays and then I plan on going home to the 12 midnight when I get on Sunday on the L.D.M. tour. See you here. Soulline, your meets the connection only here on FM89, KMUW Wichita. Funding for Shocker Football is provided in part by an underwriting grant from Cours of Kansas. Schotter Football has been a presentation of KMUW Sports. Be sure to tune in KMUW for the next Schotter broadcast. After overcast, a top sessions stadium on the campus of Wichita State University, so
we've been told the storm is 100 miles away from here to the west and not due to 11 o'clock tonight. So hopefully we will be able to get in. The first college football game of the 1981 season for Wichita State under dry conditions. Believe me everyone, I'm Lewis Foster and along with me tonight we'll have Gene Barclay as doing color and George Womack doing our statistics. We are here by a top session stadium as the Wichita State Soccer is opening their season against NAIA for the Missouri Southern Lions from Joplin, Missouri. We have just a few minutes before the opening kickoff, I'd like to talk to you a little bit about the two teams, first of all Wichita State. Coming off a 5-5-1 season last year, Coach Jeff Jeffries is the head coach at Wichita State. It was his second year at the helm after coming from South Carolina State, his overall record. It's South Carolina State in and Wichita State now is 57-28-5 as the soccer, as I said we're 5-5-1 this year and have even higher expectations for this coming year as they open up the season
against Missouri Southern. The soccer band out there now with the pre-game too, Wichita State, after this game we'll go on a four-game road trip starting at Selonil, Illinois coming up next weekend in Carbondale. Wichita State Soccer has a lot of changes this year and their offensive patterns are things like this. We talked to Jeff Jeffries as we said in the pre-game so he says he's going to open things up. A lot of people have been claiming that his type of offense was three yards in a cloud of dust, such as a conservative side, but Jeff says he's going to open things up this year, throw passes and try to get the offense moving. Defensively, we do have a lot for the soccer, there is one area where there's a lot of concern for Coach Jeffries as we talked about in the pre-game so the defensive secondary has had depth problems there at the beginning of this year and now that Billy Wilson, the all Missouri
Valley Conference, defensive back list declared academically ineligible and will not play at all this year so he is there is even less depth than what there was at the beginning. Offensively for the soccer is it all denerates around Prince McJunkan, the quarterback. He's a junior from Muscogee, Oklahoma and he is an all-around excellent athlete. He was named the 1979 Missouri Valley Conference newcomer of the year as a freshman. He was second all-valley last year. He had 1408 yards total offense, 2015 of that was passing for five touchdowns and 393 yards rushing and for three touchdowns there. As Jeffries is called, as he said in the pre-game show, the best option dive quarterback I think he's ever seen so they're expecting big things again this year from Prince McJunkan.
Offensively the biggest question mark are the most mysterious part I guess as far as the starting line up for the soccer was who was going to play tail back. There are four very capable candidates in the running so far for the tail back position. Dwayne Hobson was moved from split-end last year. He was one of the candidates, Darren Wilson, who was number two behind Mickey Collins. All is the hole that needed to be filled was the graduation of Collins who broke the career rushing record here at Wichita State. Darren Wilson played number two behind him and picked up 345 yards last year in a substitute role when Mickey Collins was injured and then there are the two freshmen who coach Jeffries has brought in this year. Adrian Chipp is a 5-7 freshman from Muscogee, Oklahoma was a teammate with Prince McJunkan there for one year and Dwight Eaton is a freshman tail back from Tulsa, Oklahoma. And it looks like that Dwayne Hobson is going to get the starting nod all those that coach
Jeffries did say that they were all going to play an equal amount of time. So Dwayne Hobson, the 5-8 junior from Kansas City, Kansas in Flagle Hive School, will be the starting tail back tonight for Wichita State. And now for a little bit about the Missouri Southern Tigers who are in NAA School, Dean Barclay. Thanks a lot, Liz. First of all, I'd like to start off by saying it's a real pleasure to be back with you again this year, bringing Shocker Football on KMW. I'd like to talk briefly a little bit about the Missouri Southern State Alliance. As you know, I spent three or four years up in the Port of State University. The Alliance are a member of the CSIC, which is the Central States Intercollected Athletic Conference. So I'm had some exposure to the Alliance. And the Alliance are under the tutelage of Jim Frazier. He's in his 11th year with Alliance. He has an overall record with him of 63, 37, and 3. And if Jim Frazier doesn't strike any ringing bell to the Shocker fans, he was a football player here at Wichita State University back in the 60s.
He played linebacker here at Wichita State. So he's coming home for the first time in several years, and he's going to be wanting to win this one just as much as Jeff Jeffery's is. I'd like to mention some of the key players that won't be noticing tonight for the Missouri Southern football team. First of all, this is a very, very dynamic offensive team, very past oriented. They're going to be led by their quarterback, Kevin Aubrey. Last year he was the starting quarterback he had completed 48 of 113 passes for 774 yards. And as you mentioned, Lewis, that this year the Shockers are going to be young in that secondary. So they're going to be tested tonight. Defensively, here again, the Missouri Southern is similar to the Shockers. They've got a very, very experienced line. They have two honorable mention candidates for all Americans. First is Tom Fisher. He's 62 and a half, comes in at 265 pounds, a defensive tackle. He's a singer. The other honorable mention is Kelly Saxton coming in at 64, 230 pounds, also with a defensive
tackle. One thing that Missouri Southern is going to try to do tonight is put some pressure on Prince William Jenkins to take some of the pressure off of that young defensive secondary that they have. So what I'm trying to say is that Missouri Southern is not a team to be taken lightly, even though they're an NAIA school. And we're going to look for a battle tonight. Taking a look at the starting lineups for both teams, we have just had the coin toss, which is off state one, the toss, they will receive. And they will defend the North Ghouls. In other words, they will have the wind in their faces for the first quarter. There is a semi-slite wind coming from the South, I would say probably five to ten miles an hour. It really shouldn't affect things a whole lot, the skies are kind of overcast, like we talked about. There isn't supposedly a storm coming in from the West, but it's about a hundred miles away. Starting for which is off state on the offensive line at left tackle will be Mark McCoy. He's a six-five senior from Arlington, Virginia.
Mark is a very familiar name to shocker fans. He's a two-year starter with all Missouri Valley Conference last year in his minutes to curb anchor on that offensive line for the shockers the past two years. At the guard, the last guard is David Sage. He's a six-three, 234 pounds senior from Goddard, Kansas. He's one of only two three-year lettermen for which it's off state. He has started or played all three years at which it's off state as a freshman. He played some tight ends for the shockers and then he was moved to offensive guard his sophomore year. The last two years he has played offensive guard. He's on the Dean's Honor Roll also with a 3.2 grade average. David Sage, again, another anchor in the offensive line. At the center will be Tim Dorian, six-three, 225 pounds as junior from Kansas City, Kansas from Ward High School. Last year, Tim came in as sort of a rookie at the center position having played linebacker as a freshman for which it's off state.
He was moved to center and he responded very well for coach Jeffries in this year. He is an added strength to the line and what was possibly a question mark a couple of years ago. At the right guard will be Jay Hall, a six-three, 239 pounds junior from which it's off Kansas also. He went to South East High School. He was an honorable mentor and all ballet performer also. So as you can see, the offensive line for which it's off state is a very talented and experienced group and it's going to take a good effort from the defensive line of Missouri Southern to be able to put a whole lot of pressure on McJunkins although they might have, their offensive line might have had their hands full with the two all-American tackles so that will be a good battle down in the trenches and we'll try to keep you abreast of that as the game goes on. At right tackle will be clearance talks whose kind of a surprise starter Danny Brown was the incumbent coming into the spring and Clenet's talks came over from the defense. He played nose guard last year.
He was moved to offense for last year by coach Jeffries and he's come in now and it's starting at right tackle for the shockers. In the backfield or at the split-in will be Donnie Draer. Draer is from Lacrosse Kansas, he's 6-3, 179 pounds, a sophomore. He didn't see a whole lot of action last year as he backed up Steve Ham and the people like that who graduated but he has had an amazing career in high school. He was an all-state performer in football and basketball both for Lacrosse and he was also the state high school to a long-damped champion. So Don Draer is a definite all-around athlete and an interesting story concerning Donnie Draer is not only the fact he's got the job but his backup is Kevin Murphy who was supposed to be the man who had the big plans for from which it's all a state coming as a transfer from KU. He led KU in receiving in 1978 with 346 yards and catches. The Murphy now running number 2 behind Donnie Draer so let's put a little bit of pressure
on Draer and we'll see how he handles it tonight. At the Flanker position will be Ruben Eckles, a little man from which it's all a South East High School 510, 150 pounds of sophomore. He was the Missouri Valley Conference newcomer the year last year so the shockers two years in a row have had the newcomer. He was a leading receiver with 34 catches for 337 yards and two touchdowns and Ruben once he gets the football that's when the excitement begins because he's got moves that a lot of people think about and wish they could do but that's about all they do and Ruben makes those kind of moves every time he touches the football so he's Mr. excitement. At the tight end will be Anthony Donne, Donne 6-4, the sophomore he's a transfer from Maryland Eastern Shore as the shockers now taking the field a pretty good crowd on hand tonight. Up towards the 15th, then the 15th thousand as you can hear in the firework, here I'm Sesame Stadium as Wichita State comes out on the field.
We have the captains out there Mark McCoy, a captain for Wichita State along with Dave Davins and Mike Creewell, captains for the shockers, former Missouri Southern. Their captains are Kevin Auger in the quarterback and the two defensive tackles Tom Fisher and Kelly Faxson who will be talking about just a little bit the shockers as we said have already won the toss, this is just the ceremonial type thing that they go through before every ball game. The shockers will be defending the North Goal and will receive a kickoff. Anthony Donne will be the tied in. In the backfield quarterback will be Prince McJunkins again, Mr. Excitement and the definite catalyst on this football team if things are to happen for Wichita State, it's going to have to be Prince McJunkins that does it. He's a junior from Miss Gogi and as we talked about he has missed everything and he's already 9th on the total offense list for Wichita State and he's only a junior. At the fullback we'll be Steve Warrington, Warrington in a battle with Brett Ingalls all throughout the fall.
As Frank practice in this fall, Warrington comes out on number one, fullback, 6-1, a senior from Del City, Oklahoma. He has played three, he's played defensey back and linebacker also. So it's going to be McCoy, Dave, Dorian, Hall and Cox on the front line to split in the drier. The flanker echoes, the tied in is Anthony Jones. The quarterback will be McJunkins and Warrington and Cox and will be the running back. Quickly form a Zuri Southern, but we'll get some of the Zuri Southern defense in just some moments. They're getting ready now for the opening kickoff. We'll have to want to see something real quickly. You have to be pleasantly pleased with the crowd that has shoot up for this football game. I know about an hour ago you and I expressed a concern when they opened the gates at 6-30 there were about 6-7 people sitting into the stadium, but looking out across the campus of WSU across the parking lot, we see strong people still filing in to come in and see the football game. I'd say probably right now we've got at least 13-14 possibly, 15,000 people in the stands already for this first football game and considering that we're playing an NAIA school
and this is a Labor Day weekend, you really have to be pleasantly pleased with the fan response. It looks like they could get well over 20,000 before everybody gets into the stadium. Backdeep to receive the kickoff for which it's all safe. We'll be Glenn Stewart. Stewart is a 5-8 sophomore. He plays defensive back and also Adrian Schip is back there. Schip is like as we talked about, one of the freshmen running back. Schip is from the Skoggy, the same town that gave us Fritz Big Junkas. So Schip and Stewart are back deep. Here we see it for Wichita State, getting ready to kick. For Missouri Southern, it's Terry Dobb, a 5-10 freshman from Belleville, Illinois. He will be doing the plays kicking, dubbs, the duties for Missouri Southern and the crowd as we sit, are on their feet now upwards 15-20,000 people as we're getting ready for football here at Cessna Stadium. Lewis, the most important factor in the first series of downs for Wichita State, the battle
is going to be one tonight in the trenches. We're going to have to see what's the line, the experienced veteran line of Wichita State can handle that experienced veteran line defensive line of Missouri Southern. Terry Dobb, setting to kick and the game is underway, the 1981 season for Wichita State is in session. Glenn Stewart takes it in the end zone and he'll down it right there. A good kick by Dobb's. With the wind at his back, he booted at three yards deep into the end zone and Stewart wisely decided to down it and we'll go first and 10 for Wichita State from the 20th. Speaking of kicking game, something that I like to mention, something that Wichita State is really going to improve on this year is the addition of the Juco transfer, Evan Alfred, that's going to really help our kicking and punting game, so we're going to be mentioning that inadvertently throughout the night's game. First and 10, Wichita State, just underway, Ruben Eckles on the flanker goes in motion to these left, Mick Junkins, with the handoff to Hobson to the 25, Bumble, the football, the ball is lit and it's Missouri Southern football.
So rather, in our spacious start for Wichita State, as there was a Bumble, as Dwayne Hobson was hit by Kelly Saxton, the defensive tackle there, and the Bumble recovery has credited to Mark Bucks, the linebacker from Ingawood, Colorado, so right off the bat, the shockers with the turnover, and its first and 10, Missouri Southern, their quarterbacks. As we talked about Kevin Algrin, I'll see the back, Richard Calvin, back to pass to begin, and it's over, the head of his intended receiver, Don Anderson, the split in. Back deep, it was Curtis Whitton, the strong safety to that good coverage, Don Anderson. So right off the bat, Wichita State with the early turnover, Dwayne Hobson in his first carry in game action for Wichita State, got hit hard by Kelly Saxton, he fumbled it, and Mark Bucks recovered on the 18-yard line, and Missouri Southern did business.
Second in 10, the draw play, the Harold Norfler. Norfley, excuse me, the handoff to him, he gets inside the 15, to about the 13-yard line. It'll be Mark now at the 12, so it'll bring up a third down, and five situations for Missouri Southern. So all of a sudden, the Wichita State defense is being severely tested. Now we have a timeout, being called by Missouri Southern, somewhat unusual, Missouri Southern already calling a timeout, this will give us a quick chance to run over the defensive line up for Wichita State. Wichita State in a 3-4 set-up this year, the three linemen are Bobby Weston, a 6-3 junior from Flint, Michigan on the left tackles the Knows Gardens. Will be Lonnie Kennell, Kennell from Crescent City, Florida, also a junior, and Dave Davis, the all-valley right tackle from Kirkwood, Missouri, the people, the man that deffries, and a lot of the other coaches consider might be a definite all-American candidate for
Wichita State. The line bikers, all four of them, they're good ones. Mike Cree will lose segment, a transfer from Villanelle to seeing his first action. Mike Dodson and Vince Prosperi. Let's go quickly, I want to mention what I mentioned earlier, we're going to see an explosive offense by Missouri Southern in the first down, they put the ball in the air. Pitch out to the left. Pitch out to North-Belie's, and he stopped right at the 12-yard line as Vince Prosperi, the outside linebacker was in on that tackle, along with Davis and Kennell, so the shock are showing tough defense as now will bring up fourth down. Four Missouri Southern, fourth and about three, and it looks like Terry Dobbs is coming into the ballgame. Dobbs, as we said, a freshman from Bellville, Illinois, will attempt a 23-yard field goal. He'll have the wind at his back. The snap is good, the kick is up, and it's blocked. The kick is blocked, the football is rolling around, and it's finally picked up by a
shocker, but it doesn't make any difference. Steve Hendrick, a defensive back in there on the D, on the defensive field goal team got in there and made that block, so a big play for the shocker defense, as the shockers were in a definite hole, and Steve Hendrick comes up with the block, and the shockers of ours dodged the bullet right there, as they get the football back now at the 12-yard line. Well, let me break that time for the Wistataw State Shockers, anytime that you lose your ball inside your own 20-yard line, you'll put it under added pressure. That's time the shockers handled it well, which is what they do in their second offensive series of downs. I-4 Bay's in Wistataw State, Mick Duncan's with the handoff, to Darren Wilson, Wilson goes outside to the 15, and his knee touches at about the 17, although he falls forward to the 20. He got tripped up there by Lynn John Lindsay, the strong safety he came over, and also Stan Gardner, the linebacker from St. Newt, Kansas, who was then led the team in tackles last year.
He's a tough linebacker from St. Newt, Kansas, out there for Missouri Southern, quickly defensively for Missouri Southern alignment, or Mike Pettit, Tom Fisher, West Rogers as a nose guard, Kelly Saxton, and Rocky Overman, Fisher and Saxton, though the ones you need to watch. Second and five, Wistataw State, echoes in motion to the right, handoff to Warrington, at the middle, not much there, he gets to about the 17 yard, where he's met by Tom Fisher. Fisher, as we talked about, one of those book-in tackles, an honorable mention all American last year for Missouri Southern, and now Rogers will come in for Missouri Southern, third down in four, for Wistataw State, Greer is wide to the right, now echoes, he was wide to the left, goes in motion to the right, and McDonk is going back for his first pass, throws into a very big crowd, it was intended for echoes, no good, knocked down by Gardner again in there on the pass coverage, along with Mike Pettit, the defensive end in there, four
Missouri Southern, so fourth down situation, four Wistataw State, and we'll get to see Evan Alford, the man that Dean mentioned just earlier, Evan Alford, who averaged 40 yards a kick for Pratt Jr. college, will he back to eat the kick for Wistataw State? Well, that's a week ago, I came out and saw the shocker's final scrimmage, and one time I had a stopwatch, I saw Elven Alford have a hang time of 4.8 seconds, and once you can get a ball hung up that amount of time, there's not going to be a return. Alford's kick goes to about the 37 yard line of Missouri Southern, where it's down by Larry Holmes, third string linebacker for Wistataw State, so Missouri Southern will take over first and 10, from their own 37 yard line, we have 12 minutes, 14 seconds left to go in the first half, first quarter, the shockers have dodged one bullet already, and now Algren, back to pass again, that down and out pattern is complete to the flanker, Don
Tandler, Tandler gets to just about the 41 yard line before he's brought down, by Maurice Foxworth, a man we need to talk about also, Foxworth is the freshman, who's taking over for Billy Wilson, who was we talked about had is academically and eligible this year, so he won't be playing, so Foxworth is in the cat bird's seat, as far as Wistataw State Defense, he backs our concern, leaves Kelvin Middleton as the only starter in, as the only returning starter, handoff up the middle, to Ron Harris, Harris, a junior from Citrus Heights, California, tackle in there by Davis for Wistataw State, so it'll bring up, a third down in about six, six situation, four, Missouri Southern. We're still far both teams doing an excellent job of containing the run, both inside and outside, here again that goes back to the experience of both defensive line and the linebacking
core of both defensive units, passing situation now, third and sixth for Algren and Missouri Southern Lions, now we have a whistle flag, I'm sure it's going to be too much time, probably going to be the call, too much time, that is the call, call against Missouri Southern College, the official four tonight's ball game, the referee is Harold Lampris from Tulsa, Oklahoma, the umpire Larry Brown from Chesterfield, Missouri, minesmen Ed Price from Dallas, Texas, the line just John Van Wy from Des Moines, Iowa, the field just John Somerville from Hutchinson Kansas, and the back judge is Doyle Gilstrap from Bartleville, Oklahoma, third down in eleven now, four, the lion in motion is Chandler to the left, Algren back to pass, over the middle tip, and almost intercepted, the tip in there was made by Curtis Whitten, a strong
safety, and tended to pass was intended for Chandler over the middle, Curtis Whitten got the tip and Foxworth almost had his first interception as a shocker, but it just went off of his hand, and it will be back to punt, I tell you what, no, we did the shockers almost have an interception, but Missouri Southern almost had another reception about 10 yards further down the field with John Chandler number 25 of Missouri Southern, and that ball only fell about three feet behind him, so that tip could have gone the wrong way, but luckily for the shocker and they contained Missouri Southern, Mark Sumpel being back to punt, Stewart and ship, back to receive a terrible punt by Steffelbeam off the side of his foot, it will be marked at the 42 yard line, only about a 25 yard tick for Mark Steffelbeam, so the shockers will start off with good field position on their second possession as they'll take over first and 10 from their own 42 yard line, continuing the defensive lineup
from Missouri Southern, Stan Gardner as we said, the senior from Stenuit is at one line backer, Mark Bach is at the other line backer, the two corner backs are Ellen Dunoway and Dave Daggaport, and the two safes are John Lindsay, who is a transfer tied in, who is now playing strong safes, and the free safes is Glenn Baker, a sophomore from Maske 2 Illinois, that sets the defense there from Missouri Southern, and an official time out there, a little indecision, and now looks like the shockers will take over first and 10 from their own 42 yard line. Well, the reason we had an official time out is because the change crew got their change tangled up on the sidelines, just showed you how much pressure it exists in this ball game tonight. Ruben-Eckles in motion to the right, McJuck is on the option, he'll keep piece of the 45 to 50 wide open field, 40 yard line, 30, he's going to get a touchdown, nice block by Jones, to the fine, McJuck is touchdown, Prince McJuck is reading the options to perfection a 58 yard touchdown run for Prince McJuck is in his first carry of the year for which
it's off state, excellent downfield blocking, especially by the tight end, Anthony Jones, who put a great block on John Lindsay, the strong safety, and that really put McJuck on the run, 58 yard touchdown run for McJuck, so to say the least, Prince McJuck is off to a very good start tonight for the which it's off state soccer. And the reason that play was successful is because Mike Pettit, the left defensive end from Missouri's southern, who did not turn Prince McJuck back in quick enough, Mr. Redd while it was going on, and of course Prince McJuck was open all the way down the sidelines. Doug Schrader from McFerson, boom the kick extra point, right through the middle, so which it's off state with 10 minutes and 23 seconds left in the first quarter has a seven and nothing lead, and we'll be back right after this. Most people think of the Red Cross as a people who help after a tornado or hurricane. For as many places as the people who collect the blood, but Red Cross does so much more. The health people relocate after fires, the health veterans and hospitals, and the health
veterans will have the health will benefit. They also help older citizens with all of the little problems of life. In fact, Red Cross has scored a job in Wichita as no one seems to have time for this message of public service of Ag Council and K-M-U-W. Back at SESSA Stadium, Louis Foster, Gene Barclay, and George Womack, Wichita State, not really very explosive, but just running the basics, and it worked as Prince McJunkas runs off a 58 yard run off of the option to give the shockers an early seven and nothing lead with 10-23 left in the first quarter, and now Doug Schrader will tee it up if kick off. Deep four. Missouri Southern is Steve Seder, a defensive back is deep four, which is four, Missouri Southern. Schrader is kicked. End of the win. Still carries into the end, though. And he yard deep. Seder will bring it out.
He said a 15, almost tumble, the football, and is recovered by Wichita State, L-Win Hall. A reserve linebacker picked off the Seder fumble at the 20 yard line to the shockers right back in business, and they'll have a first and 10 just outside the Missouri Southern 20 yard line. And again, good coverage by the Wichita State special teams at that time. As Joe Frawley made the hit, on Seder, which knocked the ball loose, and L-Win Hall very alertly fell right on top of it. So Wichita State football at the Missouri Southern 20 yard line, Gerrard, split out to the right, echoes left, the tidy and Anthony Dill is on the left side, I-Formation, Warrington and Darren Will, Darren Willson, McDuck is again on the offense, and to the 10 to five, and it touched down again. Prince McDuck is running at Will. Another 20 yard touchdown, run with 10 minutes and 11 seconds left in the first quarter. As Missouri Southern seems totally baffled by the option, and Prince McDuck has only been
touched once, and that was after he already got hit in the end zone. So Prince McDuck is already with 78 yards rushing and two touchdowns, and the shockers have a 13 to nothing leave, and this could be an extremely long night for the Missouri Southern Lions. Well, I tell you what, it's just a matter of 12 seconds, the shockers have already put at 13 points on the board, and Doug Schrader just adds another one, so it's with 10 minutes and 11 seconds left in the first quarter, the shockers take a 14 to nothing leave. So, the talkers are out 14 to nothing, we'll be back with more action after this. Thank you, Palmer, for saving life in the border area of Campershire and Thailand. Here hundreds of thousands of uprooted Cambodians cross the brigade to escape the only empty room at one time, and poverty hunger in disease, neglect lives of millions of helpless families in developing countries. Through care, concerns, people in this country are doing something about it. They think that together we can help in poverty hunger and disease.
What do you think? Signature check or money in order to care, or if the country is run away, can the city Missouri 6-4-1-1? Strader back to eat to kick again, for which the talkers say they have an early 14 to nothing leave, 10 minutes and 11 seconds left in the first quarter, we have a score from Tulsa between the Tulsa University Golden Hurricane and Kansas University in the first quarter. Tulsa has an early 8 to nothing leave, so maybe somewhat of an upset it just kind of depends on which idea you think of. Not now big back to eat to receive, for Missouri 7, what was saider, and he has tackled Kansas Lewis got the tackle for which it's not said at the 17 yard line, a vicious tackle is almost causing another fumble by a satyr, but satyr held on that time, so Missouri 7 will start in the hole first in 10 on the 17th. Well, as you mentioned something earlier about the two touchdowns, by which it's not said
that they weren't very spectacular touchdowns, that's the reason why coaches spin them up so much time on the basics, because if you can make the basics work for you, then you don't have to wear those spectacular plays when you take chances and lose of all. And often, handoff to the wife, to the flanker Chandler coming around on the semi-reverse, Chandler gets to about the 22 yard line before he's knocked out of bounds by Bruce Poole, so there's a close side cornerback for which it's off state, finishing the defensive line-up, things have been happening so fast, we even had a chance to get you the line-up, this defensive back, as we talked about, for which it's off state, the two corners are the freshmen, Maurice Foxworth, and the sophomore Bruce Poole, Curtis Whitton, the sophomore, and Kelvin Middleton, who played strong safety last year, have been moved to pre-safety as there for which it's off state. Handoff up the middle to Borgard, the full back, four, Missouri-centered, he gets out to about the 26 yard line,
he's brought down by Mike Johnson in there at a linebacker, also in there Tim Bobby Weston in there on the tackle, starting for the left tackle for which it's off state, third down now on two yards to go, John Anderson wide out to the right, eye formation, now the flanker Chandler will go in motion right, flakes have passed by Algrin, a wide open tied in, Kevin Moyer was wide open at the 35 yard line, Algrin just threw it too hard, and Moyer tried to dive and make the catch, but couldn't, Algrin now three out of four for two yards, and it'll be another punting situation for Missouri-centered, kind of a break that time for which it's off state, as Kevin Moyer was wide open at the 35 yard line, a good pass, and that might have gone for a touchdown, but the supple beam will be punting, standing at his own 12 yard line, chip and Glenn Stewart are standing at their 28 yard line,
a better punts this time by Shuffle Beam, Stewart calls for the fair catch, and he'll take it at the 32 yard line, so which is off state? On their fourth possession, now they fumbled the first possession, Gore touchdowns the next two, and now they're on their way to their fourth, so whatever jitters they might have had, at the beginning of the ballgame, seemed to have disappeared, as Dwayne Hobson, who fumbled on the very first play of streaming for which it's off state, has not played it down since, as Daron Wilson is in there now at tailback for which it's off state, Warrington the fullback, I-4 Mason's rares split out to the left, and now Ruben Eckles will go in motion left, Nick Duncan stands off to Warrington, and he is swamped by three Missouri Southern defenders in there, with Saxton, the tackle also, Mike Pettit was in there in Rocky Overman, so the three defensive linemen weren't fooled at all that time by the option, as they gang-tackled Steve Warrington,
at about the 34 yard line, so they'll bring up second and eight. Let's real quick, I'd like to mention that you mentioned the Tulsa Kansas football school earlier, at halftime we're going to be talking about the Missouri Valley Conference, and all eight Missouri Valley Conference teams are going to be seeing action tonight, so we'll get some more of that at halftime. Handoff, this time to Warrington, busted to the 44 yard line, the four-inch drag down from behind by Mike Pettit, that time good blocking by that right side of the offensive line, Jay Hall and Clarence Cox doing a good job, taking care of Fisher and Pettit, and Pettit had to catch Warrington from behind, so on second down they pick up the first down, first and ten, which is off state, from the 44 yard line, I formation, drag to the split to the right, now Eckles, as always, will go in motion, this time in motion right, Mick Duncan's handoff to Wilson, 45 cuts back inside and gets to about the 49 yard line, for he's met by a host of Lions, Fisher is sacked and again in on the tackle,
I can see why they led the team in tackles, they're in on every play, also Rocky Overman in there along with Gardner, so as we said, gang tackling by Missouri Center, they'll bring up second down in five. A big concern that was expressed by the Wichita State Coaching staff of fans was who was going to replace Mickey Collins at Hillback, Laster Dell and Darren Wilson had two games, which he rushed over a hundred yards, and tonight it looks like he could pick up, and there's a new offensive formation that was in the paper today, unfortunately there was a flag on the play, so we'll see what's going to happen, it could be against the shocker, since it is a new offensive formation. It's called kind of, I guess, the Bob Lewis, the columnist for a reporter for the Wichita Eagle and Wichita calls it the pop gun, it's Wichita State's version of the shotgun formation to explain it as briefly as we can, depending on the Wichita State Illegal procedure. Prince McJunk is blinded up right at five yards behind the center Dorian, the flanker, which is Ruben Echoes, will line up right at four yards behind the guard tackle hole,
which is Jay Hall and Clarence Cox, and the tailback is even farther behind, and now we have the situation there, we're warring since now is in the, said the flanker, it's a fullback warrington, now McJunk is on the slip-out pass to Wilson, he just barely got the pass away before he was bombed by West Rogers, but the pass will only go for about a yard, or about a loss of a yard, as the shockers now will have third down and nine, but anyway he'll set the fullback right in between the guard tackle hole and with about four yards behind the line, the quarterback McJunk is five yards back, and then the tailback, which is Wilson, is back even farther, and right now that's what they're in now, and Donnie Drear is wide to the left and now McJunk is to the right, sort of a semi-shotgun, as now McJunk is on the option, gets it to the 50, and he's tripped up there as he gets to the 47 yard line of Missouri Southern, it'll be close to a first down, tripped up by a defensive back there for Missouri Southern,
a linebacker, Mark Bach, who was in on the tackle, and looks like it will be short, before down in one for Wichita State, so even Alfred will come out for Wichita State, and will attempt his second punch. Well, the Wichita State Top Gun is kind of a combination of three different offensive formations. It's kind of like the shotgun, where the quarterback lines up away from the center, an eye formation, where the tailback is still behind the quarterback, and a split tee, where the fullback is split out to the right. Safeer will take the fair catch from Missouri Southern at the 16 yard line, but we do have flags on the flag. That will be about a 32 yard punch for Evan Alfred, his first one went 35. Now, we do have a legal procedure against Wichita State, so it's decision time for Jim Frazier, and the Missouri Southern State Lions, as will they make Evan Alfred kick it again, or will they take it on the 17th? I got to believe he's going to make him kick it again to try to get a little bit better return out of that.
Safeer might have made just a little bit of a premature fair catch signal there, because it looked like he could have picked up a few yards on a return, and I'm sure he's going to be looking for more of a return this time, and not so much on the fair catch. If he's standing on the 16 yard line, Evan Alfred, as we said, the transfer from Brad, who averaged 40 yards of kick with the top J-Hawks Juco Thunder last year, he will be standing at his 33 yard line. The line is screaming, just the 48. I tell you what, I'm impressed by Evan Alfred's leg. We've seen two punts and he's kicked around 40 yards, so I can see why Jim Frazier is going to bring it back and make him kick again, and he still puts the ball down there around the 17 yard line. Ball bounces, it'll go to about the 17 when it's down, as it is down there by one of his earths to Wichita State, Kenneth Lewis gets it downing. On about the 18, this looks like we're going to mark it, so Missouri Settlers picked up a whole yard by making Alfred kick it again,
and Alfred dropped five yards back that time to kick it. So first and 10 from Missouri Settlers, from their own 18 yard line, Kevin Augerin is the quarterbacks. Richard Borgard and Harold Norpley are his running backs, but they won't be used much, except his receivers is Augerin. Again, a wide open Don Chandler, it's a 35 yard line, and once again the ball just overthrown, as Augerin is finding open receivers, but he's not being able to get the ball to him, and as we were semi worried about before the ball game, that secondary Wichita State, as we said, receivers are open, it's just a matter of Augerin connecting with him, and if he can start connecting, well this could be a very high scoring ball game. Second and 10, Missouri Settlers, from their 17 eye formation, Augerin on the draw, now to Norpley, and Flayton Orpley gets to about the 21, before he's knocked down by Kelvin Middleton,
and Dave Davis also went there on the tackle for the shockers. Now Tom Loughlin will come in, former Missouri Settler at a tailback position. We'll just work quickly, I'd like to mention this is the opening of the NCAA Major College football season audit. Give a score to our fans, Georgia at the Tennessee 44 to nothing today, as you know, we played Tennessee in November, so this could be trouble for Wichita State. Now we have a problem. I'm not sure if they're going to call him down or not. It was Loughlin on the sweep, now they're going to call it, he was down at the 22 yard line. But Blue Sigmund put an incredible hit, along with Bobby Weston in there for Wichita State, so it'll be fourth and about eight, former Missouri Settler from their own 21 yard line,
and back to pun again, will be Mark Sufflebeam, Adrian Sip and Glenn Stewart, left the right respectively, they're standing at their own 35 yard line. Good snap, Sufflebeam's kick is a good one. Sip, going back to now his 27 yard line to pick it up, has the good blockers down the side, to the 48, 45, 50, goods around to the 45 again, and he's a good run back by Adrian Sip, or he's finally brought down by Sipkin Tate, but Adrian Sip, giving the fans something to hover about, Sip, a freshman from the Sgoge Oklahoma, 5, 7, 150 pounds, but he's squirmed in and out and around to get the ball clear up to the Missouri Settler, and 45 yard line, a return of about 26 yards there for Adrian Sip, and did a good job, so it'll be first and 10th, with the Tate State in the Missouri Settler territory. I think it was a case that time with Sufflebeam not taking the coverage. In motion, Ruben Eckles to the right,
from the eye, handoff to Warrington, at the middle, I almost looked like a fake, they're by Mc Duncan, he played it out real well, Warrington gets to about the 42, for he's knocked down by Gardner, along with Kelly Faction. Those three people, Faction Gardner and Fisher, are in on just about every defensive play from Missouri Settler, and they're a definite nucleus therefore, the Lions on defense. Eckles, flip to the right, drag her to the left, I'm sure it'll be going in motion now to the left. Now, Anthony Jones, a tight end in motion left, as a new formation, Mc Duncan's on the opposite, cuts inside to the 40, breaks the tackle, and it's brought down at the 38 yard line, we have a flag down. I don't know if it's probably going to be a late hit, or a face mask, I got to believe in a situation like that, where a flag thrown right into the pile, as it was Fisher in fact, and again in on the tackle, a personal foul against Missouri Settler,
no real indication of what kind of, it was either a late hit or a face mask, I'm sure, Wichita State will accept that, that'll be 50 more yards. What happened that particular play, is Dave Daggerpert, from the secondary, came up, Pritz was ducking, he was already down on the ground, and Daggerpert, second helmet in to him after he was down on the whistle and blown, and of course that's the late hit. And the reason they had that penalty is more of us just to protect the player, to keep them from fearing, during the runner with the ball, and avoiding an injury. So that gives Wichita State Soccer the first down on that penalty, the ball marked, that's a Missouri Settler in 24 yard line, first and 10 for the soccer, 3-42 left to go in the first quarter, and now back to the popgun formation with Warrington in the slot. Mick Duncan went to snap, kind of a low snap, tries to throw the ball, he had telefect and hanging on his back at the 30 yard line, but he still tried to dump the pass off to Warrington,
and he hit right in the hand of Tom Fisher, the other defensive lineman, for the Missouri Southern, but he couldn't hold on to it, so it's just an incomplete pass, probably not a well-advised throw that time by Mick Duncan, he probably just should have taken the loss, and it seems like that Dory and Mick Duncan are having somewhat of a problem on this long snap, and when they go into the popgun formation, it seems like sort of a the low snap has been a problem from Mick Duncan. Tom Fisher went like an upset secondary man on that, he started shaking his head and clapping his hand like he should have had that interception. Mick Duncan, back to pass, and tended for Eccles, Eccles flipped and fell at the 17 yard line, or he probably would have made the test, he just lost his footing and the catch went right over his head, so another incomplete pass brings up third down in 10 now, for the shockers, three minutes, 32 seconds left to go in the first quarter, the shockers lead at 14 to nothing on two quick touchdowns within 12 seconds and each other in the first quarter,
with Mick Duncan's broke off on a 58 yard run, and a 20 yard run, so Mick Duncan has at least 78 yards rushing for which it's off state. Third and 10, 87 now, unofficial yards, for Mick Duncan's rushing, as we have flags again, not for sure it's going to be too much time on the shockers this time, that's what the call is, the delay of games against the shockers, and I guess a lot of that has to do, again, the first game of the season, you've got new players and a new system, and sometimes they get involved into the game action, and we'll forget a snap count, or we'll not catch an audible or something like that, and you're going to have delay of game calls, hopefully, as the season progresses, and the players get more experience, they will nullify these penalties. I want to make a real quick comment about the pot gun formation, of which top state hasn't been too successful. A big thing is Tim Dorian is having some trouble with his nap.
Third and 15 pass, and 10 is for echoes at the 10 yard line. That time Mick Duncan's just simply overthrew it. Again, echoes was open at the 10 yard line. Mick Duncan's missing, and so it'll be forced down in 15, and it looks like DevStrader will begin to attempt the field goal for which it's off state. It'll be about a 46 yard effort. Fourth straighter, last year it was 6-12, and the field goal department, Terry George, the back-up quarterback will hold. Good snap, it's long enough, and it's good. The job straighter, a good start on the 1981 season for him, as he hits a third, a 46 yard field goal for which it's off state. 3-22 left to go in the first quarter. The talkers extend their lead to 17 to nothing over Missouri's southern. We'll be back right after this. Fighting for a shocker football is provided in part by an underwriting grant from Cours of Kansas. Hello, I'm Arthur Ash.
Each year, more than a million Americans have heart attacks. I would one of them, and since mine, I've been reading and asking a lot of questions about my heart and how to keep it healthier. You can learn about your heart, too, by writing for a 3-32 page illustrated booklet. Address your request to heart attacks. Rainbow Colorado, 8109. A message from the National Institutes of Health. DevStrader, a 46 yard field goal, puts the shockers up 17 to nothing, and now he's getting ready to kick off, as Steve Sator back to, safer back to receive for Missouri's southern. Real quickly, that's why I like to make a comment on that field goal, by DevStrader. Two things shows his athletic ability. First of all, Terry George had problems with the snaps, shows off his concrete, DevStrader's concentration in the lane, because that was a line drive field goal. So a good job by DevStrader that time on the field goal. Sator takes the kick into 15 yard line. He got it up in the wind, a short kickoff.
He brings it out to about the 27th. He's tackled by Elwyn Holds again, so Elwyn Holds doing a good job on special teams, for Wichita Tosset. He's recovered a fumble, and he's gotten in on two or three tackles on the kickoff. So Elwyn doing an excellent job, special teams for the shockers. First in 10, Missouri's southern, trailing 17 to nothing, and he only had one real offensive threat, and that was after Dwayne Hobson fumbled on the first play of the game for Wichita Tosset, and he ended up getting a field goal attempt block. So Wichita Tosset hasn't threatened it off, and off up the middle, to the fullback board guard. He gets across the 30 to about the 31 yard line. He's brought down by Dave Davis, and therefore the shockers, along with Cross Fairy, the linebacker, Dave Davis, one of the best defensive linemen to play Wichita Tosset in a long time, touted for all American honors this year, and it's kind of unusual for a school like Wichita Tosset that touted someone for all American,
but Davis is a legitimate toy. He's an excellent football player, transferred from Colorado. Second down, and eight, a pass intended for Don Anderson, goes incomplete, flags have fallen. They fell before, really, just as the play was getting started, so I don't think there's any pass interference or anything, I'll have to wait and see, just what the call is. Looks like it could be illegal procedure, and that's what it is, a still legal procedure by Missouri's southern, obviously the player in motion must have started turning up field before the ball was snapped, so that's gonna be a five-yard penalty against Missouri's southern. Unless they decline it since the pass was incomplete. Into the game is Chandler back in. Former Missouri's southern replacing Bruce Long as the shockers declined to penalty, so instead of second, and about 13, they're going to have third down and eight, Missouri's southern, Alvin the quarterback, John Anderson, split in, why to the right?
In the slot is Chandler, I formation, now Chandler goes in motion right, handoff to North police, North police gets to about the 35th, a host of shockers in their Robert Raimi, one of the linebacker for the shockers, another story on Wichita State's defense, stopping Stuart at the 36th, so it'll be fourth down and three from Missouri's southern, they'll have to punt. Robert Raimi is a sophomore from Atlanta, you'll remember him from last year. He led the team in tackles last year with 137 at two interceptions, but this year the transfer of Lewis Sigmund has come in and impressed the coaches so much that Raimi is now second string. Suffolving another good punch. Stuart takes into the 20, gets outside the 30-40, he's got a clear lane, he steps out of bounds though, at a bounce, that's where I say, market. Looks like they're gonna market at about the 42 yard line of Missouri's southern, a good return by Glenn Stewart. About 20,
28 yards on that return by Glenn Stewart. So Wichita State, again in business, as they start again in Missouri's southern territory, first and send shockers at the 42. I'm in at 58, last in the first quarter. And the rest of the third time where Missouri's southern has done a poor job of coverage, and I don't know whether a supplemental beam was a win behind him, is outkicking the coverage, or if they just have him practice the coverage, like they should, but Wichita State, really doing a job on the special team. And off to Warrington, off the right side, gets inside the 40 to about the 37 yard line, where he's brought down by Kelly Saxton, and Fisher again, the two defensive tackles. I can see why they were all Americans, then AIA, their quality football players in there, for the Lions. Second down, and about seven Warrington, now with 18 yards, echoes in motion left. Johnny Brear already split to the left, McZunk has optioned, close side field, pitches to Darren Wilson to 25,
inside the 25 to about the 22 yard line, as Darren Wilson, doing a good tightrope job, as he got caught inside the right out of bounds line, did a good job, almost stepped on to about the 26, but then fell forward, and it's brought down to 23 yard line. And that's enough for the first down, first and 10 Wichita State, at the 23 yard line, he was knocked out of bounds by Glenn Baker, the free safety, so first and 10 shockers, with a minute 19 less to go, in the first quarter. Shockers already have 17 to nothing, looking to make more. Warrington, at the middle, left side, carries Tom Fisher with him for a couple of yards, he gets inside the 20 to about the 17 yard line, Steve Warrington, showing the power, that allowed him to come in, and only two games, and get two hundred or three games, and he got two hundred and twenty-four yards, for Wichita State, as a starter. I tell you what, Steve Warrington tonight, reminds me of a former pro football player
by the name of Larry Zonka, he's being used as a workhorse, and he just runs over people. Second down in four, Wichita State, 17 yard line again, to Warrington off the right side, this time he is met, at about the 15, by a host of Missouri Southern Lines, trying to get him un-piled in there. Mark Bach is in there, one of the linebackers also, Stan Gardner, to the two, the two linebackers, former Missouri Southern, as they go from the five two defense, the two linebackers in on that stop, brings up a third down, and two situation, Wichita State, from the Missouri Southern 15 yard line, Anthony Jones, again in motion, left, Mick Duncan, fakes to Warrington, on the options, keeps it almost slipped one tackle that couldn't get away from Mark Bach, as Bach did a good job at time, reading the option, he came up and stopped Mick Duncan, for a loss of about a yards, a big play by Bach, and that's the end. The first quarter will come back,
and he'll have soccer to have a fourth down situation, but that's the end of the first quarter, it's Wichita State 17, Missouri Southern nothing. If you like progressive alternative album rock, listen to After Midnight. You can hear six commercial free hours of the very best rock music, with no music, having metal, year-aids, eight favorites, and requests. We play more than the hits, we play the music, after Midnight on Canada, Wichita State 17, Missouri Southern, Missouri Southern, Missouri Southern, Missouri Southern, Missouri Southern, Missouri Southern, I see a lot of people, who've been hard at every day, you and you can't have a G.O. We've been bad away, you and me together, tell black people, feel influential, and walk the light, where they couldn't walk before. We won't get in the bend, we don't know about it, we're not at the bottom,
we're not at the bottom, we're not at the bottom, we're not at the bottom, we're not at the bottom, we're not at the bottom, we're not at the bottom, we're not at the bottom, we're not at the bottom, we're not at the bottom or the bottom, we're not at the bottom or the top, we're not at the top, are we not at the bottom, we're not at the bottom, we're not at the bottom, we're not at the bottom, we're not at the bottom, we're not at the upper Backiceps stadium, the Lockmanização, The Lockmanização, the Lockman DOC, the Lockmanização, the Lockman Memorial emergency F-3 TF2 4.6 yard field goal earlier in the first quarter misses from 33 yards out. So Missouri Southern will take over first in 10 from their own 20 yard line. That's really kind of surprising. Terry George had a good snap and looked like the Dutch Reader guy just too much under the ball. And interesting statistic that I just pointed out to you Lewis and I'd like to mention to our fans who are listening the shockers in the first quarter already have 139 yards on the ground.
But then you have to take into consideration of the two touchdown runs that Prince McJunkins had in that first quarter which gave him 87 yards. But that also was their total yardage as far as offensively because everything's on the ground. Prince McJunkins has yet to complete a pass, handoff up the middle from all green and off to Ron Harris a running back for Missouri Southern, a junior from Citrus Highs, California, Adam Buffet making the stop for Wichita State Buffet a left hook. We had an update on that Tulsa KU scores now 18 to 8. Tulsa in the third quarter, second quarter. So Tulsa has extended their lead. Now they're up 18 to 8. Excuse me, we have a tie now. 8 to 8 in the third quarter is tied. All green back to pass on second down intended for his split-in John Anderson goes in complete,
overthrown again by all green. So to bring up a third down and eight, now we did have that corrected. It is Tulsa 8 KU 8. So KU has gotten on to the scoreboard and that is in the second quarter. So things are tied down and Tulsa has a good ball game there between the gold and hurricane in the day-hawks. Real quickly Louis, both quarterbacks having a rough night passing. Prince McJunkins did complete a pass but for no game in all green you had 774 yards. He's only completed one out of six passes. Now one out of seven throw a total of two yards. So both quarterbacks having a rough time in the passing game this evening. That pass was intended for the tight-end seven-moyer. It goes in complete. And so back to pass. We'll be Mark Supplebeam. Grins Stewart and Adrian Sip are going back forward to the top state to receive standing on their own 35 yard line. Let's see if Supplebeam can keep his funding every step now. As he's cutting into the wind, it makes it just a little bit of a difference.
It's about a five to ten-mile-an-hour breeze. Supplebeam, a low punthole of good one as Stewart goes back to his 25 yard line goes to his right to the 30 to about the 35 fall forward to the 40. So an excellent return of 20 yards there for Grins Stewart. An excellent job that time by Grins Stewart. He got met at the Shocker 35 yard line by two people. He's fun off and kept balanced enough for a five yard game. So a good job that time by Grins Stewart showing his athletic ability as he was able to take up about 13 yards for the Shocker's off that punth. I guess we have had our question answered about Mark Supplebeam. As he has hit that one for 54 yards has ended a win. So Supplebeam doing a good job funding from his early southern tonight. Now we have another penalty tacked on which it's all said as usual on that situation. It's a clipping penalty against the Shocker as it looked like it might have been Adrian Schiff who got the penalty called on him as he was trying to give a block
to his running mate back there. Stewart, and he didn't quite get in front of the defender. So the Shockers will start in the hole for really the first time in the ballgame except for their first possession and they fumbled right off of that. And now Romney Mayfield is in the ballgame at quarterback. So Jeff Jeffries getting a look at his second string quarterback, Mayfield from Norfolk, Virginia as he hands off to Fred Engels who's in the ballgame for the first time at fullback who was the starter last year from Sonoma's Washington, a transfer from Colorado, him and Dave Davis transferred. And like I said, I came to the Shocker final scrimmage a week ago last Friday and need him to say, Romney Mayfield has a shotgun for an arm. He does have an excellent arm. He's not quite the quality of runner at French McJunkins but he has an excellent passing arm as Mayfield now on the opposite pitches to Adrian Schiff who's in the ballgame. So Jeffries getting a look
at some of his other players with a 17 to nothing lead. Schiffers any loss in quality here but Adrian Schiff gets up to about the 29 yard line before he's knocked out a bound. By head at Mike Pettit at a defensive endout there going out on the option. I think what Chip Coach Jeffries is doing right now is he's pruning his first team players out to avoid them getting interested in this game plus he's wanting to give his back-up players a little experience before they start the Missouri Valley Conference game against southern Illinois and ex-saturday. Third down and less than a yard where only Mayfield on the option will lose yardies that time as Mike Steininger in there at a nose guard did a good job as Mayfield will lose a couple of yards back to the 28th so it'll be 4th down and 2 as Evan offers now getting a chance to kick with a win for him. We'll see what kind of a front offer can get off
as safer as back. Deep 4 Missouri Southern and offers a pretty good kick safer takes it. A fair catch at the 37 yard line from Missouri Southern. We'll start off first and 10 from their own 37 yard line. Looks like offer had a little bit of problem that time beginning getting underneath. The ball just a little bit not quite as impressive as people expected especially with the win behind it but still considerably better than our punting game last year you have to agree with us. 34 yards on that kick by Evan Alford. Last year Mike Melney averaged right at 32 so that's a definite improvement. Again the handoff to the flanker coming around for Missouri Southern Don Chandler takes the handoff Chandler loses a couple of yards Dave Davis again the all conference defensive end for Wichita State comes up. Defensive tackle on the three floor comes up to make the play
a loss of a couple of yards make it three yards brings up second down in 13 with 12-16 let's go in the first half shockers up 17 and nothing. High formation have a tight end these are flankers Steve St. Clair in the game is all going back to pass over the middle tips and intercepted by Kelvin Middleton Middleton at the 40 to the 35 winning his way through traffic and finally brought down to the 34 that's a couple of times it looked like Curtis Witt and got the first tip and then it was kind of a look what I found for Kelvin Middleton in about the 45-50 yard line and Middleton with a good return gets it inside in the Missouri Southern 45 yard line where will be first and 10 shockers. With that intercepted it's going to help answer some of those questions that they have concerning that young secondary that the shockers have. All night long the shockers have been doing a good job of covering all the receivers for Missouri Southern although Auburn has been
a little bit off-target with most of the C's receivers here in the first half. Again, Mayfield the quarterback read angles and Adrian shipped the running back Murphy and Rod Horton in it at wide receivers as they hand off the angles off the left side inside the 30 to about the 29 yard line. Once again, he's brought down by Tom Fisher along with Gardner so those three seem to be the total defense there for Missouri Southern. Donnie Drear goes wide to the right. Rod Horton in the slot, Kevin Murphy that transfer from KU wide to the left. High formation behind Mayfield. Mayfield looking to pass and wide open is Drear at the 19 yard line. He is finally thrown out of bounds by Glenn Baker the free safety. But Don Drear makes a good chase at the 19 yard line and mayfield again showing us his arms as he threw a clear cross the field. But that ball was on line like a bullet. Not only was that ball on target, that's where the hardest throw was the sideline throw
and Rodney Matthew got it here at a pointy of time and right on target. The excellent throw by Mayfield. First intense soccer Missouri Southern 19 again, threatening Rod Horton in the slot to the left. Mayfield on the option flips it to the ship. The ball was tipped by a defensey man for Missouri Southern. Adrian's ship had to go all the way to the 30 yard line to pick it up. But stilling good. Football fence still could it back and got back to about the 22 yard line. So instead of a loss of about 12, he loses three. And it will be second down in 13 for which it's all safe. That time, Rocky Overman was all over Mayfield before he could even pitch the ball. And Overman got the tip but Adrian's ship doing good. Football fence for a fresh and went back and got it. Second down in 13 with the toss safe. Three wide receivers. I-4 Mason. Rod Horton in the slot to the right. Donnie Dreyer to the right. Murphy to the left. Mayfield taking a long time on the count.
Now we're going to have a delay at game penalty. It looked like that Romy Mayfield was trying to call an audible. And he just took too long to do it. You only get 30 seconds in between when the ball is put into play. And when you have the height of the snapped the football to another five yard penalty. That was the last two players in the last two players. And they'll bring it second down in 18 and as they were at the 19 now they're clear out to about the 27 yard line with 10 54 left in the first half. They lead at 17 to nothing. I-4 Mason. Second in 18. Mayfield back to pass. Plenty of time. Looking deep. Looking for Dreyer. He was open at the 2 yard line and Mayfield just simply over through it. Donnie Dreyer on the flag pattern was wide open at the 2 yard line. He had beaten Glenn Baker. But he just- but Mayfield just simply over through it. And so it is an incompletion. It's third down in 18 now for the shockers. Well, if I keep- I hate to keep
harping on Rowie Maltese's arm. But just to give our fans an explanation, at that time he was back around the 35 yard line. And he flipped that ball with his wrist down to the end zone. Nothing but his touch in for that kid's arm. Third down in 18. And he's a big play now for the shockers. That's a 28 yard line. Ron Horton in motion to the left. Mayfield on the draw to ship. Good call to the 25-20 to the 15 yard line. So Adrian ship showing his good running ability. As he picks up about 12 yards on that one to the 15 yard line, that's still going to be 6 yard short of the first down. And now mayfield looking over to the bench. And it looks like Coach Jeffries has decided to go for it. Somewhat of a surprise. I guess he wants to see what the kid can do. But I would think you also want to give Doug Strader another chance. I don't know. I think that's the decision. Anyway, fourth and seventh for the shockers. Fumbles the snap. Mayfield falls back on top of it at the 16 yard line.
But it doesn't make any difference. So that was forced down. So the ball will be turned over to Missouri Southern. And let's hope that something doesn't happen in the second half to make Jeffries regret that decision and not go for the three points. One thing you have to admire is that he's coming in as a freshman. And I tell you what with his performance there in that series of down, taking a 12 yard loss and only making a 3 and that's backed up by about 20 yards and getting a 13 yard gain. He could give Duren Wilson a run for the starting till back job. If three carries he's got 14 total yards already. All grand on the kids for four Missouri Southern. Not much there as he will just barely get back to the line of screaming Bobby Weston in there to make the stop for Wichita State playing the left tackle position or actually left in at the three four defense set up for Wichita State. Loss of two yards now is what they're going to say.
So it brings up a second down in 12 situation. For Missouri Southern. I formation with Anderson now going in motion left. Ogan will hand off to the tail back Tom Loflin in the game. Loflin gets up to about the 18 yard line where he's brought down by a host of shockers in there. Prosperies in there along with Weston also kind of slow getting the end as usual Dave Davis is in there for Wichita State. He seems to be in on just about every one of them Darren Mills also in there for the shockers. So good. Gang tackling there by Wichita State. Third down in seven now is passing situation for Kevin Ogan and Missouri Southern Lions. At their own 18 yard line, I'm sure Ogan is not going to want to get too fancy here. He's back rolls to his left, flips it, and it's caught. By the fullback Richard Borgard at about the 22 yard
line, he juggled it, but he held on and made the kiss and gets to about the 24 yard line. That'll be about a yard short of the first down. An alert play there by the linebacker for Wichita State Prosperie in there on the cover. Brought down Borgard at yard short. But once again, several people get another shot. Gipping through it back deep. At the 33 yard line, double beam high snap. Good job. Another, this time, looks like he got a little bit on the side of the foot, but a good bounce from Missouri Southern as it hit on the 45 and it bounces clear to the 37 yard line. So he got about an eight or nine yard bounce there for a double beam. So a 39 yard punch at that time. It forced double beam, not as good as his last effort, which was 54 yards. That'll be first and 10 now for
Wichita State at the 37 yard line. And now he's got Fritz McJunk is back in a quarterback. However, it still angles and ships at the running back. So McJunk is back in. Ruben Eckles, now in motion left, McJunk is hand off the ship to the 40, fighting hard across the 45 to the 46. So a nice nine yard gain there by Adrian Siff, incredible. The guy only 5, 7, 150 pounds, but he just seems to slip and slide and find a hole and he's made his way there for eight yards. That's four carries now for 21 yards now for Adrian Siff. And he's just been in the last two series, looking very impressive. Second down in two Wichita State, their own 45. Engles, that's the middle, fight close to the first down at about the 47. Again, carrying a couple of bodies with him. Those two fullbacks for Wichita
State are a couple of real horses in there. Rick Grocky Overman made the tackle, but not before Engles gets the first down. Good tough running again by both fullbacks. I tell you what, if Adrian Siff keeps performing like he has so far in the first half, we could have found ourselves a starting fullback by the time the conference competition starts. And during Wilson's could be finding himself out of a starting job. And Dwayne Hoffen made Wichita suck at splitting. Ruben Eckles, in motion left, first and 10 soccer. Mick Zucker's on the opposite, terrible pitch. Mick Siff picked it up on one hop on the 40. Now reverses his field and fall forward to about the 42 yard line. But again, you can't blame that one on Adrian Siff. That was just a terrible pitch by Prince Mick Zucker. Again, it was under pressure, but it might have been a situation where he should have held the football. And he did an excellent job by Siff, who had the ball in about the 38 yard line, but still held its boys and got to the 42 instead of made sure he got
the football and then went forward. And just another good play by Adrian Siff, even though we lost six to seven yards on the play. To show you Adrian Siff's athletic ability is able to shift the grains of field and everything he's doing. Good job of keeping shockers out of a hole. Second down. 15. Mick Zucker's back to pass. Good protection. Over the middle. Oh! In and out of the hands of Ron Horton. He was wide open at the Missouri Southern 45 yard line. The pass might have been just a little bit low, but it was definitely catchable. Ron Horton couldn't hold on. So it'll bring up a third down and 15 situation for the shockers. Once again, Lewis, I'd like to mention with six minutes and three seconds left here in this first half that coming up at halftime, Lewis Foster and I will be reviewing the Missouri Valley Conference. And we're going to be during here during the halftime. We're going to try to make some predictions about how we think the standings will be at the end of the season in the Missouri Valley Conference. The fearless forecasters will
strike again at halftime folks as Dean and I will make our pick. Third and 15, Mick Zucker's back to pass. Getting pressure from Saxton. Now we'll run to the 50-45 and finally knocked out a bounce at about the 44-yard line coming over from the defense secondary to make that hit. What are the linebackers? Excuse me. Mark Bach came over from his outside linebacker position came clear across the field to knock Mick Zucker's out of bounds at about the Missouri Southern 44-yard line. It'll be just short. Mick Zucker's now carried for 90 yards and even 100 yards on five car on five cherries. That's unofficial. We had Mick Zucker's for an even 100 yards already rushing as Prince Mick Zucker's now will call the time out. With 554 left in the first pass with the soft safe, 17 Missouri Southern nothing. We'll be back after this. Hi, this is Peaches.
And this occurred. What's brighter than the summer sun? A warm healthy smile. And it's one beautiful feature that everyone can have. If you take proper care of your teeth and mouth. With some helpful tips on a healthy mouth, then for a booklet call, die can dental health. It's free. Just write the American dental association Chicago 606-11. With the soft safe quarterback Prince Mick Zucker's over talking to the offensive coordinator Larry Becky, along with head coach Jeff Jeffries. It's decision time. The soccer players are facing a fourth down and closer to three. The school board says two, but it looks closer to three. Situation from the Missouri Southern 45 yard line. The soccer players are ahead 17 to nothing. 554 left to go in the first pass. And it looks like Jeffries has decided he's going to go for it. Flip in.
Ron Horton out to the left. Now Ruben Eckle in motion right. I formation. Hand off the ship. Fumbles the football. And it's recovered by the Missouri Southern lion at the 40 yard line. And on that recovery with Jill Sharp. The right defensive end. In their second team Adrian chip took a hit and a half by Kelly Saxton that time. He had picked up the first down. He got hit by Saxton and pulled up. And Jill Sharp makes the recovery. So that one backfires on Jeff Jeffries. The Missouri Southern takes over first intense in their own 40 yard line. All going again. Fakes the flank of reverse back to pass. Trying to pass to the flanker intercepted. By Kurt Bruce Poole makes the intercept and he gets to the 45 yard line. Finally drove down at about the 43 yard line. But we have a flag down back with us at the Wichita State 42 yard line.
So Bruce Poole comes up with the intercept. And he returns that clear to the Missouri Southern 44 yard line. But we're going to have to wait and see just exactly what the penalty is. The referee is standing right at the 42 yard line. I think the preliminary signal is clipping on the Wichita State shockers. But that will be after the intercept and on the return. So we'll be shocker football on the turnover. So right after the talkers fumble they pick up the interception and get the football right back. Although they're in the hole now as they will start off first at 10 from their own 27. We're going to get them. We've been talking about that young secondary for Wichita State. That time Robert Raimi was around of football and also of course Bruce Poole who did finally intercept that football but when Bruce Poole was cutting back across the field trying to go down the far sideline, Robert Raimi came up behind one of the three southern players and clippings that's bringing the ball back. First and 10 shockers. They're on 27 yard lines
and off the angles. That's the middle to the 30 about the 31 yard line. Or he's finally brought down by Kelly Saxton, the right tackle there. Also went on that with West Rogers in those guards. Angles picks up about three yards. He's got 16 yards now on four carries. Second down. And about seven yards to go for the shockers. I formation again behind McJunk is now. Echoes in motion left. McJunk is on the option to the 30. Get told up. And now it's swarmed over at the 31 yard line. That play was made by West Rogers though. As the notice guard came across and made Prince McJunk and stop and try to change direction which gave time for the rest of his teammates to come along and get in on the tackle. So McJunk and picked up about a yard.
Maybe no yard. He's about no gain on that one. So it's still third down and seven. That's in situation. Ron Horton wide left. Echoes in the slot. Now he'll go in motion right. I formation Anthony Jones to tie it in. Hand off the ship. A break soon open hole to the 37. But it's going to be closed. I think he's just short of the first down. Chip has got such quickness through the hole. He fits through the hole before you've even seen him. And that's the guy. That's what most little guys have. And now we're going to have an official time out. They're going to have to measure this one. As it looks like he's just a little bit short. But I'm not going to. Well, I guess I've already said it. But I think he is a little short this time. But again, Chip's showing his quickness getting through the hole which makes it a lot tougher for the big guys to hit him. And he is about a yard short. One thing I was going to say about Adrian Ship is not only he's quick, but he's very explosive all the off the ball. And of course playing tail back. Being in that upright position, not down in a three point stance, he gives you
that little bit of extra acceleration. But because of his natural ability, I'm sure he's just that explosive off the ball. Evan Alfred will be into punting. Chip was about a yard short. Back deep is safer. Dave Sator has offered. It's a good chick this time. A Sator takes it on his 24 goes to his left. Good blocking there. And he gets to the 40, the 45, the 50, the 40, 35, 30. He could go all the way, offers the last man to be and he's going to go all the way. So we've got a touchdown there by Steve Safer for Missouri Southern. 76 yard time return by Steve Safer. It looked like he might have stepped out a bounds in about the 40 that he didn't. So Steve Sator, a defense back, sophomore from Mount Vernon, Missouri, gets the 64 yards touchdown. Excuse me, 76 yards. Contrary to our
former Missouri Southern. So the Lions are on the board. It's 17 to 6 now in favor with the toss state. With three minutes and 53 seconds left in the first half. And Lewis and the shockers could have paid for that in another way too. Mitch Geese, a special team player for Wichita State, is down on the near sideline on the Missouri Southern sideline. And it looks like it could be a leg problem when he's clutching his leg. Well, the shocker trainers are down there taking a look at Geese. An excellent return. That time by Safer, kind of surprised the shockers that look like as he went. The narrow side of the field, Safer took it on about the 24 yard line. Went to the narrow side of the field, which was unusual on the primary turn. Cost of shockers napping. And just skipped down the sideline for 76 yards. The people in the store boards must still be unbelieving. They haven't put it up on the store board yet. But nonetheless, it is 17 to
6. In favor now of Wichita State, with 353, let's go in the first tap. It looks like Miss Geese is OK. He's going off under his own power. We're always glad to see that. As Terry Dobs will come in to attempt the point after. Dan Sandler. Don Sandler, the wide receiver will hold. Terry Dobs. A little high snap, but it's up. And he missed it. Missed it wide left. So Terry Dobs misses on the extra point attempt. So the score was 3 minutes 53 seconds left in the first half. Wichita State 17. Missouri Southern 6. We're going to keep it here right now. I'd like to go over some scores that we have from other football actions during the day. Over in the East Coast, eighth ranked Pittsburgh. Defeated Illinois from the big 10, 26 to 6. As I mentioned earlier, the University of Georgia, which
was the National Collegiate Champions last year in 1980, just trounced the University of Tennessee today 44 to nothing in sophomore running sensation. Herschel Walker, who was third in the Heisman voting last year, just as a freshman, had 161 yards and one touchdown. Number 16, Brigham Young, was a winner of Long Beach State today. As they defeated Long Beach State 7 and nothing. Number 14, Mississippi State, who you remember beat Alabama last year to keep him out of the national ranking, was a winner of Long Beach State today, 20 to 3. And also, we had a halftime score from another Missouri Valley Conference game. Northern Iowa is leading Drake at 17 to 12, and that was at halftime. Set the kickoff for Missouri 7 will be Terry Dobb, as Steve Sater, as putt Missouri 7 on the scoreboard, with a 76 yard concrete term of an Evan Alford kick. And it's 17 to 6 now in favor of the Chalkers.
Dobb, kickoff is a low minor, kicked off by Glenn Stewart at the 7 yard line. Goes to the 2025, has a hole to the 40, 45, 50, and he finally knocked out a bound by the kicker, Terry Dobb, only had one man to beat, was Dobb, and Dobb did the job by knocking Stewart out a bound at the Missouri Southern, with a 49 yard line. So again, about the 49 looks like where they're going to market, or closer to the 50, but a good return by Glenn Stewart. He had a big hole on his left side, took advantage of it, and came within one player or breaking a long one for the Chalkers. And the Chalkers are doing an excellent job on returning not only Punt's kickoff tonight. They've been averaging probably close to around 10 yards on both Punt and kickoff. For ints, McDuckins, first ints, Chalkers, on the option. Neural side, McDuckins keep. He gets knocked for a loop by Mark Bach, but flying flies.
It looks like it might be a facemask call against Bach, as he clipped McDuckins at about the 47 yard line. No, it's going to be a clip. It's going to be called on Darren Wilson, the tailback he was out there trying to block. For McDuckins, it looks like he clipped to Mark Bach, as Bach doing a good job reading the option. It looks like the Lions have made a little bit of a adjustment on their defense. Jim Frazier is a good football coach. He's not going to let something like that work all night. As earlier, the Lions couldn't stop the option. And now he's made some adjustments. And the linebackers are playing differently. And Mark Bach and Gardner have been a good job stopping the option. Well, listen, I have to point out that with the extension of Doug Strader's 42 yard field goal, all the scoring for both teams have come off turnovers. First down now in 5th and 25th floor, which is on state after the 15 yard penalty. And off the angles, right up the middle, and he gets maybe a yard. Again, Kelly Saxton and Fisher in on the tackle. This Saxton and Fisher
are just incredible defensive tackles. They're just about every play. And they don't let anything come easy up the middle. That's for sure. Engels picks up about a yard on that side of the ball. They don't let anything come easy up the middle. That's for sure. Engels picks up about a yard on that side. That's for sure. Engels picks up about a yard on that one. It makes a second 24 with 309 left in the first pass, the shocker's at their own 40 yard line. High formation behind McJunkins. Straight drop back, McJunkins with plenty of time. Now the pocket just falls out. He fumbles the football. And it looks like it's going to be Missouri Southern football at their own 30 at the Shocker's 30 yard line. We're trying to see who recovered the football. For Missouri Southern, we can't catch his number. That was Kelly Fakston again. Or no. That was Tim Fisher. That's Tim Fisher, the other book in tackle. They look so much alike. They're both right around 64 and 230 or 240. And that time it was Fisher who recovered the
fumble. That time McJunkins didn't do a very good job protecting the football. So the Missouri Southern is threatening and off to the tailback. Steve Kentade, the fullback. Excuse me. Kentade gets to about the 21 yard line on the sweep. Good blocking by the offensive line. He picks up about nine on that one. And it looks like a little bit of momentum starting to form on the Missouri Southern sideline. As we have the Missouri Southern coaches right next to it. And you can tell when things start going good for the Lions as they get excited. And it's starting to work its way into the sidelines. The Missouri Southern is threatening with 253 left in the first half second down in one. Kentade now at the middle. And it looks like he picked up the first down as he got to about the 18 yard line. And it will be first in 10 from the Missouri Southern inside the Shocker 20. And if I want to point out something to you, as you know, when you talk to Jeff Jeffrey Cersei, he mentioned that the Missouri Southern
is a good football team and just because they're an NAIA school, that doesn't mean that there are any kind of a watch football team and they are a team to be reckoned with. And as you can see right now, the Missouri Southern is showing signs of approximately scoring on this shocker football team. First in 10, Auburn. On the option, looking to pass, now he's being pressured, does a good job though of running and turned the two or three yards lost into a three-yard game as he flies forward to about the 16 before Dave Davis got him along with Vince Prosperity outside linebacker on the open side. But again, a good job by Auburn. As he looked like he was going to be throwing for about a three or four yard loss, but he's scampered through and picks up three yards. Second down is seven. Now, two-fourteen left to go in the first tap. Missouri Southern looking to get one on the board before half-time. Now, Auburn going to his right to pass. Oh, he intercepts and again by Middleton in the end zone. He'll bring it out. It gets to the 12-yard line and each finally brought down at the fourteen. Brought down by Don
Chandler and Anderson. But that time, Auburn just simply overthrew his tied-in Kevin Moyer. Moyer was wide open at the five-yard line, but Auburn again having some problems throwing overthrew his tied-in and Kelvin Middleton intercepted at the goal line and returns it out to the fourteen. So the shockers have dodged another bullet. That's the second turn over. That's the third interception for which it's off-state. And it's the second time though the shocker defense has held tough after offensive turnovers. In the first series of down, the first play Dwayne Hodson-Bumble but the shockers blocked the field goal attempt. So the defense has done a good job making up for the offense as mistakes. Darren Wilson. Darren Wilson on the carry gets across the 20 to about the 22-yard line. Or he's brought down by Mark Bach in there along with Gardner. Those four interior, the five interior linemen and the three linemen and two linebackers really do a lot.
For Missouri Southern they get 90 percent of the tackles. Fisher, Roger, Saxon or the linemen. And Gardner and Bach are the linebackers and they do most of the damage for the lion's defense. Second down and three. Again, the handoff to Wilson cuts outside to the 30. The 35 still on his feet. Break the tackle and he fumbles the football. And it's Missouri Southern's ball as the fumble was recovered by Glenn Baker. Darren Wilson made a great run and it just got tripped up at the 42. He fumbles. And then as he was falling he fumbles forward. And Glenn Baker makes the recovery from the Missouri Southern at the shocker 48-yard line. So it's turning into a comedy of errors here as we've had three turnovers in the last minute. As we tell him, the minute 14 seconds left to go, in the first half, the shocker is still holding on 17 to 6. Missouri Southern with the ball in the shocker 47. Chandler in motion,
the handoff. Goes to Laughlin. He's inside the 45-yard line to about the 44. Now we have a timeout call by Missouri Southern with a minute and five seconds left in the first half. That's their second timeout. As you remember, they took a timeout early in the ball game when the shocker 12-yard line after the fumble by Hobson trying to decide what they wanted to do. So they are now down to one time out. They have a second down in six situations from the Wichita State 44-yard line. Dirt looking in that last series of downs for Wichita State was picking up about two carries with picking up close to about 25 yards. And it looks like Adrienne ship has put a little incentive in the duration of Wilton to do some things with that football because when Adrienne ship was in two series of downs, he picked up about 24 yards on about four or five carries, about six carries.
So there is going to be a battle for that starting tailback position between Adrienne ship and Durin Wilton was a raider this season. I'm sure Jeff Jeffrey is wishing that both of them would try to hang on the ball a little more because ship and Wilton both now have both fumbles on the draw play now another fumble as Laughlin fumbles and it looks like it's going to go to the shockers on the 42 yard line you can't tell who's on the bottom of the file looks like Dave Davis again on the bottom of the file for the shockers who recovered that fumble. My Creewell now is being credited for the recovery as Laughlin fumbled, cost it up. So now we have had four turnovers. We have 58 seconds now left in the first half and four turnovers in the last two minutes two free side and now we have to toss it back with the ball at the 41. Make Duncan's a quarterback on the option. Keep flies inside to the 45 to 50. Now pitches to Wilton and Wilton gets
to the 35 yard line of Missouri Southern a well time pitch so I think it's going to be called a forward lateral now or something because there is a flying down at the 47 yard line and Jeff Jeffries is to say the list at least just a little bit perturbed as I think he's going to call it against which it's all safe. A five yard penalty now against the shockers and it's going to be called for a forward lateral I'm sure. That's what it is. A forward lateral is to call as Jeffries. It's a little unhappy because it did look like during Wilton was behind. Make Duncan's when he made the pitch but the referee saw it differently so it's a five yard penalty and it's now going down in three for Wichita State from their own 48 yard line and 51 seconds left to go in the first half. Penalties beginning to take their toll for the shockers they've already been called for seven penalties total of 65 yards as they've been penalized. Second down for the
shockers, make Duncan back to pass a deep pass and ten of his rares just over his hands at the six yard line. We talked about Romy Mayfield's arm but Pritzwig-Junkin just threw that ball 55 yards in the year. So what we're saying is Romy Mayfield definitely has a shotgun for an arm but not certainly not trying to take anything away from Pritzwig-Junkin's rares. Well, make Duncan it looked like when he first threw that was going to be incredibly overthrown but Donnie Dreyer showing his good speed almost caught up to the ball and that made the diving catch at the six yard line but nonetheless third down in three 46 seconds left first half the shockers at their own 48 yard line. Make Duncan's went the hand off the Wilson ball forward to the 47 of Missouri Southern. That will be good enough for the first down. That will stop the clock as they move the chains forward with 41 seconds left in the first pass. The shockers still looking to try to put more points on the boards. They leave 17 to
six. They'll go quickly now with no huddle. Make Duncan's echoes wide left. Dreyer, wide right, wide right. Make Duncan's the pass. They'll go out of bounds. Dreyer, it's a 40 yard line. You're basic two minute offense now for which it's hot state. As Dreyer gets out of bounds at the 40, a pick-up of seven yards, 34 seconds now left in the first pass. Shocker is second down and about four yards to go from the Missouri Southern 40 yard line. Now echoes in the slot left. Right now we'll go in motion left. High formation behind make Duncan's hand off to Wilson. He's hit at the 25 and brought down at the 43 yard line by Saxton along with Stan Gardner. And now which it's hot state, we'll call a timeout. So with 30 seconds left in the first half, the shockers lead at 17 to six. We'll be back right after this. This is Natalie Cole. When you know
someone you love to cancer, like I did, it can make you feel helpless. But according to the American cancer society, there are now nearly two million people who have beaten cancer. So there is hope. Please join me, Natalie Cole, to help save more lives. Give generously to the American cancer society. Do this for someone you love. Back at Saxton Stadium, Louis Foster along with Gene Barclay and George Womack, we have 30 seconds left in the first half of the second half of the second half of the second half of the second half of the second half of the second half of the second half of the second half of the second half of the second half of the second half of the second half of the second half of the second half of the second half of the second half of the second half of the second half of the second two half the second half, the third half of the second half. Debbie我 he's got a
whole to the ten. And he fumbles it again. Pitches the ball forward. That was an obvious forward lateral. And it's funny, as we make Johnkins looks like he's a little bit shaken out, but nothing real serious. I think he's more disgusted at himself, because it just doesn't seem like he's playing with as much intelligence as he did even last year. He's made a couple of very bad pitches. He's not taking care of the football real well. And that's two times in a row. He's going to be called for the forward lateral. So that penalty will be against which is our state. Now that's a loss. I thought it's a fumble into the end zone out of the end zone. So that constitutes a loss of possession. You lose the football. When the ball, when the fumble goes out of the end zone, that means you lose the ball. That's right. The ruling on that is when it goes out of the end zone, you lose the
football. So instead of a chance to score points, it's going to be Missouri Southern's football out of their own 20 yard line. And, you know, to put it mildly, a very dumb play by Prince Big Duncan, that he had the at the ball, the six yard line, but tried to get more interested out of the end zone. So first and ten Missouri Southern. Now, the left tackle for Missouri Southern Joel Tupper, clearly jumped. So it'll be a legal procedure against Missouri Southern. So after a pretty pretty well played first quarter, this second quarter is really turning into, like I said earlier, a comedy of errors. And now, with nineteen seconds in the first half, I'm sure left in the first half, I'm sure Missouri Southern will just play it out. First and fifteen, as that's what Kevin Auburn does. He just falls on the football. It's a fifteen. We have fourteen seconds and this will pick out before another play is run. And it will be half-time. Probably been more beneficial for the shockers to have been called for an illegal forward lateral or an illegal pitch, because
we would have maintained possession of the ball could have had an opportunity to score. And that's the end of the first half. So we'll be back with our half-time look at the Missouri Valley Conference and our fearless forecast with the score, which is on state seventeen Missouri Southern Six. We'll be back after the break. We'll be back after the break. We'll be back after the break. We'll be back after the break. We'll be back after the break. Five evenings every week. Monday through Friday will act to sound waves. All styles of jazz from the popular to the obscure. New jazz releases. Old jazz standards. Most nights a new feature album can be heard in its entirety. On sound waves we play your request. Monday through Friday at 905 sound waves. And the best of all styles of jazz on can-w-w-w-tart. Funding for Shocker Football is provided in part by an underwriting grant from Cours of Kansas. Christmas.
Learn how they can fit in to our free enterprise system. It organized a miniature corporation and led for a three-week period. Shoe is a week seven to nine pm. Kick it out downtown at 3.9 pounds of pickup or a community education center. 17th and the top were four. Give them a call at Get involved in this unique marine experience. Junior achievement. We're back at Cessna Stadium where at half time, what did it all say? With a 17 to 6 lead over the Missouri Southern Lions. It is in what you could call a very wildly played first half. The first quarter was pretty much not really air-free, but it was a lot better plays in the second quarter. I think trying to recap the scoring here in some of the highlights of the first half. I think it's got exciting right off the bat. As on the first play from Scrimmys, Joanne Hobson, who got the starting nod from Jeff Jeffries for the starting tailback
position, stumbled on the first play from Scrimmys. That's a 20-yard line. Missouri Southern Fisher, Tim Fisher, recovered. For the Lions. And they had things going right at the 20-yard line right early in the game. But they couldn't move the football and on a field goal attempt. By freshman Kicker Terry Dobbs, it was blocked by Steve Hendrix. Came in and got the block for which it tossed safe. And the defense had died the first bullet of what was to be two or three going on down the day, on down the first half. And then the offense started turning things out on the option. Pritz McJunkins, within 12 seconds, with 10-23 left in the first half, McJunkins broke loose. Off of the option to the narrow side of the field, found himself wide open. And carried the ball for 58 yards, almost done touch. I think he got hit maybe once, broke a tackle at about the 20. And he cruised in for a 58-yard run,
which made it seven and straighter at the extra point to make it seven and nothing, which it tossed safe. And then after a Missouri Southern turn over, in which Curtis Whitton got an interception off of Kevin Allgren, McJunkins, 12 seconds later, with 10 minutes and 11 seconds left in the first quarter, got a 21-yard run to make it and straighter out of the other extra point. And that made it, excuse me, that's not right. I want to get this right. It was Steve Safer who fumbled the ensuing kickoff after the first touchdown. He fumbled the kickoff return. Elwin Holt recovered it and McJunkins, with 10-11 left in the second quarter. First quarter had a 21-yard run off the option the same way. And that made it 14 and I think which it tossed safe. And then with 3-22 left in the first quarter, Dev Schrader hit his first field goal of the year and impressed a 46-yard effort into the win,
which is about, it's stronger now. It's probably about the 15 or 20 miles an hour right now. Schrader hit a 46-yard field goal into the win with 3-22 left in the first quarter. And that gave the shockers a 17 to nothing lead. And that concluded the scoring for which it tossed safe in the first pass as they were troubled with turnovers in the second quarter as Adrian Schimp fumbled once. Darren Wilson fumbled a couple of times. Prince McJunkins made a couple of bad pitches and Adrian Schimp bailed him out a couple of times on showing good alertness just picking up the football. And the only real offensive threat for the shockers in the second quarter was when Dev Schrader attempted a 33-yard field goal with the win. But he just got under the ball just a little bit too much and guided off to the right. So he missed that one. So Schrader now won for two on the season for which it tossed safe. But with 3-53 left in the second quarter, Dev Schrader, on a punt return,
Evan Alfred, a good tick, but Sator fooling the shockers by going to the narrow side of the field on his return, scampored 76 yards on a punt return to give the Missouri Southern Lions their only score. And Terry Dobbs came in and he missed the extra point wide left and that waited 17 to 6. And that's how it stands right now. At halftime, the shockers leaded 17 to 6. Right now, as we do just about every year at the first home game, we thought we would take a look at the teams in the Missouri Valley Conference and some of the other aspects about the Missouri Valley Conference that are going to be changing in the next couple of three years. The first will take a first, we'll take a look at some of the teams and we'll make our annual fearless forecast for the year. We'll start with the team that we think that will probably finish last in the Missouri Valley Conference this year. And it's really a mystery team coming into
the season. It's their first year in the Missouri Valley Conference. They have a new head coach. They've been having problems with their football program. This is Illinois State, the Redbird from Normal Illinois. They do have some good football players though. They have a lot of inexperience in their backfield and in their offense. But their offensive line is a very good one. And they have two of their best players. They're on the offensive line. In center Craig Seafriss, who's a senior about six, three, two and forty pounds. And then one of their offensive tackles is Ralph DuVick. He's also a senior. So they have some good offensive linemen. And they also have a really good linebacker who can give people fit. And that's Gary Kind. He is a sophomore. So, and they really don't have a whole lot of newcomers coming in. Bobo Tolstoy is their new head football coach. It's his first year at Illinois State. He didn't get advanced to do a whole lot of recruiting. And with a new system coming in and lack of depth and
experience in a lot of places, it could be a long year for Illinois State. So we've got to figure them to probably finish last in Missouri Valley this year. Well, there's something I have to agree with you. As a matter of fact, we tried to research Illinois State what they've done in previous prior years. And we tried to research some various football scouting magazines and we couldn't even find them listening. And it's listed. And if you remember working in the Sunday paper, this is what the Sunday paper, which Tolstoy Eagle said, drinks, stew, and far between. And weakness is too many to mention. So, none of that says at all. None of a kind of an unknown team. And we have to pick them last. Okay. Now, for number seven, it's the other team in Illinois, who is in the Missouri Valley conference. The seven Illinois Saluki's. Their head coach is Ray Dempsey. He's in his sixth year. Right now, his career total record is 28 wins and 27 losses. And they have a fairly good football team, but they also have some definite weakness. Some of their top returning
players are the tail-back Walter Poole, whose older brother played at Southern Illinois also. The other Poole brother was a lot with them. Was a running back at Southern Illinois also. Offensive tackle. Chris Lockwood is another senior who is one of their better offensive linemen also their center. Darren Davis. So, they have a good nucleus of offensive linemen also. And on defense. They're probably their premier players. They're defensive events. John Harper. He's a junior. And they're split-in. Tony Adams is a good newcomer. And they also have another good newcomer by the name of John McCord, who is a fullback, who is transferred from a junior college in Illinois, who is supposed to step right in and really help compliment Walter Poole. And that's the main strength of the Southern Illinois team. They're a running game led by Walter Poole, who's coming up a good season last year for the Saluki. And the newcomer, John McCord, who's supposed to be a good one, will come in and hopefully compliment him.
And their offensive linemen is a quality one also. Now, their weakness is obviously come on defense. They have a lack of depth in their defensive line. And what people they do have are very young and inexperienced. So we have to tick them to finish probably seven. But they do have a pretty fair schedule. Their five home game have been playing, which is hot safe. They play them next week, as a matter of fact. It will be September 12, I believe. Yes, September 12. In Carbondale, the shockers will open the Missouri Valley Conference schedule against Southern Illinois. And probably the earliest, I think, to talk has ever played a valet team in a long time. Anyway, the Saluki's will play Winston-Town State at home, Drake at home. But they must play Tulsa, West Texas, Indiana State and New Mexico State on the road. So it's going to be a tough track for Southern Illinois. And we think they're going to finish it number seven. Well, here again once again, Lewis, I want to have to agree with you on taking Southern Illinois at number seven because of those strengths and weaknesses
that you mentioned. The fact that they do have to play Tulsa, West Texas, Indiana State and New Mexico State on the road. Which are probably going to be some of the top four finishers in the conference. And the second thing is, it's the fact that they're scheduled for the year is very, very weak. Now we move to number six. And this is the Drake Bulldogs coached by Chuck Shelton. He's in his 50 year. As the helm is overall record is 17 and 27. Drake is kind of a half a half team. They've got some good ball players coming back, but they also lost some excellent ball players. Number one on the list of losses is their quarterback, Rick Casco, who was an always all-valley selection by, you know, not even a real close race there. He was an excellent quarterback. He will be sorely missed, but they still have some good ball players coming back. Running back, a Merrill Ware, is a junior coming back. And they also have some good, some good receivers led by Pat Dunsford, a junior who's caught. I believe he's caught a couple
of touchdown passes against Wichita State last year. And Dunnware, who is related to Merrill Ware, is an offensive tackle for Drake on defense. They're led by linebacker Pat Ruddy, who will shore up the defense for Drake University. And Drake has also got an experienced playchicker who comes back for his senior year. This name is, I'm sure one that everybody will be familiar with. This is Pat Henry Micamire, which follows a long line of Micamires. His brother is both Mike and Steve of Kicks in the National Football League at different times than with many different teams. So it's really hard to say who any playchicker is with right now because they sing so often. Anyway, the offense was the best in the valley last year. It should be strong, despite the loss of casco, Merrill Ware led to valley and rushing. And again, they talk about the core receivers. They do, although they're one of their weaknesses is finding
a replacement for casco. That's a big hole of spill. And they also have other holes in their defensive line and linebackers. And they lost six offensive starters and five defensive starters. So we think that Drake might be a team on the move, it might be on the way up. But not this year, as we picked him, to finish number six. Here again, have to agree with you Drake finishing number six. They have five home games so they have to play Indiana State, West Texas State. You're going to be competitive this year. But once again, look at this. They've got to play Tulsa and Wichita State on the road. And when you have to play competition like that, here again, those aren't assured losses, but those are going to be tough games. And so here again, we're picking Drake to finish number six. And once again, not a very tough schedule outside of the conference. Now moving on to number five. From Amarillo, the West Texas State Buffalo is out from Canyon. Actually, their head coach is Bill Young. He's in his 50th year. Overall, record 19 wins and 32 losses and two ties. West Texas State has been
having definite problems athletically in the last few years. They've run into budget problems. They can't seem to get a kind of money that it takes to run a first class football operation. But they do have some good football players coming back. They have a pair of quarterbacks who are as good as any in the Missouri Valley conference. One is the passer and one is the runner. Matt Patterson is the senior and Ricky Davis is a junior. Matt Patterson is the passer and Davis is the runner. So they can't have definite variations. They're in the type of situation this year that which the toss state might be indexed to you with McJunkas and Romney Mayfield with Mayfield being the passer and McJunkas the runner. So they do have definite depth at quarterback and they're both quality players. Offensive lineman, Reggie McElroy is a good one. Type the tailback Danny Clark is a good running back. So they have a good newsly as a skill position on defense, the nose guard. Elvin Keller is a definite leader. He's a senior and
Hunter Larry Martin is back. And their strengths are the running game with, as we said, Danny Clark and Ricky Davis are a good runner and Patterson is a good quarterback. But when it seems like anytime you have the strong offense, their weakness is the defense. Elvin Keller is about all they could say about their defense. They lost just about everybody else and they also have some holds in the offensive lines. So we're picking West Texas State as number five. And it is amazing about this team. Even though they are having the financial problems with their program, they still are able to feel the pretty good football team. And last year, they were one of the Missouri Valley teams that knock off a big eight opponent as they beat Oklahoma State. So West Texas State hanging tough with their football program. Once again, I want to agree with you with the choice of West Texas State finishing fifth and these are the reasons why. They have five home games. But once again, it seems like Tulsa is playing everybody at home this year. But they have to play but Tulsa will have to be visiting West Texas State along with Indiana State.
And they have kind of a tough non-conference schedule. They have to play Iowa State as a big eight and that Nevada-Boss Vegas on the road. But all in all, we're picking the definition fifth. At number four, New Mexico State. From Los Cruces, Gil Krueger, the head coach, his fourth year, 1121 and one is his record. And New Mexico State is again going to be a passing team. As you notice in these top five teams, we're talking about, in essence, the year of the quarterback, I think, as far as Missouri Valley Conference is concerned. All five of these, the top five teams, have excellent quarterbacks. This will be talking about throughout the rest of these predictions. So there's a lot of depth at quarterback and it will be a real race to find out who's going to get all Valley at quarterback. And the quarterback in New Mexico State is Jamie McAllister. He's a junior. He passed for over a thousand yards last year. And a lot of those passes went to the tight end, Kerry Lockland. He's also, he's a senior. So the New Mexico State has a good newsly as the receivers.
Also, a wide receiver out Tanner is a junior. So the passing game and the lanes will be opening up when the New Mexico State hits the field. On defense, the linebacker keeps Nick as a good one. He's a senior. And defencing back James Faribi, a junior who intercepted a pass against the soccer last year. And the strengths also will be the quarterback McAllister and also obviously the passing game to Lockland and Al Tanner. And they've also got a good fullback. Rudy Rudison is back for his senior year. Rudison rushed for close to about 500 yards last year for the New Mexico State Aggies. So they will have a strong offense. This is what we talked about with West Texas State. Their weakness is defense. They were last in the Missouri Valley Conference last year. And it doesn't look like I'm going to get much better this year. So it looks like New Mexico State could be involved in a lot of high scoring games. But because of the strength of their offense, we're still going to pick a number four. That's right.
I'm going to have to make a prediction. And let's go ahead and move on to who's going to be number three. And I think we've come to a general consensus on this Indiana State. Oh, yeah. Indiana State is a good football team. Again, offense is their game. They have their head coach of Dennis Ray. He's only in his second year of coaching at a head coach. He's six and five overall. And their quarterback is Regie Allen. And Allen can do everything. He can run. He can pass. He does the opposite well. And he has an excellent set of wide receivers. The split end is Eddie Ruffin. The wide receiver Hubert Moore. They've got an excellent passing game. Eric Robinson is back at a tailback for this junior year. On defense. The defense is led by the linebacker Craig Saper, who is moved from a tight end. It's soft more a year. And it's now playing linebacker. And it's turned into an all-valley performer. Also, defensive lineman Dwight Tripp. Obviously, they're off- fences. They're weakness. Again, they're on the offense. I mean, their strengths are on the offense. Ruffin is a good receiver. Regi Allen is a good quarterback.
They have a lot of experienced starters coming back. But again, the defense is a problem for Indiana State. It seems like the year of the offense, as Sycamore is having problems replacing their defensive secondary people just like Wichita State. And also, a little bit of problems on their offensive line. But however, they do have all five of their defensive line starters returning. So the Sycamore will finish third. Okay. I have to agree with you. One thing I want to point out, even though that the Sycamores are going to be offensively minded. If they're going to have to replace the center and two guards, that's the middle of their offensive line. So they might have some difficulties there. Here's where we have the real battle. I think we've come to a decision, though. I guess we're going to have to pick Wichita State to finish second in the valley. Yeah, this is a tough one because they're both excellent football teams. Wichita State, as we've seen tonight, has got a lot of potential. Jeff Jeffries off the coach in his third year. He's got six and fifteen and one at Wichita State. The returning players, Prince Vic Duncan, has to have a good year. He hasn't really played that well in the first half
year. He made a lot of dumb plays. He has to play well for them to win. Ruben Eckles makes things happen every time he touches the ball. Mark McCoy, the offensive line, the total line. McCoy, Sade, Cole, Cox. They're all good. And they're all back and they're all have experience. On defense, it's Dave Davis and Mike Crewell are the two leaders for Wichita State Kelvin Middleton is the only returning player of any experience in Wichita State. So it's going to be tough on the defense. A lot of people are going to try to pass. The strengths that obviously the offense, the weaknesses, kind of a weakness in the running attack. Although we've seen players like Adrian, Chip, and Wilson do a good job of making it just hold on to the football. The weaknesses, again, is the secondary. They lost Terry Williams to graduation. Billy Wilson to academics. And so the defense is second place. Definitely questionable. Have to pick Wichita State number two, two, because of these reasons. Then we have five home games this year, which includes Drake and Let's take the state, but they've got a very, very tough road schedule. They have to play Tulsa and Mexico City
on the road. And two very tough non-conference games against Sarasona State and Tennessee. And then the general consensus is to finish where the Missouri Valley conference champions last year as the Tulsa University Goldenburg Games. Just about everybody's number one pick. They were the coaches picked the media pick. And who are we to buck the tie? We're going to go with Tulsa also. John Cooper is their head coach. He has a great 26 and 18 record at Tulsa. And they also have their quality quarterback Kenny Jackson does everything for Tulsa. As we said, the year of the quarterback, let Kenny Jackson and excellent ball player, good runner, good passer, and their other kid. They have the kid connection in Tulsa. What they call it, Ken Lacey is the running back. He's a junior. He's a good one. They've got a lot of good ball players. We can go on all day about Tulsa. Those guards will us. Carol Lyna is a good one. Cid Abromo is the offensive tackles a good one. They've got two chrome coming back. They have the league top place kicker coming back. Their strengths is the offense. The weakness is about the only weakness you can see is linebacking where they
lost John Blackman to the NFL draft. And Robert Tenon also the graduation. So our pick to win the valley this year is Tulsa. Although we think that the Tulsa which is hot state coming up later this season in Tulsa is going to be a barn burner. And whoever can win that one might just go ahead and win the valley. And the reason I want to go with Tulsa is first of all they have six home games this year. The most of any Missouri Valley Conference team. The six home games they play at home in Mexico state, which is our state and Drake. And they also have a pretty tough non-conference schedule. They have to play Kansas Arkansas and Oklahoma state. So that's the foster and barkley prediction. And we want to think we ought to get up with that. If I think we ought to get up with that. We see where our predictions are going. That's right. Doug Straighter kicking off for Wichita State to open the second half with the win. Straighter boom that out of the end zone. And it will be first in 10 Missouri Southern starting off at their own 20. Quickly taking a look at the halftime statistics. It still is a total
domination on the part of Wichita State. First down to Wichita State. Ten to one over Missouri Southern. Resting yards. 230 to 48. Passing yards. 37 to 9. Return yards. 126 to 122. That's a close race. So most of those return yards came on that punt. Return by safer. First down play. Handoff. To running back. Former Missouri Southern. Ron Harris gets the call and he's met right at the line of screaming spike. Mike Creewell, who makes the tackle on him. So lots of about a yard on the first play from in the second half for Missouri Southern. And it brings up second down to 11. Penal leaves. Really hurt Wichita State in the first half. They had eight penalties for 70 yards compared to three for 25 from Missouri Southern. All green back to pass on second down. Complete this one. Now he's saying he dropped it. Coaches across from here. Can't believe it.
But they call that an eight pass. It's Bruce Long. Had it about the 23 yard line but he dropped it. Now Long will come out of the football game. And Don Chandler back in from Missouri Southern. As a potent aerial tactics, Missouri Southern has. I've really been surprised with this. Missouri Southern didn't go to the air more frequently than what they did in the first half. This second half, we could be seeing all of them putting the ball in the air. A lot more than what he did in the first half. He'll probably have to put it up right now because it's third down to 11 from the 19 yard line. It's going to draw to Harris. Harris to the 25. Rolls forward to about the 27. It'll be just short of the first down as a tackle in there made by Bruce Poole along with Maurice Foxworth in there from the corner back position to help on the tackle. It'll be a couple of yards short. So it looks like there's going to be a punt coming at Mark. Stuff will be him. He'll come in. He did a good job of punting in the first half. He had six punts every 42.6 yards of punts.
So he did a good job. Had one of 54 yards. This one is a little shorter. It'll bounce. An Adrian ship and Stewart will just let it bounce. It rolls to the 30 and it'll be down to the 29 yard line. So we're talking right there with the bounce. We're talking about a 60 yard punt. 41 yards. Excuse me. I mixed up on the lines there. We're talking about a 30 yard punt there by Mark Steffelbeam. It'll be first down, which is off-state. There are first positions of the second half. See what there's a lot of punters in the NFL that like to have the average of what Steffelbeam had in that first half. Prince Big Duncan. Hands off. Two warrants in off the right side. Warrants in across the 30 to about the 32 yard line picks up about three. It'll bring up second down in seven. Some individual statistics from the first half for which is off-state rushing wise. Prince Big Duncan's on the strings of those two long touchdown runs had 108 yards rushing on 10 carries.
So we're talking over a 10 yard average for Prince Big Duncan. Quite a first half for him. And Darren Wilson picked up 61 yards on seven carries. So those are two leading rescues for the shockers. Second is six. Prince Big Duncan's on the option breaks one tackle that gets knocked down by Mark's box for about no gain on that when a good play by Bach is. We said earlier the two linebackers were getting burned on that option early in the ball game which led to Mick Duncan's two touchdown runs of 58 and 20. But they really adjusted well and have shut down Mick Duncan in the latter stages of the first half. But now early in the second half as he gets no gain on that one, it'll be third and seventh. Prince Big Duncan's trying to run to the short side of the field. That's time a good time of containing the option on that play by Mark Brock and also Mike Bennett, the defensive in for the line. Third down and seventh. Echoes in motion left. Mick Duncan's back to pass. Under some heat, Duncan, that was just a desperation throw to try to keep him getting the loss. It's intended for Wilson. And that time it's really
kind of a smart play by Mick Duncan getting rid of the football, avoiding the loss. But it'll set up a fourth and seventh situation. And Evan Alfred will be in the kick for which it has stayed. Evan averaged 37.5 on his four kicks. In the first half, not too bad an average, but tough. Not as impressive as 42-6 for Supplebeam. By the way, if you didn't bunny can't see who was in around Prince Big Duncan that time did you on that play. I think it's pretty safe, but it was sacked in in picture. A short line or punt by Alfred picked up by Sator at the 30 yard line. So a 38 yard punt for a four. We have just been announced what we were listening is the official attendance here now for the game. A good crowd. 19,541 paid to see this ball game. It looks like there's a few more than that here, but now we're going to have a
timeout called by Wichita State. Some sort of defensive confusion there on the part of the soccer. And hopefully this won't come back to hunt Wichita State later in the ball game if something should happen to make this game a little closer. While we've got a minute just some individual statistics for Missouri Southern, they had some problems running. They only had 48 yards rushing. There are two leading rushers where four guards the fullback. He had three carries for 11 yards and lawfulen, four carries for 10 yards. On the passing statistics, Algrin was 0 for 0. I didn't even have, we may feel it was one of two for 10 yards. McJunkin, three of nine for 27 yards. They have nothing down the official statistics here for Algrin. We'll check and see what the unofficial statistics we had for it. As a handoff up the middle, goes to Richard's
board guard across the 35. Got to about the 36 yard that they're going to market. Bring up a second down and four situation for Missouri Southern. He was two of 14 for seven yards in the first half was Kevin Algrin. Just a typo there, something on the part of the official stats they didn't have any listing. But Algrin, neither quarterback really had a very good first half as far as passing. Second down and four. A flip out to the running back. The ball is loose. It's rolling free at the 15 yard line. It takes the recovery at the 12. There was a handoff to Ryan Harris. Harris on the sweep to the close side of the field. Never really had control of the ball. And then he was hit by Bobby Weston. The ball popped loose and roll clear back to the 12 yard line before the quarterback Algrin fell on it. So Missouri Southern dodges to pull us there and they keep possession. But they've got about third down and three miles.
It looks like close to 30 yards. So 28. Third and 28 from Missouri Southern. A definite passing situation as they got.
WSU Football
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Chicago: “WSU Football,” KMUW, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 16, 2024,
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