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fb from nashville studio way celebrating offers the ideas for more than three decades this is word on words ellen johnson welcome once again to word on words my guest today is marcia black wife mother businesswoman community volunteer legislator now a member of the united states congress and also writer he's here today to talk about her new book a life that would realize their true value our personal
impressions at any stage and like marcia welcome to work with new writers talking about the your new book this book in some ways is a how to book maybe in every way it's a how to book it's so my shorthand title is how to me you are like equity is how he's training of what we've done to achieve your goals because like at twenty years the compilation of your strengths in your experiences in your passions that's what gives you your wife equity and you know it we hear people talk about having sweat equity in the business are heading home equity or financial equity but no one had put a tag on what it is the evil in yourself your stock and trade and that is your life's equity so it's about how to use that tune i'd change your goals into it and go to the next step up or to leave your
community in better shape than i think women are specific a layperson did four for their work and how much fun it has been for me to write that helped to guide to use those skills to borrow huge but if you're expecting me to cross examined on her political science we're here today to talk about her book and her book is not about politics and the icu on national television and anybody who's interested in your political views and saying you want your mother left isolated you're making life miserable for money for it and i will pursue it in the manila but today we talk about life equity and nine interview the political both that that certainly could be part of your passion and your accomplishments and your achievements but you have written this book i said a how to book their self help
measurements that you provide as you go along and there are remarkable anecdotes person stories of people well let's talk about for women you really sort of focus clearly on for women where these women come from this women can and friendly individuals that have now during my twenty years of speaking to women on leadership and speaking at women's conference says and women that would come up to me and tell me their story and some of them are women that i have helped to mentor along the way and so i open the book talking about for women at four different stages of life one is a woman who is an emptiness stir and after her second child went to college she found herself looking at are dave but thinking oh my goodness it's not filled up with as usual september activities of a senior in high school what am i going to do
another one and who had come out of business deal went till corporations and they really wanted to start a small business but was afraid to take that step and then another one who had graduated from college and never really found out what she wanted to do with her career because she was ashamed to admit she wanted to do something different than what her degree prepared her for and another one of wyoming you head it not into the stage of being an empty nester and then found that she was going through a divorce a needed to put all those skills into a resume and because her life was changing financial circumstances her our relationship and she needed to go back into the job market often known for representative of what's going on among women in what's really a new generation western europe or you're a member of congress
an enemy when you so i can remember when the one of the body like you of intimacy aren't worlds much in in congress and it was an all male society the workplace was an all male society when a woman goes through divorce today he comes out of that divorce somewhat better off then was the case three four decades ago but still it's very very tough unearthed the struggle of a woman who's just come through the noise and now is questioning how much support myself will be able to make it on the alimony oh what about the kids it is their job is there a place for me in the job market well that's exactly right and we are at a time in our society when there are more women than ever who are empty nesters who are going back into the job market our women that are trying to john paul ii several different components of
their their lives an interesting liane that small businesses that are owned by women are beginning to dominate the small business fail and so we say women stepping forward and beginning to take these leadership roles and that's why i think it's so important for women to realize leadership is a transfer will commodity and the skills that you have earned an learned in one arena in life can be transferred in used in another it's i'm realizing how you need to talk about this and the value of those skills at another point in the book you ask for specific questions and the questions to get the reader to seventies a month and there are places to the arranged in the book along yes it is a really it really has a great guy but then i have women that are
beginning daily email our website we have a website your life equity dot com and some of these drinks finders in that assessment tools that are mentioned in the book are they are on the web site and you can hit the link and go through those and that will help you to work for them but women are beginning to say do you have a study guide so that we can use this as with our eye business club or hour our guide church bible study group and so we're i'm giving some thought to that as to how we best help women to assess what are their strengths and what are their weaknesses are what do they think of as they excel and where would they see themselves fitting in it to an organization on how they assessed rescue and how do they compartmentalize that what they think or their internal robots what they think or their extra roadblocks for moving forward and taking a leadership role you want to answer these
questions you provide us with a series of anecdotes and i love the desire the book goes and its antidote is a sort of so the southern world black frame and i noticed the zone as one of the anecdotes involving on it is is really profile for music yes i'm i'm good enough i'm smart oven doggone it people like me from thirteen year professional same career she probably enroll in college and began to the introductory science and math classes in preparation to fight the nursing show now i'm assuming she's tested the job market look and say a gritty and nursing obviously and she loves singing but comes a time when wilmore on a python has definitely wants
more than say that's right and between each chapter in the book we profile a different woman and talk about her road to two and through her career path and pick them up at different stages in your career path and that is so much fun for me and i tell you getting all these women together in one reading it was really quite a wonderful experience but so many women are like yell and they say you know i've got a thirty year career doing one thing and i want to have back to do in my life so what i'm going to do with act to an alan had seen family members go for some medical difficulties in chief i you know nursing is something i want to try my hand so she got to her fiftieth birthday and decided i'm going to give this a shot and it is an important thing to do to be brave enough to take risks and make yourself vulnerable and not to fear failure but as so many times we fear of failure and
i write in the book i write about an ad that i tore out of the wall street journal got ugly ten years ago and they had said we're not looking for people who have never failed we are looking for people who never give up trying to and that is where we have to get past that saying i am afraid i'm going to fail and i'm afraid of what that is going to do to me and i also refer back to her writer to see you know where you're instructed to use a noble bolton this to move forward and not to just did the cow word by your fears but to step forward and take those challenges and to say those as opportunities yes or reject in manhattan is where you have represented moore tour than just a direct route to the city when my mother died i saw myself really make some drastic changes either side and then write my own story when sure what all that burner in the same way my mother cut the
umbilical cord when i was born i cut the umbilical cord one shooter that started out with a tragedy that's exactly right and susan is a remarkable woman enhancer a travel industry business and it isn't very active in their business still crosses that bridge into the city to work about what she decided to do was to move into an industry where women had thirty years ago we're not seeing the success of three they wanted to see much was to make the entree into the industry in the end she used that to build a niche in business and i just have enjoyed getting to you know her and know about her story and appreciate the work that she signed she really has been a trailblazer for women you talk in the book about the editor of a book about the
hell these people have examined their own situations struggled through a maze of problems and finally come to some conclusion but it does say that there is a self help aspect of more gun n it's not infrequent that you'd give the writer and the reader and opted to become a writer drew that's right now you and to talk about the text as i live and i will you know finding answers to your strengths in your weakness says sherry right it to actually write them day on various power in that exercise of listing the things that you're good at least in your gifted and see you know i say in the book this is not about demeaning rights it's about the people waiting to give us because i think women are uniquely gifted as leaders we are a tourist we're team builders are great rallying the troops were some of the best organizers and multitask years that have been put on the face of the earth you know margaret thatcher would say
if you want something sad ask me if you want it done this gifting and i think it's important to sit down in and the list of virtues and then i think it's important too to write your story just as you write a mission statement about what you're about and then it's important to write your store do i do and then the website we have that where they can go when you write your story i got a unique email this weekend from a woman in new york who said i love reading this book i'm so excited i feel like i could go run for senate might have in us and i think there is that when they are just i know i'm not going to do that but it is that it is encouraged me to do something more than i am currently doing and mandated that life and that's the purpose of it you write your story no one else is going to
write that story mean you shouldn't sit around waiting for someone to give their interpretation of you your wife equity is you showed write your own singing and it will move to use human dimension the revenge of him that was so if that's a part of you're right it is your legacy your wife equity for those that are going to come after you and for those that are part of your extended family does that you come into contact with the cause is that it was so interesting and as i worked on them bought and it was kind of a working on the book i stepped back through these decades of speaking get to women's groups you know people would say well perception is reality but you know what many times we can make that reality because the way that we conduct ourselves in our actions many times well i determine how
people respond to us and i think it is so important for us for our spouse for our children to see that we are brave enough in one sense but also vulnerable i'm not in another to be truthful about what our strings and our weaknesses are and then to be able to write down the things we feel the occurrences we feel that have been important in our life in i've had an impact on her work and its debt service affiliation to help us achieve our goal it's for those of you just in talking with marsha blackburn about her book life equity and them and then and then i have to put them to the texas i've been given the test and challenge them to write at the end you'd give them for truly a great role
models and if i didn't get it marsha blackburn users of history's mentors you almost calm and issued a call on his us and i don't think i would have guessed the maybe one of them explain what your thinking was these four women well i didnt grant why is that a judge in the old testament and now we know event she stepped forward to two lead and and she served as a judge agreed and said you know i could just picture them were walking out there every day slapping her fingers saying here comes the judge you're saying there and
i'm debra song and the old testament she said look i'm going to leave and i'm going to accept this responsibility and she did it and she sat about the praise will be god's and this is all part of their persona their start i have always loved the example of esther again from the old testament and sometimes you know we conservative women think well maybe we should sit back and not take a leadership role and maybe we should wait to be invited to the leadership table esther stepped forward and she wasn't shy about leading but she was a beauty queen and voters that he didn't make the cut in your book and then you have the queen isabella blow yes isabella who wears a great role model and do it you know she's the one that convinced king
ferdinand that at columbus wise you know what i'm a cellular that he was really going to be able to do something of course margaret thatcher you know we talk about that you have included a market that but as and isabel just a way that further for another another media moment or didn't know which one to jump off of your own did you put her just always thought that it was so interesting to me that the change of event centered on her the most railroad but the woman through clearly that's what she did and i have always thought it fascinating that he had received a narrow in cheek change that meant to advance the cause she had i had an understanding or an intuition maybe enough kind of felt like intuition played a role they are and what a great example for i say she
did her homework she listened she learned she had an intuition that white he was saying what columbus was saying what the explorers were telling her that there was merit in that it was worthy of moving forward and if you're going to if she hadn't been that we might not be there again it was along the navy rose to the challenge i gather that may i ask you about that that margaret thatcher because a strong yen sang and end and understands understand her own world brought her own world is our world and an end and beyond
strong and reassure right and everything that i admired so much about her wise the fact that first of all she is one of those women that are wasted her homework she understand it then you have to leave faster smarter work harder when you're a female because the time in which she i came to service came to public service she had a great relationship with her band and he helped to mentor her and i think that many of us can look at that example knowing that we've had great male role models that have been there to encourage us and to give us those opportunities encourage us to take that labour i think that's one of the important things when you look at thatcher and you read about her background and look at how she assessed the situation and how she looked for opportunities and then she finally believed that action why is
an imperative and for many of us today that is what we want to see you know people are so tired of just a constant banter they're tired as i am at analysts debate on issues they are tired of indecision whether it's in companies are in church as our community organizations they want someone who is going to take the risk of setting the course and it being being diligent in taking action on those and i think that's one to one of the reasons so many times we have a leadership that is not as it appears that as it performs in the us one of the things i talk about in the book it is and you know i can remember watching and still watch on the station the question period and reform yes then we say know of
three promises thatcher the only one we've seen stand in front of largely male crowd a man and a women role in selecting people to take shelter and that will see him on how well he managed it always as you say and the homework always i have the answers or an answer so long over and out and forging ahead and the western action plan with an action plan and now what about sojourners and sojourner truth she'd just the bravery oh my goodness you're just reading and that you know you come across individuals and this is our one soldier truth is talked about in the book the bravery that
she exercised i'm one of those women who was just it never in doubt who knew that she was right on the issues and knew that her course of action was yes and what a beautiful beautiful story eight she just it embodies that spirit that so many of us every single day say give me the opportunity and let's make a better life for everybody that is coming along behind us and see leaders raise up by their leaders and that's where she comes from one thought it was unseemly for in women but to stand up and speak out from the platform of the pulpit at a time when that was unseemly and jordan from the book is the black woman the senate who is
right up there with pioneering women history this country is free and she's saying and she's challenging people and she's challenging and their thought process and their decision making process and she's challenging their thoughts and yes and what she is doing is saying let's bring people to a better diet and i just loved her bravery and the fact that she understood the importance of raising up other leaders i'm heaven of all i am meeting some of the neediest are women and are doing some women's conferences doing book signings i doing some radio shows and some of those are fine it had one long the call in to radio show and she said i'm just enjoying this book so much it's all about me and i
really i just love the fact that she felt like i there was a personal identity are from herself to the bird but how exciting for me to be here just to motivate and encourage inspire women i just really i will say that it and the study guide is certainly they are theirs there has in it it's something that we're working on and making notes and we're giving a lot of thought to that tennessee do we printed it we put it on the web site so i am very i've also had some people say oh i'd love for you to take some more of history's mentors into day's stories in intertwined the two of that was because they've enjoyed the section on history's mentor so much and they enjoy the stories of the wonderful women whether it's citizen or eleanor i domino are tame raw are tracy any of the women that we profile in the book oh i hope so what do
you want there is a barrier
A Word on Words
Episode Number
Marsha Blackburn
Producing Organization
Nashville Public Television
Contributing Organization
Nashville Public Television (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Life Equity
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Producing Organization: Nashville Public Television
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: ADB0121 (Nashville Public Television)
Format: Digital Betacam
Duration: 27:51
Nashville Public Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-524-9p2w37mr5d.mp4 (mediainfo)
Format: video/mp4
Generation: Proxy
Duration: 00:28:15
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Chicago: “A Word on Words; 3721; Marsha Blackburn,” 2009-02-23, Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 29, 2024,
MLA: “A Word on Words; 3721; Marsha Blackburn.” 2009-02-23. Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 29, 2024. <>.
APA: A Word on Words; 3721; Marsha Blackburn. Boston, MA: Nashville Public Television, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from